Iron Powder and Spellcaster

Chapter 75 Loss of control and rage

When the Glory threw the hook line, the two warships immediately launched a long-range weapons exchange. Heavy muskets, light muskets, hook guns, fire door guns, even steel crossbows, stones, whatever they are used for.

Gunfire rang out like exploding beans, and both sides tried their best to fire more bullets and arrows into the other side's ship.

The army officer who climbed onto the platform received the order from the regiment commander to ignore the enemies with muskets, but to specifically suppress the opponent's rotating cannon.

Several arms stretched out from behind the Revenge's hull, trying to cut the hook lines.

However, as the distance between the two sides narrowed, every time a hook rope was cut off, two more hook ropes caught on the side of the Revenge.

The Veneta sailors shouted and pulled the rope, dragging the Revenge closer to the Glory.

Several sailors with amazing physical strength threw iron bombs towards the deck of the Revenge like lead cakes. After the successive explosions, there was a wail on the deck of the Revenge.

Winters crouched behind the side of the ship to avoid stray bullets and arrows, waiting for the order to join the gang.

A few stray bullets even hit the hull in front of him, but they were stuck in the hull and failed to penetrate the two-inch-thick oak board.

Suddenly, all sounds on the Revenge mysteriously disappeared.

The gunshots, the shouts of killing, the angry curses, all the sounds disappeared, even the wailing sounds disappeared.

Winters, who was squatting behind the side of the ship, noticed something strange. The long-range firepower from the enemy ship not far away also disappeared with the disappearance of the sound.

He stuck his head out to observe and found that all the lights on the ship opposite had been extinguished. By the light of the Glorious's fire, he could see no one on the deck of the Vengeance.

This quiet, dark ship is very strange, like a ghost ship.

More and more people on the Glory also noticed the strangeness of the other ship's ship. One sailor shouted excitedly: We killed them all!

Shut up! The vicious bosun rushed over and gave the sailor a big mouth, and then ordered other sailors: Turn out all the lights on the ship! Move quickly!

Because they couldn't see the enemy, the shooters on the Glorious stopped shooting. The two ships slowly approached in this eerie and strange atmosphere.

When the distance between the two ships was only a few meters away, First Officer Karaman ordered loudly: Put down the gangplank!

More than a dozen springboards were protruded from the bow, waist, and stern of the Glory, and they were placed on the side of the Revenge, fixing the two warships together.

First Officer Klarman stood up, drew his saber and roared: Long live Ace Nick!

[Huzzah for Wildcard Nick!]

[Ace Nick is Naresho’s nickname]

The sailors cheered loudly.

Klarman was first, and the sailors followed him, swarming onto the deck of the Revenge.

Captain Wilson shouted the III Corps' battle cry: Grand Veneta!

Winters, Bud, Andre, and all the soldiers responded to the captain by shouting Kazar! and followed Wilson to the deck of the Revenge.

However, the deck of the Revenge remained empty and dead.

We really killed them all! the sailor just said unconvinced.

There was a loud boom, and dozens of shotshells set off a bloody storm on the deck of the Revenge.

The Tanirians pushed the heavy cannon to the position facing their own deck, and one shot took away the lives of a dozen Venetans.

Taking the roar of the heavy artillery as a signal, the gunfire roared loudly, and the Revenge launched a full-scale counterattack.

Black muzzles and cannon muzzles protruded from the ship's buildings on both sides of the bow and stern, pouring ammunition towards the Veneta people on the deck.

The Revenge's artillery deck bombarded the Glory's hull at close range. Because it did not carry a gunner, the Glory skipped the process of gunfire and jumped directly to the gang. However, the gunner of the Revenge was on board.

This kind of close combat is when the short-barreled cannon on the warship can exert its maximum power. The sixteen-pound and thirty-two-pound heavy cannons roared and made horrific wounds one after another on the hull of the Glory.

What are your men doing?! Antonio shouted angrily at Lieutenant Colonel Contel on the stern of the Glory: Why don't you attack the ship's tower and hide behind the bunker to wait for death?

Lieutenant Colonel Contel wiped the sweat from his forehead and said: When suddenly attacked, people's instinct is to hide in a safe place.

The deck of the Revenge was in chaos. The sailors and soldiers only felt that countless bullets were coming towards them. The army and navy were mixed together, and both sides lost their organization.

They are in the ship building! Attack the ship building! Attack the ship building! Captain Wilson was furious when he saw his soldiers hiding behind bunkers. He pulled out the soldiers who were huddled behind the debris on the deck. : Don't hide here! Go attack the ship...

Before he could finish speaking, a lead shot penetrated the left side of his neck, shattering his cervical spine and causing a horrific wound on the right side of his neck.

Wilson's body softened and he fell onto the deck of the Revenge.

First kill all the people in officer uniforms! Drake laughed loudly in the stern of the ship: Quickly reload, quick reload!

During land battles, officers would be protected in phalanxes. However, when fighting on the deck at close range, these professional soldiers in beautiful clothes were extremely conspicuous.

The crew of the Revenge felt that the situation at this time was extremely strange, because this tactic of huddled in the ship building was obviously invented by the navy.

In the past, when pirates on the Inland Sea tried to join the Veneta Navy, even if the pirates had a numerical advantage, as long as the navy huddled inside the ship building, the pirates could do nothing to them.

Guarded in a strong ship building, the Veneta navy can defeat pirates on the inner sea with one against two, or even against three.

At this moment, the situation was completely reversed. The pirates were entrenched in the ship building and the navy was being beaten on the deck.

Winters saw a spurt of flesh and blood spurting from Wilson's neck, and rushed to the captain's side despite the flying lead bullets. But there was no point, the captain was dead.

The centurion was killed, the command structure of the First Hundred was disabled, and someone had to step up to replace Wilson.

The sound of muskets, cannons, wails, and shouts were all mixed together on the deck, making it impossible to hear anything. A deafening sound drowned out all other sounds.

Attack the ship building! Everyone attack the ship building!

Winters used all his magic power to release the amplification technique for the first time and shouted: Three armies attack the stern of the ship! Sailors attack the bow!

General Taylor was right! The most useful spell on the battlefield really is amplification!

Killing spells have little effect on a battlefield with hundreds or thousands of people. How many people can the caster kill? Ten? a hundred? Five hundred? The amplification technique can organize soldiers to help you kill people on the chaotic battlefield.

Team 100! Follow me! Bard roared, grabbing two soldiers squatting behind the barrel and rushing towards the stern of the ship.

Andre followed him with his saber raised: Kill!

Winters repeated it three times in a row, and for the first time he used all his magic power to release the amplification technique. The intense phantom limb pain made him feel like his body had been inflated three times in a row.

He couldn't even stand still, his hands were trembling, and the skin all over his body was sweating uncontrollably.

Fortunately, these three unquestionable orders were heard by all the Venetans and heard clearly. The sailors and soldiers needed someone to tell them what to do, and they heard Winters' order.

First a few took the lead, then most followed the instructions.

The sailors rushed to the forecastle, and the First Hundred rushed to the stern.

This is evil! Witchcraft! Black magic! The furious Drake grabbed the collar of the gunner next to him and shouted hysterically. He watched helplessly as the Venetians on the deck, whose morale was on the verge of collapse, recovered again. Backbone.

Drake pushed the gunner back to the cannon: Fire! Fire for me! Kill these wizards for me!

Winters hit his thigh hard twice with the handle of the knife, suppressing the phantom limb pain with real physical pain. After regaining some consciousness, he stood up and ran towards the stern of the ship.

At this time, next to the stern of the ship, the attack of the 100th Team encountered a setback. The tower on the warship is a fortress on the sea, and the soldiers of the 100th team who came with only short swords did not have any means of siege.

Andre was banging against the door of the ship building with another tall soldier, but the wooden door didn't move at all.

On the second and third floors of the ship building, people kept shooting at the army soldiers below with muskets. Bud took off a matchlock gun from an unknown corpse and was loading it with difficulty.

Stop hitting it! You can't knock it open! There must be something blocked inside! Winters grabbed Andre.

What should we do? You hold me up and I climb in through the second floor window? Andre didn't know what to do.

Are you looking for death? The pirates can chop off your hands if you pick up the cannon!

What should we do? Andre was completely at a loss.

Winters carefully recalled the structure of the Glory. This ship was a warship stolen by pirates. Its structure must be similar to that of the Glory: Look for the cabin entrance! The cabin and the ship building are connected!

Sir! Here! a soldier shouted: It can't be opened, it's blocked inside.

Winters strode over. On the deck was a square entrance about one and a half meters long. A wooden board was firmly placed here, sealing off the entrance to the cabin.

Everyone who weighs more than 160 pounds stands up! Hurry up! Winters stood on the plank at the hatch of the ship and pulled Andre up. He also pulled up other tall and strong soldiers. This board.

Bud led several soldiers who knew how to use muskets to suppress the shooters upstairs and cover Winters and the others.

Listen to my command of one and two, everyone jump together! Jump hard and jump high! The situation was so urgent that Winters had no time to explain, so he yelled the order: When I call two, jump!

One, two! Everyone danced unevenly, and the wooden board made a creaking sound.

Andre understood what Winters was thinking, and he shouted sternly: Whoever can't dance in full, I'll kill you!

One, two! The board groaned in pain, and there seemed to be a breaking sound from underneath the board.

One, two! Everyone jumped more and more neatly, landing almost at the same time.

One, two! With a loud noise, the plank broke together with the pillars supporting it, and everyone standing on the plank fell into the cabin.

Ah! Ah! My arm! cried a soldier.

Without enough time to check his injuries, Winters got up and looked inside the cabin.

The pirate gunner on the gun deck below the open deck heard the noise coming from the hatch and approached the hatch of the ship without knowing what was going on. He was stunned when he suddenly saw six or seven soldiers falling from above.

Kill! Winters had no weapon in his hand and jumped towards the Tanirians in front of him.

The pirate gunner was knocked down by Winters. Winters didn't care that there were other enemies around him and smashed the opponent's face and throat with his fists.

The other soldiers also came to their senses and rushed towards the enemies in the gun deck to fight.

The artillery deck was less than two meters high. Other soldiers on the deck also jumped off one after another, and a bloody battle began on the artillery deck.

The thin pirate underneath him was punched by Winters on the bridge of his nose and throat. His face was covered in blood and he was unconscious. He instinctively reached out to grab Winters' face and neck, desperately trying to dig out Winters' eyes. .

Dirty hands scratched bloody marks on Winters' face. This was not a battle, but two desperate people struggling to survive.

The violent side of Winters' temperament was aroused. Regardless of the opponent's hand movements, he pressed his knee against the opponent's chest, pulled out the scimitar from the opponent's waist, and directly wiped the pirate's neck.

This machete is poorly maintained, so the meat-biting feeling is even stronger. Pressing the back of the knife, he cut from the root to the tip. The wound was as deep as the cervical vertebrae, almost cutting off the pirate's head.

The pirate gunner died immediately.

Winters slashed at the wound to break the bones, stepped on the torso with his feet, pulled the hair with his hands to tear off the last flesh of the neck, and directly took off the pirate's head.

Winters, who looked like a bloody man, held the pirate's head in his left hand and a scimitar in his right hand, roaring in search of new opponents. The pirates on the gun deck were so frightened by this evil god of murder that their morale collapsed completely, and they rolled and crawled to escape to the lower cabins.

Gan! You kid... I've been having nightmares every night for a month! A deep male voice came, and a pair of big hands took the pirate's head out of Winters' hands and threw it aside.

The officer who spoke took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood on Winters' face: If you don't want to bear an unpleasant nickname for the rest of your life, you little bastard should stop doing such things in the future.

Winters, who had recovered from his violent mood, recognized this face. It was a face he had only met once, Captain Speyer of the Golden Lion.

It turned out that the Golden Lion discovered an embarrassing situation after it got close to the Revenge. Because the freeboard of the Revenge was too high, the boarding springboard of the Golden Lion could not be hung on the ship's side.

In desperation, Speyer had no choice but to order the gangplank to be hung on the gun port. As soon as he led the crew to climb into the Revenge's gun deck from the gun port, he saw what happened in front of him.

Winters looked around. The soldiers and sailors lowered their heads in fear, not daring to look at him.

He gasped, trying desperately to suppress the blood surging in his chest.

Bud came over and put his arm around Winters' shoulders, patting him on the back to signal that he was okay.

What's the situation on the ship now? Spier asked directly without any nonsense.

The Tanirians are guarding the ship's building, and I want to attack from the cabin. Winters answered simply.

You lead your people to clear out the remaining enemies in the cabin. Leave the enemies in the cabin to my people. Spier looked into Winters' eyes and asked, Is there any problem?

Andre was a little dissatisfied, but Winters had no intention of competing with Spier for credit at the moment. Since the other party was willing to gnaw on hard bones, of course it was better. He signaled to Andre that it was okay, and Andre snorted and said nothing more.

Then the deck will be left to your Excellency. Winters nodded to Spier.

Speyer looked at the young man in front of him and gave a military salute to an army officer for the first time since joining the army: Don't get into trouble. I'll treat you to a drink after this battle.

After saying that, he turned around and led his men to the ladder leading to the ship's building, shouting to his men: One gold coin per head! But leave this bastard Drake to me!

The crew of the Golden Lion climbed up from the gun port one after another. When a crew member walked up to Winters, he gave him a water bag.

Winters didn't see who the man was. He felt terribly thirsty, but he refrained from drinking. Instead, he gave the water bladder to the soldiers.

Warrant Officer Montagne, the temporary commander of the Third Army Group, the Chief Group, the First Hundred, wiped the blood on his knife, and said to the soldiers following him: Let's go! Follow me to finish the rest of the work. .”

[About General Naresho’s nickname. Because Nareshaw is good at poker and all gambling activities, everyone calls him Shark Nick and Old Money Nick behind his back, but no one dares to call him that in person, so they all use another awe-inspiring title Wildcard ], meaning you never know what Nareshaw has in his hand before he reveals his trump card]

[When a galleon is jumped, it is often possible to defend the ship's deck to defeat the numerically superior boarders. The Spanish galleon used this tactic when it encountered pirates in the waters of Southeast Asia. There were both ronin and Chinese pirates who jumped aboard the Spanish galleon. However, they were unable to attack the ship's deck. They were continuously killed by muskets and artillery, and finally had no choice but to retreat. The Venetians also used this tactic. But it’s all information from memory. I can’t remember the source, but I can guarantee that it’s not just talking.]

Thank you to book friends who have voted for recommendation before, thank you to book friend Yuan Hongjian for your recommendation vote, thank you to book friend Ami for your recommendation vote, and thank you to book friend 161120205936216 for his recommendation vote. thank you all.

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