For this reason, for Tamick at this time, she would never let Degar pass the guards outside the tower and enter the tower, thus completely destroying the original plan of Stephen the Lich.

As Tamick’s words say, what can change this situation may only come from the order issued by the Lich himself, but at this time, what about Degar who has already come to outside the Tower of Souls? Can I get permission from Stephen the Lich in the Tomb of Death?

After understanding the meaning of Tamick's words, Degar fell silent for a while.

During this time, although Degar didn't say much, it always looked at Tamick's scarlet eyes, which also showed that the thoughts in his heart would not change easily because of this.

In this case, Tamick would naturally not be anxious. What she hoped was that Rod and his party, who had entered the soul tower first, would be able to complete this task as soon as possible.

As for Degar, who exists outside the Tower of Souls, Tamick doesn't care that much. Due to the disparity in strength, Tamik believes that no matter what Degar finally makes, it will be difficult to achieve any results.

After a long time, seeing that Tamick's attitude hadn't changed in any way, Degar could only change the topic and draw Tamick's attention to other things.

Looking at Tamik who was on the side, Degar said:

"The dark knights you control shouldn't be transformed by your own hands...I can perceive the special things that exist in them. Something...coexists with the soul fire in them."

"These dark knights...was that lich transformed for you?"

After realizing the doubts in Degar's mind, Tamick did not deny this, but took the initiative to explain:

"Yes, these dark knights are the rewards given to me by the lich whom I am loyal to. The materials used in the transformation process are all high-level knights who died in the Battle of Virtue in Elasia. I am naturally not qualified to proceed. This transformation."

"After the transformation of the Lich, the strength of these dark knights has been greatly improved. I believe you have felt this in the previous battles."

"What I forgot to tell you is that in your era, all undead knights can be called dark knights, but now, among these undead knights, the most advanced existence should be called horror. knight."

"The abnormality you feel from the horror knight is that in the process of transforming these undead creatures, the special treatment made by the lich left behind some of their characteristics."

"And what I want to do is to reactivate their characteristics through the training of horror knights, so as to make these horror knights more powerful."

Regarding the existence of the former vampire leader, that is, the hero Degar, Tamick did not deliberately conceal any news during the conversation with him, but took the initiative to tell the news about the terrorist knight, and corrected Degar's words by the way. Among the errors.

Tamick believes that if it were not during this mission, but in other locations, after seeing the presence of the hero Degar, the situation might be very different.

What makes Tamick feel concerned is naturally why Degar mentioned the news about the terrorist knight in this situation.

In Tamick’s impression, the group of horror knights in front of him were indeed using the corpses left by a battle of virtues that took place in the territory of Elasia, involving the entire knight camp, to transform them in the way he said. of.

Since the corpses of these horror knights have a higher rank, in this case, it is naturally impossible to transform them smoothly by relying on the spiritism level of Tamick himself. Tamick believes that it can do this At one point, only the real lich existed.

What Tamick did for these horror knights was more through the training of heroic skills, rather than personally transforming these horror knights. Even with the existence of the soul tower, Tamick could not do this.

The traits that exist in these horror knights further enhance their combat capabilities. The existence of these unique traits can only be preserved in the process of transformation by the Lich.

Tamick believes that the things that Degar mentioned that coexist with the fire of the soul in these terrifying knights are precisely the existence of these qualities.

Even Tamik didn’t know much about the Battle of That Virtue that took place in the territory of Elasia.

Lich Stephen, who knows the causes and consequences of this battle, may be that this matter has nothing to do with Tamick, so he didn’t say much, and he didn’t tell Tamick about the battle. It was only during this battle. In the process, a large number of terror knights were sent to Tamick.

Under this circumstance, as a death knight under Stephen, Tamick was not good at asking about what happened in this battle of virtues, so he could not get more information about the battle of virtues from Stephen.

Tamick learned more about this battle from the mouths of the other vampires under him.

According to the information that Tamick understands, the outbreak of the war of virtue should have occurred in Elasia, around the time when the current Griffin Hart and Griffin Heart King succeeded.

As the original ruler of, when the original Griffin Heart King dies, it will inevitably have a great impact on the entire territory of Elasia, breaking the original stability.

When the current Griffin Heart King succeeded to the throne, he immediately carried out drastic changes to the original things in Elasia, and naturally encountered great resistance from the original forces.

Among the series of changes carried out by the current Griffin Heart King, the most famous is the change in the definition of knight’s virtues, which has caused dissatisfaction among many knights who originally believed in these virtues.

In this case, some nobles in Elasia's original power united with powerful lords, plus knights who were dissatisfied with the current Griffin Heart King, and launched a rebellion.

The name of this rebellion is exactly the battle of virtue mentioned by Tamick. Although it was a battle in the name of virtue, the real purpose of this battle was to distribute the benefits of the new Griffin Heart King after he took office.

In this regard, even if the vampires under his staff did not say so much when reporting the information to him, Tamick was able to figure it out by relying on his own understanding of the nobles of Elasia.

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