Invincible Scanning System

Chapter 1064: Dreadnought Battleship

Chapter 1064

Three days later, all the students in the advanced class assembled and boarded a huge steel battleship.

This battleship is as big as the same teaching building, and among the flying battleships, it can only be regarded as small.

But the body is small and has all five internal organs.

This warship is surrounded by thick defensive decks, with high-energy plasma protective shields, and many black gun barrels extending from the top, bottom, left, and right, which look particularly hideous.

This is only part of it. More assault weapons are hidden in the weapon compartment of the battleship, lying quietly, hiding their hideous features.

By extracting data, Qi Xiaosheng learned that the dreadnought warship of the Xuanwu Empire at this time was a very high-end weapon.

Only the Empire can control things like battleships.

Of course, personal force has reached the level of a **** of war, and no warship can resist it when wearing mecha.

After all, a person is too flexible, the warship is too big, the target is too big, and the firepower is fierce, but it is easy to become the target of the Valkyrie.

Therefore, the position of the Valkyrie is so respected here.

Qi Xiaosheng and others put on the military uniforms customized by the empire and boarded the dreadnought battleship one by one. The battleship roared and flew into the sky, and then directly broke through the sound barrier and flew quickly.

Qi Xiaosheng and others gathered in the training room of the cabin, and a commander from the imperial military stood in front of them.

This person looks young, about forty years old, with a straight waist and cold eyes, giving a feeling of iron and blood.哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novels|w~w~

"Hello everyone, I'm Guo Jingtao, Major General of the Empire, and I will be responsible for your three-month actual combat project." Guo Jingtao said here, paused, and looked at the audience, releasing a faint pressure on him. sense.

This sense of oppression comes from his fighting spirit.

Just breath, it oppresses Tang Yao and the others to dare not show up.

Guo Jingtao's eyes showed that everyone felt the tremendous pressure.

"I know that you are all geniuses of Xuanwu Academy, but here, if it is a dragon, you must hold it for me, and if it is a tiger, you must also lie down.

Here, there is only one rule, and that is to follow my orders.

Who dares not obey orders, then military law will deal with them. "

His eyes looked at the students below, and Tang Yao and others felt chills in their hearts when they saw his eyes.

Guo Jingtao is a powerful man who kills no one, and I don't know how many creatures died in his hands.

Guo Jingtao looked around the audience and was very satisfied with his deterrent effect, but the next moment, his gaze could not help but stop on one person.

It was a handsome young man. He stood straight in the crowd, seemingly ordinary, but he looked at him, but the man looked at himself calmly, without dodge or awe.

On the contrary, there was plainness and indifference in that person's eyes.

Guo Jingtao is familiar with this look, because he often sees it in the eyes of some strongest people, and even when he looks at ordinary people, he occasionally shows this look involuntarily.

This is the eyes of the superior looking down on the inferior, and the strong watching the weak indifferently.

"This person is a bit evil."

Guo Jingtao remembered the appearance of this person, but did not immediately act.

He is still talking.

Therefore, he quickly retracted his gaze and continued: "The destination of your special training is a world that has just merged into the Xuanwu Continent. His name is Mithra.

Mithra is a newly advanced Chinese martial plane. It was captured by us a year ago and merged with Xuanwu Continent.

Its integration has not yet been completed, there is still a faint world barrier, and its power is very unstable. In many places, energy will suddenly be unstable and void cracks will appear, so be very vigilant.

Of course, this is not a problem you need to solve. After a long time, the Xuanwu Continent will naturally completely integrate the Mithra world.

Your task is to purge the diehards in the Mithra world.

The official influence of the Mithra world has been destroyed, and there are still some sects left, the largest of which is called Mithraism.

Mithraism is the belief of all the people in the Mithra world. It is said that there is a Mithra god. It is not known that this Mithra **** is a powerful warrior or is just a fictional belief. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

This requires you to investigate. "

Guo Jingtao briefly introduced the basic information of Mithra.

"Your main task is to investigate the Mithra Realm. If there is a so-called Mithra God, report it and cooperate with us to destroy it collectively.

In addition to the main task, there are many small tasks. Small tasks include the elimination of small sects and stubborn resistance forces in the Mithra Division.

The military of these forces has investigated in advance, and you can take on tasks at will and go for experience.

Different tasks have different points, which are divided according to the difficulty.

In the first two months, your main goal was a small task, which is to run your small team and improve combat effectiveness as the goal.

At the same time, the main task time limit is three months ~ ~ can not be completed within three months, all of you present on the scene, all graduated, and the actual combat assessment failed. "

Guo Jingtao announced the requirements of the task.

"Everyone has a career?"

"This...If others don't try their best, it will hurt us."

"How can this be?"

The students suddenly rioted.

"Shut up all to me." Guo Jingtao roared, his voice was like a dragon roaring and a tiger roaring, shaking the entire training hall and making a rumbling sound, and many equipment around him vibrated.

All the students felt a hum in their minds, the eardrums were painful, and the eyes were a little bit cruel, and the dantian Qi sea was surging.

"It's terrible, what kind of strength is this."

"A roar made us unbearable, this... this major general is at least Wu Sheng."

Many students felt extremely shocked, and the training hall instantly became silent, and all the students were afraid to speak.

"I warn you, this is not your school. After boarding the Dreadnought Warship and putting on military uniforms, you are a soldier.

Soldiers must order and prohibit.

Here, if I don’t let you speak, you won’t be able to speak, and if I don’t let you act, you won’t be able to act. Do you understand? "


"Have you not eaten yet?"

"Understood." The crowd roared with thunderous voices.

"Okay, now disbanded, after which we will go back through a few space wormholes, and about a day later, we will arrive at Mithra Realm.

Therefore, you have one day to carefully review the information of each task.

Now, when disbanded, everyone returns to the cabin, enters the rest cabin, connects to the virtual space in their minds to view information, and the warship will continue to shuttle through the wormhole next. "

Guo Jingtao gave the order, and then he didn't stay any longer. He turned around and quickly left the training hall like the wind.

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