Invincible God of War

Chapter 895: Goodbye Aunt Xue

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"Oh it's you."

The fat man suddenly realized, "Are you going to help them?"

The old man said: "I will not help anyone, just to resolve this hatred."

"The seeds of hatred have germinated, and you can't dissolve it by saying it's resolved."

"The Fat Master would also like to ask you, what were you doing when they slaughtered my Stuart family?"

"You are so kind, shouldn't you come out and stop?"

Fatty said.

"The old man stopped, but when the old man rushed to the news, it was too late."

The old man sighed.


The fat man smiled angrily and landed in front of Mo Jun.

Mo Jun tightened his mind and body and was about to escape. The fat man's arm burst out and grabbed his neck.

"Sir, save me!"

Mo Jun quickly called for help.

"No one can save you now."

The fat man sneered and looked at the old man and said, "You didn't help me at that time, and now I also advise you, it's better not to interfere."

Say it.

His five fingers began to gather, and Mo Jun gradually entered a state of suffocation.

"Sir, I don't want to die yet, save me quickly!"

Mo Jun watched the master of Yunzhou growl.


There was no response from the master of Yunzhou.

If there is a way, she has already started, and will not wait until now.

"Right, I still hold a hole card!"


She seemed to think of something, and hurriedly looked at the fat man and shouted, "Release him immediately, otherwise I will kill Situ Hai!"


The fat man was startled, staring at the master of Yunzhou, and said angrily: "How are you treating Haibo?"

"That year, after you went to the Imperial Capital, I guessed it would be such a day."

"So I asked Mo Jun to investigate Situ Hai's hiding place."

"Huang Tian is not dissatisfied."

"Last year, we finally found his whereabouts and also found the cemetery where your people were buried."

"At that time, we caught him."

"As for his safety, it's okay now, but if you dare to continue to be extravagant, it's hard to say."

The master of Yunzhou House smiled coldly.

The fat man's eyes dropped, and Mo Jun let go, and Mo Jun ran towards the master of Yunzhou immediately, sweating all over him.

The fat man said: "Hand over Haibo, and Fatty will keep you all dead."

"No, you must promise to never hurt us again, and never step into Yunzhou again, I will return Situ Hai to you."

The main road of Yunzhou House.

The fat man's eyes flickered, struggling, and finally nodded: "Okay, I promise you, let go!"

"It is impossible to let people go now."

"Because of your words, I can't believe it."

"You leave first, I will open the portal later, and let Situ Hai go to Lingzhou Prefecture City, you go there to find him."

The main road of Yunzhou House.

She is also delaying time.

As long as Qin Feiyang and others deceived Lingzhou, she would have time to report the matter to the imperial capital.

"Haha ..."

"Old witch, do you think fat man is a fool? Such a lie?"

The fat man laughed.

Follow closely.

He looked at Qin Feiyang and nodded.

Qin Feiyang smiled, his thoughts moved, and the two-winged snow eagle appeared.

Qin Feiyang said: "Everyone is imprisoned."


The double-winged snow eagle smiled, and the horrible Shengwei was like a raging wave, which immediately enveloped the entire state city.

Everyone was imprisoned at this moment.

"this is……"

The pupil of Yunzhou's last presidency contracted.

It is a holy beast!

There are even holy beasts around, what have these people experienced in these years?


Yunzhou House Lord and Mo Jun's faces were also incredible.

The panic in my heart is even more than before!

"I thought it would threaten us if we grabbed Haibo?"

With a contemptuous smile, the fat man walked step by step in front of the master of Yunzhou.

"What do you want to do?"

The master of Yunzhou Prefecture was completely afraid, and wanted to run but was imprisoned and could not run again.

The fat man said: "Finally give you a chance to tell me where Haibo is?"


The Six Gods of the Master of Yunzhou Prefecture have no Lord and can't even speak.

"Don't you say?"

"Then die!"

The cold light flashed in the fat man's eyes, and the dragon's claws lifted up sharply, directly punching the head of the master of Yunzhou.

Blood flew across, and Mo Jun splashed all around him.


Mo Jun shivered all over the body, his face was bloodless, and his soul was scared away.


The fat man turned his head to look at Mo Jun and chuckled, "Are you talking?"

The smile, falling into Mo Jun's eyes, seemed to be waving to him.

"I said I said ..."

Faced with the **** means of the fat man, his inner defense line finally collapsed.


The fat man asked.

"He is in the master's backyard."

"We didn't hurt him a bit of hair, but treated him like a guest and treated him well."

"Just do it, let me go?"

"I swear, I will be honest and honest, and I will never do anything against you again."

Mo Jun begged.

"Don't be so grandiose."

"If it weren't because Hyber could threaten me, would you entertain yourself?"

"But Fatty talks and counts, leaving you with a whole body."

The fat man sneered, raised his hand, and a black dragon's fighting spirit emerged, like a sharp blade, across Mo Jun's neck.


Mo Jun screamed immediately, the blood on his neck was spurting like a pillar!


He died in anger.

The fat man, instead of having a slight joy on his face, crawled up with a trace of loss that couldn't be melted away.

He stood in the void and said nothing for a long time.

Qin Feiyang stepped forward and asked: "The murderer and the accomplice are both dead. Why are you still depressed?"

"Yeah, it's all dead. I should have been happy, but I just can't be happy."

The fat man looked up at Qin Feiyang, his eyes full of confusion.

Qin Feiyang laughed: "Is it empty!"


"It seems to have lost its goal and no motivation."

The fat man nodded.

"I can understand."

"The hatred in your heart that keeps you going all these years."

"And now that the hatred is getting revenge, what will be missing in my heart?"

Qin Feiyang said.

"Yes, it's feeling."

Fatty said.

Qin Feiyang immediately scratched his ear and slapped on the fat man's head and said angrily: "Isn't it still a brother, your hatred is worth it, then me?"

The fat man froze slightly.


His revenge was reported, but the boss's revenge has not yet been reported!

The boss's business is his business.

That's right!

Get up and continue fighting!

However, there is still some pain in this head.

"Your enemy is a fat grandfather? I'll tell you less."

He glared at Qin Feiyang, hummed and said something, then turned and flew towards the central city, his face also with a smile on his face.

Qin Feiyang shook his head and smiled, glanced up to the next governor, and said lightly: "You don't have to report this matter to the imperial capital specially, because soon we will go to the imperial capital in person."

Qin Feiyang nodded to the two-winged Snow Eagle.

The two-winged snow eagle grasped the heart and immediately put away Shengwei.

"I'm old, I can't control so much, now it's your young people's world."

The old man glanced at Qin Feiyang, and with a sigh, turned and left.

Mu Qing, who had not spoken from beginning to end, frowned: "Now you are busy, can you go to the Imperial City?"

Qin Feiyang pondered for a while, and said, "I'm going to Lingzhou again, you wait for me here."

"Go to Lingzhou?"

"Are you crazy?"

"Now in Lingzhou, there must be people from the imperial capital sitting in town."

Mu Qing said angrily.

"I know, but I have to understand the situation."

Qin Feiyang said nothing, opened a portal, and strode in.

"This bastard, it's really his own way."

Mu Qing was quite angry.

"Don't worry, we have to wait until tomorrow anyway before we can open the door of time and space and return to the forgotten mainland."

The old man in black robe passed on the voice, and the door of time and space behind him was already taken into the body when the fat man killed all directions.

Mu Qing raised his eyebrows and turned his head to look at the old man in black robe. He whispered, "Ancestor, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's just over consumption of divine power, just rest after a while."

The old man in black robe said.

Mu Qing worried: "Then open the door of time and space tomorrow, can you bear it?"

The old man in black robe thought for a while and said: "Wait tomorrow, the divine power should recover a lot, the problem will not be too big."

"That won't work either."

"Stay there for a few more days, and we will go back when your divine power is completely restored."

Mu Qingdao.

"OK, you arrange."

The old man in black robe smiled.

From this conversation, we can see that this person has great trust and love for Mu Qing.


Lingzhou City!

Treasure Pavilion in Dongcheng.

In a lounge, a dignified woman in white is sitting at a desk, looking down and writing something.



A young man in white descended on the lounge.


The white lady frowned, looking up at the young man.


She froze there, her expression full of disbelief.

"Aunt Xue, it didn't take long to see you, won't you recognize it?"

Qin Feiyang grinned.

That's right!

This woman in white is Luo Qingzhu's mother, Luo Qianxue!

"Is that you?"

Luo Qianxue shuddered, put down the pen in his hand, looked at Qin Feiyang, and slowly got up.

"If it's fake replacement."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

Luo Qianxue immediately walked up to Qin Fei, looking at the familiar but weather-scarred face in front of him, tears in his eyes.

That is a mother, love for a son.

But suddenly.

Luo Qianxue seemed to think of something and bowed: "Have seen your highness!"

"Aunt Xue, what are you doing?"

"I have said that, in front of you, I am your son."

Qin Feiyang quickly leaned over and helped Luo Qianxue up.


"Anyway, just come back safely."

Luo Qianxue was very happy and excited. He took Qin Feiyang's hand and walked to the coffee table beside him to sit down.

"Flying ..."

Luo Qianxue was just asking what, Qin Feiyang shook his head and said, "Aunt Xue, I can't stay too long this time when I come back. The experience of these years can only be told to you later.

Luo Qianxue was stunned and nodded and asked, "Well, why are you back this time?"

Qin Feiyang said in a deep voice: "I met the National Teacher yesterday, he told me that the old man was taken to the Imperial Capital, is it true?"

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