Invincible Scanning System

: Eighty-eighth Dyson Betrayal

Chapter 881

The two bombs were filled into the wall. After the explosion, the power completely acted on the concrete wall. The terrible explosive force directly blasted the wall and burst, the shock wave rushed out, directing the six security guards nearby He flew out.


  The wall left, and the seawater inside suddenly burst out of the cracks, and the huge water pressure further expanded the cracks.

   wow la la.

  The next moment, this wall collapsed instantaneously, the seawater gushing out, the concrete stones rolled up, and the security guards that were flying were buried in an instant.

   wow la la.

  Canglong Pavilion broke down, the seawater poured out, and the area of ​​the wall collapsed further expanded.

   Originally, the explosives only collapsed the venue, but with the impact of seawater, the cracks expanded. Eventually, a wall of more than ten meters in the field collapsed and was washed out by the seawater.

  Canglong Hall.

  Canglong is swimming in the sea water.

  Canglong Pavilion is very large, which guarantees Canglong's activity space.

   This huge Canglong is one of the huge selling points of Jurassic Park. Almost all tourists who come to Jurassic Park will come to Canglong Museum to take a look.

   Therefore, Jurassic Park takes care of Canglong very well, which is almost equivalent to the treatment of the presidential suite of a human hotel.

   But now, Canglong’s presidential suite has been blown up, and the sea is pouring like crazy.

  Canglong is huge, but it also needs to survive in the sea water.

  The seawater was flowing out, and Canglong's body could not be supported. He was caught by the seawater and washed towards the outside world.


   Soon, his huge body hit the wall of Canglong Pavilion, collapsing the wall of Canglong Pavilion that had been broken up again.

   This time, the collapsed area was larger, and even the Canglong was washed out by the sea water.

  The huge dragon rushed out of the dragon hall, just like the goldfish panicked and panicked on the ground after the water tank was dumped.

   The only difference is that Canglong's body is too big, and the body in a few tons is beating on the ground, making a rumbling sound, and the earth is shaking.

   Canglong's vitality is very tenacious, but without sea water, he simply can't live too long.

   and the huge body of the dragon makes it difficult for him to be saved.

   After all, he is not a goldfish and can quickly find a fish tank and wash basin.

   A huge dragon, only the huge dragon can put it down and accommodate it.

   And now, the only thing waiting for Canglong is death.

   The huge dragon is still struggling violently. The huge vibrations attracted more people, most of them are Jurassic Park staff.

   These people know the value of Canglong, which is a huge asset for Jurassic Park, and it is still multiplying infinitely.

   But now, this asset is facing the end of bankruptcy.

   In addition, some curious tourists also came.

   One of them is Dyson.

  Dyson took the chaos during the day and pretended to be a security guard, hunting for pterosaurs.

   But when the pterosaurs dispersed, the security guards began to gather, and Dyson had to leave. Like Qi Xiaosheng, he hid.

   Now, Dyson heard the movement and came out.

   "Canglong has actually become like this?" Dyson's eyes flashed.

  Canglong was terrible, but it fell to the ground and was just a fish slaughtered by anyone.

   In front of me, the fish was about to die because it came to the land.

   "Is it the captain?"

  Dyson immediately thought of Qi Xiaosheng.

  Only their group of reincarnations are hunting dinosaurs.

   "Reincarnation Lord God only introduced the points of the most important dinosaurs in the plot, but the points of other dinosaurs should also have some differences.

   This big dragon is so big, there must be a lot of points. "

  Dyson was tempted immediately.

  He hunted pterosaurs during the day and worked hard for a few hours before finally earning 70 points, which is 30 points away from 100 points.

   In front of you, if you kill Canglong, there must be a lot of points, maybe it is enough at once.

"Since I come to the world of the Lord God, I will become stronger. 100 points is just to complete the task and not be erased. This is not my purpose. I want to live more points and exchange weapons from the Lord God to become stronger. ."

  Dyson clenched his fists, palms pressed against the holster under the suit, eyes looked around.

   "The captain must be here."

  Dyson thought so, looking around, but did not find Qi Xiaosheng's position.

"what are you planning to do?"

   At this moment, the voice of Qi Xiaosheng suddenly appeared behind Dyson, so that Dyson was cold all the time, and turned around quickly, and the holster had been opened.

   But in the end, he refrained.

   He still has a certain amount of fear for this veteran reincarnation.

   "Captain, you really are here." Dyson's face quickly calmed down. He exhaled deeply and said, "As soon as I see this dragon, I know that you must have done it."

   Qi Xiaosheng looked down at Dyson's hand on the holster.

  Dyson quickly buckled the holster, smiled slightly, and said: "The captain should not misunderstand, suddenly someone is talking behind me, and I just react subconsciously."

   After he finished speaking, he paused, inspected and observed, but found that he could not see Qi Xiaosheng's emotions at all.

   "What do you want to do?" Qi Xiaosheng still said this.

  Dyson looked stiff, and this time he finally understood what the captain asked.

   "Captain, this dragon hasn't died yet. What if I was rescued by the park staff? So, I plan to give it a few shots."

  Dyson answered immediately.

   " This dragon is mine." Qi Xiaosheng replied very determinedly.

Dyson frowned and was silent for a moment, saying: "Captain, this head of dragon is so, there must be a lot of points, maybe 200 points, even more than the tyrannical Tyrannosaurus rex, I will make up a few shots, it will be divided. Dozens of points are not too much for you, but for me, they can save me."

   "You still have two days and a lot of time." Qi Xiaosheng's meaning was obvious, and he refused directly.

  Dyson's expression was completely gloomy, and he thought for a while, and said, "Okay, I know."

   "Very good."

   Qi Xiaosheng turned around and left.

  However, just as he walked away for more than ten steps, Dyson suddenly shouted: "Come here, poacher leader, it is him, I saw him during the day."

  Dyson ran towards the security crowd while pointing at Qi Xiaosheng Road.

  Qi Xiaosheng paused suddenly, looked at Dyson, a playful smile appeared on his face.


   Qi Xiaosheng not only left, but walked slowly towards Dyson.

   "Stealer leader?"

  A group of security personnel also looked at Qi Xiaosheng.

  Qi Shengsheng appeared in the laboratory during the day, and the monitoring of the laboratory photographed him.

   "It really is him."

   "He must have blasted the Canglong Hall."


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