Invincible Scanning System

: 919 Nightmare Difficulty

Chapter 919

Qi Xiaosheng and others knew that it was not a meteor, it should be the so-called Transformers, their mission goal.

When these transformers approached, Qi Xiaosheng felt a dangerous breath.

These Transformers are very strong, surpassing the Wu Wang level.

"This time, the use of mechas is allowed," Qi Xiaosheng said immediately.

"Captain, we can try to use our own strength first," Li Yiyi said immediately.

"No, use mecha this time.

The use of mechas also makes you familiar with this type of combat, and when you become an intermediate samsara world, this should become the norm. So you need to get acquainted early. "

Qi Xiaosheng said immediately.


Everyone nodded at the same time.

Zhou Tao and Li Yuanyuan looked at the captain at the same time. They were curious and dissatisfied.

They have followed the team for three reincarnations, but they have never seen the captain take the shot. Every time, the captain left directly, not knowing what to do, only they are doing things.

They remember that after the first reincarnation ended, the two felt unfair.

Because they were still alive, they only completed the task, but the captain did nothing at all.

At the time, the two expressed strong dissatisfaction.

Although the two didn't help much, they were still alive, so they expressed their dissatisfaction with the captain.

However, Li Yiyi and others did not pay attention to him, and even expressed that if they were dissatisfied, they could live alone.

However, the two do not have this strength and can only compromise.

At the same time, they only discovered at that time that this mysterious captain was probably unusual.

"Has the captain finally shot this time?"

The two looked at each other and their eyes were communicating.


At this time, there was an explosion in the distance, and there was fire rising in the distance.

Bang, boom.

The earth is also shaking, not an earthquake, as if there are some behemoths walking around.

Qi Xiaosheng glanced and analyzed the team while passing by: "The mission world this time is probably different from our perception.

Both Bopai and Kuangpai are our enemies, and the Cybertron invasion. "

"Perhaps it was Transformers' strength that they became stronger and they didn't need to be so scrupulous about humans, so their policies on humans also changed."

Wang Li also analyzed.

"You have a misunderstanding, the difficulty of nightmares is enhanced in all aspects, and humans will also be strengthened. Therefore, the powerful weapons of humans will also pose a lethal threat to us, so before cooperating with humans, we must also be careful of human threats.

Of course, the Transformers upgrade should be greater, after all, their technology has almost reached the bottleneck, is to destroy the planet level, strengthen ten times again, I am afraid that will usher in qualitative changes, there will be even greater changes. "

Qi Xiaosheng nodded.

Changes in power will bring about changes in mentality, which is quite normal.

"Even humans are ten times stronger?" Wang Li and others looked at each other, and then nodded seriously. They hadn't thought of this before.

"Wang Li, let's direct it."

Qi Xiaosheng looked at Wang Lidao.

Wang Li did not refuse and glanced at Zhou Tao and Li Yuanyuan, saying: "You have low combat effectiveness, don't lean too close, just look at their strength in the distance.

After the battle is over, go to an Internet cafe, look at information about this world, and then try to contact the protagonist.

Although the plot has changed, the protagonist is generally useful. "


Zhou Tao and Li Yuanyuan nodded for granted.

They were the same in the previous mission worlds. They all carried out some missions that did not require combat, such as reconnaissance and information gathering.

"Captain, Aniu, Li Tie, one by one, let's go over to see what happens first, it is best not to fight first.

I don’t know if Megatron is still frozen. If so, their goal should be to rescue Megatron and get the fire source.

Human beings have also been strengthened ten times, and some weapons also threaten us, so we better not go to the Tinder in person, otherwise, we are the enemies of human, Bo, and mad, even if they are strong, they can’t bear it.

Therefore, we can follow them, find the source of the fire first, and then wait until they **** the source of the fire, then **** it back from them, and then negotiate with and cooperate with humanity. "

Wang Li's plan is right.

At the end of the talk, she glanced at Qi Xiaosheng for comment.

Qi Xiaosheng nodded slightly and said, "Okay, this plan is good, just do it."

Qi Xiaosheng agreed.

Immediately, the crowd walked towards the place where the vibration sound came.

Soon, they came to an abandoned factory.

In the factory, two huge metal monsters are fighting.

One of them is two stories high, and a small robot is being disassembled from the body to catch up with the couple in front.

The two are the protagonists of the plot, Sam and Mikaela.

What chased them was the Transformers barricade in the madman, a grumpy machine life.

He decomposed a small robot, holding a special weapon in his hands. The weapon was like a meteor hammer, but the head was not a hammer, but something like a propeller, constantly rotating.

The weapon in his hand kept spinning, hitting a short distance directly, and a yellow robot that blocked him was the bumblebee.


The weapon fell down and was evaded by the yellow robot very dexterously. The huge rotating meteor hammer hit a cement column in the factory. With a click, the cement column with a diameter of half a meter was directly penetrated. The steel bars inside were directly rotten.

When the two robots fought, they did not appear to be cumbersome at all. Although it was a mechanical life, there was no move between the fights, but the response was extremely flexible. Actually, it was like a martial arts master. During the period, some shells were mixed, as a powerful arms.

Qi Xiaosheng met, his eyes narrowed.

"Height did not increase." Qi Xiaosheng preached.

When they reached the realm of Wuwang, they all learned the skill of transmitting voice and secrets Of course, except Zhou Tao and Li Yuanyuan.

Everyone looked at Qi Xiaosheng.

"All aspects of enhancement, of course, also include body shape.

Now, their body shape has not been enhanced, it should be enhanced to other aspects.

For example, their bodies. "

Qi Xiaosheng guessed.

Far away, he could not judge directly.

At this time, the sound of a chainsaw was heard in the distance, but the hostess Mikaela found the chainsaw and saw the little robot who was holding Sam.

The little robot was sawed away, and his upper body was still crawling towards Sam, while crawling, and his mouth kept making strange sounds, as if humans were shattering their thoughts.

"Only the head is left, and he won't shut up." Sam lifted his foot and kicked the little robot's head directly into the distance.

"Hiss, it's really hard." Sam covered his feet. He was angry and forgot that the robot was made of iron.

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