After communicating about the Qiwu Sea, the rear admirals and soldiers who had been captured before were all released, and what made Jiang Tian feel funny was that the rear admiral of the headquarters cried directly when he saw Jiang Tian, just like a wronged child saw his parents.

After sending the navy away, and lingering with Han Cook for a long time, Jiang Tian reluctantly said goodbye to Han Cook and went directly to a coordinate that Vegapunk said.

According to Vegapunk, the fleet of the Golden Lion appeared at this coordinate ten days earlier.

And just 3 days after Jiang Tian dared to go to the position said by Vegapunk on a warship, the naval headquarters was in chaos.

Because, the sea pirate drought Jack, who was offered a reward of 800 million Bailey, actually appeared at the headquarters of the navy, and also carried the image phone worm of more than 30 prosperous islands, including the Chambord Islands.

Live broadcast!

The prosperous islands of more than 30 great shipping routes can be said to be very terrifying values, because these images will surely spread quickly and reach the whole world in the shortest possible time.

Marshal Trust stared at Jack with a gloomy face, and a group of vice admirals around him were also extremely angry, thinking that their righteous navy was actually threatened by pirates, and there was no reason for them to do it during this live broadcast.

Because Drought Jack did not come to attack the navy, but to deliver the war book.

“Warring States, the boss wants you to hand over Jiang Tian!”

Not caring at all that the Warring States were the marshal of the navy, Jack said very arrogantly and loudly: “Boss Kaido said, as long as you hand over Jiang Tian’s little ghost, this matter will be settled, otherwise there will be a gorgeous war!” ”

Suddenly, the whole world boiled.

“Who is Jiang Tian?”

“Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, son of the World ZF Chief Marshal Kong, the youngest rear admiral in 800 years!”

“Oh my! How did this honorable man provoke Kaido? Moreover, Kaido, is this crazy? How could the Navy hand over the son of General Marshal Kong? ”

The whole world was in an uproar, but few thought the Navy would compromise.

Because if the Navy compromises, it will not only be a disgrace in front of the whole world, not to mention the commander-in-chief, just to sell his colleagues to the pirates, it is not acceptable to the vast majority of people, so the Navy representing justice will definitely not do this.

It is precisely because of this that while Sengoku and others are angry in their hearts, they are also a little confused, and they don’t understand the meaning of Drought Jack’s coming to the Navy headquarters.

Is it just to announce the beginning of the war?


No way!

There is no need to make such trouble announcing the beginning of the war, because it is simply a thankless task, especially after the wind disaster was killed by Jiang Tian, and now Kaido has two top powerhouses such as drought and flood.

And so on….

Jiang Tian!

The pupils contracted suddenly, after all, Sengoku was one of the smartest admirals, and some of the things that were originally ignored only needed a spiritual light to react to them all.

The reason why Kaido started the war was to take revenge on Jiang Tian, because Jiang Tian not only broke his arm, but also killed the wind disaster, and the two can be said to be a life-and-death feud.

So, from the beginning, they focused on the wrong point.

The point is not war, but Jiang Tian!

“Hey, hey, do you need me to leave, Sengoku?”

Looking at the changing expression of the Warring States, Jack gloated and smiled, which also made the rest of the navy see that something was wrong.

If this is a live broadcast signal controlled by the Navy, then they can directly cut off the signal and beat Jack to death, but now that the live broadcast signal is controlled by the Four Emperors, if they do it, isn’t it saying that the Navy does not have the courage to attack the Four Emperors and target his subordinates?

So, under Jack’s loud laughter and the surprised eyes of countless people, this live broadcast of the declaration of war ended in a farce.

“What the hell is going on, Sengoku!”

Tsuru looked at Sengoku with some unease, of course she felt the smell of conspiracy at this time, otherwise she would be the chief of the General Staff in vain.

“Jiang Tian…” said Sengoku softly.

“What?” The lieutenant generals were stunned.

Warring States’ face turned cold: “Kaido’s target is Jiang Tian!” ”


The lieutenant generals looked at each other, and some did not react, Kaido’s target was Jiang Tian, they all knew ah, just now Drought Jack was still shouting here.

Wait a minute.

Jiang Tian!

Cold sweat instantly flowed his forehead from a dozen or so, there is no fool who can sit in this position, even if there is something he didn’t understand just now, he was reminded by the Warring States so much that he almost came back to his senses.

If memory serves, Jiang Tian should have taken the Seven Wuhai invitation task and went to the Nine Snakes first, and then went to find the Golden Lion, right? That female emperor is not a character to get along with, so Jiang Tian should still be on Nine Snake Island now, and it is safe.

However, Tsuru’s words suddenly made everyone stunned.

“According to the news, as early as 3 days ago, he signed the Treaty of the Seven Martial Seas with the female emperor Han Cook and left Nine Snake Island.” Tsuru said worriedly.

Tsuru’s words shocked everyone’s hearts, and even a thick sense of unease surged up.


At this time, the Warring States’ phone worm suddenly rang, and the Warring States turned extremely dark after answering the phone, announcing that the Navy and the Hundred Beast Pirate Group had officially started a war.

The call was from Vegapunk.

He couldn’t contact Jiang Tian, and he couldn’t determine Jiang Tian’s location!

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