Iron Powder and Spellcaster

Chapter 98 Six Silver Coins

Winters and Andre had visited all the villages on the island.

The process is almost the same. First, find the village chief, convene a meeting with all villagers, publicize the labor recruitment policy (daily salary of five silver coins, one settlement per day), and then go to the next village.

However, two days have passed, and only a few farmers have come to Red Sulfur Port to apply for the job.

After intensive surveys, several engineering officers from the Road Construction Countermeasures Headquarters have come up with a road construction plan for the first five kilometers, and the rest of the plan will be worked on while building the road.

Construction was about to start, but the workers were not in place. Winters and Andre, who had gained nothing, were caught and scolded by the substantive deputy director of the Countermeasures Headquarters.

The two men, full of slobber, returned to the field camp in frustration and brought Bud over to discuss countermeasures. Bud was not transferred to the road construction headquarters because he was too capable and the director of the logistics department was reluctant to let him go.

[Vulgar swear words learned from sailors], [Repeat the previous swear words]... I think these bastards are cheap! Andre, who was scolded, became more and more angry as he thought about it, and his facial features were all angry. Twitching, he couldn't even speak clearly: Tomorrow I...I will lead troops to clear one village after another, [Gan Lin brewed]! Let me see who dares not to come! [Even the most rude soldier is embarrassed to say Dirty words coming out of your mouth]!”

If you can't do it forcefully, don't do it forcefully. This kind of thing is not honorable. Someone may get caught in the future. You don't want to be recorded in the file, right? Winters looked very tired. While washing his face, he said: Otherwise, why isn't someone else responsible? Instead, it's in the hands of our two little warrant officers?

After getting along for a long time, Winters now knows the trick of persuading Andre. He found that Andrea Cellini was very similar to the two cats at home: he was like a semi-social beast, only caring about his own people and lacking empathy and kindness for others.

So if you want to convince him, it's best to start from his interests.

Sure enough, after hearing Winters' words, Andre suddenly fell silent.

Bud held his chin and said: This matter is indeed in a gray area. The key is not to know how the Archon defines the civilians on Red Sulfur Island. Are they now an enemy population? Or have they automatically acquired the status of Veneta citizens? If it is the former, then They are not protected. If it is the latter, then the forced conscription of citizens under Veneta law will result in a military court.”

What should we do? Andre stood up impatiently: What do you think we should do?

Sit down and save your energy. Winters pulled Andre back to his seat: Actually, if I think about it, if I were a farmer on the island, I wouldn't dare to work for the army from outside. ...How about increasing the daily salary? To one small silver coin a day?

Eight silver dimes can be converted into one small silver coin. Gold coins and large silver coins are not commonly used in daily life. Silver dimes and small silver coins are the most common things for civilians.

Because the Legion of San Marco had raided the treasury of the Red Sulfur Port Council, the Veneta army on the island now had plenty of money and could afford to hire a small silver coin for a day.

No! Bard said firmly: Five silver coins a day is far more than the normal wage. If it were increased to one silver coin a day, no one would dare to come. Not only can I not increase the money, but also reduce it. Money. It’s the slack season now, and two silver coins and a meal plan are enough to satisfy the farmers on the island.”

Winters and Andre both grew up in Hailan City, and as teenagers went to Guitu City to study. Let them stand in the field, and they can't even tell the difference between wheat germ and weeds.

For two city children, money is the most persuasive language. However, on the small Red Sulfur Island, this very persuasive language has hit a wall.

On the contrary, it was Bud, the sharecropper's son, who knew the farmers' thoughts very clearly.

What should we do? If you give me more money, I won't even come, but if you give me less money, I'll be willing to come? Andre glared again.

Don't call them Mudlegs. They are human beings just like you and me. If you were them, you wouldn't come. Bud frowned and said, The key between the civilians on the island and us is the lack of trust. With trust, all problems can be solved.”

Oh, Lord Bishop, please stop talking nonsense. If you have any idea, just say don't provide equal education for both of us. Andre retorted angrily.

Because Bard only had one scripture and two gospels when he entered school, coupled with his experience in the monastery, the busybodies in the same period gave him the nickname Bishop behind his back.

This nickname actually contained a serious insult, because the son of a sharecropper could never become a bishop... It was natural for an external enrollee to be suddenly thrown into a group of boys who had known each other for several years. It was natural for him to be bullied.

But Winters never shouted this nickname once, and no one was allowed to shout it around him. He had used the nickname Master of Swordsman a few times in joking, but he had never uttered the nickname Bishop once.

This was also the first time Winters heard Andre shout this nickname to his face. He immediately poked Andre to indicate that he had gone too far.

Andre also realized that he had made a mistake, so he shut his mouth.

Bud smiled instead of getting angry. He stared at Andre and said slowly: How about we make a bet. If I can solve the problem, then you will never use the word 'mud-legged' again. How about that?

Holy Body! It's already this time, so don't be vindictive. Winters also cursed for the first time a curse word that is only used by believers. He feels particularly tired now - mentally.

How about it, do you dare to bet with me? Bud ignored Winters and still stared at Andre.

Andre was a little embarrassed when he saw it, but his mouth was still tough: Yes, if you can recruit enough people to build the road, I will never say the word mud-legged in my life!

Okay, it's settled.

Bud and Andre high-fived each other.

After high-fiving, Bud said softly: I have already said that what is lacking between the civilians on the island and us is trust. And trust... can be bought with money.

Buy trust? How to buy it? Winters became interested and involuntarily leaned his upper body forward towards Bud.

After hearing Bud's words, he had a little inspiration, but he still couldn't see clearly like he was separated by a layer of gauze. This feeling was like an itch that couldn't be scratched, making him eager to know the answer to the mystery.

It's simple, just buy some firewood. Bud didn't show off and explained in detail: To build a trusting relationship, we have to start from the most harmless place. We buy dry firewood on the island at a high price, and the farmer sells it to us and collects it on the spot. With the money, there is a basic trust between us and them.”

If you buy firewood...then they can build the road? Andre stood there, confused.

Of course it's not enough to just buy firewood. After buying the firewood, we hire people in the village to move the firewood to Red Sulfur Port, and they also have to hire people at a high price. Bud said with a confident smile on his lips: Most farmers don't Only a few brave people dare to sign up. However, as long as the farmers who transport dry firewood return safely with money and grain, other people in the village will be jealous and regretful.

Gerald's Bud took a breath, looked into Winters and Andre's eyes and said solemnly: In this way, there will be a foundation of trust. You go to the village to recruit people, those who are the boldest and most Greedy farmers will apply. And as long as a small number of farmers who come to build roads can go home safely, other farmers will understand that we are not trying to capture them as slave labor. By then, hey, every able-bodied farmer on the island They are all your road builders!”

That's it! I can't get anyone to do it! Winters slapped his thigh and said with a laugh: If you ask me, not only should we pay the farmers who transport dry firewood, but we should also pay each of them. Two pieces of cloth! No one can see money when it is in their pockets. Give them two pieces of fine red cloth to take home, anyone with eyes can see it clearly!

You have a lot of clever ideas... Bud was also amused.

Eh? Wait a minute, I'm a little confused. Andre rubbed his temples and asked hesitantly: Then why are we buying firewood?

What are you doing? Didn't Bud say, buy trust. Winters patted Andre on the arm.

No, no, no, what I mean is... we are buying everything anyway, what's the use of buying firewood? Andre sorted out his thoughts and asked: Why not buy something useful? For example, buy some grain, pigs and so on.

If you want to buy food, farmers won't sell it to us. If you don't have food, people will starve to death. If you don't have firewood, just chop it. Bud immediately explained his deeper considerations: The farmers on the island are most afraid of us robbing food. If you go to buy grain, it's like luring a snake out of its hole. You have to buy firewood, and you have to buy dry firewood. Although farmers have dry firewood at home, there won't be much. And even if they sell it all to us, they won't be afraid.

Is there still such consideration... Andre was a little dizzy.

But just in case, we'd better find another 'sitter'. Bud said with a smile: One that not only we can trust, but also the people on the island can trust, and will never be considered a 'sitter'. My son's 'sitter'.

Red Pine Manor - Kalman! Winters and Andre said in unison.

The three warrant officers looked at each other and laughed.

This was the second day after the three warrant officers discussed their plans.

The sun was setting in the west now, and it was already dusk.

Clover Village near Red Pine Manor.

Farmer Boris was lying behind the courtyard gate, peeping at the paths in the village, anxiously waiting for his wife to come home.

Under the eaves of Boris's house, the pile of dry firewood that was originally as high as a person is now empty.

Suddenly a footstep was heard, which made Boris shudder.

The sound got closer and closer, and what Boris heard was not the man's heavy footsteps, but the mother-in-law's light steps, and he felt relieved.

It was his wife Maria who was back.

Hearing footsteps coming to the door, Boris rushed to open the courtyard door before the ladies could knock on the door, and asked hurriedly: Are you back?

Oh my god, you scared me to death! You're back, you're back. Maria was startled, took a breath and complained: You should have let me in first.

Boris quickly let his wife in.

The farmers in the village have been on tenterhooks these days, and so is Boris.

A few days ago, two riding masters came to the village, accompanied by dozens of fierce-looking guards. They called the farmers together and said they wanted to recruit people to build roads.

Boris didn't dare to go to the village square when the master came, and he certainly didn't dare to build roads.

Although giving him five cents a day made him happy, who knew if he was cheating? The men were all worried that they would never come back, so no one dared to go.

Although Boris has never read a book, he is not stupid. He knew very well that since no one in the village went to Hong Kong City, the two riding masters would definitely not give up.

So Boris has been sleeping with dry food bags on his head these days.

Right now, inside the house, beside the door, the packed dry food and clothes are placed there.

He was ready to escape at any time. Once his mother-in-law brought back bad news, he would immediately run into the woods on the island and hide in the wind.

But who would have expected that the two gentlemen came again today, but this time they did not bring any guards with them. They only said they wanted to buy dry firewood.

And he bought dry firewood at a price that a farmer could never dream of.

Boris was moved, but he kept it in mind and asked his mother-in-law to sell it instead of selling it himself.

The six silver coins he exchanged for dry firewood at home are now in his arms, placed closest to his flesh. The touch of the silver coins against his ribs reminds Boris that he is not dreaming.

They bought a lot of dry firewood, which the two gentlemen couldn't move alone. Of course, they couldn't do such rough work themselves, so the two gentlemen wanted to hire a few carts in the village to bring the firewood back to Hong Kong. Go to the city.

This made many people mutter. It was one thing to sell firewood in the village, but it was another thing to follow the master to the port city.

Seeing that no one applied, the two gentlemen offered an unimaginable price for the trip, and they only hired five large trucks, no more.

Boris was moved again. He had a big car at home...and a mule...but he was still afraid and didn't dare to go.

In the end, the two gentlemen hired two large cars from Mr. Kalman of the nearby Red Pine Manor. Mr. Kalman also sent his valet to drive the cars himself.

Seeing that Mr. Kalman was not afraid, some men in the village became excited.

The two usually bold farmers and the old lame man who had been treated by Mr. Kalman took up the courage to drive out their carts, gathered together five carts, loaded with dry firewood, and headed for the port city. .

Boris was quite disdainful of the three people in the same village. He didn't believe that pie would fall from the sky. The master must only buy firewood to deceive people.

Watching the large convoy disappear at the end of the road, Boris thought to himself: I am still smart and not greedy. I took the bait and ran away. Hum, those three fools, I'm afraid they won't be able to come back.

However, he was worried about gains and losses, as if there was an extra thorn in his heart, which made him itchy and unable to scratch. He couldn't help thinking: What if this time it really is pie in the sky... What if... I am What if? What if I didn’t lie?

So for the entire afternoon, Boris waited at home scratching his head and restlessly, hoping for good news and hoping for bad news.

He didn't know what he was waiting for.

When it was getting dark, he heard the creaking sound of a cart on the road.

Boris was eager to know what happened, but he still kept a cautious eye and asked his wives to find out the news.

Mother-in-laws have their own unique channels for information and are very well-informed.

Boris stayed at home. If the master led the troops to arrest someone, he would immediately climb over the wall and run away.

Are you all back? Boris grabbed his wife's arm tightly and asked with eyes wide open.

Oh, you hurt me. Maria shook off her husband's hand and replied: They are all back. The old cripple and the two sons of Cliff's family in the west of the village are all back.

Are you sure? Boris couldn't believe it.

I saw them with my own eyes, and the old cripple couldn't be more proud. The two gentlemen personally escorted them back and rewarded each of them with two gold coins... Oh my god, this is the first time I have seen gold coins. I even rewarded them more. A bottle of good wine and two pieces of red cloth. Maria stretched out her arms to compare: Very good red cloth, very good, very good, I have never seen anyone in the village wear such good material...

When his wife talked enthusiastically about seeing the fabric, Boris felt a chill in his chest, as if he had lost something very important.

The joy of exchanging firewood at home for six silver coins became insignificant and was swallowed up by a greater and heavier feeling of depression.

Boris only felt that his steps were weak and he almost fell to the ground.

Master, what's wrong with you? Maria noticed something strange about her husband. She looked at him cautiously, her tone full of worry.

Ouch! Ouch! Boris angrily grabbed the six silver coins in his arms and threw them to the ground. The young farmer pulled his hair and beat his chest and thighs hard: Ouch! Oops!!

Maria hurriedly picked up six silver coins from the dirt. Although Maria was simple, she vaguely understood what was going on. She hugged Boris to prevent her husband from beating her: Master, don't be like this. Don't we still have six silver coins? How can there be such a good thing in the sky? Huh? I don’t want that red cloth. The six silver coins we have are enough. I’m satisfied...

But Boris still repeated in annoyance: Oh, oh.

It soon became completely dark.

Lamp oil was expensive, and nightlife was a luxury in this era, so as soon as it got dark the farmhouses took a break.

Boris, who used to snore whenever he touched a pillow, was unusually quiet tonight.

Maria lay on the bed, listening to her husband's heavy breathing, knowing that he was obviously not asleep.

She deliberately changed the subject and asked: Hey, boss, why do you think Mr. Kalman sent a big car to follow? Mr. Kalman's family is rich.

Boris was irritated, and when he heard his wife's question, he, who claimed to be the smartest in Sanye Village, knew why. He replied impatiently: Mr. Kalman's house was ransacked, didn't you know? From Red Pine Manor. The slaves were all snatched away by the master of Veneta. Hey, now Mr. Kalman has no money... Okay, go to sleep, go to sleep.

Maria fumbled and held her husband's hand, and said softly: We don't have to envy others. Isn't it great that we have a house to live in and food to eat? And we also got six silver coins for free today? When will our family have it? How much money do you have? It’s enough for me to have you, so what’s the use of those two pieces of red cloth?”

Boris snorted and said nothing.

The two Venetta masters said they would recruit people to build roads in the port city, but this time they only gave two silver coins a day, but they were in charge of the food. Maria rambled, her voice getting smaller and smaller. , and finally turned into a half-asleep murmur: ...but...that is really a very good red cloth...

Boris threw away his wife's hand and turned angrily in the opposite direction to his wife.

(Moving wood is a belief, and the perspective of the onlookers who did not move the wood)

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