Invincible God of War

Chapter 864: Huo Fengding

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Woo! ! !

And just before Qin Feiyang left, three young men and women fell beside Wu Yang.

"It seems that we are late."

"This time a tower really picked up a big bargain!"

Looking at the backs of Qin Feiyang and Mu Qing, who had gone away, all eight people looked sad.


A woman in white looked at Wu Yang and asked, "Aren't you a step earlier than Mo Feng? Why didn't the interception succeed?"

Wu Yang glanced at the eight people, said nothing, and gloomed at the second tower with a sullen face.

"Looking at his face, it should be deflated."

"I don't know what attractive conditions people in this tower have."

"Don't say it, go back to life."

The eight people talked for a few words, and then went back home.

Let's talk about Qin Feiyang and Mu Qing.

Under Mo Feng's leadership, the two stopped over a hall.

The hall can be more than ten meters high, and there are only two floors in total. It is dark and exudes an ancient atmosphere.

"This is the law enforcement hall of our Danta."

"The law enforcement elders in charge of our ten Dantas live here."

"If anything happens in the future, you can come directly to them."

"Of course, our disciples of one tower can only find the elders who manage one tower."

"And our law enforcement elder in one tower, named Zhu Dayuan, cultivated in Jiuxing to fight the saints and treat people very kindly."

"However, if he angered him, his temper was not ordinary hot."

Mo Feng explained.

"Who has no temper?"

Qin Feiyang shook his head and smiled, remembering the name.


He looked up and looked around.

The ten pagodas were built around the law enforcement hall, towering to the sky and releasing the majestic spirit.

The Law Enforcement Hall and the ten Dantas are as small as gray particles.

From the distance, ten Dantas gathered together next to each other.

A closer look at this moment reveals that there is a long distance between each tower.

According to Qin Feiyang's estimation, there are at least five or six miles away.

And beside each pagoda, there is a stone monument.

The stone tablets are about ten meters high, with a number on them.

From one to ten.

In other words, the one engraved on the stone tablet is the one tower, and the one engraved on the stone is the two towers.


Mo Feng waved his hand and took the two of them, and flew straight towards a tower.


Qin Feiyang suspiciously said: "Brother Mo, how do you know that we are assigned to a tower?"

Mo Feng said: "Because we are paying attention to you, including other people in the nine towers."


Qin Feiyang was shocked.

"You are so busy in the North City that even the high priests of the Scorpio tribe are coming, it is difficult for us not to know!"

"Later I heard that you entered the assessment hall, and I immediately let people go to the assessment hall to pay attention to your movements."

"After learning that your assessment was successful, I sent a message to Elder Wu, and then I realized that you were assigned to our first tower."

"I also expected that the people of the other nine towers would definitely intercept you, so I made a special trip to pick you up."

Mo Feng said.

"That's it!"

Qin Feiyang suddenly realized.

Mo Feng again said: "But honestly, before meeting you, I still look down on you."


Qin Feiyang and Mu Qing looked at him suspiciously.

"Because in my opinion, you successfully entered the Danta by relying on the relationship between Liu Xingfeng and God."

"But just now, seeing your attitude towards Wu Yang, I realized that I looked down upon you."

Mo Feng said.

Qin Feiyang was stunned for a while, and said with a smile: "Brother Mo is really a frank person."

"I have nothing to say about this person. I don't like it in my heart. If there is any offense, please forgive the two."

Mo Feng said with a blank expression, even the apology was so cold, it really made Qin Feiyang a little helpless.

"Brother Mo said seriously."

"Actually, I like to communicate with straightforward people like Brother Mo. It's very easy and comfortable.

Qin Feiyang smiled lightly.

A faint smile finally appeared on Mo Feng's face.

This means that he agrees with Qin Feiyang's words.

"However, although you have confidence, you still have to be careful about Wu Yang and Wu Shan in the future."

"Because these two people are from the Qilin tribe."

"And, don't look at Wu Yang as a handsome gentleman, but he is actually a sinister villain."

"This time you offended him, he will definitely find a chance to retaliate."

Mo Feng cried again.

"Kirin tribe?"

Qin Feiyang and Mu Qing looked at each other.

Qin Feiyang asked: "Brother Mo, do you have ten super tribes in the main tower?"


"And they occupy all the places in Wubang and Danbang."

"The king of our tower, Brother Pei Yi, is a man from the Shenyong tribe."

Mo Feng said.

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Mu Qing followed, "What about the Scorpion tribe that day?"

"There are many people in the total tower Scorpio tribe, but only two people are the most famous, one is Guo Yun and the other is Guo Feng."

"Guo Yun is the king of the three pagodas in the Dan Tower, and Guo Feng is the king of the third peak in the Wushan Mountains."

"The two have reached the peak of Jiuxing Zongzong and are only half a step away from the War Saint."

"And Guo Ming dared to be so crazy, precisely because these two people supported him."

"I know that because of Guo Ming, you will definitely target the people of the Scorpio tribe."

"But I want to advise you, it is best not to go."

"Although you have God's envoys, they want to count you, it's too easy."

"And as long as you stay in the tower honestly and don't cause trouble, Brother Pei Yi will always be your backer."

Mo Feng warned.


Qin Feiyang sneered secretly.

If you can count people like this, then let's try, who can count who?

But on the surface, both of them have nodded their commitments. After all, Mo Feng is also kind.

In the conversation room, the three of them fell in front of the tower gate.

The tall tower door was tightly closed, and no disciples lingered nearby.

"The disciples of our main tower are basically cultivating everything, and few people hang out outside."

"And the key to open the tower door is our identity token."

Mo Feng took out his identity token, and the fighting spirit poured into it, and a dark light flew out, and merged into the tower gate.



The tower door opened quickly, and a wide corridor appeared in the sight of the two.

On both sides of the corridor, there is a stone door every three meters.

After the stone gate, there is the alchemy room.

"follow me!"

Mo Feng turned into a stream of light, skimming deep into the corridor.

Qin Feiyang followed closely.

After the three of them left, the tower gate closed automatically.

After a moment.

The three came to the center of the stone tower.

In the center, there is a circular patio, standing on the patio tribe, you can clearly see the top above the stone tower.

Woo! ! !

Qin Feiyang followed Mo Feng and flew directly to the top floor.


Mo Feng took the two of them and walked between the two stone doors and said, "The two alchemy rooms are specially prepared for you."

Qin Feiyang looked up.

Above the stone gate, there is a number, ten and nine respectively.

The two were quite surprised, and actually arranged such a front alchemy room for them?

This messenger order is really not easy to use!

"I'm in Alchemy Room No. 3, if I don't understand anything, come to me anytime."

"In addition, we also have people from the Scorpio tribe in one tower. Please pay attention to it yourself."

Mo Feng urged him to turn around and walked to the other side.

But instead of returning to the alchemy room No. 3, I went to the alchemy room No. 1.

"The owner of this alchemy room should be Pei Yi, the king of a tower!"

Mu Qing mumbled.


"Want to grab?"

Qin Feiyang asked with a smile.


Mu Qingmu was disdainful.

Entering the main tower this time is to **** the flames of the Tiangang, the alchemy room is not important at all.

He glanced at the alchemy rooms No. 9 and No. 10 and asked, "Which one do you want?"


Qin Feiyang shrugged.

Hearing, Mu Qing went directly to the alchemy room on the 9th.

Qin Feiyang turned his head to look at Mo Feng, his eyes flashed with light, and then entered the alchemy room No. 10.

This alchemy room is very large, it is estimated that it can be more than a hundred feet.

There are separate lounges, alchemy rooms, and practice rooms.

And very clean and tidy.

Qin Feiyang looked around and entered the alchemy room.

On the alchemy platform, there is indeed a red furnace made of green copper, with a lifelike phoenix carved on the wall, exuding a dazzling treasure.

He walked to the front of the furnace, looked at it curiously, and then cut his finger and recognized the Lord with blood.


A piece of news came to mind.

——Liu Ping Dan Furnace, Fire Phoenix Ding!

"Not bad."

Looking at Huo Fengding, Qin Feiyang's face was full of smiles.

Regardless of the other party's reasons, he had accepted the blaze.

And last time in Tianxuan City, when he snatched the flames of Tianxuan, he also took away Wu Yong's red hearth.

The phoenix furnace is called Lieyangding, and it is also a six-grade phoenix furnace. Now with this phoenix phoenix, he has two six-grade phoenix furnaces. Even if he accidentally fry the furnace in the future, he does not have to worry about the monastery.


He pressed a button next to him, and suddenly a blaze burst out of the center of the alchemy tower.

The temperature of the alchemy room also soared rapidly.


Looking at the Danhuo, Qin Feiyang had a trace of wonder on his face.

This blaze is actually white, like a bone fire.

The most important thing is that the breath emitted should exceed the ghost flame!

Could it be the Seventh Rank Red Fire?

At this point in his mind, he quickly mobilized his mental strength and pounced on the flames.


Alchemy Room No. 1!

This alchemy room is twice as large as Qin Feiyang's alchemy room.

In the lounge, a young man in purple leaned against the seat.

This man is rich in gods like jade, and his temperament is dusty. His eyes are like two rounds of moon, exuding mysterious colors.

And now.

Mo Feng stood in front of this person, with respect in his face, and said, "They have been arranged."

Ziyi Youth nodded and asked, "How do you feel about them?"

Mo Feng thought for a while and said, "It's a little mysterious, it's hard to see through."

"What about repairing?"

Ziyi Youth asked again.

Mo Fengdao: "One is the Eight Star Battle Sect, and the other is the Five Star Battle Sect."

"not bad."

The young man in Ziyi nodded and smiled: "After all, it is Liu Shen's envoy. Take care of them in the future."


Mo Feng nodded, pondered, and said, "I don't understand, even if they have something to do with Liu Shen, you don't need to send them the Sixth Grade Pill Furnace!"

"Your vision is still not good!"

"Do you think that I did this really because of Liu Shen?"

Ziyi Youth Road.

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