Invincible God of War

Chapter 874: stupid!

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"To kill Ming'er?"

Guo Chengqing looked pale.

Mu Qing glanced at Guo Chengqing and said, "Do I need to say it again?"


Guo Chengqing struggled inwardly.

"Boss, I told you before, you must discipline him well, you don't believe it, you have to get used to him."

"Now it's okay, annoy the Mu family."

"What is the existence of Mu Family, can they offend them?"

"Go and bring him, or it might be a scourge of genocide!"

See you.

The anxious voice of the high priest, with a hint of reproach.

Guo Chengqing's eyes flicked, and he bowed to Mu Qing and said, "I'll bring him right away, and ask the two to wait."

"My patience is limited."

Mu Qing laughed.

"I know."

Guo Chengqing nodded, turned into a streamer, and galloped towards the city.


At the same time.

A mighty Diwei rushed out of the Mu family's second ancestor, like an invisible giant wave, rushing towards the city.

The tribes of the Scorpio tribe, except for the high priest and Guo Chengqing, were imprisoned.

But instantly.

The coercion spread to the entire city.

The high priest's face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly said, "Sir, be merciful!"

"rest assured."

"Now the old man doesn't know how to do it, it just prevents some people from twisting their heads."

Mu Family Erzu Road.

Hearing this, Guo Chengqing, who was flying towards the city, shivered slightly.

The only hope left is also ruthlessly wiped out.

Originally, he planned to wait until Guo Ming was found and let Guo Ming leave the tribe and go outside for a while.

but now.

The coercion of the Mu family's second ancestor controlled all the Scorpio tribes.

If he dared to do this, the millions of people up and down must have been fierce.


He roared mournfully and quickly disappeared into the city.


He twisted into Guo Ming and flew out of the city.

There are two striking slap marks on Guo Ming's face.

no doubt.

It must have been Guo Chengqing.

When he saw Mu Qing, Guo Ming was also terrified.

Obviously, I have learned that Mu Qing's true identity.

Guo Chengqing flew over and threw Guo Ming in front of Mu Qing and said, "I don't have this son, I will deal with you."


Mu Qing nodded and looked down at Guo Ming.

Guo Ming was frightened, his face pale, and he was so scared that he couldn't even speak.

In fact, forgetting the mainland, not many people know the Mu family.


Anyone who knows knows how powerful Mu Family is!

This is a behemoth that must not be provoked.

Even a super tribe must bow down in front of Mu Family.

"Why are not you talking?"

Mu Qing asked suspiciously.

"Say what?"

Guo Ming asked, has been completely scared silly.

"Don't you want to kill me?"

"Now I'm in front of you, why don't you do it?"

Mu Qingdao.


Guo Ming panicked to the extreme.

If I had known for a long time that this Qin Daye was the young master of the Mu family, he would not dare to kill him if he was killed!


Mu Qing raised her eyebrows, raised her feet, and kicked on Guo Ming's belly.


Guo Ming suddenly screamed screamingly, was kicked and flew out, and rolled into the void not far away.

"Come back to me!"

Mu Qing looked down on him in a domineering manner.

Guo Ming did not dare to lie in the void and looked at Guo Chengqing and the high priest for help.


Guo Chengqing pretended not to see it.

"Don't look at them, no one can save you now."

"Since you can't come, then I'll go find you."

Mu Qing laughed.

While speaking, take out a dagger.

As he walked toward Guo Ming, he reached out and rubbed the blade gently.

The attitude is extremely arrogant.

But no one in the Scorpio tribe dared to speak.

A huge tribe, there is silence, everyone panic.

"do not come……"

Guo Ming was so excited that he quickly waved his hands and his urine was scared out.

"If you tell me not to pass, I won't pass, then wouldn't I have no face?"

Mu Qing chuckled and stopped in front of Guo Ming, saying: "At that time, in the Cirrus Mountains, how did you treat me, and now I will treat you, are you ready?"

"Don't ..."

Guo Ming trembles violently, hugs Mu Qing's thigh quickly, and begs: "You treat me like a dog, let me go?"

"I can't keep a dog like you."

Mu Qing shook his head with a smile, suddenly twisted Guo Ming, the dagger in his hand, directly stabbed into Guo Ming's belly!

Qihai, destroyed on the spot!

The blood spewed out like a spring!


Guo Ming covered his lower abdomen, howling again and again, and a face has been distorted.

"And the heart."

Mu Qing licked his mouth, and poke into Guo Ming's heart again.

"I really didn't mean it, please let me go!"

Guo Ming shouted.

The blood is like a note, it has become a blood man.

But Mu Qing turned a deaf ear and grinned: "I remember, you slapped me in the face."

The words fall.

He put away his dagger, raised his arm, and slapped slaps on Guo Ming's face.

For a time.

The place was splattered with blood.

Guo Ming's teeth were smashed into pieces, mixed with blood and sprayed out.


At the same moment!

Grand Canyon!

Qin Feiyang, the Wolf King, and the old black robe all looked at the direction of the Scorpio tribe.

Because they have already sensed the coercion of the second ancestor of the Mu family.

Two people and one wolf can sense it, and the elders of the Scorpio tribe can naturally sense it.


The old tribe stood on the terrace of the small wooden building, looking at the direction of the tribe. The old eyes were full of surprise.

Qin Feiyang suddenly seemed to think of something. He withdrew his eyes and looked at the old clan, then looked at the old woman in black robe, and asked in a low voice: "Old witch, what are you doing?"

"What do you call me?"

The old lady in black robe said angrily.

Qin Feiyang said: "Old Witch, is there something wrong?"

The old woman in black robe gritted her teeth and said, "Boy, when the cooperation is over, I promise to kill you by hand!"

Qin Feiyang said impatiently: "I will say it later, and answer me first, what do you do?"

"What do you want to do?"

The old lady in black robe frowned.

Qin Feiyang said: "I want to see if you are as strong as I thought."

The old woman in black robe froze for a moment, and suddenly interest came, and said: "How strong am I in your imagination?"

"One Star Warlord."

Qin Feiyang thought about it and said.

The old woman in the black robe immediately climbed a row of black lines on her forehead, exasperated and said: "You too look down on me, I tell me, I am a real two-star war emperor."

"Two Star Warlord?"

Qin Feiyang surprised and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to be so strong, but compared with the elders of the Scorpio tribe, you are still far away!"

"I am indeed not his opponent, but I did not intend to face him hard, what are I afraid of?"

The old lady in black robe glanced at Qin Feiyang lightly, his eyes looked like idiots.

"What are you afraid of?"

"Wait, I will let you die here."

Qin Feiyang grunted, and an astonishing killer flashed deep in his eyes.


He just wanted to **** the medicinal materials, but after learning the true repair of the old black robe, he changed his attention.

The old witch will be killed before he can grab these herbs.

In the nine major regions, the old witch repeatedly killed him, and he did not forget these accounts.


And just now!

The old clan of the Scorpio tribe jumped from the terrace and stood in the sky, continuing to look at the direction of the tribe.

"Who the **** is my Scorpio tribe, the coercion is so terrifying that even I can feel it here."

"No, I have to check it out!"

The old tribe pondered a little and turned into a stream of light, looting towards the tribe.

"Finally gone."

The old woman in black robe looked at the back of the old clan, with joy in his eyes that could not be concealed.

Qin Fei's eyes also surged.

After the elder clan disappeared, Qin Feiyang looked at the old man in black robe and smiled, "Go ahead, I will give you the wind here."

"Turn the wind?"

The old woman in black robe froze for a moment, wondering: "Would you be so kind?"

"However, we are also on a boat now, so we must help each other!"

"Go ahead and wait for you to divide me halfway."

Qin Feiyang said.

"Yes, I will definitely give it to you."

The old lady in black robe nodded and smiled, but when she got up, there was a taunt in her eyes.



Immediately, she jumped up and rushed towards the medicine field below.

"Do you really think I'm so kind?"


Looking at the back of the old woman in black robe, Qin Feiyang also raised a trace of unabashed sarcasm on his face.

He quickly took out a phantom pill and threw it into his mouth.

It looks like it changes quickly now.


A strange face appeared in front of the wolf king.

"Who are you like Yi Rongcheng?"

The wolf king was suspicious.

"Remember the two white men in white who challenged me in Danta?"

Qin Feiyang asked with a smile.

"Remember, you said that they are also from the Scorpio tribe."

The wolf king nodded.

"I am now Yi Rongcheng, one of them."

Qin Feiyang said.

"What the **** do you want to do?"

The wolf king was puzzled.

"Wait for a good show!"

Qin Feiyang smiled.

It is slow, but the whole process is down, less than three breaths!

The old lady in black has entered the medicine field and is frantically sweeping.

Qin Feiyang smiled coldly, got up and looked at the direction of the disappearance of the elder clan, and shouted anxiously: "Old clan elder, come on, someone is looting the medicine field!"

The voice is very loud, resounding through the sky!


The wolf king was stunned, and then suddenly realized, his eyes also showed a joke.

"You go to hide first."

Qin Feiyang looked at the wolf king's road, and before waiting for his response, he sent the wolf king to the castle.


He strode to the top of the mountain.

"what's the situation?"


The old lady in black robe raised her head and looked at Qin Feiyang after Yi Rong. Her old face was full of consternation.

"Who are you, dare to move me to the medicinal materials of the Scorpio tribe!"

Qin Feiyang glared at the old woman in black robe and shouted with a sharp voice. The angry look really seemed to be a Scorpio tribe who found the thief.

"what happened?"

The old lady in black robe was dumbfounded.

Did n’t Qin Feiyang and Wolf King put the wind on it? How could a Scorpio tribe appear?

She didn't recognize it, this person was Qin Feiyang.


In the old robe of the black robe, the white figure burst into the air like lightning.

It is the elder of the Scorpio tribe!

And when he saw the old lady in black robe standing in the medicine field, his old face suddenly showed an amazing murder.

"court death!"

He shouted loudly, without saying a word, he went directly to the old woman in black robe.

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