Ma Fang was in a particularly good mood today. Usually, his face was cold, but he was secretly called the cold-faced killer by his students. Today, he couldn't hide the smile on his face. To him, there were two things that were worth celebrating.

First of all, his suggestion to the school leaders during winter break had gained the approval of the school leaders and was ready to be carried out the moment school started. Second of all, those black sheep that he had always looked down upon were about to be cleared out, leaving behind ten students who had no chance of entering the undergraduate level. This way, his class's attainment rate would be increased by a large margin, in addition to the fact that Su Noyan was a good candidate who had hopes of competing for the top scorer in the city and even for the provincial top scorer in college entrance exams.

After passing out the textbooks to the students of his class, Ma Fang narrowed his eyes and sized up the students of his class three that he believed would be cleared out. The smile on his face grew wider, but when his eyes stopped at Zhang Yunfeng, his expression suddenly froze, and immediately after, it turned gloomy again.

Ma Xiaoru temporarily put aside the gloom in her heart and wrote down the schedule for the exam on the blackboard. Tomorrow morning would be the Chinese Literature test, the afternoon would be the Mathematics test, the day after tomorrow would be English, and the afternoon would be the Humanities test.

After writing on the exam arrangements, Ma Xiaocheng took out a printed form and said, "The ranking for this exam has been completely disrupted. I'll post this table on the blackboard in a while. You guys will record your number and the number of your seats."

After giving a few more instructions, Ma Xiaochao announced that school was over. Just as everyone was packing up and preparing to return home, Ma Xiaochao called out Zhang Yunfeng's name and said, "Zhang Yunfeng, come out with me."

Zhang Yunfeng put down the schoolbag in his hand and said to Li Zekai, "Li Zekai, you go back first. I wonder why Ma Fang is looking for me."

Li Zekai nodded and said, "Then I won't wait for you."

Zhang Yunfeng walked out of the classroom. Ma Zhang looked at him and said expressionlessly, "Follow me." With that, he led the way with his hands clasped behind his back. Zhang Yunfeng followed him to the field behind the school building, his heart filled with doubt. He didn't know if there was anything wrong with Ma Dong, but he still had to call him here.

Seeing that there were no other people around, Ma Fang suddenly stopped and turned around to face Zhang Yunfeng. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "Zhang Yunfeng, what do you think about tomorrow's mock exam?"

Zhang Yunfeng lightly said, "Try your best to take the exam."

"As much as possible?" As if he had heard the funniest joke in the world, Ma Fang blurted out, "The amount of time a day you really study is no more than five minutes, and you still have the guts to tell me to do what you can? "I can see that you are thankful for keeping your last place in this exam and not letting Li Zekai overtake you."

Zhang Yunfeng was quite angry in his heart. As a teacher over 20 years old, Ma Fang was able to use such a despicable tone to speak to a student. He immediately said coldly, "Thank you for your concern, teacher. My grades will definitely improve."

"Progress?" Ma Fang harrumphed coldly and said, "Other than the top three, the rest of the exam will count as your success!" The college entrance exam has nothing to do with you at all. Back then, when your parents sent you here, they might as well send you to a technical college or high school. "

Ma Fang continued, "I heard that your family's condition is mediocre. Why don't you learn some craftsmanship earlier? Go out and fix the car, make some electrical welding, and earn some money to subsidize your family." Then, Ma Fang changed the topic and said: "I heard that your father has an old comrade. He's not a small official in the South River military sector? In this division, you should never think of using your dad's connections to keep you in Class 3. Let me tell you, as long as your grades fall within the top ten, even if the secretary of the city committee personally comes to ask for you, I won't let you stay! "

Zhang Yunfeng's anger grew even stronger. It turned out that the reason Ma Dong called him out was to tell him about this. He knew that when he first entered River City First High School, he had used a lot of connections, and he also knew that with his abilities, he could not interfere at all.

Thinking about that, Zhang Yun Feng said coldly: "Ma Dong, today I will make things clear for you. No matter how many points I get, I won't stay in your class, because an ugly and wicked face like yours is really disgusting! Even if you kneel down and beg me, I won't stay in Class Three! "

"How dare you use such a tone to speak to teacher!" Ma Zhang angrily shouted, "Do you believe that I will bring you to the administration office and expel you from the First High School?"

Zhang Yunfeng sneered, "What kind of teacher are you? I think you're a scum! Take me to the administration office? Great! "Let's go now. If this matter gets out of hand, I'll see whether it is you, as a teacher, who will be in trouble, or I, a student, who will be in trouble!"


He felt that Zhang Yunfeng's words were like a slap to his face, but he was well aware that what he had said to Zhang Yunfeng was just a threat. There was no reason for him to expel Zhang Yunfeng, and he did not have any proof of his disrespect towards him just now.

Thinking of this, Ma Fang coldly said, "Once this exam is over, you just have to pack your stuff and get lost!" After he finished speaking, he actually left with a flick of his sleeve.

Now that he had mastered the ability of photographic memory, learning was not a problem for him anymore. In his last semester, he only needed to make up for his English grammar and oral English listening, and also improve his writing ability for the Chinese Literature test. It was not a problem for him to get a good grade in the college entrance exam, so why would he need to look at his horse's dirty face in the future?

Zhang Yunfeng returned home on his bicycle. His father was sitting on the sofa and making a phone call, and upon seeing Zhang Yunfeng coming back, he hurriedly hung up the phone and asked Zhang Yunfeng, "Son, I heard your uncle say that your school is going to be separated into classes?"

He did not expect that news of this would spread so quickly. However, his own uncle was a little too f * cking stupid; presumably, from his point of view, he was already certain that he would be assigned to the student class. Furthermore, he deliberately called his father at the first moment.

Hearing his father's question, Zhang Yunfeng lightly said, "Dad, you don't have to worry. You should know my hard work these days. This mock exam absolutely won't be ranked in the top ten of the entire class."

At this moment, Song Huafang, who was cooking in the kitchen, walked out, blaming Zhang Xingming, "Look at you, you're just worrying for nothing. Haven't you seen your son's hard work over the past half month? "Every day, he would shut himself in his room and read books and do some homework. In my opinion, Yun Feng's results in this mock exam will definitely be much better."

Zhang Xingming scratched his head and laughed awkwardly, "It's my fault, it's my fault. We've seen our son's hard work. I believe in our Yun Feng." Saying so, Zhang Xingming turned to Zhang Yunfeng and said, "Son, for this exam, you must let those people who suspect you see what it means by a prodigal son turning his head back and not changing it at all!"

The fact was, after mastering the technique of photographic memory, this mock exam was not a problem for Zhang Yunfeng.

The first part was written in Chinese, which consisted of three main points: the first point was that he would memorize the contents of the textbooks, such as the original; the second point was that he would master the standard understanding of the analysis of teaching texts, such as the interpretation of written texts, the analysis of reading, and the extended meaning of the articles; and the third point was that he would be able to master the basics of writing, so long as he mastered these, it would not be difficult for him to achieve good results in Chinese.

In this year's Chinese Literature test, Zhang Yunfeng had done the first 90 points with confidence. However, for a person like him who had read many novels outside of class, writing an essay was not difficult at all.

The Mathematics exam was immediately followed by this.

He had firmly grasped all the knowledge points from the first year of high school to the third year of high school, and could easily use them. As for the questions on the Math exam, there was not a single one that had the ability to beat Zhang Yunfeng.

To Zhang Yunfeng, the difficulty of learning English was a little too high, he was not able to master grammar completely by just reading books, and listening to books was not something he was able to practice. This made Zhang Yunfeng somewhat tired, but passing the examination was a guarantee.

However, it just so happened that Zhang Yunfeng had photographic memory. For him, the entire exam was even simpler than the opening exams, at least the opening exams were constantly flipping books, and as long as Zhang Yunfeng looked at the question, he would immediately remember the standard answer for this question, and he would be able to answer it word for word.

In just two short days, the four exams had already ended. All the teachers from various subjects were working overtime to review the exam papers and to count the results. This was because the next day, they would be using the school report to divide the classes!

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