Invincible, Starts from Immortal Venerable Father

Chapter 3122: strange world strange people

Chapter 3122 Strange World Strange People

Little Calabash nodded, "Give me the coordinates."

Although she didn't want Xue An to go to that world, as an alchemy creature, obedience to orders came first.

So since Xue An insisted on going, she had no choice but to obey.

The stone girl stretched out her finger and tapped the forehead of the little gourd lightly, and a huge amount of coordinate information instantly poured into the processing center of the little gourd.

After a while, Stone Girl took a step back, "Okay."

Little Hulu stood there without saying a word, and it took more than a minute before she finished processing the information.

After finishing the processing, she said to Xue An: "It's all right, you guys go into the cabin."

Xue An nodded, and stepped into the cabin.

In order to save energy, Lian Hu Ye entered the small building of Fubao in advance, so he was the only one who entered the cabin.

Afterwards, the stone girl also turned into a stone again and fell into Xue An's hands.

After all preparations were completed, the cabin cover was slowly closed, and the small gourd also walked into the core of the main god's component and started to activate.

Accompanied by a buzzing sound, the main **** component suddenly burst into a burst of intense light, which made Zhang Tianyou and the others unable to open their eyes.

When the light dissipated, Zhang Tianyou and Yang Fu looked again, the cabin was empty, and there was no trace of Xue An.

"Is it really gone?"

Yang Fu asked very seriously.

Zhang Tianyou nodded, "It's really gone."

At the same time, Zhang Tianyou prayed silently in his heart.

Xue An, you must return safely.

At the same time, Xue An was going through a long time-traveling journey.

Countless stars passed by quickly in front of the eyes, and the starry sky became more and more strange and lonely, but the crossing did not show any sign of stopping.

All in all, just when Xue An was numb to the scene in front of him, his body suddenly shook, and then everything stopped.

The surrounding stars, the diffuse cosmic dust, and even the omnipresent light stopped at this moment.

And this stagnation lasted for an unknown amount of time, maybe a second, or a year.

Then all of this disintegrated suddenly, and Xue An was dragged into an unknown place.

When Xue An opened his eyes again, what he saw was the slightly dazzling sunlight and a bustling street.

There is a constant flow of pedestrians on the street, everyone is well-dressed and has a relaxed expression on their faces.

Next to it are skyscrapers, and the electronic screens on the buildings are playing advertisements at the moment.

This is a bustling city, and the level of technology is very close to that of the earth.

This was Xue An's first judgment.

Then Xue An suddenly raised his eyebrows, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Because he discovered an extremely terrifying fact.

There is actually no aura in this world.

This is actually not surprising, after all, there are all kinds of wonders in the world, and some worlds just have no aura.

But the key point is that this world not only has no spiritual energy, but also does not allow any spiritual energy to operate, including the spiritual energy in Xue An's body.

There was some kind of inconceivably powerful regular force that suppressed the movement of the aura in Xue An's body, completely sealing it up.

Not only that, Xue An couldn't even use his spiritual power, that is to say, he couldn't even open the Talisman Building in his sea of ​​consciousness.

This discovery shocked the usually calm Xue An.

He has never seen such an overbearing power of rules.

In the past, even if he encountered a special law of heaven when traveling through the world, he could still contend against it with Xue An's strength.

But the power of the rules encountered this time was so terrifying that even Xue An was sealed to death without any power to fight back.

Encountering this kind of thing as soon as he arrived, Xue An took a deep breath, knowing that the situation he was about to face might be much more severe than he had imagined before.

However, Xue An has experienced countless ups and downs, so many storms and waves have come, even when he encountered this desperate situation, he still did not panic at all, but quickly calmed down.

He didn't believe that the man behind the scenes could have such strength, otherwise he could have killed all the opponents directly, so why bother?

The most urgent task right now is to understand the situation of this world first, and then find a way to undo the seal of oneself.

When Xue An was thinking about his next plan, he saw a person who never thought he would appear here.

An old man wearing casual clothes and slippers, who seemed to have just returned from a vacation on the beach, came to Xue An through the crowd.

Xue An's eyes widened instantly, and he called out a name in disbelief.

"Zhuge Zang?"

The old man on the opposite side smiled, "Xue Xiaoyou, long time no see."

Xue An's heart was filled with shock.

What could be more amazing than to have just traveled to an extremely distant world only to come up against an acquaintance.

However, a picture suddenly flashed in Xue An's mind, it was on Hu Ye's wedding, when he saw Zhuge Hanzang and Zhuge Xuanqing, the heirs of the Zhuge family.

These two had known Xue An before, so they chatted for a while.

At that time, the two said a word, that is, their ancestors went to an unknown place.

At that time, Xue An remembered it in his heart, and later when he traveled to the world beyond the light cone through the main **** component, Xue An also wanted to find Zhuge Zang.

Because he felt that Zhuge Zang probably also came to the world outside the light cone, otherwise he would not say that he went to an unknown place.

But he never expected that Zhuge Zang would run so far and even reach his destination.

Feeling the surprise in Xue An's heart, Zhuge Zang smiled Don't be so surprised, I know you have many questions, I will take you to a place first, after that there will naturally be someone to answer all your questions. "

Xue An quickly calmed down, took a deep look at Zhuge Zang, and then nodded.


Now that it has come to the final critical moment, even though there are mountains of knives, mountains of fire, seas of fire, and abysses ahead, Xue An still has to go for it.

Zhuge Zang smiled, turned around and led Xue An to the other side of the street.

They didn't go far, and after crossing this street, they came to a bustling business district.

There are many tall buildings here, and almost all of them are the headquarters of large companies.

Zhuge Zang led Xue An to the tallest building.

At this moment, on the flower bed downstairs, there was a young man in a suit smoking a cigarette boredly. When he saw Zhuge Zang leading Xue An back, he immediately extinguished the cigarette in his hand and jumped down from the flower bed.

"Old man Zhuge, is this the person the boss is waiting for?"

The voice was sharp, and the young man was moving when he spoke.

It's like a clockwork is fully wound up, and it can't stop for a moment.

Zhuge Zang nodded, "That's him."

The man looked Xue An up and down a few times, "He's a good-looking talent, but he's a little younger, but he's about the same as me, I think back then..."

Zhuge Zang quickly interrupted him, "Brother Sun, don't recall the past, the chairman is waiting for him."

"Cut, it's boring."

The man spat, and then said to Xue An.

"After the meeting with the boss, let's have a fight, I'm going to have lice all over my body when I come to this world.

And I can't use my spiritual power, which is worse than when I was pressed down at the foot of the mountain. "

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