Iron Powder and Spellcaster

Chapter 57 Duelist Club

The Duelist Club's usual activities are held in Colonel Bozukhov's villa.

Colonel Bozukhov was very famous. Winters had heard about this famous playboy and duelist in the army when he was a child.

In Hailan City, where wealthy businessmen are everywhere, the salary income of an officer is nothing. But Colonel Bozukhov was an officer from a wealthy businessman family and inherited a large inheritance, which he could squander on his own hobbies.

Because of his warm-hearted person, superb swordsmanship... and his rich family fortune, Colonel Bozukhov became the manager and organizer of the Duelist Club, and generously provided his villa as a venue for the club's activities.

That is to say, he provided Major Moritz with a list that was both true and false, causing Winters to have to get the real list on behalf of the two colonel officers.

Moritz has been exposed, and I have never participated in the activities of the Duelist Club. Bozukhov will be wary of the two of us, but no one will notice you, a trainee officer, and no one cares where a warrant officer trains. .”

Lieutenant Colonel Field explained why this task could only be completed by Winters: And you have just returned from the United Provinces. You like swordsmanship. It is completely reasonable to participate in the activities of the Duelist Club.

The lieutenant colonel patted Winters on the shoulder and said emotionally: You are the person Moritz and I trust the most. Apart from you, there is no other officer in the entire army worthy of our trust, so we put This task is entrusted to you. Are you going to betray our trust?

Back in time, the sun has set. Most of the city was plunged into darkness, but Colonel Bozukhov's compound was brightly lit.

Winters and his party had just arrived at the gate of the courtyard.

What the hell. Winters cursed in his mind: Why did I agree so quickly?

It's easy for newcomers to the workplace to be semi-forced into doing things they don't want to do because they don't know they can say no, as Winters is now.

Hey! It's so rich. Andre was amazed and handed the reins to the servant in the concierge: This Duelist Club is rich enough.

Although rich people may not necessarily light a lot of lights, people who can light a lot of lights must be very rich. This is a simple and crude way to distinguish.

It's not that the club has money, but that the sponsors have money. Lieutenant Colonel Contel explained to Andre with a smile.

If you want to enter Colonel Bozukhov's villa to take things in an open and honest manner, the best way is to participate in the Duelist Club's activities every Wednesday and Friday night.

Obviously Colonel Bozukhov has become wary of Major Moritz, and it is certainly impossible for Winters to be introduced to the club by Moritz.

Therefore, he used Antonio's relationship to find Lieutenant Colonel Contel of the Third Army as his introducer, and by the way, he also pulled Andre over to provide cover.

As for Bud? The swordsmanship of Bard, who enrolled as an external student, was really mediocre, and he was also very uninterested in things like dueling.

Winters took out two pieces of candy from the small bag and fed them to Qiang Luck. The horse snorted twice happily and licked Winters' hand with unfulfilled interest.

Tie this horse to one side alone and don't put it with other horses. He told the servant of the Bozukhov family and handed the reins to him.

The servant in striped livery nodded and led the three horses away.

What happened to the good luck? Contel asked curiously.

Winters sighed and replied helplessly: I seemed to have smelled the little mare a few days ago, and then I started fighting with the horse in the same stall, biting the mane all over my mouth.

Andre laughed loudly: That's the bad thing about son-in-law.

The three of them laughed and talked together as they entered the Bozukhov Courtyard.

It wasn't until he actually stepped into the Duelist Club that Winters discovered that the atmosphere of the entire club was extremely relaxed and natural. There are no fraternity ceremonies such as introductions and oaths. After registering in the guest book at the entrance, you can move around freely.

No wonder Major Moritz said that he only drank and chatted in the Duelist Club, because most of the people in the club were eating, drinking and chatting, and many of them brought their wives.

This is very different from the scene Winters imagined of a group of serious men playing with muskets and swords in a secret room.

Brother Contel! You haven't been here for a while.

Before I saw the person, I heard his voice first.

A tall man with a ruddy face and curly brown hair laughed and walked over and gave Lieutenant Colonel Contel a bear hug.

I not only came here myself, but also brought two 'new bloods' - Winters and Andrea. Lieutenant Colonel Contel pointed at Winters and introduced them: They are both pure. Venetians, this batch of warrant officers returned from the United Provinces.

Lieutenant Colonel Contel patted the brown curly-haired man's arm again: This curly bear is the owner here, the organizer of the Duelist Club, Colonel Bozukhov.

The pronunciation of Colonel was deliberately prolonged by Contel, and Winters and Andre subconsciously wanted to give a military salute. Bozukhov reached out to stop the two of them, punched Lieutenant Colonel Contel on the shoulder, and said with a bold smile: What military salute? Contel and I were born a few years ago. People here like swords. It’s a place where friends get together to have fun, regardless of military rank, just talking about swordsmanship. How about it? If you’re interested, would you like to go up and have a fight tonight?”

What are you doing? It's the first time that two juniors come here and let them compete with each other. Isn't this bullying students? Contel said to Bozukhov: At least let people get familiar with the atmosphere, right?

Bozukhov laughed loudly: The best swordsmanship is when you first leave school. Don't you know this? Then you, the introducer, will take the responsibility and lead them around.

Then he looked at Winters and Andre: You're welcome, treat this place as your own home. If you need anything, please come to me.

Say it, Bozukhov and the three of them nodded and returned to the living room.

Come on, follow me around this mansion. It's hard to find the toilet here. If you find this place interesting, you can come by yourself in the future... You are welcome to bring a female companion. Lieutenant Colonel Contel told Winter Si and Andre took two glasses of wine and led the two warrant officers around the first floor of the mansion.

Contel was not exaggerating. The toilet in Bozukhov Villa was really hidden.

Winters found that Contel was very familiar with this place, and secretly speculated that the lieutenant colonel should also be a core member of the Duelist Club.

In the hall, Lieutenant Colonel Bozukhov tapped the wine glass with his silver spoon, and a few crisp sounds attracted everyone's attention. The guests in the club spontaneously cleared a space in the hall and formed a circle.

Two swordsmen wearing full armor came out and stood in the open space in the center of the hall.

Gentlemen and ladies, please allow me to introduce the two contestants in tonight's first group competition. Bozukhov stood between the swordsmen and introduced the two people loudly.

Winters had no intention of listening to what Bozukhov was saying. When everyone's attention was focused on the center of the field, he knew his chance had come.

I'm going to the bathroom. He said softly to his two friends.

Can you recognize the way? Lieutenant Colonel Contel asked, raising his eyebrows.

Don't worry, you won't get lost yet.

In order not to alert anyone, Major Moritz was not present at all tonight. The major drew a complete floor plan of Bozukhov Villa for Winters, not only the first floor, but also the second floor.

The first floor of this villa is used as a reception room and event space, where all guests can move around without restrictions. However, the second floor, which is separated by one floor, is not open to the public, and the stairs from the first floor lobby to the second floor have been rebuilt and blocked.

Downstairs is the city that never sleeps, welcoming all guests, while upstairs is Bozukhov’s private place. There was a reception room, Bozukhov's office, and several bedrooms - although the Bozukhovs did not live here.

Winters' target was Bozukhov's office, where all the files of the Duelist Club were stored.

The reason why Lieutenant Colonel Field chose the method of rob without being discovered was because Bozukhov House was a completely functional building without any property. The defense here is similar to that of a private house, or even worse than that of a private house. It is almost undefended.

Winters left the hall calmly, silently reciting the words of Lieutenant Colonel Field: A third-rate thief steals in night clothes, and a first-rate thief steals in a dress suit. The more calm and natural you are, the safer you will be.

After reciting silently three times, he grabbed the protruding wood on the outer wall of the house and climbed up.

Liar! If people see me climbing the wall, I will be arrested even if I am wearing a crown, right? Winters angrily scolded Lieutenant Colonel Field in his heart.

After the reconstruction, there was only one entrance to the second floor of the villa, and a servant guarded the door. Only guests who were close to Bozukhov could pass through. So Winters had to climb the wall.

It was useless to think too much. Regardless of whether anyone was watching or not, Winters gritted his teeth and climbed up with all his strength. This is the most dangerous part of the whole plan. If you are discovered halfway up, it will be the end.

Fortunately, no one heard an exclamation until Winters climbed onto the balcony.

Everything was going smoothly, but Winters' heart was still beating so hard that he could hear it in his ears. He took a few deep breaths and examined the balcony carefully.

Everything went as Lieutenant Colonel Field expected. The wooden door to the balcony was locked from the inside. Winters followed the plan, pulled out a thin short knife from his boot, stuck it into the crack of the door, and easily opened the latch.

Recalling the floor plan drawn by Major Moritz, Winters walked through the corridor and arrived at Bozukhov's office. There was an iron lock hanging on the office door, which was pried open by Winters with brute force.

Lieutenant Colonel Field had no intention of letting Winters quickly grow into a thief who could sneak in and pick locks, nor did he intend to steal a list of names secretly. The lieutenant colonel just wanted to tell Bozukhov that if you don’t give it to me, I’ll get it too.

So Winters worked his way through the lock and finally pried open the drawer of Bozukhov's file rack. The Duelist Club does not have a true core member list, and Bozukhov will not copy the names of those core members on the parchment one by one.

What Field wants is the Duelist Club's financial statements, donation records, meeting minutes, and other documents that record the names of people closely involved in the club.

Winters took out a polished copper piece, rummaged through the documents under the light green light emitted by the light spell, and put away all the documents that seemed to be useful.

Things were going so well that Winters felt his fingers twitching with excitement.

The things have been obtained, all that remains is how to leave.

Three minutes later, at the entrance to the second floor of the Bozukhov Courtyard, the doorman opened the door diligently for Winters. Winters nodded and walked out.

This was the most lucky and shameless part of the whole plan. Field concluded that this kind of gatekeeper would only pay attention to people coming in, but not people going out. As long as Winters looks calm and natural, he can go out openly.

After leaving the door, Winters turned into the garden and picked out a bundle of documents from the bushes. Winters brought out all the papers that were relevant, but they turned out to be too thick to carry around and conspicuous in his hand.

In a fit of desperation, he tied the documents into a bundle and threw them from the window into the garden shrubs.

Everything went according to plan, and Winters slipped into the stable quietly. The groom was just dozing off at the door and didn't notice him at all. He found Qiang Yun, put the documents into his saddle bag, and fed Qiang Yun a piece of candy.

Now, Winters only needs to return to the lobby on the first floor with a normal expression, explain why he went to the toilet for so long by saying I stopped by to see if the horses were tied alone, and then leave with his two friends after spending some time. , you can take the files away without anyone noticing.

Just as he was whistling and leaving the stable, a man wearing a long-brimmed hat and brown hunting clothes walked into the stable. The man kicked the groom's legs to wake him up, as if to get the horse.

Winters subconsciously looked at this man. This man was not as tall as Winters. The upper part of his face was covered by a hat. Winters could only see the part below his nose.

The beard on this man's chin was messy. It was not the kind of beard that was deliberately saved and trimmed. It looked like he hadn't shaved in seven or eight days.

Winters thought there was something odd about the chin, but it wasn't until he was twenty or so steps outside that he realized there was something wrong: it was the wrong color.

The color of the front of that man's jaw was abnormal, not because of the dim lighting or because of the beard. That was a color that Winters was very familiar with. Winters had seen it on his body many times. It was the purple-purple color of bruises after the body was hit hard by external forces.

Winters immediately turned back to the stable and strode up to the man in hunting clothes. She patted his shoulder and asked him with a smile: Friend, is your jaw injury healed?

A normal person would look back when he was tapped on the shoulder, but that person was shocked and said nothing. He neither ignored Winters nor looked back at Winters.

Winters smiled and said to him again: I have your sword and gun. If you want more, I will send them to you?

Winters kept staring at the other person's hand. After saying this, the other person clenched his fists.

Originally, Winters didn't dare to confirm the identity of this person and just tried to test it out, but after seeing the other person's reaction, he already understood everything.

Without further ado, Winters raised his long arm and punched the opponent hard on the back of the head. He was now convinced that the guy in front of him was the assassin who was kicked in the chin by him.

The assassin didn't expect Winters to attack suddenly. He was hit hard on the back of the head and was instantly dizzy. But he also had his own back-up move. He turned around and threw the thing in his hand hard into Winters' face.

Just when Winters was about to pursue the victory, his face was thrown with grass clippings and broken pieces of wheat straw. A foreign object entered his eyes. Tears flowed down his face and he could no longer see anything.

When Winters was talking just now, the assassin quietly grabbed a handful of scraps from the manger and tricked Winters.

The groom watched in horror as the two gentlemen began to fight before they had even finished speaking.

Winters couldn't open his eyes now, and his eyes were stinging extremely, but his blood was also aroused. He rushed towards the assassin's position, trying to get close to him and grapple with him, but he missed the target.

One man reached out and grabbed his arm. Winters immediately pushed the man down and punched him.

Oh, I'm the groom, I'm the groom. The man who was beaten begged for mercy again and again.

Winters had heard the assassin's voice, which was different from the one begging for mercy. He gasped and asked, Where is that person?

That master is gone.

Where are you going?

I don't know where I'm going... You'd better blow your eyes quickly and don't rub them, otherwise something big will happen.

The groom ran to get some water, rinsed Winters' eyes, and said nonchalantly: No bleeding, no bleeding, it's no big deal. Don't rub wheat straw if it gets into your eyes. The edges of the small pieces are sharp and... It's like a knife, just rub it and it's done...

After the foreign object was washed away, Winters' vision finally returned. With red eyes, he asked the groom: Where did that man go?

The groom spread his hands and said, I saw that gentleman running out of the stable.

Did he ride a horse?


Upon hearing this, Winters rushed out of the stables without saying a word and went straight to the hall.

Bozukhov's villa is in the suburbs. You can't go anywhere without a mount. The other party is in the villa now.

Contel and Andre looked at Winters in surprise when he said he was going to the bathroom, but came back with wet hair and red eyes.

What happened to you? Andre said bluntly: Did you fall into the pit?

I... Winters was almost angry to death: I...

A loud bang interrupted his words, the main door of the hall was slammed open, and a man rushed in and shouted in panic: We are being attacked.

All book friends who have voted before, bow and thank you. Thank you book friend 20181013204343295 for your recommendation vote, thank you book friend Yan Yunsan for your recommendation vote, thank you book friend Yuan Hongjian for your recommendation vote, thank you, thank you very much.

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