Iron Powder and Spellcaster

Chapter 68 Avenging Angel

The sun is in the west and the southeast wind is gradually weakening.

With the sound of the bell, the Glory turned around, furled its sails against the wind and dropped anchor, waiting for the ships that fell behind with other warships that had arrived at the anchorage in advance.

Although Veneta's army officers and navy officers had always looked down upon each other, after two days on the ship, even the most prejudiced army officer had to admit: fleet management is definitely a technical job.

If you want to command fifty soldiers, you only need to have a loud enough voice, but if you want to lead fifty centurions to fight, you must have an effective command system.

The third Grand Veneta legion has a total of fifty-nine centurions, with only more than five thousand people at full strength, which pales in comparison to the hundreds of thousands of battles in the ancient empire in historical stories.

(54 centurions and 5 chief centurions, please read the previous chapter for legion organization)

But just to combine these five thousand people into an army, seventy-six officers, one hundred and eighteen military policemen, sixty-two flag bearers, forty trumpeters, and thirteen barbers and military doctors were needed. , and the concerted efforts of the three military priests.

Thank goodness the soldiers were responsible for cooking their own food, otherwise dozens of cooks would have to be added to the list.

However, the difficulty of managing a fleet is higher than that of managing a legion.

Winters' revenge fleet included large sailing ships and galley warships from the Inland Sea Fleet, requisitioned merchant ships, and some supply ships specialized in transporting supplies.

The ships vary in model, age, draft and seaworthiness. The warships built by the navy can cut through the waves at a speed of more than ten knots. It would be strange if the bulky merchant ships could sail at this speed without capsizing. Flat-bottomed galleys cannot withstand strong winds and waves, but deep-draft merchant ships and warships cannot go to shallow seas.

These various ships cannot sail in a column closely following each other for a long time. The distance between the ships will naturally increase, and the ships with poor seaworthiness will fall behind.

So during the past two days, Winters couldn't see where the other boats were when he was taking a breath on the deck. The sea is so vast that you can only occasionally see the shadow of a sail on the sea level.

Therefore, the Navy Headquarters planned routes and anchorages in advance for the Revenge Fleet. Starting from Haidong Port, every sixty or seventy nautical miles sailed, the fleet will regroup at the anchorage before heading to the next anchorage.

Lieutenant Colonel Contel said this to Winters: We have been working day and night for two days and there is not a single straggler ship. It seems that the Navy people are really ruthless.

For Contel, a man who said that the navy only has sailors and captains, not officers, to say this, Winters felt that naval officers should regard this as the highest compliment.

At this moment, Winters was half lying on a bed in a cabin at the stern of the Glory, staring intently at the cabin door.

This bed is more like a wooden box than a bed. There were two-foot-high baffles on all four sides of the bed, and lying inside was like lying in a coffin. The reason for this design is to prevent sleeping people from being thrown out of bed due to rough seas.

Not far above his head was the same ship plank as below him.

To save space, the beds are bunk beds. There were four beds crammed into this small cabin, leaving only an arm-wide aisle in the middle, which seemed very crowded.

The accommodation is a bit shabby, but this is actually an exceptional treatment from the Navy. The living conditions at sea are very difficult. Navy sailors can only sleep curled up in hammocks. When they wake up, they will inevitably feel sore all over their bodies.

But even this is a better situation than many sailors on merchant ships. The sailors of the Skua simply sleep on the deck. Not only will they suffer from skin diseases due to severe moisture, but they will also have trouble sleeping. When encountering high waves, people will rise and fall on the deck following the rhythm of the waves.

The Veneta Navy showed the greatest sincerity. They streamlined the crew of the Glory, including the gunners, and only retained the sailors who could maintain the operation of the warship. All the spaces were temporarily transformed into cabins - in fact, this flagship of the Inland Sea Fleet was used as a headquarters and dormitories for army officers.

In order to ensure smooth communication, the Navy even arranged the cabin of the commander of the Third Army next to the commander of the Inland Sea Fleet. As Lieutenant Colonel Contel said, they really wanted to give the Tanirians a good beating, and they even started to please their old rivals for this.

Because the anchor was anchored against the wind, the hull of the Glory was stable and only undulated slightly with the waves.

Andre was obviously asleep, because there were loud and soft snores coming from the bunk above Winters.

Bud was on the upper bunk opposite, reading his old book that was almost torn through again.

Winters felt the movement of the ship's hull, caught the moment when the ship's hull floated to the highest point and stood still, and used the flying arrow technique.

A steel cone flew out of his hand and was nailed to the cabin door panel.

Winters exhaled with satisfaction and pulled out another steel cone.

There are now more than a dozen steel awls inserted into a small circle carved with a knife in the middle of the door panel. There is not a single steel awl outside the small circle, only the holes left from previous practice.

Whether it is the spellcaster's spell explosive power or spell skills, they can only be improved through consistent practice. If you have conditions, you have to practice, and if there are no conditions, you have to practice if you create conditions.

There are about two and a half steps from his hand to the hatch. Winters has already started practicing six-step target in the basement of his home. He can already hit the target with perfect accuracy from such a short distance. In fact, the practice is of little significance.

However, the space on the ship is really limited and there is no suitable practice venue. And there were so many senior officers that Winters didn't dare act recklessly. I had no choice but to play casually in the cabin, just like a game.

Remember to remind me not to play darts with you in the future. Bud stretched his head out of the bunk, looked at the steel awl stuck in the door, and said with a smile.

No problem. Winters also became playful, changed into a dart throwing posture, took two glances, and threw the steel cone towards the hatch.

But just as the steel cone was released, someone opened the door from outside.


While the three warrant officers were passing the time boredly in the cabin of the Glory, a caravel docked at the dock of Hailan Port.

The sailors on the ship all looked haggard and tired. They worked in two shifts and operated the caravel to the Hailan Port around the clock. There were headwinds and heavy rain on the way, but they failed to defeat these determined sailors.

The sailors didn’t know it yet, but this time they broke the record for the shortest time from Golden Port to Hailan Port, and opened up a huge gap with the second place. Although no one knows this little episode, the sea will remember it forever.

Their record would stand for hundreds of years until it was surpassed by the era-defining clipper ship.

However, they were still late, as the Veneta Republic had already sent out their avenging angels.

After learning of this news, Captain Kenway, Captain Taneria and one of the leaders of the Planters' Federation, made no further attempts to meet with Consul de Bella, but returned to his ship.

The war is here and it will not end until one side surrenders.

Kenway tried to prevent this from happening, but his efforts proved in vain.

Now, he needs to inform other captains as soon as possible that the Veneta Third Legion has set off.

Today, I only wrote 2,000 words as of 23:53. Lately I have been writing until one or two o'clock. I'm afraid of sudden death if I continue like this. So instead of pursuing four thousand words a day, I should pursue going to bed before twelve o'clock every day. Edward Kenway + Francis Drake, this is simply a dream men's tag team 233333

Now it’s time to thank you. Thanks to the friends who voted for recommendation before, thank you all, thank you.

Thank you to book friend writersblock for your recommendation vote, thank you to book friend Yuan Hongjian for your recommendation vote, thank you to book friend Kekkkk for your recommendation vote, thank you to book friend I don't know what it is called for your recommendation vote, and thank book friend 20181013204343295 for your recommendation vote.

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