Invincible Scanning System

: Ninety-sixteenth return, punishment ends

Chapter 916

On the 350th day after the Dream Team entered the Pacific Rim World, eight seven-level monsters formed.

Level 7 monsters are terrible, and an attack can make mountains and rivers subvert and volcano erupt.

This is a powerful seven-level monster created by the fusion of the earth's mecha civilization and the pioneers' bioengineering civilization.

After the seventh-level monster appeared, it swept through everything and crushed everything.

In addition, level 7 monsters have the ability to fly at supersonic speeds.

Before, the dragon could fly, but the huge body made him move very slowly, so it took several months to destroy a few volcanoes on the ground.

But now, the appearance of eight seventh-level mech monsters has suddenly affected the whole situation.

They fly at supersonic speed and release a pulse attack at will, which can trigger earthquakes and tsunamis and allow volcanoes to erupt.

After the eight monsters appeared, they acted separately, divided into eight directions, and began to attack the earth with an unstoppable momentum.

There is no need to destroy all volcanoes, only a part of them is destroyed, and the illusion of the earth is completely changed.

In just one week, the earth’s sky became grey and full of sulfur.

In this environment, it is difficult for human beings to survive. At first, some people fell ill and eventually died.

During this time, human beings became a disaster day.

In order to survive, human conquest has created two programs.

Some people moved to the underground, built a hidden underground city, and gradually formed underground people.

Another group of people rode into the space ark to survive in space.

These are the two plans that the human country has prepared for a long time. In addition to the mech plan, the other survival plan is the last alternative. It will only be selected when humans cannot survive and are about to become extinct.

And after humans went to the dungeon and space separately, the Pacific Ocean was at a point where the tunnel shone with light, and strange turtle-shaped creatures flew out one after another.

Turtle-shaped creatures are not strong, but they are very large. They float from the bottom of the sea. After opening, they are members of the first-in-one family.

The earth has been transformed into the environment they adapt to and can survive very well.

Another week later, all members of the first family came to earth, landed on all continents, and began to live on the earth.

"Ding, within one year, successfully brought the leading intellectuals into the earth's space to survive, and the mission was completed.

The task completion time is 364 days, each member is rewarded with 100 points, and all members are evaluated as E-level. "

After the last turtle-shaped warship arrived on the earth, Qi Xiaosheng heard the sound of the reincarnation of the main god. Because of the following, everyone felt a sharp pain in their heads, and then they became dark.

"Start to return."

When Qi Xiaosheng fell into a coma, he heard the last voice of the samsara.

After waking up, Qi Xiaosheng opened his eyes and appeared in the space of samsara.

"100 points, E-level evaluation, this is the lowest evaluation."

Qi Xiaosheng looked at the information on the screen and a smile appeared on his face.

Li Yiyi, A Niu, Li Tie, and Wang Li all lay in the ‘medicine jar’ except for the first time to avoid the nuclear ejection force. They almost did not deal with it, and the points were the lowest level.

Qi Xiaosheng was punished, the task was extremely difficult, and there were few reports. Therefore, although he was almost responsible for the task this time, his points and evaluation were the same as those of Li Yiyi and others. .

"Three reincarnations of the world, the next time, my punishment is over, and the difficulty of the task returns to normal. The strength may still be sealed. After all, the world entered is a low-level world.

However, this does not matter, there is a powerful seventh-level mech, there is no problem at all. "

Qi Xiaosheng's face was full of smiles.

His smile is not because the next mission world will be simpler, but because it will make it easier to get points and higher evaluation, which will make him more easily step into the level of intermediate reincarnation.

Becoming an intermediate samsara, he can go to the samsara city and implement his own plan.

Soon, A Niu and others also came to their senses.

"Only 100 points, too few, less points than the first task."

Aniu waited for the screen.

"Last time it was nearly 2000 points, this time it was only 100." Li Yiyi also exclaimed.

Of course, although they feel less points, everyone has a smile on their faces.

Because, this time the task world points are few, but the harvest is very rich.

Eight seven-level mechs are equivalent to eight martial arts strongmen, and this is their harvest.

These eight mechs, Qi Xiaosheng did not mean, and gave each of the four Niu Niu one.

This time, the four people of Aniu are equivalent to a powerful weapon. Through the weapon, they can be directly promoted to the realm of the first Emperor Wu.

You know, even Aniu and Li Tie have only experienced three reincarnations, and Li Yiyi and Wang Li are two. Kiki's novels are launched online

In just two or three reincarnation worlds, it has the martial arts level of combat power, which is basically impossible in the primary reincarnation. It is estimated that I am only familiar with this reincarnation world, and I am proficient in firearms and the methods of fighting and killing, and better, I can contact extraordinary skills and obtain special functions.

But now, A Niu and others directly control the powerful martial arts-level armor, which is beyond the imagination.

In addition to the Emperor's Battlegear, the Aniu four used the prophet's training cabin to attack with high-purity energy, so that their bodies have also evolved to the Wuzong level, which is the limit of the violent potion.

Today, A Niu and others, even without mechas, have the ability to open stone and crack stones, climbing mountains and crossing mountains.

Looking at Li Aniu, the smile on Qi Xiaosheng's face suddenly disappeared.

"You should know that I am a reincarnation of old qualifications."

Qi Xiaosheng's sudden and solemn speech made A Niu and others look back and felt that there was something very important.

"If it is just ordinary reincarnation, teammate relationship, I am actually too lazy to introduce in depth.

However, the last mission, facing a nuclear bomb explosion, no matter what your thoughts, but you can stand in front of me, they have been recognized by me, are all good teammates. Kiki's novels are launched online

So, I need to introduce myself more seriously. "

Qi Xiaosheng said very seriously.

"Captain, what do you say?"

Li Yiyi was the most active and immediately asked, she was excited about hearing the big secret.

"I am a veteran of reincarnation, not two or three more reincarnations than you, but the qualification is older than you think.

I am a senior samsara, the world of samsara that I have experienced, um... I can't count them, it's estimated that it's almost a hundred. "

In fact, Qi Xiaosheng is not very sure about the specific number, and is worried about being discovered by the reincarnation master, so he only said a vague number.

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