Iron Powder and Spellcasters

Chapter 484: Burning Flames (End)

  Chapter 484 Blazing Furnace (End)

  [Maple Stone City]

[town Hall]

  The Battle of Hegu Village has been over half a month, and the commanders of the coalition forces finally had the opportunity to sit down and discuss the distribution of the results.

  Although in the country of running horses, everyone knows a proverb: "Don't start a fire until you hit the prey."

  However, in a sense, the disposal of spoils tests the wisdom of decision makers more than the acquisition of spoils.

  Therefore, no matter it was Baishan County, Leiqun County, or Bianjiang County, they were all facing the enemy and paid 12 points of attention.

Colonel Gaisa Adonis, Colonel Skull Mecklen, and Lieutenant Colonel Matthias Kerwin each brought a large number of entourages. Except for the clerks who were in charge of the handover, all the official officers who did not need to lie on the hospital bed to recuperate were injured. Officers were called to make a big splash, and even some of the more important "honorary officers" were allowed to attend.

  The three parties came to the city hall in mighty force, crowding the negotiation venue prepared in advance by the Tiefeng County side with no place to stay.

   Seeing this situation, Mason couldn't help being speechless: "Why are there so many people here?"

  Winters is also dumbfounded.

  Because apart from the necessary accountants and scribes in Iron Peak County, only Winters and Mason attended the meeting.

  Bard was not present—the real tribune is still counting the abandoned land properties in Vogne County, and organizing the restoration of farming with all his strength;

  Although Andre is very leisurely every day, he always hates such occasions of spitting, and he refuses to come no matter what. But he did leave a message: "If there is a fight, remember to call me."

  As a representative of the "academic officers" in the Iron Peak Army who are not directly related to Winters but have made great contributions, Major Seber is also theoretically entitled to attend the spoils distribution meeting.

However, considering Major Seber's unique personality charm, Mason still cautiously excluded the major from the negotiators, and finally decided that only Winters and Mason would attend the meeting. "Standby.

  So, Tiefeng County only prepared two meeting rooms for this negotiation.

  According to Mason's original idea, one room was reserved for clerks and one room was reserved for representatives of all parties, which was more than enough.

What actually unfolded in front of Mason's eyes was: the people in the meeting room had been pushed to the edge of the table, and there were still people outside the meeting room who couldn't come in. Their chests were against their backs, and their elbows were against their elbows. Except for the three school officers There was some space around the seats, and everyone else was crammed into the cramped conference room, struggling to maintain grace and decency.

  So much so that the clerk next door couldn't help lowering his head and chuckling when he saw this group of sweaty "military officers".

  The three school officials were also a little embarrassed, but no one spoke first.

On the other side of the "empty" conference table, after discussing with Winters, Mason and Winters decided to open the auditorium of the city hall and invite Colonel Gaisa Adonis, Colonel Skool Mecklen, and Matthias Cole Lieutenant Colonel Wen's entourage took a break in the auditorium.

Major Serber, who was on standby, dispatched urgently—the major who had been gearing up for a long time rushed to the venue with a stick, and was disappointed when he found that it was not a fight—but as a hunting animal that had been active in the social scene of Kings Castle, Serber Carrington dealt with it This situation is more handy.

  The major quickly found someone to bring drinks and meals, and also called all the official officers of the Tiefeng County Army in Fengshi City to accompany him, and solved this little farce calmly.

  When the door of the conference room was closed again, and the room returned to silence and solemnity, Winters finally said the opening sentence that he had rehearsed countless times in his mind.

   "Gentlemen." Winters nodded to the three school officers: "Let's talk."

"Follow the sub-item discussion." Mason cleared his throat, took Winters' stick, and said in an orderly manner: "Captain Montagne and I think that the 'trophies' can be divided into three sub-items—the combat readiness of Maplestone City." Storehouses, enemy personnel captured by various ministries, and jurisdiction from Vergne County to Mirror Lake County."

   As he spoke, Mason nodded to the assistant with the red birthmark behind him. The latter then presented the three dossiers to the three school officials.

"Three Your Excellencies." Mason explained without humility: "The materials captured by our department, the captured personnel, and the assets of the New Reclamation Corps received in Vergne County are all registered in this file, not much, not a cent few."

  Hearing this, the three school officials couldn't help but look sideways.

  Including Colonel Gaisa, the three school officials had taken it for granted that the meeting was mainly to carve up Maplestone City's war reserves, but they didn't expect the two brats to give them a blow at the very beginning.

  A detailed list of captured materials, captured personnel, and received corps assets?

  Colonel Gaisa, Colonel Skool, and Lieutenant Colonel Matthias didn't prepare these things, and it's hard to say whether they could even prepare them.

  The Army of the New Reclamation—and indeed every army built according to Ned Smith’s ideas—has a distinctive feature, that is, the officers have a strong grasp of the administrative and military.

   That is, in the regular army of the Union, the officer is not only the logistics administrator, but also the military commander.

  Accompanied by the large number of official officers killed and wounded in the battle in Hegu Village, the administration and management of the three-county troops, including the Baishan County Army, tended to collapse, and the accounts of many departments became bad debts.

  The troops of the three counties desperately need a batch of supplies that are independent of the original logistics system and can be used at any time. This is why the Leiqun County Army and the Bianjiang County Army are so eager for the combat readiness storage in Fengshi City.

After a brief eye contact, Colonel Scull took out a silver box from his arms, opened the silver box, carefully took out a pair of monocle, clipped it on his right eye, and unceremoniously flipped through the Iron Peak County Army List provided.

  Colonel Gaisa didn't even look at it, and pushed the file directly to Captain Mason.

   "The seized materials, captured personnel, and received legion assets?" Gaisa took out his pipe and knocked the ash on the long table, making a loud bang.

Then, while pressing the tobacco leaves like no one else, he said disdainfully: "Why are you talking about being so civilized? Isn't it just money, people and territory? After all, we are now four robbers dividing up the spoils. If this is the case, what's the point of dividing it up no matter how fine it is?" Use? Why don’t you hurry up and just say, how much do you want to take?”

  Gesar Adonis deliberately behaved arrogantly, but the two lieutenants were not intimidated.

   "Colonel." Winters stretched out his hand and tapped his finger in the air.

  About two arms away, a wisp of blue smoke drifted out of Geza Adonis's pipe without warning.

  Colonel Scull was too focused on looking at the supplies list, so he didn't notice Winters' movements. On the other side, Lieutenant Colonel Matthias tensed his neck unconsciously, and his pupils dilated uncontrollably.

Although Matthias has heard that the young captain in front of him may be the closest spellcaster in the history of the alliance to the level of an imperial court mage, and he has also heard his subordinates who have experienced the battle of River Valley Village talk about the terror left by the "Blood Wolf" on the battlefield However, seeing Winters Montagne's understatement of using "magic" with his own eyes still made Lieutenant Colonel Matthias shudder.

  Lieutenant Colonel Matthias even subconsciously kept his body away from the blood wolf—this is the normal reaction of a rational person sitting next to the powder keg.

  Gesar himself was stunned for a moment, then nodded to Winters, as if expressing his gratitude, and smoked his pipe as usual.

   "The robbers share the spoils, and there are also ways to divide the spoils." Winters said with a smile: "It is common to divide the spoils unevenly and kill each other."

   Mason coughed lightly, and hurriedly stopped Winters' dangerous speech: "What's more, we are not robbers, are we? We are friendly troops."

   Winters smiled and stopped talking. Colonel Gaisa also snorted softly, but didn't speak again.

  Mason wiped the sweat from his brow, opened the file in front of him, and tried to bring the negotiation to the right track: "Since the matter is complicated, why not start with the simple one—start with the combat readiness warehouse in Maplestone City."

  Colonel Scull and Colonel Gaisar looked at each other, and both nodded slightly in agreement.

With the approval of the other party, Mason explained enthusiastically: "The accounts of the New Reclamation Corps' combat readiness and storage are very clear. From the time when General Adams was in power, to when Colonel Sarnell occupied Maple Stone City, and when our department took over, all the accounts were in order. They were kept intact. Although they were used during the period, they were all recorded in the register.”

  Mason paused, and added: "Colonel Skool also sent people to check the warehouse, check the account books, and copy the backup, which should prove that what I said is true."

   Colonel Geisar looked at Colonel Skool inquiringly, and the latter nodded slightly.

   "Okay, I know you have kept it well and have not taken it for yourself." Gaisa was noncommittal: "Continue, how do you want to divide it?"

"Based on the principle of fairness." Mason subconsciously aimed in Winters' direction, and after seeing the latter's supportive gaze, his Adam's apple twitched, and he said solemnly: "I think the best solution is to distribute troops in proportion. "

  The three school officers frowned instantly, and the conference room fell silent for an instant.

  Mason's heart also tugged, and he clenched his fingers under the table.

  In the previous time, Winters had been handling affairs in Wargne County. The so-called "Tiefeng County proposed a distribution plan for the loot" was actually formulated by Mason himself.

   To some extent, it will determine the fate of millions of people in the seven counties of the new reclamation province. , When this plan was really put on the conference table, Mason still unconsciously felt panic.

  After a long period of silence, Lieutenant Colonel Matthias, who had the lowest military rank among the three, broke the silence first: "When will the ratio of troops be?"

  Winters replied calmly: "The proportion of troops when sending troops."

  The three school officials exchanged glances, obviously the answer was beyond the expectations of the three of them.

  Distributed according to strength, in other words, according to strength. If the loot is shared by robbers, it is obviously a fair solution to distribute according to strength.

   It's just that if the distribution is done in this way, the Leiqun and Bianjiang County Army, which suffered heavy losses, can only suffer dumb losses, while the Tiefeng County Army can logically get the largest share.

  In fact, in the previous internal discussions, the three school officials had already determined that the Tiefeng County Army would propose a plan based on strength, and draw the bottom line here.

  Come here this time, they just want to fight for more compensation for Leiqun County and Bianjiang County on this basis.

  However, the two lieutenants in front of them proposed the distribution of troops according to the "time of dispatch".

   It's really... a bit weirdly generous.

   "According to the proportion when troops are dispatched?" Colonel Skool asked again cautiously.

   "In principle." Mason had a lot to say but couldn't explain a single sentence: "But it's not entirely like this."

  Getting this answer, Colonel Skool relaxed a little.

   "Sure enough, I don't have such good intentions." Scull Mecklen thought to himself: "Hmph, there are other calculations as expected."

  Mason simply tore off a piece of paper from the back of the file, got up and put it in the center of the conference table, while writing calculations on the paper, he explained to the school officials:

"Leiqun County and Bianjiang County have provided a large number of cavalry units. It would be unfair to Leiqun County and Bianjiang County if they simply counted heads. So I gave different values ​​to infantry, cavalry, and artillery units. The infantry is given 'one' and the cavalry is given 'three'. In principle, it is distributed according to the number of troops, but Leiqun County and Bianjiang County can get more shares than the number of people, which is more fair."

   Following Mason's explanation, the other end of the long table became more and more quiet. In the end, there was no sound at all.

Mason also noticed the change in the atmosphere, and hurriedly added: "If there is any objection to this assignment, we can continue the discussion. In fact, I have a formula here, as long as different assignments are brought in, the distribution ratio under the assignment can be obtained ..."

   "Needless to say." Colonel Skool said with difficulty: "This is very good."

Colonel Geisar hit the table heavily with his pipe, and asked in a deep voice: "Boy, according to your division, it is fair on the surface. But have you ever thought that in this battle, you will fight all the light and bitter battles?" Let us fight all the bad battles. Is it really fair to divide the troops according to the strength of the troops? We have died and injured so many people, how should the compensation for the dead and wounded be calculated?"

   Colonel Geisar's questioning not only failed to stump Mason, but seemed to scratch the latter's itch, making the latter inexplicably excited.

"I have also considered this, please turn to page forty-seven." Mason replied fluently: "I think that all the compensation for the dead and wounded in this battle should be obtained from the storage in Maplestone City and the receiving legion according to the same standard. The supplies will be uniformly spent. The remaining part will be used as spoils of war and distributed fairly according to the proportion of troops at the time of dispatch."

   These words are tantamount to firing a thirty-two-pounder shell into the militia phalanx.

  Because the three school officers at the other end of the long table were no longer silent, but started whispering.

  Winters was very satisfied with the effect, and quietly gave Senior Mason a thumbs up.

   Mason grinned, but the next second, the other party's answer made him startled.

   "I'm sorry, Captain Mason." The bad news was still delivered by Lieutenant Colonel Matthias: "We cannot agree to this compensation plan."

   "Why?" Mason stumbled and asked, "Is there anything inappropriate about this?"

   "We agree with your plan to distribute supplies according to the strength of the troops at the time of dispatch." Lieutenant Colonel Matthias said politely: "As for the compensation expenses, we will bear it ourselves."

  Mason anxiously explained: "But it's unfair to you guys."

   Lieutenant Colonel Matthias shook his head resolutely. Colonels Geisar and Colonel Skool also leaned back, obviously not intending to continue the subject.

  Winters on the side suddenly laughed out loud.

  The laughter caused the clerks in the next meeting room to listen attentively, and even made everyone else at the meeting table stop what they were doing.

   "Don't waste your kindness, senior." There was no surprise in Winters's expression. He smiled and pulled Senior Mason back to his seat: "The three school officials will not agree."

"I do not understand why?"

  Winters looked at the three school officers on the other side of the long table: "Because they are afraid of us."

  Uncommonly, Colonel Gaisar did not refute.

"The pension list is the list of casualties, and it is a detailed list of everyone." Winters said word by word: "The pension is paid by you in a unified way. To be clear?"

   "That's right." Colonel Skool took off his monocle and admitted it openly: "That's right."

"So Colonel Geisar is right." Winters looked stern and contemptuous: "We are a group of robbers, a group of robbers with ulterior motives, and a group of robbers who may stab each other in the back. Sitting here - share the spoils !"

  Senior Mason slumped back in his chair.

   "But the three seniors, do you really think so?" Winters picked up the plan in front of Senior Mason, threw it heavily on the table, and asked, "Can this plan for dividing up the spoils solve our problem?"

  The file slammed heavily on the table, and the clerk next door and the guard outside the door trembled unconsciously.

  Winters pressed down on the long table, looked down at the three school officers in front of him, and asked coldly: "Do you really think that as long as this spoils distribution plan is fair enough, we won't go to war again?"

  The air was so heavy that it was hard to breathe, and the sound of a needle falling could be heard in the room. It was clearly midsummer, but the temperature dropped so suddenly that it made people feel chills down the spine.

"You don't care whether the distribution plan is fair or not." Winters bared his fangs sharply: "Actually, even if I smash your bones to pieces, you will still accept an unfair plan with gritted teeth. Because you just want to get money and supplies as soon as possible, and then return to your territory, recruit troops! Reorganize the army! Start the war again!"

   Facing Winters' aggressive questioning, the three school officers remained silent.

   "May I ask what your next plan is?" Winters glanced past the three school officers, and finally landed on Colonel Geisar.

He asked himself and replied: "I guess, it is to fight out. The field elites of Zhuwangbao were wiped out, and the remaining old, weak, sick and disabled are no more than half of the army. Right now, Xilin Province has no soldiers to defend. Continuing to sit on the new land is simply a waste of a god-sent opportunity! How could it not be fought out?"

   Colonel Gaisa snorted: "Exactly."

   "Then." Winters looked straight at Colonel Gaisa without showing any weakness, and pointed at himself: "What should I do?"

   Three school officials, Winters asked three times in a row.

   "What are you going to do with me?"

   "With me behind you, do you dare to move?"

   "You can make new land, where should I go?"

   No one can give an answer.

"If this problem cannot be resolved." Winters took a deep breath, put away his edge, sat back in his seat, and stated the cruel facts without emotion: "No matter how satisfactory the agreement we have reached today, it will eventually Towards the end of cannibalism. At that time, either you will kill us, or we will kill you. All noble purposes will be buried in blood. Colonel Bird Gates, who is buried in Maplestone Cathedral, will also be for We cry."

   Silence, another long silence.

  The scar on Geisa's face twitched, he gritted his teeth and asked the young man in front of him: "Then what do you want?"

   "The coalition forces that exist in name only are not enough to maintain their own existence, let alone integrate the resources of the new reclamation province." Winters replied seriously: "We need a larger framework—we need to rebuild the New Reclamation Legion."

  Gesar Adonis, Skull Mecklen, Matthias Kerwin and everyone who heard this sentence were stunned.

  Lieutenant Colonel Matthias muttered to himself: "Rebuild the New Reclamation Army?"

Colonel Skool retorted rationally: "The garrison troops in each county are already close to the strength of half a legion, and when they are combined, they will far exceed the strength of a legion. The structure of the New Reclamation Legion is not enough to accommodate so many troops. In the end, it can only survive in name only."

   Colonel Gaisa sneered: "Isn't the name of the New Reclamation Legion not correct? The New Reclamation Legion? Whose New Reclamation Legion?"

  Captain Richard Mason was instinctively calculating wildly: "We need to rebuild the New Reclamation Corps..."

   "This won't work! That won't work either! What do you think?" Winters jumped up and shouted angrily: "This won't work! That won't work either! Then there is only one way left!"

   Mason shivered unconsciously, fearing that the furious Winters said, "I'll kill you all right now!"

  The door of the conference room was kicked open, and Major Seber, who heard Winters' roar from far away in the auditorium, rushed in with a lamppost: "Fuck! We're still fighting!"

   "There is only one thing that will keep us from killing each other, from going to self-destruction, from bleeding the new clearing."

  Winters looked around at the three school officers, at his comrades and subordinates, and at everyone who poured into the conference room, and spoke loudly of the final solution:

   "Rebuild the Republic of Plato!"

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  (end of this chapter)

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