Iron Powder and Spellcasters

Chapter 505: Rebuilding the Country (21)

  Chapter 505 Rebuilding the Country (21)

  The ex-government army colonel laughed rudely and nervously, as if no one was around, as if he was sitting in the most expensive seat of the theater, enjoying a farce at close range, instead of being in the middle of the big chamber and being judged in full view.

  Anxiety and uneasiness began to spread among the "free people". Although people remained silent, they frequently changed their sitting positions unconsciously: unbuttoning their clothes, moving their buttocks, putting their left leg down and then raising their right leg.

   To the ears of the free people, Colonel Thanell's laughter was extremely piercing.

  But the more arrogant and defiant the latter, the more disturbed they are.

  However, Colonel Skool Mecklen was unmoved, and he didn't even give the slightest sign of stopping Sanel with a hammer.

  He calmly and patiently waited for his old classmates to finish their performance.

   "I want to know." Sanel, who had finally finished laughing, wiped away his tears, the corners of his mouth still raised high: "What force summoned me here."

  He looked around at the free men who had been summoned here, and politely added: "Please note, gentlemen, the 'power' in my mouth refers to legal power. You know, there are still many illegal powers in the world..."

   Speaking of this, Sanel deliberately paused, his eyes fell on his old classmates on the judge's bench, and he mocked: "For example, the rebels who are trying to separate one side."

  Then, he turned around and looked to both sides, glancing at the people sitting on the stairs, and issued an undisguised threat: "Another example, an illegal meeting gathered by the rebels!"

  The sharp eyes of the former "ruler" passed over the body surface, and the free people in the new land suddenly felt chills in their internal organs. As far as Sanel could see, the free men bowed their heads to avoid it.

   Just then, Skool Mecklen spoke.

   "This is a special trial court, established according to the rights granted to free people by the Charter of the Union." Colonel Skool's voice was calm and calm, as if a professor was teaching knowledge in class:

"Free men have both the power to judge all crimes together, and the right to use this power if necessary. This right and power can be traced back to the ancient republics, when those who committed serious crimes were held in the hands of citizens. Assemblies judge. So the framers of the Charter of the Union gave freemen the same powers and rights."

   After affirming the legal basis of the trial to the person being tried, and even to the judge, Scull Mecklen looked at his old classmate and gave the last piece of advice:

"Today the freemen of the New Clearing gather here, and each of them is a judge in this trial. Thanell Carroy, watch your words, for your fate will no longer be yours, or mine-- It’s a joint decision by everyone present.”

  As Colonel Skool talked, the anxiety under the quiet appearance of the free man disappeared invisible.

   Most free people are no strangers to the civil trial system. In fact, every freeman has more or less participated in local judicial decisions. In the new reclamation provinces where the "Circuit Court" only tours once a year, the free people group is the main force undertaking local judicial affairs.

   It's just that the free people of the whole province gathered together to hold a trial together - such things are simply unheard of.

  The object of the trial was not only a soldier, but also a senior officer—this was even more unimaginable in the past when the Legion ruled the new land.

   Realizing the symbolic meaning that this trial will convey, some free men couldn't help feeling excited.

   Yet Sanel Carroy scoffed.

   "Come on!" Sanel pointed at the judges in all directions, and asked sharply, "What's a 'special court'? What's a 'citizen's assembly'? Every so-called'free' person here is not your marionette?

"Skull Mecklen, do you really want to tell me that it's not you, Geza Adonis, Winters Montagne, or me that decides my fate—it's this one A clown?"

  Sarnel slapped the railing, leaning forward and back: "Joke! What a big joke!"

   To the ears of the free people around, Colonel Sanel's laughter at this moment was even harsher than before.

   Being humiliated face-to-face time and time again, even though the legion's prestige is still there, many free men still can't hide their dissatisfaction.

   "Thanell Carroy." Colonel Scull ignored Thanell's questioning. He knocked on the gavel to signal the latter to be quiet, and asked calmly, "Do you need a defender?"

   "Defender?" Sanel held his head up, still laughing, "I don't need a defense! This is not a court! You have no right to judge me!"

   "Scribe, record—" Colonel Skool ordered with a blank expression: "The person under trial voluntarily waives the right to hire a defender."

   "Whatever you say, but also write down my words!" Sanel retorted: "I, Sanel Karoy, Colonel of the Republic of Plato Army, say - none of you have the right to judge me!"

  The crowd on the stepped seats was restless again, but compared to the previous time when they were agitated because of fear, this time the agitation carried more anger and disgust.

  If it weren't for the solemn atmosphere of the Great Chamber that choked people's throats, many free men would have scolded a long time ago.

   Colonel Scull tapped the gavel, and once again focused everyone's attention on himself. No matter what Sarnell said, nothing could prevent the colonel from continuing to proceed with the trial process.

  He took out a monocle, put it on his right eye, opened the indictment, and read aloud:

   "This year—that is, the 560th year of the Imperial Calendar, April 10th, early morning.

   "The headquarters of the New Reclamation Legion, Maple Leaf Fort, and Maple Stone City, the capital of the New Reclamation Province, were attacked.

   "The attack ended with the fall of Fort Maple Leaf, the deaths of eighty-nine members of the New Colony from General Kevin John Adams down, and the wounding of one hundred and sixty-seven members of the New Colony.

   "It was later found out that the attacker was the [New Reclamation Dispatch Army] who was regarded as a friendly army by the [New Reclamation Army]."

  The free people listened silently, although what Colonel Skool said was well known. But it was the first time I heard someone use written language to state the "Maple Stone City Murder" without emotion.

"As the commander of the New Reclamation Army, Sanel Caroy." Colonel Skool looked away from the file and landed on Sanel, asking, "Did you lead the attack?" planning, preparation and execution?"

  Sarnel laughed: "What the **** are you asking?"

   "Be careful with your wording, Sanel Carroy." Colonel Skool asked again: "Did you lead the planning, preparation and execution of this attack?"

   "Your Honor, you have confused me." Sanel asked eccentrically, "What? Could it be that the New Reclamation Dispatch Army has another colonel besides me?"

  Colonel Scull ignored Sanel's sarcasm, and asked calmly for the third time: "Did you lead the planning, preparation and execution of this attack?"

   "So what?" Sanel was irritated, and asked provocatively: "It was a wonderful and beautiful surprise attack, wasn't it? It took down the lair that you have worked so hard to manage for 30 years!"

   "Scribe, record—" Colonel Skool was noncommittal, and ordered again: "The interrogator admitted that he led the planning, preparation, and execution of the New Reclamation Expeditionary Army's attack on the New Reclamation Army."

  Thanell folded his arms and just sneered.

"As for the consequences of this attack, it is determined that eighty-nine members of the New Reclamation Legion were directly killed, 167 members of the New Reclamation Regiment were injured, Maple Leaf Fort and Maple Stone City were occupied by the New Reclamation Army, and It caused more casualties in the future." Colonel Skool asked again: "Do you have any objections?"

   "Larger casualties?" Sanel's voice suddenly became low: "Are you talking about the battle in Hegu Village?"

Colonel Skool answered rigorously: "Including but not limited to what happened on May 28th and 29th in Hegu Village, Jinghu County, today known as the 'Battle of Wailing Valley', between the New Reclamation Corps and the A battle between the troops dispatched to the new land."

   "Okay, stop talking nonsense. Objection? I have no objection."

  When it came to the battle in Hegu Village, Sanel seemed to be poured a basin of ice water over his head, and his mood suddenly turned cold.

  However, in the next moment, uncontrollable madness emerged in his eyes—the pain of the fiasco not only failed to extinguish his anger, but instead led him to a more pathological excitement.

  Tharnell gritted his teeth and stared straight at Skool on the judge's bench: "Mass casualties? I only regret not being able to kill more! Otherwise, you are the one sitting here for trial!"

  The auditorium was in an uproar.

   "No, no! I won't engage in this judging trick!" Sanel raised his fists and slammed them **** the railing, and the shackles on his hands clattered.

  He yelled furiously: "I will send you directly to the gallows! Let you suffer in pain! Die!"

   Stimulated by Sanel's words, the free man became more and more restless.

  The environment of the new reclamation land is sinister, the folk customs are conservative, and the internal relationship of the settlement is close. Almost every freeman has relatives, friends, nephews and descendants who died in the battle of Wailing Valley.

  The name "Battle of Wailing Valley" comes from those parents who went to Hegu Village after the war to find the remains of their beloved children and wept on both sides of the Nameless River.

  Hearing Sanel's crazy words, even relatives and friends who were actually free men serving in the Red Rose Army were filled with righteous indignation.

  Finally, an angry reprimand broke the silence.

   "Murderer!" Someone shouted in grief: "Give me back my son!"

   "Hang him!" Another cry sounded: "Let him pay for his life!"

   Colonel Scull slammed his gavel hard to stop the enraged freemen.

  He took off his monocle, and for the first time since the trial began, he stepped out of the identity of judge and prosecutor, showing human emotions.

"It's a pity that you didn't kill more, you have already killed..." Scull looked at his old classmates, and asked with great restraint: "But they are all compatriots from the Land of Galloping Horses, children of the New Cultivators, and my subordinates. , Your junior, how can you say such a thing?!"

"Compatriots? On the battlefield, there are only enemies!" Sanel seemed to have heard the most ridiculous words. He pointed at everyone under the dome and laughed: "You! Dead! Not dead! You group Rebels! Each of you deserves to die!"

  Colonel Scull was silent for a moment, and put on his monocle again: "Scribe, record—the interrogator has no objection to the consequences of the attack."

   Thanel is still laughing.

   "Thanell Carroy." Colonel Scull tapped the gavel and asked, "Before attacking the New Reclamation Army, did you understand the possible consequences of your actions?"

   "Consequences?" Sanel said with a smile, "It's nothing more than a war with you!"

   "Since you have anticipated the consequences." Colonel Skool asked in a deep voice, "Why did you launch an attack?"

   "Why what?" Sanel narrowed his eyes.

"You know that attacking Maple Leaf Fort is tantamount to igniting war in New Reclamation, but you still insist on going your own way. Why?" Colonel Scull's voice resounded through the large conference hall: "Until you kill the killer, the New Reclamation Legion can Everyone regards you as an ally!"

   "Friends? Don't deceive yourself!" Sanel sneered: "Didn't the New Reclamation Army only obey the orders of the New Reclamation Army? When did they become my allies?"

Colonel Skool asked: "It's not a friendly army, why didn't the New Reclamation Army attack you? It wasn't a friendly army, why didn't the New Reclamation Army expel you? It wasn't a friendly army, why did the New Reclamation Army provide everything you need? Not a friendly army, the New Reclamation Army Why did the Land Reclamation Corps give up their base in Jinghu County?"

"Disobey the orders of the Great Council." Thanell interrupted Skool: "You are the rebels. Adams is even more of a hedge between the rebels and the Great Council. Not a pity."

Colonel Skool shook his head, looked to the left and right, and said to all the free men: "No matter what the Great Council thinks of General Adams, he at least blocked the flames of war ignited by Grove Magnus from the new land. Besides. All the free men of the new lands can testify to this."

   "Aye!" There was a voice of approval from under the dome.

"You claim that the New Reclamation Corps disobeyed the orders of the Great Council." Colonel Skoll continued, quoting from the classics: "But from the beginning of its establishment, the New Reclamation Regiment was given the right to self-government. The New Reclamation Regiment faithfully performed The honorable and inviolable "Tord Agreement" obligations, but the Grand Council has no right to ask the Legion to pay more."

  Colonel Scull rebutted Sanel without hesitation:

   "You claim that the New Reclamation Legion does not obey the orders of the Great Council, and therefore the New Reclamation Regiment is your enemy, so you attack the New Reclamation Legion as a matter of course.

   "But I want to ask you, which law is it that stipulates that the New Reclamation Legion must bow to the Great Council and obey its orders?"

   "Aye!" The voices of approval from all directions became even louder.

  Although many freemen failed to fully understand Colonel Skool's logic, as long as the lackeys of this arrogant Castle of Kings can be deflated, the freemen in the new land are willing to applaud Colonel Skool.

   "Even if the reasons you claim are reasonable." Colonel Skool asked calmly:

"Then, please also answer my last question—before you decided to use force to destroy the New Reclamation Army, did you and the Great Council of the Kings Castle behind you discuss peaceful measures to solve the problem? Have you ever tried? Solving problems by bloodless means? Have you ever considered using legal means to solve problems?

   "Have you ever thought about it, have you ever cared about it, have you ever cared about it—what price will the people of the new land pay for your actions?"

   "Please answer my question." Colonel Scull took off his glasses and looked at his old classmates who were loyal to Grove Magnus: "Thanael Caroy."

   "Aye!!" All the free people from New Reclamation applauded in unison.

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  (end of this chapter)

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