Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 713: Assassination of Ditian

Chapter 713

  If you ask Douluo who has the strongest sword, then all Soul Masters will answer the same answer-Jian Douluo.

  Now, however, Qi Xiaosheng has released nine swords at the same time. Nine swords radiate light. The sword qi is like a river, permeating the entire sky, all the soul beasts on the scene, and the breath of every title Douluo has been suppressed.

   This sword gas burst out, each one was not weaker than Jian Doula, and even stronger, but Qi Xiaosheng urged nine swords.

  Nine Excaliburs and Nine Terroristic Swords became one piece and suddenly attacked Ditian.

  In an instant, terrifying sword energy covered Emperor Heaven.

   This sword spirit appears very abrupt, after all, Qi Xiaosheng is still a Titan Demon Ape. Even the Titan Demon Erming did not recognize Qi Xiaosheng as a counterfeit, and Emperor Tian could not even recognize it.

   Therefore, Qi Xiaosheng suddenly attacked, which was beyond everyone's expectations and was too abrupt.

   Even, even though Qi Xiaosheng had already shot, Jianguang shrouded Emperor Heaven, everyone around him still showed an incredible look.

   "Oh my God, what is this? What do I see? A Titan Demon is mobilizing the sword martial spirit, and is it still the nine sword sword martial spirit?"

   "Soul beasts also have martial souls? Or nine martial souls, oh my god, how is this possible? Are martial souls exclusive to us humans?"

   "The illusion must be an illusion. The soul beast cannot use the martial spirit, and it is still nine sword martial spirits. This is too fake. It must be a conspiracy of the soul beast. It deceives us in the past. There are traps. Be careful."


   everyone immediately talked about it.

  Tang Chen and others went back and forth to avoid.

   Pope Bibidong of Wuhun Temple stared at his eyes, his face showing shock.

   "Doesn't that the master of the man is the soul beast, so he hid in the Star Forest?" Bibidong suddenly thought of this.

   Of course, there were only three people on the scene, who saw the identity of Qi Xiaosheng.

   Dudou Luo, Tang Hao, and Master all recognized Qi Xiaosheng's weapon and guessed Qi Xiaosheng's identity.

   "Can he actually become a Titan Demon Ape? Isn't he, like A Yin, a soul beast transformed into a hundred thousand years?

   But it's not right. After the Soul Beast is transformed, it can't be changed back to the Soul Beast. "Tang Hao misunderstood."


   At this time, there was a screaming sound within the boundless sword gas, but Di Tian was directly injured by Qi Xiaosheng's unexpected sneak attack.

   Ditian was covered with sword spirit, and nine swords were cutting his body at the same time.

   These are nine swords, each one is extremely sharp, and contains various magical powers and rules.

   Under these nine swords, the flesh and blood of Emperor Tian moment was blurred, and the blood was sprayed out, and soon it became a small river.

   In Jianguang, Emperor Tian's screams kept coming out, and it seemed very painful.

   dong dong dong dong.

   Sword energy, there was a dramatic energy fluctuation.

   This is Di Tian's fierce resistance, causing the sword ball to violently twist, and suddenly a silver sword gas was torn, this is Qi Xiaosheng's weakest keyless sword.

   The thunder and lightning that descended in the sky swam around, but was shattered by the power of Emperor Tian, ​​and turned into thousands of small electric snakes, swam to all directions.

   The magma beneath the earth flows, but Emperor Tian is already flying, and he can't burn his body.

  The power of Chixiaojian was first resolved.

   Qi Xiaosheng has reserved Thunderbolt Snake King’s Soul Ring for Chi Xiaojian, but currently Thunderbolt Snake King is still sealed, and no Soul Ring has been attached, so the Chi Xiaojian’s sword spirit is also broken.

   Next, the god-level Jiangang, Jianjie, Zhuxianjian and other sword qi also gradually disintegrated, making it difficult to really kill Emperor Heaven.

  However, although Emperor Tian broke a sword spirit, but Immortal Sword, Tai Chi Yin Yang Sword, and Jiulong Sword were the strongest, but Emperor Tian was unable to crack.

  Under the attack of these Excaliburs, Di Tian's screams became lower and lower, blood flowed more and more, and gradually became weak.

   "Oh, save Emperor Heaven."

  The sky blue cow python made an angry roar and rushed straight up.

   "Damn, I pretended to be my offspring."

   Erming also roared, strode over, stepped heavily on the earth, and made a ‘dongdong’ sound, making the earth violently oscillating as if an earthquake had occurred.

   "Stop the Soul Beast and let him kill Emperor Heaven, and humanity will definitely win."

   Tang Hao immediately shouted and rushed up first.

  Duo Luo did not hesitate, immediately rushed to Tang Hao.

  Tang Chen hesitated for a moment, saw Tang Hao rushed past, did not hesitate, and followed.

   However, people such as Bibidong and Wuhundian hesitated and did not help in the past.

   "It is better for the soul beasts to fight and let them kill each other. Wouldn't it be better for us humans to take advantage of fishermen."

   Bibidong shouted like this, but his body quickly approached Qi Xiaosheng.

   Di Tian is the king of the soul beast of 800,000 years, kill him, the soul ring quality is extremely high, Bi Bidong is actually to destroy Qi Xiaosheng's plan, want to kill Di Tian by himself.

  However, if they don't shoot, how could Tang Hao and his three people block the desperate Tianqing Niu Python and several other soul beasts.

  In an instant, the azure cow python rushed over first, with a wide beam of soul power sprayed out.

  Bibidong also released a soul skill, half-moon-shaped arc rushed out.

   This is his soul technique ‘Half Moon’.

   Half Moon Soul Skill can be attacked individually, but it can also be attacked in groups, turning into a half-moon-shaped green arc.

   This time, the soul technique used by Bibidong, ‘Half Moon’, is the latter, and instantly turns into dozens of half-moon-shaped arcs.

   This half-moon-shaped arc has only one attack on the sky blue cow There are many left but empty.

   No, this soul skill is not empty, because Bi Bidong's real goal is not the azure cow python, but Qi Xiaosheng.


   Qi Xiaosheng broke his mouth and scolded, and his heart was not divided, and his arms were waved into a five-element small world, while resisting the attacks of the Azure Cow and Bibidong.

   If it is only azure cow, Qi Xiaosheng can completely block it, but with Bibidong's soul skills, Qi Xiaosheng suddenly felt that a terrible power was transferred to his body.

  In an instant, Ditian's fierce resistance, Bibidong's attack fell on the body at the same time.

  This is an attack by two extreme Douluo strong, Qi Xiaosheng needs to go all out in the face of one person, not to mention two.

   Suddenly, Qi Xiaosheng groaned, and the five-element small world in his palm was torn, and a half-moon-shaped light was chopped on him.


  At the same time, Emperor Tian also felt the shock of Qi Xiaosheng's power, felt the opportunity to escape, and fought hard to resist, directly flying Qi Xiaosheng's immortal sword, Taiji Yinyang sword and Jiulong sword.

   Boom. .

  Qi Shengsheng also felt the terrible power from the Excalibur, his body flew directly backwards, and fell very awkwardly out of 100 meters.

"It's a pity, it's almost." Qi Xiaosheng stabilized his body, revealing the color of regret, and then glanced at Bibidong, and then looked at Emperor Tian, ​​said: "But this time, you can't escape the palm of your hand. ."

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