Iron Powder and Spellcaster

Chapter 87 Iron Melting Technique

In the early morning, a motorcade set off from Red Pine Manor. The mules and oxen gasped and pulled the carts behind them, and the eight four-wheeled carts slowly moved towards Red Sulfur Port.

Stop, what are you doing? What's going on in the car? A patrol on the road stopped the convoy.

The car is full of grain. The coachman replied: We are from Red Pine Manor, delivering food to the city.

On the grounds of war, the Red Sulfur Port Council required all plantations and villages on the island to provide food as military rations. This was called apportionment by the islanders.

The soldiers in the patrol stood on the wheel and looked into the carriage. They saw neat sacks piled inside the carriage. If you cut a hole casually, the wheat will flow out.

Seeing that it was indeed food, the patrol stopped embarrassing the convoy.

Before leaving, the captain of the patrol team joked to the young man next to the coachman: Look, you are also tall. What's the point of being a long-term laborer? Do you want to become a soldier? We are short of manpower. One small silver plate a day. One month is enough for you to earn for a year now.”

The young man grinned and said nothing.

Hey? I'm asking you something! Are you mute? Can't speak?

The toothless coachman hurriedly explained with a smile on his face: Brother, you are really right. This silly boy is mute. Our master took pity on him and let him accompany me on the coach.

The young people were also dancing and gesticulating.

Seeing that the other party was mute, the captain of the patrol didn't feel embarrassed anymore. He just muttered regretfully: It turned out to be a mute. I thought he was a good piece of material. He waved his hand and let the convoy go.

After getting rid of the patrol, Gold, who was driving the car, smiled and said to Winters: Sir, this guy is quite discerning. I can tell at a glance that you are a soldier.

Winters smiled wryly and waved his hand: I can almost get raped...thanks to you. Let's not talk about this for now. You continue to teach me how to speak the islanders' dialect...

Winters led the convoy to move forward. The ox-cart moved very slowly, and it took them from early morning to dusk before they almost arrived at Red Sulfur Port. I only encountered one patrol along the way, and there were very few pedestrians.

At the last fork in the road leading to Red Sulfur Port, the convoy turned onto a small road that was not heading to Red Sulfur Port and drove to an uninhabited place.

These large cars have been modified by Winters, and partitions have been added to the bottom of the carriages, which are high enough for adults to lie flat. From the outside, it looks like just a large transport truck. Unless you remove all the wheat bags, you will never see anything unusual.

And the Hurds of Red Pine Manor are hiding under the partition

After releasing the sentry, Winters led the remaining Veneta soldiers to immediately begin unloading the truck.

The Hurd men, who had been suffering under the dark, sweltering partitions for nearly a day, were pale and could hardly even stand.

However, they did not complain. They just helped each other jump out of the cart and went to the toilet without saying a word.

Are you there yet? Hestace asked Winters breathlessly. He came too. There was no other way, he was the only one among these Huds who understood the common language.

Staying under a small space like a stuffy jar for a whole day, there is not even a place to turn over. Even a man in his prime could hardly bear this kind of torture, let alone Hestas, an old man in his sixties.

We haven't arrived yet. We have to walk the rest of the way. Winters handed his water bag to Hestace's hand and used honorifics for the first time: Old man, are you okay?

It's okay. The old shaman was in a very bad state, but he seemed to be fine and said with a smile, It's much easier than riding a horse.

There were not only people hidden in the cart, but also weapons.

After counting the number of people and distributing weapons, the Veneta and Hed people worked together to load the food back into the car.

Bud led a group of people to drive the cart to a hidden place and hide it.

Winters and Andre led another group of people into the dense forest.

Their target - the two artillery forts guarding the throat of Red Sulfur Harbor.


Early morning.

No clouds.

Full moon phase.

The coast of Red Sulfur Harbor Bay.

The bright moonlight shines on the water and the coast, making everything and everyone who wants to hide invisible.

Dain, a soldier of the Tanirian Union, stood guard at the post on the coast, his eyelids constantly fighting.

On the sea, an iron cable as thick as a forearm stretches across the east and west shores, forming an insurmountable barrier at the throat of the bay.

Any ship that attempts to break through this sea-blocking cable will have its hull smashed and sink.

This is a man-made natural barrier, a sea city wall.

The weakest part of this natural barrier is not the iron cable itself, but the place where the iron cable is fixed.

Of course, the Tanirians also saw this. The iron cables extended from the fort on the shore. The fort was equipped with a winch that could be pulled up and lowered. At the other end was a pier.

Both ends are guarded by the most trusted troops of the Council. Once the police are present, Red Sulfur Port can quickly provide support.

To Sentinel Dane, it was just an ordinary day in the siege.

The bay entrance of Red Sulfur Port is firmly guarded by two forts and two iron cables, and the Veneta people cannot enter.

Veneta's warships were patrolling outside the bay, and the ships in Red Sulfur Port could not get out.

This is a sea-sieged city. People outside want to get in, and people inside want to get out, but they can't get what they want.

The main force of the Veneta people is concentrated on the northern coast, and the main force of the Red Sulfur Port Council is also facing off against the enemy there.

In Dane's opinion, although his sentry job is boring, it is better than safety. Even if the enemy wanted to force a landing, they would only attack from the northern coast. Only the Veneta people who have lost their minds would attack the impregnable Red Sulfur Bay.

At this moment, Dane was just looking forward to the next person coming to change his shift as soon as possible. He was already very sleepy.

Just as he was falling asleep amidst the sound of the waves, subtle footsteps came from behind, and the dazed Dane asked loudly: Who is it?

Here comes the changing of the guard.

Hey, what time is it now? Are you here too late?

The visitor didn't answer, but walked closer and closer.

When he was only six or seven steps away, Dane saw the other party's darkened face clearly. He said in surprise: You...

Before he finished speaking, the person raised his hand, and a cold light flashed, and a steel awl nail penetrated Dane's eye, and a sharp point appeared on the back of his head.

The man who shot the steel cone was Winters.

After the first shot hit, Winters did not stop, but one after another he shot the other two steel cones in his hand at the sentry with the flying arrow technique.

Now he didn't care about saving magic power, so he shot three bullets in one go to ensure the kill.

After three crisp sounds as the bones were shattered, the veteran of the Taniriya Federation couldn't even scream. He just said uh and collapsed softly.

Winters rushed over quickly and supported the other party's body.

After taking care of the sentry, he picked up two stones and knocked them twice, three short and one long.

Upon hearing the signal, other Venetans emerged from the shadows of the distant forest and trotted to Winters' side.

The Hed's language barrier prevented them from executing any complex tactical orders.

So Winters simply split the team into two: himself and Bard took the Venetas to touch the enemy sentries on the coast, and Andre and Hestas took the other Herds to deal with the patrols. .

If the surprise attack turns into a forceful attack, the Herds will be responsible for blocking reinforcements from the fort.

Did you bring my carrying gear? My carrying gear, give me my carrying gear. Nervousness and excitement made Winters almost incoherent.

When the sentry asked questions, Winters almost thought that the sneak attack had failed. The moonlight tonight was too bright to hide people, and his plan could only be carried out on a day when the moon phase was full.

But he never expected that a few words of Taniriya dialect he had learned temporarily would come in handy.

I'm carrying your carrying gear. I'm carrying it with me. Don't worry. Bard comforted Winters with a smile on his face and quickly took off the standard spellcaster carrying gear on his body.

Bud also didn't expect that the process of touching the whistle would be so smooth. No one could have imagined that the Tanirians' secret sentry would actually change their guard, and a single change of guard would expose the sentry post on the coast.

Winters immediately took the carrier, opened the layers of buffers, and carefully took out the silver, black and dark silver powders contained in glass bottles.

These two things are the key to tonight's action and the key to the feasibility of the plan.

Winters knew what the black powder was. Alchemists called it copper essence, which was obtained by grinding and refining pure copper.

Silver and dark silver powders are also products of alchemy. Dark silver powders are called combustion accelerants by alchemists, while silver metals are the most expensive and rare. Alchemists call them activated metals, also known as aluminum.

The purpose of the Tanirians setting up a sentry on the coast was to prevent the Venetas from taking boats ashore at night, but this sentry post happened to be right next to the iron rope, which was why Winters had to kill the sentry.

Tonight, Winters will destroy these two man-made natural barriers and sea-blocking iron cables.

Winters first mixed aluminum powder and copper powder, then began to stir.

Veneta recruits and veterans alike watched in awe as Warrant Officer Montagne mixed the spellcasting materials, knowing that this officer was a legendary magician. In their eyes, magic is the same as witchcraft.

The iron cables that block the Chesulfur Bay are connected by iron rings as thick as a forearm, part of which is on the shore. What Winters wants to destroy is the iron ring on the shore.

He first took out the small iron plate he had prepared in advance and roughly formed an iron box out of the iron plate, separating a small section in the middle that was attached to the subway ring.

Immediately afterwards, he poured nearly two kilograms of casting materials into the iron box, and the small section separated by the iron ring was buried with the casting materials. Finally, Winters poured in the accelerant.

Canvas! Winters ordered in a low voice.

The soldiers nearby immediately set up the canvas prepared in advance and blocked Winters tightly.

Listen carefully, no matter what happens, never retreat. Because he knew the terrifying power of this spell, Winters once again repeated the order given before the action: Don't be afraid, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Then, he took a deep breath and entered the spell-casting state while holding his breath.

The spell he is about to use is one of the most powerful spells in the fire department, the molten iron spell.

Fire spells rely heavily on casting materials. The caster's own ability is like the source of fire, and the casting materials are the fuel. The more casting materials, the greater the power of the spell.

Melting Iron was originally just one of the basic spells of the compound spell Melting Flow. No spellcaster thought that this spell had any other functions, but Winters realized that if there were enough casting materials, Melting Iron could Can burn through everything.

[Molten Flow Technique: A composite spell composed of Iron Melting Technique and Flying Arrow Technique. The spell effect is to shoot a molten metal flow. ]

And Winters has never had the luxury to use two kilograms of casting materials at a time to perform the Iron Melting Technique. Winters is not sure what kind of quantitative effect such a large amount of casting materials will produce.

But we have come this far and there is nowhere to retreat. He gritted his teeth and poured all the magic power in his body into the accelerant.

It requires extremely high spell explosive power and enough energy to be output in an instant to activate the iron melting technique.

For just a second, Winters felt as if his energy had been drained.

There began to hiss in the iron box, and Winters knew he had succeeded. He quickly took a few steps back and retreated behind the canvas.

First there was just a hissing sound, then a little fire.

In the blink of an eye, light that could burn your eyes burst out from the iron box. This light is so bright that even the sun has never burst out with such scorching light.

At the same time, sparks flew everywhere, and it was as if Thor's hammer hit the anvil.

The burning process was so intense that it made a whirring sound.

Through a layer of canvas, everyone in Venetta could feel the scalding heat. High-heat sparks splashed onto the canvas, burning holes in the canvas.

Winters was glad that he had prepared a canvas to block the light in advance, otherwise the terrifying power of the iron-smelting technique alone would have been enough to attract all the enemies in the fort.

However, even the thickest canvas could not block this dazzling light. The firelight shone through the canvas, and Winters could only hope that no one in the fort noticed the movement on the coast.

Fortunately, although the iron-melting technique is violent, its duration is short-lived.

In just ten seconds, the light quickly diminished, faded, and went out.

As soon as the light disappeared, Winters ignored the scorching heat and immediately picked up the crowbar, pushed aside the canvas, and walked to the edge of the iron box in a few steps.

Now there is no iron box anymore. The entire iron box, the middle part of the iron ring and the casting materials have all turned into a viscous liquid like magma.

At this moment, the iron ring, which has been softened by heat, has lost its original performance and can no longer withstand the strong pulling force exerted by the weight of the iron cable on the iron ring. It is being stretched bit by bit visibly to the naked eye.

Don't hold the canvas up! Seeing that the crowbar was no longer of use, Winters turned around and lowered his voice and urged: Saw!

Bud, who had already prepared the saw, also stepped into the canvas tent. No extra words were needed, the tacit understanding between the two was enough.

Winters and Bud each held one side of the large cross saw that was originally used to cut wood, and mounted it on the iron ring.

Once, twice, three times.

After a few back and forth, the middle section of the iron ring, which had been softened by the heat, was completely cut off by the two men.

This is the most interesting thing about the chain structure. You only need to break one link to destroy the entire chain.

The originally balanced force-bearing structure of the sea-blocking iron cable was broken, and the iron cable began to fall toward the seabed. Pulled by the huge weight of the iron cable itself, the iron cable on the east coast of Chisulfur Bay quickly slid into the sea like an escaping poisonous snake.

Winters and Bud looked at each other excitedly, both of them unable to conceal the joy on their faces. Veneta's soldiers looked at their centurion in awe.

Success! A sea-blocking iron cable has been destroyed!

Stop just looking around. Winters glanced around his subordinates: Follow me, there is an iron rope right in front!

Thermite reaction is the best in the world!

I wrote very late last night and went straight to bed. Only now did I realize that I only saved it and didn’t send it out.

The size of the sea-blocking iron cables probably refers to the sea-blocking iron cables of King's Castle, because until the 20th century, there were physical objects of the Golden Horn iron cables remaining in various parts of Istanbul, as well as photos.

Thank you to the book friends who have voted for recommendation before. Thank you for the recommendation votes of Justice, Purity is Koala, Smoke and Cloud Scattering, WritersBlock, Please Call Me Pleasant Goat, and Yuan Hongjian. Thank you.

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