Invincible God of War

Chapter 805: Embarrassed

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When the tower owner entered the tower, the city owner withdrew his eyes, lowered his head, and scanned the city.

At the moment, Tianyang City was broken and disorganized, and it seemed that it could not help but look big.

"It's really frustrating."

The city sighed, looking at the people outside the city, shouting: "It's safe, come back!"


The crowd poured into the city from all sides.

"Don't be idle, everyone will work together to repair the broken place as soon as possible."

As the city master finished, people began to get busy.


The lord of the city seemed to think of something, and looked at a guard not far away, saying, "You come down."

"Adult something?"

The guard flew past, wondering.

City Lord Road: "How about the leader?"

The guard was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Did he take someone to find you?"


The city owner frowned and said, "I didn't see him!"

The guard said: "Then he may not have caught up with you, or will you summon him?"


The lord nodded and waved: "Go busy!"


The **** answered and bowed back.

The city master immediately took out the spar of the image and sent a message to the guards and leaders.

But at this moment.


With the sound of breaking the sky, a middle-aged strong man dressed as a hunter fell to the city master in a flash.

"you are?"

The city owner looked at him suspiciously.

In fact, this strong man is also a resident of Tianyang City, but as the city owner, it is impossible for everyone to know.

"City Lord, it's not good."

The middle-aged strong man panicked, as if he saw something terrible, his face was pale.

"What's the fuss about?"

The city owner frowned.

The middle-aged strong man said: "The guards commanded them to be killed."


The lord of the city suddenly changed color and said angrily: "Who did it?"

"Qin Feiyang!"

Middle-aged strong man.

The pupil of the city master shrank and said, "Hurry, tell me in detail."

"Not long ago, I was looking for prey in the mountains, and suddenly heard the sound of fighting."

"At first I thought it was a murderous beast, so I ran over to see if I could find it cheap."

"But when I hurried away, I found out that it was Qin Feiyang who was fighting against the guards."

"Their methods are too cruel, they are simply not human."

"That snow eagle, that is, at that time, broke through to the war sage."

"And I also heard from them that the leaders of Chiyan Tribe, Black Lion Tribe, and Canghai Tribe also died in their hands."

The strong man said, his face was full of fright.


The lord was furious.

He thought that Qin Feiyang went directly to the fourth area, so he followed it all the way.

Unexpectedly, this person not only did not go to the fourth area, but also killed the guard commander and others, and returned to Tianyang City to copy his home.

Why are you so cunning about this bastard?


He looked up at the strong man and suspiciously said, "They didn't find you?"

"I was terrified at that time, hiding in the distance and daring not to speak, so I was not found."

Middle-aged strong man.

"Although I haven't had much contact with Qin Feiyang, it can be seen that he is a highly alert person."

"You can escape his perception, indicating that you have some patience."

"Your strength is okay, five-star battle sect."

"Well, I will make you an **** for the city's main palace."

City Road.

"Thank you, sir."

The middle-aged strong man was overjoyed and knelt down to thank him.

As a person in Tianyang City, he naturally knew the rules of the city's main palace.

If you want to be the guard of the city's main palace, you must have at least a seven-star battle sect.

And it has to go through layers of assessment.

So for him, this is undoubtedly a great fortune.

The lord smiled and said: "Get up, do it well, I'm very optimistic about you."


The middle-aged strong man got up and said, "Would you like to find Qin Feiyang?"

"no need."

"Because Qin Feiyang's name will soon be forgotten."

The sneer sneered.


The middle-aged man is puzzled.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't."

"Now you go to the three tribes and tell them about the murder of the three chiefs, lest they search everywhere."

The city master ordered.

"Okay, my subordinates will go here."

The middle-aged strong man responded respectfully, then turned and turned into a streamer, and soon disappeared into the sight of the lord.

"Black Dragon Glacier ..."

"This place, even if War Saint enters, it's all nine deaths, Qin Feiyang, you just wait for despair!"

The lord drew back his gaze, looked up at the northwest direction, muttered to himself, his face full of coldness.



Inside the Dan Tower.

The tower master was sitting in the alchemy room, holding the crystal spar in his hand, a strange light flashed in his eyes.


The image spar shone brightly, and a ghost image quickly emerged.

It was a middle-aged man wearing a golden robe embroidered with a lifelike giant tiger, exuding an amazing power of king.

His facial features are upright, his eyebrows are sharp, and his dark eyes give a sharp edge.

The man in gold robe looked like a king, looking down at the city master and asked, "What's the matter?"

The voice was full of breath, with a great majesty.

"The situation has changed."

The main tower said, there was some awe in the look.

"What changes?"

The golden robe frowned.

The main tower said: "I deceived Qin Feiyang to Heilong Glacier."


The golden robe man was suspicious.

The main tower nodded.

The Jinpao man smiled and said: "That's a good thing, we don't need our shot."

"Do not."

"We have to shoot, and we can't disturb the big guys above."

Tower Master's eyes flashed, said.

"What do you mean?"

The Jinpao man was stunned, his face full of confusion.

"Qin Feiyang has two holy objects!"

The tower master said word by word, greedy in his eyes.


The man in the gold robe also changed color on the spot and said, "Can it be true?"

The Tower Master nodded and said: "I saw it with my own eyes, it's true."

"Two holy items ..."

"What's the point of this kid?"

The golden robe man was incredibly extreme and said, "You mean, we two entered the Black Dragon Glacier and robbed these two holy objects?"


"Although the Black Dragon Glacier is dangerous, it is worth taking a risk for the holy weapon."

Tower main road.

The Jinpao man frowned and worried: "This is going to kill you."


"It is highly probable that we will be buried in the Black Dragon Glacier, but there is a good saying, there is no risk, where is the harvest?"

"As long as we can get those two holy objects, just go anywhere and get a place."

"Even at that time, with our own capabilities, it is estimated that we can enter the Central Kingdom of God."

The tower owner tempted.

Heilong Glacier is a dangerous place, he dare not go in alone.

So no matter what, he has to persuade the man in golden robe.

The Central Kingdom of God is undoubtedly the best bait.

Although they are all respected in their respective jurisdictions, the mysterious central **** kingdom is simply an unrealizable dream for them.

If you live step by step, it is estimated that your life is hopeless.

So, you have to find a shortcut.

And this time Qin Feiyang appeared, let him see the hope.


Hearing the tower master's words, the man in the gold robe was also gleaming, apparently a little emotional.

But he hasn't expressed his position.

The tower master hit the iron while he was hot, and encouraged: "Brother, the opportunity is inevitable, and the loss will not come again. Please take good care of it!"

As soon as the man in the gold robe gritted his teeth, he nodded and said, "Yes, just do what you say, but I have a proposal."

The tower master smiled and said, "Brother, please say, listen to the ears."

"Qin Feiyang has two holy items, which are not easy to deal with, so we have to arrange some people to go to the Black Dragon Glacier first."

Golden robe man said.

The so-called head start is equivalent to cannon fodder.

"good idea."

"When the holy weapon is in hand, we will kill everyone. When we have the holy weapon, no one will know."

The tower master chuckled.

The golden robe man also smiled, but the smile gave a terrifying chill.

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