Iron Powder and Spellcaster

Chapter 8: He who can hold a weapon and has saliva in his mouth is a good soldier

"On the battlefield, if you can hold a weapon and have saliva in your mouth, you are a good soldier!" Richard Nall, a swordsmanship instructor, was giving his last after-class lecture to 55 students of the Infantry Section 554 of the Army Officer Academy: "This is what I said. It wasn’t me who said it, it was the old marshal who said it.”

When the Army Military Academy was first established, the preparatory committee believed that there were too many indoor courses and it was necessary to set up a special physical education class.

The plan at that time was [Swordsmanship], [Wrestling], [Archery], choose one of the three.

However, most of the senior military officials came from Marshal Ned's [night military cram school], and everyone learned some sword skills from the old marshal.

Therefore, the army's top brass hopes to pass on the long sword as a tradition.

As a result, swordsmanship was regarded as a sport and became a formal course at the Army Officer Academy.

"Students, this is your last swordsmanship class. You must have thought about the significance of practicing long swordsmanship on your future careers." Instructor Nal paused and said unceremoniously:

"I can tell you right now that there will be very few opportunities for you to draw your sword and fight with the enemy in the future. Many of you may never hold a sword with both hands again after you leave this training room. handle."

"What is a long sword to you? What is long sword technique? Is it really a practical combat technology? Outside the ivory tower, more agile and portable weapons are popular on the streets.

Want to know what weapons can be used in actual combat? Just go to the Duelist Association! One-on-one, you can't beat any of the masters there. "

"In the world of officers, the long sword has become an ceremonial weapon used to decorate the uniform, and the skill of the long sword has become the threshold for officers to distinguish their origins."

"Although we try to keep you as close to actual combat as possible. But for you, long sword fighting has evolved from a practical skill to a sport. You must be thinking, does long sword fighting really make sense? I can tell you now You guys, there’s no point!”

"Don't think that you have been trained for many years. All of you have excellent swordsmanship. When you get to the battlefield, you can kill everyone. Two farmers with pitchforks can take care of you!" Instructor Nar's class atmosphere is compared to cultural and military courses. , much more relaxed and enjoyable.

This was the first time that he belittled his students and showed no mercy to them.

"Because when they actually go to the battlefield and face death, even many knights who have been trained to be killing machines since they walked will have their brains go blank due to nervousness, and their limbs will be so stiff that they can't move."

"Although long swordsmanship has ceased to be used in actual combat, please remember what I say below: If one day in the future, at a certain point in time, you really need to pull out your weapons to defend yourself."

"No matter what you are holding in your hands, a spear! A saber! A club! A hammer! Even with your bare hands. Think of my words today, think of all the years of swordsmanship training you have received!"

"At that time, if you can recall the three things you did today, you might be able to save your life.

If you can recall what happened today, there will be very few people on the battlefield who are your opponents.

Because the principles of martial arts are always interlinked, many sword principles of long sword can also be applied to other weapons. "

"The old marshal often said, [The most fearful thing is that when practicing swordsmanship, you are most afraid of ever-changing moves. When it comes to actual combat, you only know how to use brute force to chop randomly], so he emphasizes simple and direct attacks."

"When that day does come, I hope you will remember what I said today. Don't hold the hilt of the sword too tightly! Don't let your arms be so stiff! Don't just move forward in leaps and bounds, your steps must be flexible! Think again about the swordsmanship training you have received!"

As another class of students was about to leave the school, Richard Nall was rarely moved by true emotions, and everything he said was from the bottom of his heart. But his students didn't appreciate this outpouring of affection. Most of them just wanted to go to dinner.

Young people despise teachings from older people because most condescending teachings from older people are indeed rubbish. But at the same time, they can easily miss out on truly valuable experiences.

It will take at least another ten years, when they have become adults who have been beaten by wind and rain, before they can know which of the teachings they heard in the past are nonsense and which are literal words.

On that day, when they recalled today's swordsmanship class, they could understand the painstaking efforts of Instructor Nal. But now, they are just a bunch of boys who grew up in an ivory tower.

After speaking a lot in one breath, regardless of whether the students heard it or not, Instructor Nar simply ended his speech: "Okay! Disband!"

Instructor Nar slapped his hands twice and issued the command: "Disband!"

The students all bowed: "Goodbye, instructor."

Then, he ran out to return the training armor.

The training room returned to silence and became empty again.

The young people sweating and laughing here seem to be just a dream in this classroom.

I will try to reduce the dialogue content (facepalm). After reading the first few chapters I wrote, I feel like it is almost turning into a dialogue novel (facepalm). Even if I delete and delete what I wrote earlier, there is still a lot of dialogue content. I will pay attention to this later and allocate the dialogue content reasonably.

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