Like a fire rekindled in a dead furnace, Winters regained some consciousness.

He could vaguely feel himself being dragged along, as well as a floating sensation, waves and calls for help.

With an extra pair of hands, the two men held Winters up and dragged him from the waist-deep water to the rocky beach.

One man quickly cleared the water from Winters' nose and throat, slapped him hard on the back, and then began to press on his chest.

Residual seawater in the trachea is drained. Fortunately, he had drowned not long ago and his breathing instinct was still there. The air reentered his lungs, passed through the alveoli, capillaries, and arteries, and was pushed to the organs throughout his body in a weak heartbeat.

The brain was supplied with oxygen again, and Winters' thinking was like a nearly extinguished fire that rekindled its flames and resumed operation. He regained consciousness.

After struggling to open his eyes and see the light again, he saw a familiar yet unexpected face in front of him, a gap-toothed face: ...Gold, is it you?

Before the two of them could exchange greetings, a shout came from afar: Here!

What followed was a series of gunshots, shouts of death and screams.

Tani guy is coming! Someone nearby yelled in horror: Tani guy is coming! Let's go!

Winters struggled to get up from the ground, telling himself that he had to calm down. The situation did not allow him to think too much, and he needed to figure out the situation quickly.

After a quick look around, I saw that there was a gravel beach under my feet, and about twenty meters in front of me was the dividing line between the woods and the gravel beach. Looking to the right, the bastion and dock are Red Sulfur Port. Look behind you at the water.

He understood that the boat was overturned by the strong tide, and Gold rescued him ashore. According to the relative position, he should be on the coast to the west of Red Sulfur Port now.

Gunshots and shouts of death came from the front right, which meant that the people who suppressed the remaining soldiers came from Red Sulfur Port!

Winters grabbed Gold's arm: Into the woods!

He stood up and shouted to the others on the beach: Go into the woods! Go into the woods.

If you stay on the rocky beach, you will be a living target. You must first find a way to get rid of this wave of pursuers.

Winters stumbled and ran towards the broad-leaved forest on the coast: Follow me! Everyone, follow me! Go into the woods!

In addition to Winters and Gold, there were more than twenty soldiers and sailors who had narrowly escaped on the rocky beach. The command system had been destroyed, but the bewildered Veneta people subconsciously obeyed the orders of the officer's uniform Order.

Regardless of whether they were sailors or soldiers, all Venetans retreated toward the woods.

A voice with a strong Tanirian accent came from the distance on the right: Don't let them escape! Five Venets per prisoner!

A scream that did not sound like a human voice came from the same direction: Help! Help me!

Winters fled into the treeline, the pliable branches beating against him like whippings, but he gritted his teeth and fled deeper.

Once entering the woodland, the view is obscured by vegetation. They couldn't see each other's positions clearly, they could only hear rustling sounds everywhere in the woods, and from time to time there were gunshots and wailing sounds.

No Venetian dared to stop and identify ourselves and the enemy. They lost command and direction and just ran for their lives.

Where to run? The Red Sulfur Port is on the northeast side. The pursuers set out from the Red Sulfur Port and searched from north to south. There are no enemies on the south side now. After thinking about this, Winters stopped and used the expanded Yinju yelled in Veneta dialect: [Veneta dialect] Go south! Go south! Go to the left!

Before he could run south, a huge force suddenly came from his waist, and Winters was knocked down from the waist.

An excited voice shouted: Here! Here! I caught an official!

The two were rolling in the mire in the forest. The Tanirian tried to push Winters to the ground with all his strength. Winters struggled to fight back and tried to get up.

This is a fight without any honor or etiquette. One side is driven by bounty and greed, while the other side fights for life.

The Tanirian was not as strong as Winters, but he hugged Winters from behind and refused to let go no matter how hard he was beaten. He just kept shouting: Here!

The body structure determines that the backward force of a person's hands and feet is far less than the forward force. If Winters is hugged from behind, even if Winters is stronger, he will not be able to use it.

No matter whether he punched or elbowed behind him, it was useless, and the shouts of the Tanirians were attracting more pursuers.

Winters suddenly realized that this was not a competition and that there were no rules. Instead of pumping his fist in vain, he groped along the other person's arm for his fingers.

found it! The other party's fingers were tightly clasped around Winters' waist. Winters inserted his own hand between the other party's fingers and his own clothes, firmly held the Tanirian's two fingers, and used all his strength to Push back with strength.

After two crisp sounds, the Tanirian screamed and let go of his hand. Winters, who had regained his freedom, turned around and pinned the Tanirian down, strangling the other man's neck with both hands.

But the Tanirian did not quickly lose his ability to resist. He struggled desperately, making low and intermittent sounds in his throat. He dug out a stone from the ground with his right hand and hit Winters hard.

Winters felt a sharp pain on his head first, and then numbness. He released his hands from holding the other person's throat.

Finally able to breathe again, the Tanirian groaned and took a deep breath.

However, before he could breathe out, a rock about the same size as his head hit him hard on the head.

Along with the terrifying cracking sound, the Tanirians twitched and stopped moving.

Winters still didn't let go of the stone with his hands. He used the force from his waist to lift the stone behind his head again, swung it in a circle and smashed it down.

Once, twice, three times.

The opponent was already dead, and the exhausted Winters let go of his hands and stood up with a heavy breath.

This small quagmire in the forest seemed to have just undergone a bloody sacrifice, with red and white splashing everywhere.

Help! Help!

The cry for help was in a Veneta accent.

Taking off the short knife worn by the Tanirian who had turned into a corpse, Winters crawled out of the quagmire on his hands and knees and headed towards the source of the sound.


Lieutenant Colonel Contel's situation was now at stake.

A dozen Veneta people fled all the way south until they were stopped by the low cliff in front of them. The ground in front suddenly rose two to three meters, and the cliffs were made of limestone without even a place to grab a hand.

The huge waves coming from the northeast overturned the Veneta people's boats. Veneta people were washed ashore almost everywhere on the beach on the west coast of the bay, some alive and some dead.

Lieutenant Colonel Contel was the type who washed ashore alive.

He immediately gathered the other living Veneta soldiers around him and led this small group of remnants to escape into the forest inland of the island.

Lieutenant Colonel, we can't run anymore, otherwise our morale will be lost. While we still have the strength, we can go back and fight them. Andre found Lieutenant Colonel Contel with a wooden stick.

Warrant Officer Andrea Cellini, who was leading several soldiers, met up with Lieutenant Colonel Contel and his small group during the escape.

We don't even have weapons. Fighting is a dead end. Contel put his hands on his knees and gasped, Go southwest to the coast. Find a way to go to sea and return to the fleet. There is still a way to survive.

Counting the two officers, there was not even a piece of iron in the team of fourteen people. Those who refused to abandon their armor and weapons were drowned in the sea, and those who fled for their lives were only too rich to carry with them.

The soldiers wanted to throw away everything they could, but Andre picked up a thick branch from the forest to use as a stick.

Let's rest for a while in this open space, and then we go west along this cliff to find a gap. Lieutenant Colonel Contel, who was sweating, obviously couldn't run anymore. How can senior officers still have physical fitness after riding horses all year round.

After hearing the lieutenant colonel's order to rest here temporarily, the soldiers sat down on the ground one after another. They were exhausted from running all the way through the forest.

Don't sit! Stand up! Once you sit down and take a break, you won't be able to run anymore. Andre, carrying a wooden stick, walked among the soldiers and ordered the soldiers not to sit: Stand up, everyone stand up.

How can the exhausted soldiers manage so much? The authority of officers is nothing to them now. The soldiers just sat on the ground with their heads bowed, not answering or obeying orders.

Andre was so angry that he gritted his teeth, but even with his fiery temper, he did not dare to force the soldiers at this moment.

There was the sound of branches bouncing in the woods, and the sound quickly approached. A figure ran out of the dense forest and broke into this small open space.

Not wearing the Veneta uniform, he's a Tanirian!

The Veneta soldiers did not expect that the pursuers would be so fast, and the Tanirian did not expect that he would run into so many Veneta people.

The two sides stared at each other for a second.

Kill him! Andre picked up the stick and rushed over.

At the same time, the Tanirians turned back into the jungle, shouting: They are here!

The thin Tanirian was as agile as a monkey and was gone in a flash. Andre chased him for two steps, but when he saw that he couldn't catch up with him, he stopped helplessly.

Go quickly, go quickly! Andre urged loudly, dragging the soldiers up from the ground one by one.

However, as he warned, if you don't rest after strenuous exercise that severely exhausts your physical strength, it's okay. Once you sit down and rest, your body will be completely exhausted.

The soldiers stood up unsteadily and walked slowly. Even if they knew that the pursuers were behind them, they could not run away.

Just rest for a while, just for a little while, even for a little while. Demonic voices whispered in the soldiers' heads.

I can't run anymore. I would rather die than run away! Just let them beat me to death! A soldier simply sat back on the ground, falling into despair and self-destruction.

Andre could no longer suppress his anger. Furious, he raised his stick and roared: I'll beat you to death now!

The soldier who sat back on the ground was so frightened that he rolled to his feet and stood up.

But it was too late, the Tanirians had already caught up with them.

About a dozen Tanirians surrounded the small group of remnants led by Contel and Andre from the dense forest.

The Venetas had the advantage in numbers, but they had no weapons, not even enough stone for each man.

Although the Tanirians were armed with sailor knives and short spears, they were outnumbered, so they did not dare to make the first move.

The two sides faced off like this, with the Tanirians gradually compressing the Veneta people into a small space on the edge of the short cliff, until the Veneta people with their backs on the short cliff had no way to retreat.

The trigger of the fight was two more Tanirians running into the forest carrying matchlock guns.

When he saw two enemies with long-range weapons running towards them, Andre realized that he could not delay any longer and should take action as soon as the Tanirians appeared.

Follow me! Kill! Warrant Officer Andrea Cellini yelled and charged towards the tallest Tanirian with a wooden stick.

The Tanirians who surrounded them did not expect that these trapped beasts would dare to fight back. When they saw an officer wielding a wooden stick, they rushed over. The strong Tanirians who were facing them were so frightened that they stood there stupidly and subconsciously moved. Use the scimitar to block.

Years of swordsmanship training made Andre instinctively treat the wooden stick in his hand as a long sword. He knocked away the opponent's weapon with one stick, then swung the stick back and hit the opponent's right ear hard. Blood suddenly gushed out from the opponent's nostrils, mouth and eyes, and his body fell limply to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, Andrei knocked down the Tanirian strong man.

The Tanirians were astonished by the prowess of the officer, while the Venetas, inspired by his prowess, rushed towards the enemy with a cry and holding the stones in their hands.

However, the bad situation made Andre more and more desperate. Seven or eight more Tanirians heard the sound and gathered over. He saw more and more Tanirians in this small open space.

Come on! Come and kill me! The desperate young warrant officer roared, looking for another opponent, but the Tanirians avoided him, and a small vacuum appeared in the chaotic battlefield.

Boom, a dull gunshot sounded.

Andre closed his eyes, but he found that there was no special pain on his body and opened his eyes immediately.

Under the short cliff, Lieutenant Colonel Contel fell to the ground, clutching his abdomen.

A Tanirian who looked like a leader arrived at the edge of the clearing, and he immediately noticed this conspicuous officer on the battlefield. Under his continuous shouts of orders, several Tanirians armed with spears surrounded Andrei.

If stones were easier to use, humans would not switch to using iron weapons to kill each other.

Unarmed and armed only with stones, Veneta soldiers were brought down one by one. Seeing this, Andre screamed in despair. He grabbed the spear that was stabbing him, and smashed the wooden stick in his hand and the spearman's head together.

The other spearmen did not dare to approach him out of fear, but the two arquebusiers at the edge of the clearing were already aiming at him.

This Veneta guy looks less than twenty years old, right? The leader of the group of Tanirians looked at the young officers on the battlefield and thought to himself: He is a warrior, but it's a pity that he is a Veneta guy.

The next second, he felt a rush of heat at the back of his head, and his consciousness disappeared.

The captain next to him fell to the ground with a plop. The musketeer next to him was at a loss. He quickly squatted down and tried to wake up the captain, but the captain had already expired.

There was another sound coming from the dense forest, and the musketeer followed the sound. Instantly, his legs became weak and he could hardly even squat down.

A man wearing a Veneta military uniform walked out of the dense forest. The uniform seemed to have been washed with mud and water. The outside of the mud was covered with blood stains, and the traces left by some white liquids after solidification were even more obvious.

Before the musketeer could call for help, the person who came raised his hand, and the gunpowder bottle beside the musketeer's waist exploded instantly. The powerful impact blew the musketeer into two pieces.

Before the other musketeer understood what was happening, the gunpowder pot at his waist suddenly exploded, leaving a huge gap in his abdominal cavity, as if a giant beast had bitten half of his stomach.

The fighting on the battlefield was interrupted by these two loud noises, and both the Tanirians and Venetas looked blankly at the edge of the forest.

A bloody Veneta officer rushed into the battlefield, slashing and killing the Tanirians like a hailstorm. Every time he raised his left hand, a Tanilian fell twitching.

Sixty-seven men carrying scimitars followed him into the battlefield, and another Veneta officer holding a bow and arrow stood guarding the edge of the forest.

The centurion is here! The reinforcements are here! Andrei laughed wildly and shouted: Kill them all! Don't let any of them go!

In addition, you can try it. The backward force of the human body's limbs is really very small, and it is difficult to exert force.

So in mixed martial arts, if you are held on your back, you will basically lose.

Thank you to the book friends who have voted for recommendations before, thank you for the recommendation votes of Justice and Purity is Koala, Kekkkkk, Ami, Please Call Me Pleasant Goat, Book Friends 20181013204343295, Social Justice Lao Wang, and This Mountain You. Thank you all.

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