Iron Dynasty

Chapter 1082: Industrial dilemma

"In addition to the Imperial Central Bank, the Construction Bank, the Industrial and Commercial Bank, and the Agricultural Bank have also been established. These classified banks have their own functions and are responsible for providing loans to different industries. At the same time, the Imperial Stock Exchange is also preparing for almost the same, next April. A series of stocks such as national debt can be officially issued."


Yang Chengye turned over a page of the report and continued: "As for industry, under the supervision of the lower officials, major provinces are now embarking on vigorous industrial construction. At present, each Shangzhou has established its own large-scale industrial zone. At the same time, in Zhongzhou, Xiazhou is also setting up factories, and the number of factories nationwide has doubled. The growth is gratifying. As for the number of specific factories, Xiaguan has included it in the attached table.


   Xiao Ming was flipping through Yang Chengye's report. Hearing that, he flipped to the end, and the 30-odd pages on the paper really recorded the name, type, and scale of each factory in the empire.


   roughly flipped, Xiao Ming showed a smile, unknowingly, the industrial capacity of the empire has been fully increased.


Only during this period of Qingzhou area, many professional machinery factories were established, such as factories specializing in the production of steam locomotives, bearing factories producing bearings, bicycle factories producing bicycles and tricycles, and electric motors producing electric motors. It can be said that Lin Wentao led the research. Every time the room has eaten a set of machinery, a corresponding factory will come out immediately.


   And after these factories appeared in Qingzhou, they would soon spread to other prosperous states and counties.


   After talking about the construction of the factory, Yang Chengye reported on the problem of commercial construction. It took half an hour for everyone.


   Yang Chengye's report was over, and Xiao Ming asked Song Changping, Chen Qi, Lin Wentao, Lu Tong, and He Dong to report on issues in their respective fields.


He Dong and Lin Wentao needless to say that internal combustion engines, automobiles, telephones, and telegraphs are their achievements. As for Lu Tong, although he is low-key this year, he has done a lot of things, such as petroleum refining, oxygen, nitrogen purification and various basic chemical agents. Good progress has been made in production.


   These things may seem inconspicuous, but they are important to the development of all walks of life.


   As for the two arms experts Song Changping and Chen Qi, they are upgrading and transforming the Han-style rifle and the current guard artillery, and the specific samples will be available tomorrow.


   Inquired about science and technology, Xiao Ming finally looked at Pang Yukun and asked him to have a general summary of all aspects of the empire, and the annual meeting of the government was over.


"The emperor, according to statistics, this year the imperial industrial and commercial tax revenue totaled 60 million golden dragons, and the agricultural tax 40 million golden dragons. In terms of taxation, the commercial tax exceeded the agricultural tax. The industrial and commercial tax has now become the main body of imperial taxation. In the industrial and commercial tax, the government-run factory He Chamber of Commerce tax accounted for 60%, which is the main source of commercial tax."


After a pause, Pang Yukun proudly said: "In addition to paying taxes, the government-run factories have also paid considerable profits this year, reaching 120 million Golden Dragons. The Qingzhou Chamber of Commerce has paid 280 million profits this year. In terms of war income, the empire has an income of 90 million Golden Dragons, which mainly comes from reparations and spoils in the occupied areas.


   Among all the reports at the end of the year, Pang Yukun’s report is what Xiao Ming likes to listen to the most, because at this moment he can clearly know the financial situation of the empire this year.


   Speaking of the tax situation, Pang Yukun continued: "Up to now, the denomination of the Golden Dragon issued by the Imperial Central Bank has reached 9 billion, including paper money and gold coins."


   Xiao Ming smiled satisfied when he heard the words. From this figure, he could judge that the empire's taxes were normal.


   "So the imperial GDP will probably increase by 3 billion golden dragons this year, right?" Xiao Ming asked.


   Pang Yukun was taken aback, and he said: "How did the emperor know?"


   smiled lightly, and Xiao Ming said: "The imperial taxation system was established by me. Basically, the total amount of tax revenue will be 16% of the annual gross production value. I still know this in my mind."


   Pang Yukun was shocked. He was already looking up at Xiao Ming, but he realized that the more he touched, the more he couldn't surpass the empire in front of him. He said, "The emperor's sage."


He then said: "Compared with last year, the popularity of power plants has greatly increased the production capacity of factories. This is also the reason for so many taxes this year. Under the emperor's governance, the people of the empire have become richer and richer, although the empire has opened up many overseas. Market, but most of the goods produced by the empire are still jokes at home."


"The imperial market is the biggest cake. There is no doubt about this. It is only at the current growth rate of imperial industry. Within three years, the domestic market will be saturated, and then the overseas market will become very important." Xiao Ming said.


As soon as his words fell, Li Kaiyuan stood up at this time and said: "The emperor, only with the experience of overseas business during this time, even if the market in other parts of the world combined may only be equal to the empire. , Their consumption power is really too poor, they can't afford the imperial goods at all. If things go on like this, the imperial industry will definitely encounter bottlenecks..."


   "You are very accurate." Xiao Ming said lightly. In this era, the number of people in the world is limited.


And most of the population is in a state of They have no demand for many industrial products, such as Japan, the Philippines, India, Indonesia, Africa and other places will not buy imperial bicycles, even in Europe. Anyone can afford it.


  If you want people in these places to buy bicycles, you have to have a wealthy class in this place, and at the same time, these classes have to buy bicycles.


   In order to achieve this goal, cultural penetration is needed. Letting these regions follow the fashion of the Chinese empire, in simple terms, is to build the cultural influence of the empire.


"If you want to break this cage, you can only rely on the empire itself. Other countries have no demand, so we create this demand. They can't afford it, and we make them affordable. Then the empire's colonial strategy should be more elegant. "


   "Wen Ya." All the ministers looked at Xiao Ming.


Standing up from the dragon chair, he said: "Colonization is not only a form of force. Cultural colonization and economic colonization are all colonizations. The empire can now transfer heavily polluting industries overseas, and at the same time establish its own way of cultural export. Sphere of influence."


When    spoke, he looked at the gray sky of Qingzhou. The industry in the steam engine era needed to burn a lot of coal, which made the green mountains and green waters of Qingzhou gone forever.


   But there is no way, because this is the price of industrialization, but now the colonies in Southeast Asia are controlled by him, he can transfer some heavily polluted manufacturing there. ) Download the free reader!!

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