Invincible God of War

Chapter 3864: Fight back!


Emperor Yu hesitated, shook his head and said, "I think it's better not to provoke them."

The blood ancestor and the little rabbit also nodded in agreement.


Long Chen gave a dry cough and looked at the three of them and said: "Although I am a bit disrespectful to you in the next words, I still can't help but want to say that I have been driven out of my home now, and I still dare not make a move. It seems a bit... ...You have lost your status as leaders!"

The two Yuhuang and the little rabbit glared at Long Chen immediately.

"That one……"

"I also think, are you a little...too afraid of the kingdom of God?"

Qin Feiyang also said with a dry smile.

"Bastard, who do you look down on?"

Emperor Yu looked at Qin Feiyang angrily.

"No no."

"I just think it's not a solution to things because they are so fearful."

Qin Feiyang sneered.

Emperor Yu raised his eyebrows.


"Maybe we are really old."

But suddenly.

The blood ancestor shook his head and sighed.

Emperor Yu and the little rabbit couldn't help looking at the blood ancestor.

"Looking back at the time, we all only mastered the ultimate secret, and we all dared to go shopping with the kingdom of God, but now, our strength is no longer what it used to be, but on the contrary, we are still fearful."

"To be honest, we should really reflect on it."

The blood ancestor looked at the two and sighed.

Hearing these words, the emperor Yu and the little rabbit were silent a little, and a wry smile appeared on their faces.


Back then, I had the courage to face the powerhouses of the Kingdom of God, but now they are like a turtle with their heads shrunk. As Long Chen said, they are the leaders of the Heavenly Cloud Realm. If even them are like this, will the Cloud Realm be saved that day?

To be a human, one cannot lose blood!

As a leader, you must assume the responsibility of a leader.


Emperor Yu took a deep breath and looked up at the middle-aged man in the golden armor in the picture, his eyes sharpened instantly, and said: "We can't live in their shadow all the time."


"Today is different from the past, and we are not weak anymore."

The blood ancestor nodded.

The previous fear was gone, and his eyes were sharp as a blade.

The little rabbit glanced at the two of them, and said with a smile: "Anyway, you have to face it sooner or later, so let's let it go!"

Qin Feiyang and Long Chen looked at each other when they heard the words, and the sleeping fighting spirit was gradually awakening.

"However, Feiyang, don't rush to take action, and the power of Zijin Dragon's blood must be concealed, and it must not be exposed until the critical moment."

Emperor Yu looked at Qin Feiyang and exhorted.

"This point really needs attention."

"First of all, the Lord of the Kingdom of God does not know that the Princess of the Kingdom of God and the Emperor of the People already have children."

"With the arrogance of the Lord of the Kingdom of God, once you learn it, you will definitely be furious."

"Secondly, you are our killer. You must stay at the critical moment."

The little rabbit nodded.

"What else does that mean?"

Qin Feiyang was unhappy.

The blood ancestor said angrily: "Do you think this is a game? This is a war, not a joke, you must listen to us."

"Good, good, I listen to me."

Qin Feiyang was helpless.

The little rabbit looked at Long Chen again and said: "And you, although I don't know what your strength is, as the son of the ice dragon, there must be no shortage of powerful assassins, so we also hope that you will retain your strength for the time being."

"I can take it, is this your concern for me?"

Long Chen was taken aback and asked with a smile.

"up to you."

The little rabbit shook his paws.

Emperor Yu shook his head and smiled, looking at Long Chen and said: "Now, regardless of each other's identities, we are all members of the Sky Cloud Realm, and you young people are the hope for the future, so come on."

Long Chen looked at Yuhuang, Blood Progenitor, and Little Rabbit.

Suddenly he was a little envious of Qin Feiyang.

No matter what environment you are in, there is always a group of elders who care about themselves.

This kind of warmth cannot be replaced by anything.

It would be great if my father could care about him so much!


Emperor Yu took a few deep breaths, looked up at the middle-aged golden armor in the picture, and sneered: "Squat, let's be, let's see how we can kill you by surprise, let's go!"

The little rabbit immediately took the four people and descended over the sky cloud realm.


The blood ancestor shot immediately.

The law of death, the law of time, and the law of killing are the ultimate secrets, suddenly born, and the terrifying aura shatters the sky and stirs hundreds of thousands of miles of sea!


Jin Jia's middle-aged man was startled and immediately opened his eyes and looked up to the sky. When he saw Qin Feiyang and others, his two thick black sword eyebrows suddenly raised.


The blood ancestor grinned, full of blood.

Generally speaking, a sudden attack like this will definitely panic and will definitely not have time to react.

But the middle-aged Jin Jia was calm and unhurried.

Even in my eyes, I can faintly see a trace of disdain!

Just when the three ultimate secrets were killed in front of the middle-aged Jin Jia, a terrifying mighty power rolled out of the middle-age Jin Jia.

Follow closely.

Thunders emerged one after another.

"This breath..."

"Be careful, it's the breath of Thunder Battle Armor!"

Qin Feiyang's pupils shrank.

as expected!

next moment.

A purple-golden armor appeared on the golden armor middle-aged body, and the lightning swept all directions. It was the thunder armor of the red-haired old man!

"Is this the armor of the mid-level master of the gods?"

Emperor Yu was surprised.


Qin Feiyang nodded and said in a deep voice: "The Thunder armor is on this person, and the Thunder armor may also be in this person's hands. Be careful!"

While speaking, the three ultimate profound meanings carried monstrous power, drowning the middle-aged golden armor.

Even the indestructible Tianyun Island was shattered instantly, and the surrounding waves rolled, covering the sky and the sun!

"Zhengshou can't find you."

"Unexpectedly, I brought it to my door."

The middle-aged Jin Jia's voice sounded in the dust and smoke.


Accompanied by an ear-splitting loud noise, slices of sharp edges emerged, turning into waves, tearing the world apart, killing the blood ancestors.

"Sure enough on him!"


Qin Feiyang changed color and retreated like lightning.

Blood ancestor, Long Chen, Yuhuang, Little Rabbit, of course, did not dare to neglect, they were extremely annoyed in their hearts, and they did not expect to encounter two intermediate masters.

"The two middle-level masters of the gods are not funny."

"Heaven Sword, go and help."

Long Chen whispered.

"Don't expose the Heavenly Sword first."

Qin Feiyang stopped Long Chen and shook his head.

The Heavenly God Sword is also an intermediate-level dominating magical weapon. It can be said that they are the current assassin of the Heavenly Cloud Realm. They must stay at the critical moment and surprise the opponent with a fatal blow.

Long Chen turned his head and looked at Qin Feiyang suspiciously.

"rest assured."

"Now, Huo Wu, Qinglong, and Sea Lion Emperor are all in the basalt realm. We have enough strength to contend with these two intermediate masters."

Qin Fei said.


Qin Feiyang's voice also sounded over the basalt world, the land of the devil.

"Huo Wu, Senior Qinglong, Yun Ziyang, let me use your master gods."

Hearing this voice, everyone who was in retreat opened their eyes.

what's the situation?

Actually borrow their master magic weapon?

Is it possible...

Qin Feiyang has returned to the Sky Cloud Realm?

Thinking of this, everyone's expressions immediately sank, and they immediately took out their master soldiers.



A terrifying edge is coming.

Qin Feiyang waved his hand, and the master soldiers of the God Burial Land, including the yin-yang mirror, and the master soldiers of the Fire Phoenix Princess appeared.

Why is it just summoning the land of the burial of the gods and princess Huofeng's master soldiers?

This is because, the last time I fought against the blood-clothed old man, only these master soldiers appeared.

The background of the kingdom of God is unfathomable. If you can hide your strength, you must hide it as much as possible.

In short.

They cannot expose their full strength to the kingdom of God too early.

When the blood ancestor saw the appearance of these dominating gods, he immediately took out the magic wand and magic orb.

Although the last time I fought with the red-haired old man, these dominating magic soldiers were all traumatized, but they were not too serious, so in the past few years, they have been repaired in the Xuanwu world.

The place where the gods are buried, the eight masters of the gods!

Princess Fire and Phoenix, eleven dominate the gods.

With the addition of onmyoji, magic beads, and magic wand, a total of 21 pieces dominate the magic weapon.

As soon as the blood ancestor waved his hand, the twenty-one dominating gods revived, and the terrifying aura swept across all directions, and the surging edge was instantly shattered in the void.

"Really, as Elder Wu said, there are a lot of dominating magical soldiers."

"But that's it!"

"This time, I won't give you any chance to stand up!"

"After all, this time, it's not experience!"

The golden armor middle-aged stepped into the air, wearing a thunder armor and holding a thunder battle axe, making people shiver like a god.

He looked at a group of dominating magical soldiers in the onmyoji, his eyes were also full of disdain!

As his voice fell to the ground, a sword light flicked out of his body.

As soon as this sword light appeared, the world was trembling.

"this is……"

Blood ancestor, little rabbit, Yuhuang was surprised.

"This is the sword light we said at the beginning!"

Qin Feiyang said solemnly.

According to the princess of the Kingdom of God, these sword lights came from the master of the kingdom of God’s army.

And the master of the gods of the kingdom of the gods is a superior master of the gods!

As soon as he took the shot, he came up with the most terrifying assassin. It seems that this is what people said, this time the Kingdom of God is coming, not to experience the younger generation.

Rather, it came specifically to kill them!

All this is because the princess of the kingdom of God fell in love with the emperor and rebelled against the kingdom of God.

"go to hell!"

The middle-aged Jin Jia waved his hand, the sword light annihilated the sky, and killed the yin and yang mirror and other masters.

Although the major masters and soldiers have fully recovered, they all seem to be extremely small in the face of this sword light.

Just as Jianguang collided with the major dominators, the middle-aged Jin Jia smiled coldly, holding a thunder tomahawk, and instantly killed Qin Feiyang and the others.


Emperor Yu yelled violently, looking very flustered.

But actually.

Whether it was Emperor Yu or Qin Feiyang, they were extremely calm.

The panic look was just pretending to paralyze the middle-aged golden armor, thinking that they were exhausted.

"Without these masters, let's see how you can fight back!"

The middle-aged Jin Jia sneered again and again, and thundered with a tomahawk.

Seeing that Qin Feiyang and others were about to die, the blood ancestor suddenly grinned and said: "Do you think we are the ones who dominate the divine weapons? If only these dominate the divine weapons, would we dare to return to the Heavenly Cloud Realm?"

With the voice landing.

The Reaper Sword and other dominating magical soldiers that had already been on standby in the basalt realm were all killed in an instant.

More than 20 pieces!

Destroyed and crushed away.


Jin Jia's middle-aged body became stiff.

I thought that as long as the sword light contained the yin and sun mirrors and the masters, they could easily kill these people with the strength of the Thunder Tomahawk.

But I never expected that the other party still has so many dominating magical soldiers!

[Sorry, there is something today, only two chapters can be updated. 】

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