Iron Powder and Spellcaster

Chapter 10 Enthusiasm for running a school

Many rules were always implemented well when they were first formulated, but they slowly changed over time.

Just like when Marshal Ned formulated the "Night Regulations" of the Army Officer Academy, he stipulated that all teachers in the school, regardless of military rank or position, must be on night duty in rotation.

When Marshal Ned became Headmaster Ned, this rule was taken literally.

Because Ned Smith had set the rules, he would actually bring a small quilt to the staff room for the night shift.

With him as an example, no one dares to make excuses.

After Principal Ned retired, this rule slowly evolved into the current "rule": those assigned to the night shift were all new recruits, bachelors with low military ranks, and living in staff dormitories.

Not only have the teachers' scheduling rules changed, but the way students work night duty is no longer the original model.

The original design of everyone standing on duty for four hours, patrolling for four hours, and catching up on four hours of sleep turned into a situation where third-year students can go into the duty room and fall asleep. Two groups of first-year and second-year students It was painful to stand guard for six hours and patrol for six hours.

So before Winters reached third grade, he hated night duty the most.

Because one of his major hobbies in life is sleeping, he is particularly irritable when he does not get enough sleep, and will develop serious self-destructive tendencies.

So after Winters entered the third grade, whenever he was on night duty, he would lie down on the bed in the duty room and fall asleep.

He slept peacefully, because in his opinion, the shifts he was supposed to be on had been completed in the previous two years, and now it was his turn to sleep.

This human psychology is the reason why there are so many unreasonable rules with obvious bullying implications in this world that can exist for a long time.

Because these "bullying systems" retain a channel for advancement and a little bit of hope. They promise those who are bullied: "As long as you endure the pain now, there will be a day when you sit on someone else's head in the future."

The so-called daughter-in-law will become a mother-in-law sooner or later as long as she survives. Sooner or later junior bachelor teachers will be promoted and marry wives, and sooner or later junior military cadets will become third-year seniors.

So everyone had some hope in their hearts, so they gritted their teeth and endured it, waiting for the day when they could bully others.

But they often don't realize that this "bullied/bully's perpetual motion" design actually causes everyone to bear more unnecessary pain.

Even a night guard who worked three times "on duty for eight hours and slept four hours" endured as much torture as one who worked one night guard "worked hard for 12 hours and had to go to class the next day."

A Silk Country sage named Treeman commented on this deformed system: "There must be a generation of people who have gone through a difficult period of being bullied, but are noble enough not to bully others, in order to cut off this deformed system. Kind of a cycle.”

This time on duty, Winters did not go to the student duty room and fall asleep like before. Instead, he picked up his halberd and prepared to go on patrol.

This is not because of how high Winters' consciousness is. It is impossible for him to think of that level now.

In fact, he wasn't supposed to be on duty today. He deliberately switched to today with someone else just to find Bud.

Bard was also a native of the United Provinces. But unlike Ike, his home is not in Guitu City, but in a small village that is more than 100 kilometers away from the west gate of Guitu City.

The Army of the Confederate States - to be precise, the Army of the Republic of the United Provinces has a fanatical hobby of "running schools".

In theory, this hobby should be inherited from Marshal Ned who "opened cram school", but it seems to be different.

Although the "Army Officers Academy" was established to train junior officers, this obviously could not satisfy the enthusiasm of the Army of the United Provinces for running a school, so they established the "Army Officers Preparatory School" to train cadets of the Army Officers Academy;

Then the "Army Infant School" was established to train cadets from the Army Officer Preparatory School.

Winters entered the Sealand Branch of the Army Infant School at the age of nine and embarked on a career path with no choice.

But do you think this is the end? of course not. Although only infant schools were established in other joining countries, in the Piedmont Republic, fanatical schooling enthusiasts went on to open the Army Enlightenment School to train students in the Army Infant School.

If this trend of endless matryoshka dolls continues, one day we will definitely see Army kindergartens, Army early education classes and Army prenatal education classes appear on the land of the United Provinces.

This strange concept of wanting to train military officers from the womb has led to a situation:

Although in theory, there has never been a "must be a graduate of the Army Preparatory School" in the admission requirements of the Army Officer Academy;

Although the Army Officers Academy holds an unrestricted entrance examination every year to recruit students from the Confederate countries;

But there have never been a few people who did not come from a preparatory college to be admitted here, and most of the external candidates were stopped by just one interview.

The interviewers believed that they had absolutely no bias. In fact, "external candidates were far behind" and "didn't have any military temperament at all."

But they never thought that the external candidates were not soldiers to begin with, so how could they compare to the internal candidates who had been promoted from kindergarten schools in military temperament?

Anyway, no matter what the process is, the final result is that the vast majority of students in the military academy are admitted internally, and only a handful are admitted from outside.

People do not yet know whether this phenomenon is good or bad, nor do they know what impact this phenomenon will have on the future of the Forward Republic and even the entire Gulf Alliance.

What will happen next, who can guess? Let’s come back to Bud.

There are always some people in this world who can win your trust the first time they meet you, and Bud is such a person.

His appearance is not aggressive. He has thick shoulders, big hands, a wide mouth and a broad nose. He is slightly cross-eyed, so he looks naive.

He spoke slowly and gently, with a slightly hoarse voice, and always had a smile on his thick lips. He has a gentle temperament, and his temper only gets bad when he doesn't have enough to eat.

When enrolling, the school provides each student with a set of summer clothes and a set of winter clothes. Rich children will find tailors to make a few more changes.

Bud only had one set, but he washed it clean every day.

Among the young people who are keen on dressing up, he is wearing his white but clean clothes that have been washed, and there is no trace of shame on his face.

So when you first see him, you know that this is a reliable person.

A sage from the East said: "Those who take great pleasure in it don't know that the words of mouth and body are not as good as others." Winters didn't know whether Bard had really reached the state of the sage from the East, or was just trying to pretend to be calm. Looks at ease.

But Winters didn't want to guess or explore, because whether it was the former or the latter, it meant that Bud was a man with a strong self-esteem. And Winters respects the self-respecting.

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