Iron Powder and Spellcaster

Chapter 44 Qianmin Street

Field pointed at Winters: "This is the new trainee."

Then he pointed at Moritz: "This is my adjutant, but you seem to know each other...I see, Moritz took leave in a mysterious way to pick you up?"

"Major Moritz, and Major General Layton."

The old woman who opened the door downstairs heard the sound of the door being opened upstairs and came up to see what was going on.

"Mrs. Warren, I would like to trouble you to hire someone to repair the door again." Field handed Mrs. Warren a few small silver coins, and Mrs. Warren accepted them without asking any questions. She was obviously not surprised.

The lieutenant colonel handed Mrs. Warren a small bag of money and asked her to go to the neighbors and buy some old clothes and boots in the shape of the three officers.

Major Moritz got up and dug out a pen, paper, and ink bottle from his desk drawer. Winters acted as a scribe, and the three of them spoke, wrote, and communicated.

For Field, he did not know that his adjutant was sent on a business trip to the United Provinces. The Army regarded it as a secret mission. He also thought that Moritz had been recuperating at home.

When the lieutenant colonel learned that the major's eardrum was shattered by his own spell, he burst out laughing.

But when he discovered that Winters and Moritz were actually witnesses at the scene and kept him in the dark, his expression became complicated again.

There was a look of astonishment on his face, "You actually formed a small group behind my back."

This is actually all to blame for Major Moritz's "secret discussion."

But now Field doesn't have time to ask carefully, he has more important things to do.

"Is your ability still there?" Field asked.

Major Moritz sleepily took out a silver coin from under the mattress.

The next second, with a sharp sound breaking through the air, the silver coins in his hand disappeared. The wine bottle on the desk shattered with the sound, and there was a hole in the wooden wall behind the bottle.

"Get up and follow me."

Major Moritz rubbed his neck and yawned loudly: "Then you have to let me take a shower first, right?"

"No need, go to Qianmin Street, you slovenly guy's virtue is just right." Lieutenant Colonel Field said with a sneer: "If you clean up your skin, you can only pretend to be a male prostitute."


Qianmin Street is said to be one street, but in fact it covers an area no smaller than that of Hailan City.

The history of Aquamarine City can be traced back to the ancient empire era, and the name Venetus comes from the ancient language.

This city was destroyed several times by wars and natural disasters, and rebuilt several times. Under the ground of today's Hailan City are the ruins of the old city.

The ancients left two legacies for this city: a water supply system and a sewage system.

The water supply system has lost its original effectiveness, and only the remains of some elevated aqueducts are left standing alone in the suburbs as the remains of ancient civilizations.

But the sewer system still faithfully performs the functions for which it was originally designed.

Although the city's owners changed one after another, the position of dredging officer responsible for clearing siltation in the sewer system was retained.

The old sewer system in Hailan City has been maintained by people, so it was not blocked and abandoned like the old sewer system in Guitu City.

And every time a wise person takes charge of the city, they will add to the old sewer system of the ancients to adapt to the growing population of Aquamarine City.

After repairs and repairs, the sewer system of Hailan City finally became a maze. No one knows how many forgotten paths and passages there are in it, and no one knows where this sewer system can go.

Therefore, this sewage system that "harbors filth and people and practices" for Hailan City has really become a place for filth and people to practice. Thieves, smugglers, murderers, devil believers, all kinds of people hang out here.

Goods that would never be sold on the market are traded here, and the ugliest human desires are satisfied here.

The ruling council of Hailan City was helpless and sent out guards to clear out the rats. The rats fled and disappeared into various paths and pipes that were not on the drawings.

When the guards withdrew from the sewer system, the rats emerged from the sewers and gathered here again.

Therefore, the sewer system of Hailan City is also called Qianmin Street, where a delicate dynamic balance is formed between the public power under the sun and the rats that can only live in the dark.

Winters put on a set of dirty linen robes and cloak, wore a cat-face mask, held the Dussac scimitar lent to him by Lieutenant Colonel Field, and followed the two colonel officers.

Lieutenant Colonel Field was very careful, and he not only asked Moritz's landlady to get some clothes, but also some pairs of shoes.

Three officers walking together are enough to be eye-catching, but if they put on military boots, they would be exposed in front of a blind man.

However, the shoes found in a hurry never fit well, and the boots Winters wore were too small, causing him some pain.

The three left their horses at Major Moritz's apartment, and Lieutenant Colonel Field led the way. They descended from the ladder next to the Carpenter Bridge in the DC area to the main bank of the river, and came to a drainage pipe about the height of a person.

The lieutenant colonel lit the torch with the fire technique and walked in first.

Major Moritz saw Winters holding the handle of the knife slightly nervously, and softly comforted Winters: "It's okay, there is actually no danger in Qianmin Street, and there are many bargains to buy. Relax, you are here now The way he walks makes him look like a soldier."

After saying that, Major Moritz walked in second.

Winters moved his shoulders and entered the drainage pipe as naturally as possible.

This drainage pipe is about two meters wide and has a masonry structure. Most of the width was left for the water channel. The water looked dark under the light of the torch, and it was impossible to tell how deep it was.

A path has been built on the edge of the pipeline that can accommodate one person walking. It was originally supposed to be left for dredging workers to walk.

The three of them walked in silence, turning left and right, for who knows how long. But when Winters counted twelve forks, he began to hear faint footsteps, and he seemed to be able to see a little fire ahead.

Moving forward, Lieutenant Colonel Field suddenly led Winters to turn right and entered a secret passage in the wall of the pipe. After walking a few dozen steps, the vision suddenly opened up.

Inside there is no longer a drainage pipe that needs to be hunched over, but a tunnel that is almost two and a half meters high and winding with no end in sight. There were quite a few people inside, and it seemed a bit lively.

Some people who, like Winters, used masks and cloaks to hide their identities, set up small tables one or two meters apart, lit oil lamps, and seemed to be selling things here.

Winters didn't recognize most of the things on their tables. Some people just had a few small wooden signs on their tables.

Others wearing masks stopped at the small tables from time to time and used gestures to communicate with the sellers. I don’t know how to calculate a deal or not.

This underground cave gave Winters a strange feeling. Part of the space seemed to have been recently excavated. The rugged walls were still wet soil, and crooked wooden pillars supported several wooden boards.

But there are some parts that implicitly tell Winters the long history of this place: the scattered old bricks on the ground, the stone vault structure, and the faint remaining color on some plaster walls.

Lieutenant Colonel Field walked straight forward along the tunnel without looking sideways. Winters followed and accidentally kicked a white stone stained with mud. The stone rolled several times, revealing three holes.

Only then did Winters know where this place was. The white stone was not a stone, but a skull.

This underground space used as a market by merchants on Qianmin Street was originally a tomb. Winters couldn't tell what age the tomb was from, but it shouldn't be from the ancient empire, nor the past few hundred years.

The ancients would not have built their tombs next to their own sewer systems, and the tombs of the past few hundred years would not have been dug so deep. There are several layers of ruins beneath Hailan City. No one can tell how many times it has been destroyed and rebuilt.

Someone probably discovered this tomb accidentally, and after taking away all the burial objects, they used the tomb as a commercial street.

The original tomb space was gradually insufficient, so people from Qianmin Street continued to dig into the walls. That's why part of the wall is made of plaster and other parts of the wall are made of mud.

Winters couldn't help but "admire" the desperate spirit of these street rats, who actually dared to build illegally in such an underground building that was probably a thousand years old.

The walls of this tomb support the vault, and even if the walls are knocked down, there is no fear that the soil on the head will collapse in the next second.

Winters was thinking wildly in his mind, but he did not stop and followed Lieutenant Colonel Field closely.

However, Major Moritz was attracted by something placed on a certain table. He stopped and used gestures to communicate with the vendors on Qianmin Street who were setting up stalls.

Field walked forward for a while and turned around to find Moritz bargaining with others.

He was so angry that he strode back and kicked the major's ass hard.

The major was unmoved, as if the kick in his butt did not grow on him, and continued to communicate slowly with gestures.

After the two concluded the transaction, the major took out a few gold coins, and the Qianmin Street vendor took out several paper packets from under the table.

Paying the money with one hand and delivering the goods with the other, the major opened the paper bag and checked it. After confirming that it was correct, he nodded to the vendor and put the paper bag into his arms.

Although Winters couldn't see Field's expression because he was wearing a mask, Winters could imagine the lieutenant colonel's face with his knees.

Major Moritz shrugged as if nothing happened, as if to say: What's wrong? This is my virtue, you know?

Lieutenant Colonel Field sighed helplessly and continued to lead the way forward.

The three people left the underground market through another secret door.

Leaving this underground market through the secret door, heading deeper, there was another underground market. It's just that compared to the previous room, the people here are much sparser.

After leaving the second underground market and walking forward, the ground began to become flat and dry. The passage seemed to have turned into a carefully repaired corridor, and from time to time there were holes in the walls that could allow one person to pass through.

Winters looked into the hole curiously. It was either covered with black gauze or covered by a wooden door, and he didn't know where it led.

Lieutenant Colonel Field stopped in front of a hole, nodded to Major Moritz, then opened the wooden door and walked in.

Winters originally thought that the destination should be inside, but he didn't expect that it was actually underground.

This structure of tunnels has made Winters lose his sense of direction. God knows how Field recognized the way.

After walking along this tunnel for about a few dozen meters, you can see flashing lights at the corner ahead.

Turning around the right-angled bend here, a burly man carrying a page hammer sat on the barrel, blocking the path of the three of them like a wall.

The muscles at the base of this man's neck are bulging, his shoulders are broad, and his limbs are thick. He is simply a human-shaped bear.

A sinister voice came from behind Winters: "I noticed you as soon as you came in, and you kept going in. Don't you want to live anymore?"

At some point, seven or eight masked thugs emerged from the narrow tunnel behind them, holding short knives and wooden sticks with nails. They were looking at the three Winters men maliciously.

Behind the humanoid Xiong Zhen, several secret doors were pushed open, and four or five more thugs emerged.

Field, Moritz and Winters also drew their weapons. Winters counted in his mind that there were about fourteen people in total.

Our own side is at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers, but in a narrow space, the opponent may not be able to use it.

The most difficult thing to deal with was the strong man. If you put a blunt weapon like a page hammer in his hands, it would be useless even if he was wearing a full set of plate armor.

"There is no need to risk your lives for those rich people in the Senate." The sinister voice spoke again, and this time Winters could see clearly that it was a man wearing a clown mask behind him: "Put it on Throw the weapons on the ground, and I will let you go back the way you came and let you live. Otherwise..."

The thugs weighed the guys and approached with strange smiles, trying to put psychological pressure on the three Winters men.

Lieutenant Colonel Field nodded to Major Moritz. The major sighed and thrust his sword into the ground.

"That's right, look how smart your companion is..." The man wearing the clown mask stopped abruptly, his eyes spurted out a cloud of blood mist, and he leaned back and fell to the ground. .

Only now did Winters understand why Antonio said, "One centurion is not enough to kill Moritz van Nessou."

An archer needs to draw the bow to shoot an arrow, and a musketeer needs to load the bullet to shoot, but Major Moritz does not need any preparatory actions to use the flying arrow technique.

Not only does it not require any preparatory actions, it is also extremely concealed.

There was no sound of bowstrings or guns, just a high-pitched sound piercing the air. There is no need to raise the weapon to aim like a crossbow and musket - Winters did not see which enemy Major Moritz raised his hand to point at.

The major's hand rested casually on his waist, and silver coins shot out from his right hand one after another. His posture was like that of a child playing marbles.

But every time he shoots a silver coin, an enemy will fall to the ground with a bloody hole in his head.

Silver is not a very hard metal, but when Major Moritz used magic to accelerate the silver coin to a speed close to that of a musket ball, the unedged silver coin could easily cut through skin, tissue and bones, turning the soft brain into a pulp. paste.

This is the simplest and most efficient killing spell that Lieutenant Colonel Field said. It does not require fancy skills or complicated types: you only need to accelerate a silver coin to two hundred meters per second, and then hit the enemy on the head. .

In just six seconds, most of the enemies in this tunnel had been knocked down by Major Moritz.

Including the man holding the page hammer, a silver coin hit him between the eyebrows, and the strong man like a bear fell straight to the ground, motionless.

Several thugs who realized something was wrong and turned around to run were accurately hit in the back of the head.

"Keep one alive!" Lieutenant Colonel Field walked up with his sword in hand.

With a thought, the major hit the last enemy in the knee. The fleeing thug's legs weakened and he fell to the ground.

"Is this what the cripple's men are capable of now?" the lieutenant colonel sounded very regretful. As he spoke, he inserted a sword into the neck of each person who had stopped moving or was still twitching, and asked without looking back: " The youngest gentleman, can you please take care of the following ones?"

The lieutenant colonel didn't call Winters' name, nor did he say what he wanted Winters to do, but anyone who wasn't a fool could understand what he meant.

Winters is no longer the fledgling who just left the ivory tower. His last innocence disappeared after the gang fight. To be precise, he stabbed the poor oarsman in the neck with a dagger. then disappeared.

He endured the slight discomfort and began to use Dusak to hit the Qianmin Street thugs behind him one by one.

The dredging officer responsible for draining water is actually the weir officer of Dujiangyan. Dujiangyan is not a one-shot project and requires regular dredging and maintenance from two thousand years ago until today. The sewers in Rome were indeed clogged.

Thanks to book friend 20170726153222839 for the recommendation vote, thanks to book friend 20181013204343295 for the recommendation vote, thanks to book friend ghko for the recommendation vote, thanks to the shrimp pond for the recommendation vote, and also thanks to the book friends who voted for me before. Thank you.

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