Iron Armored City

Chapter 300: iron turtle shell

On the 'Space Radar', you can clearly see the trajectory of the Iron Armored City of the 'Ghost'. Not only does it look like a ghost, but its actions are also very similar to a ghost. Almost perfectly hidden.

The speed is extremely fast, and in the third-rate armored city with a length of 100 meters, there are really few who can reach a speed of 60 kilometers per hour.

The 'C1 Wave Radar' in the iron-clad city of the 'Old Castle' did not find any trace of the other party at all, and it was only eight kilometers away from the flagship city of Tomahawk.

"Get ready to fight!"

Li Yinguang stretched his waist. Now that he found the rabbit, he didn't rush to catch it. The other party is the same as the Tomahawk flagship city of the Mambach family. They are both third-rate armored cities. Next, it is not so easy.

At the level of the third-rate armored city, if you want to win, you can do it with two shots, unlike ordinary iron-armored cities.

Therefore, even if it was a sneak attack, it would not be that simple for the 'Ghost' to eat the Tomahawk flagship city of the Mambach family.

"Go up and help?" Bai Youxuan asked tentatively.

Li Yinguang smiled and shook his head: "Don't be so anxious, just wait and see!"

wait and see?

Isn't that just to let the two armored cities on the front battlefield fight first, and they will reap the benefits of fishing in the back?

No matter who wins, there is not much harm to the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle.


A silver-white light beam several meters thick pierced through the dawn, and tore a big hole from the side of the Mambach family's flagship main city "Tomahawk" which was fighting against the Black Viper clan!


With a gloomy face, Andy Fei couldn't help cursing. She guessed that someone was playing tricks behind her back, and even asked someone to monitor the surrounding situation. If there was any trouble, she would first turn on the 'energy shield', but she still couldn't prevent it. Let others take the lead.

Walking to the observation window, looking to the northeast, he said indifferently: "You dog breeder, I have been waiting for you for a long time. Raise your energy shield and prepare to meet the enemy!"

The head of the guard, Clara, hurriedly ran outside, beside you, the two sisters, Yougui and Youxin, were also well-dressed and ready to fight at all times.

After the magnetic energy laser main gun of the "Ghost" hit the "Tomahawk Flagship City" of the Mambach family, it immediately "supported" the energy shield.

Or a more appropriate description is that the energy shield was activated at the same time as the main gun of the 'Ghost' magnetic energy laser was fired.

In the next second, the Tomahawk flagship city of the Mambach family found its position, and also fired back with the main magnetic energy laser cannon, as if waiting for the 'Ghost' Ironclad City to appear, but it hit the 'energy shield', and did not Injured the body of the Ghost Ironclad City.

It can be seen that both sides are seasoned veterans!

After raising the 'Energy Shield', the fight will be a costly battle, a protracted battle, and whoever can't hold on to lie down first, and whoever can't get up in the end will be the loser!

The winner can take over the opponent's Ironclad City and perform devouring evolution!

Looking at the two iron-clad cities that were facing each other from a distance, Li Yinguang didn't have the slightest intention to move, and even couldn't help yawning, feeling sleepy, after all, he hadn't slept all night.

"You all stare at it first, and when you can't hold on to which side you are looking at, then wake me up!" After Li Yinguang finished speaking, he walked to the metal chair and lay down on his side.

Jotes hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and stepped forward: "Boss, why don't you pillow on my lap, it will be more comfortable!"

Li Yinguang laughed aloud, naturally he would not refuse the secretary's kindness, so he took it as a matter of course and slept on it.

Lan Ling frowned slightly, her gaze stayed on Jotes' face for two seconds, then she slowly moved away, walking towards the outside of the control room with a cold face. Isn't it obvious that people are robbing their own 'jobs'? The problem is that they are not easy to get angry. If they don't let others watch the excitement, everyone will still feel that they are stingy behind their backs.

Alma is not surprised by this, and she doesn't think there is any problem. In her eyes, she thinks it is a matter of course. The women around Li Yinguang are all the master's dishes. Whether they eat or not is not a dish. It's about whether he suits today's appetite.

Due to its size, the Iron Armored City of the 'Ghost' is extremely flexible. While avoiding the attack of the flagship city of Tomahawk, it also launched a fierce counterattack.

The people in the iron-clad city of the Mambach family fought with the Black Vipers all night without a drop of water, and now they are facing a strong enemy. 'Dominate absolute advantage.

Even so, it would not be so easy for the 'Ghost' to swallow the Mambach family's 'Tomahawk'.

As the flagship iron-clad city of the Mambach family, "Tomahawk" has incorporated a large amount of "iron-21 element ore" into its armor, making its armor thickness reach 3.4 armor, which is basically already in the third-rate iron-clad city. It is considered the pinnacle, even if the magnetic energy laser main cannon comes on for a while, it can be resisted only by the thickness and toughness of the deck.

There is no way, the water view tower comes first, who is called the Zhenbei Iron Mine in the area of ​​Mambach Town, which produces 'Iron 21 element ore'? The Mambach family has been mining for 20 years, how much 'Iron 21 element ore' does it have in their hands? Ore', no one knows this.

In addition, the armored city formation of the Mambach family came out with a full load, and carried a large amount of supplies in the armored city of the 'Tomahawk'.

Before making the move, Elvis, the 'King of Bandits', knew that the iron-clad city of the Mambach family was difficult to deal with, but he did not expect it to be so difficult.

"Iron tortoise shell, why is it so strong!" Cyclops Elvis couldn't help scolding his mother in the main control room.

It was already bright outside, and UU Reading had been fighting with the Tomahawk Iron Armored City for at least an hour. The basic cost alone consumed nearly 600 energy gems, which did not include the magnetic energy laser. Main guns' consumption, and the wear and tear of Ironclad.

Elvis looked up at Mo Fufeng, he regretted accepting this business a little bit, the share is not so easy to earn, and the thousand energy gems of the son of a **** are not so easy to get.

"It's too much to spend any more!" Elvis said with a frown.

Mo Fufeng looked at the Tomahawk Iron Armored City on the opposite side, his eyes flickered and said: "The other side also can't take it anymore, I fought with the Black Vipers for a day and a night yesterday, and I guess it is already on the verge of collapse at this time. Jin, it won't last long there!"

How long will it last?

Elvis believed it, and he also felt that the other party would not last long, after all, the Black Viper group had also brought great losses to the other party.

An hour later... the Tomahawk Ironclad City slowly pushed out another magnetic main cannon from the cabin!

The two main magnetic cannons fired at the iron-clad city of the 'Ghost' at the same time!

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