Iron Armored City

Chapter 46: mechanical mob

The "Butcher's Rage Club" claims to have one or two thousand people, but the core members are only three hundred. Even so, there is still a place for them in Mambach Town.

The 'mechanical thugs' are a group of people who have no faith. For them, today is the most important thing, even if they will die in the next second, they must be crazy.

Madness and violence live in their brains like a virus, and they are never afraid of death.

Such a group of mechanical thugs were raised in Suo Tu's "Butcher's Rage Club".

Not afraid of death?

No one is not afraid of death. All mechanical thugs do not appear by chance. They are basically controlled by brainwashing and drugs so that they are not afraid of death.

With red eyes, a simple mind, restless roaring in his mouth, he can do any crazy and unreasonable actions, and he only wants to believe that violence can solve everything. This is a 'mechanical thug'.

The early sun rises again, and an iron-clad city with a height of more than ten meters, but with a "cannon" on its door, is driving in the wilderness. Around the iron-clad city, dozens of modified vehicles, off-road motorcycles and screaming mechanical thugs Surrounding, kicking up dust, people can see it from a long distance.

'The Butcher' is the name Suotu just gave Iron Armor City, it doesn't matter whether it sounds good or not, who called him the nickname 'Butcher'!

Standing in the control room of the 'Butcher', Suo Tu, who was dressed in a berserk combat uniform, looked like a savage and violent lion.

"Where is Bruce's 'Castle'?"

Because the 'Cannon' was installed last night, and several 'Smelting Furnaces' were installed overnight, they did not leave Mambach Town, they only came out early.

For the sake of Ma San, Chief of Law Enforcement, Lord Mambach turned a blind eye and pretended not to know that as long as the butchers left, his goal had been achieved.

"The spies said they were heading west toward the forest."

Suotu asked in surprise, "What are they doing there?"

"Maybe they want to cut wood. According to the information purchased by Mambach Town, the fuel they carry is not very sufficient."

"Let the 'mechanical thugs' entangle them in the past, and the Butcher will move forward at full speed!"

Sotu ordered.

To deal with the "Old Castle" without weapons, pinching it with your hand is equivalent to being a featherless duck. As long as you don't get caught first, you will definitely not be able to fly.

Although Bruce's "Castle" Ironclad City seems to be bigger, it is actually a soft persimmon, who knows who knows, no armor, no weapons, no staffing, isn't it just a piece of fat that can run!

After devouring the 'Castle', the 'Butcher' can directly advance to the top 100 iron-clad cities in the Mambach town area. I am very excited to think about Suotu.

Perhaps, he should also thank the silly boy Bruce, otherwise how could Ma San allow Suo Tu to own Iron Armored City.

At around eight o'clock in the morning, the Castle sailed to the edge of the forest. After breakfast, Li Yinguang just wanted to go into the bedroom to squat for a while.

Before going to bed, turn on the 'spatial radar' to confirm the surrounding environment again.

As soon as the 'Space Radar' was turned on, a group of 'motor vehicles' were detected on the map screen, driving quickly towards their location from the southeast.

It's not the 'Iron Armored City', it's an ordinary modified mechanical vehicle, but it travels very fast, and it will take no more than ten minutes to reach their location.


Li Yinguang's face darkened immediately, dozens of hundreds of modified vehicles could not be hunters, nine times out of ten they were chased by Suotu's group.

"Go, wake everyone up and prepare to fight!"

The speed of the Iron Armored City is definitely not as fast as the modified mechanical vehicles, but apart from the advantage in numbers, it can't take advantage of the Iron Armored City's mechanical vehicles.

Especially Iron Armored City, which has seven 'z3-type' melting furnaces to provide kinetic energy.

"just in front!"

"Rush over and burn him."

"Climb up and kill everyone inside!"

The mechanical thug screamed, his eyes were red, and his excitement was like a whirlwind wrapping towards the 'Castle'.

The 'Gatling' heavy machine gun fired, and short-range thermal weapons came into play.

With Iron Armored City as the rock mass, Saipan directly caused this group of "mechanical thugs" to suffer a lot, blowing up several modified mechanical vehicles.


A hook was shot from the modified mechanical roof ejection device, creaked, and got stuck on the deck of the Iron Armored City. The rope connected to the tail stretched straight. The people on the Fort were desperate.

The rope was cut off, and the climbing thug fell and was involved in the group of modified mechanical vehicles, life and death.

But soon another four or five hooks were launched by the mechanically modified vehicle, and the climbing thugs doubled. Within two minutes, some thugs had successfully climbed to the upper deck of the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle.

"go to hell!"

Saipan wielded a 1.8-meter ring-headed long knife with both hands, turned his body 360 degrees, and split the climbing mechanical thug in two.

"Kill them!"


Li Yinguang was in the main control room, staring at the outside expressionlessly. These mechanical thugs who were not afraid of life and death were like a group of hyenas.

"All the melting furnaces are activated!"

"Maximize kinetic energy!"


The 'Castle', which suddenly increased its kinetic energy, ran over the vehicles driven by the mechanical thugs in front, and couldn't dodge it. The mechanical thugs damaged more than a dozen modified cars at once.

After being crushed by the 'Castle', it has been crushed into the soil and turned into a cake.

With the rampage of the armored city, the advantage of the mechanical thugs gradually dissipated, and the 'Castle' began to gain the upper hand!

There was no smile on Li Yinguang's Radar showed that there was a Iron Armored City slightly smaller than the 'Old Castle', driving towards them at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour .

The distance is less than ten kilometers, and it can be reached in about ten minutes.

"Saipan, how long will it take to get rid of this group of hyenas?"


Captain Saipan spat out **** foam, just now a son of a **** hit him from behind, but fortunately he had armor, so the injury was not serious.

Seeing that there are at least four or fifty taels of modified mechanical vehicles below, and there are already a lot of off-road motorcycles with amazing bounce, he said with a dark face: "It will take half an hour to kill them all!"

Sophia dealt with a thug with the triangular bayonet in her hand, kicked it down with a mechanical leg, and said coldly: "The city lord told you to give you ten minutes to get rid of these bastards."

"Ten minutes?" Saipan almost didn't jump up with his eyes wide open. With his small staff, it may not be easy to kill all the thugs below in half an hour.

Sophia said indifferently: "It's useless to stare at me, that's what the city lord told me!"

"Then let the city lord come and kill me, I can't do it!"

Saipan gritted his teeth.

Sophia rolled her eyes, and directly threw the triangular bayonet in her hand towards Captain Saipan, and inserted it into the mechanical thug behind Saipan who wanted to attack him: "The city master is in the control room, you can talk about it yourself!"


Saipan roared and cursed, and he didn't know who he was cursing. He turned his head and went into the Iron Armored City, and moved out a half-old 'Metal Storm Machine Gun'.

"Come a few people, help me fix the base!"

A tongue of flames shot from Iron Armored City towards the convoy of mechanical thugs circling below...

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