Invincible God of War

Chapter 3854: Just positive!

This is unbelievable.

It is understandable that the Hanque Sword and the Phoenix Bell helped Princess Huofeng.

After all, Princess Huofeng had obtained it in Tianzhong Shenzang.

But this Fire Phoenix Sword was once surrendered by the Queen of Phoenix.

In other words.

The Queen of Phoenix is ​​the master of the Fire Phoenix Sword.

But at this time, Huofengjian actually helped Princess Huofeng.

Not to mention the ups and downs of the Feng Clan, the people from the other forces also looked incredible.

"What's the matter?"

"Before, what did the Hanque Sword mean?"

"I actually said that Princess Huofeng is capable of becoming the new Phoenix Queen?"

"Is this encouraging her to usurp the throne?"

Everyone has different opinions.

But for all this, Princess Huofeng turned a deaf ear, standing on the top of the mountain, staring at the palace gate.

"Since my concession cannot be exchanged for my sincerity, no one should take away the things that belong to me."

As her voice fell, the law of fire rolled out, and the mountain top instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire. A statue of a flame **** stood in the middle of the sea of ​​fire, like a **** that rules all directions.

"This is the ultimate meaning of the law of fire!"

"She has actually realized an ultimate meaning!"

Everyone was surprised.

However, as the ultimate secret of the law of fire was opened, the power of the rules fell from the sky.


"There are rules!"

"The cold bird sword and the phoenix clock recover, neither the power of rules descends, and when she opens the ultimate secret, will she violate the rules?"

Everyone fell into surprise again.

Princess Huofeng raised her brows slightly and looked up at the sky.

"do not worry!"

The Hanque Sword smiled domineeringly, and its edge was overwhelming, like a torrent, blasting toward the power of rules.


The two suddenly met.

The power of the rules of Pluto **** was actually given to the spot by the edge of the Hanque Sword.

"So strong?"

Everyone was stunned.


At the same moment!

Basalt world.

The fire python has also received a microcosm of the law and is retreating somewhere in the Devil's Land.

But suddenly!

It opened its eyes, with a trace of suspicion in its eyes, and hurried away, looked at the courtyard where Qin Feiyang was, and shouted: "Brother Qin, take me out quickly, there is something outside!"


Qin Feiyang woke up from the retreat, walked out of the yard in surprise, looked at the fire python, and asked, "What's the situation?"

"It seems that someone has violated the rules of Pluto hell."

Fire python said solemnly.

"Breach the rules?"

"That means there is a battle!"

Qin Feiyang was startled and landed in front of the fire python with one step, rolled up the fire python, and instantly appeared in the hall, then opened the hall gate and landed on the edge of the cliff with one step.

The breath of horror rolled over immediately.

"It turns out that she broke the rules."

The fire python looked at Princess Huofeng on the opposite mountain.

Qin Feiyang watched this scene, his face was full of suspicion, what was going on with this woman, suddenly making such a big noise?


The power of rules is coming again.

And there are more than one, ten rules!

The devastating breath enveloped the world!

But the Hanque Sword is domineering and unparalleled, once again forcibly crushing the power of rules.

This amazed everyone.

Sure enough, the master gods are powerful, even the power of rules can contend.


Qin Feiyang was not surprised.

Back then, in the underworld hell, the ice dragon took the dragon princess to the ancient city of Youwang to make trouble for him. At that time, he was angry and opened the killing domain, breaking the rules.

And as it is now, the power of the ten rules is coming!

Seeing that his life was about to die, the souls of the two wars appeared.

That is, Nine Leaf Fire Lotus and Scarlet Sword Soul!

At that time, the souls of the two wars made a strong move, which not only protected him, but also shattered the power of rules.

The souls of the two wars were on Shenlong Island back then, and if they could compete with the dominating magical dragon sword, their power would be equal to reaching the level of dominating magical weapons.

The souls of the two wars can contend with the force of the rules here, and it is naturally no surprise that the Hanque Sword and other master soldiers can contend with the force of the rules.

But now.

In Qin Feiyang's eyes, the power of the rules of Pluto **** is really nothing?

It can also obliterate the god-defying artifact.

If you dominate the magic weapon, you have the ability to fight against it.

of course.

Can not be underestimated.

Such as Princess Huofeng, even if she mastered the ultimate meaning of the common law, without the help of the dominating gods, she could not stop the power of the rules.

Unless, she has mastered the ultimate meaning of the strongest law.

in short.

Anyone who controls the gods or masters the ultimate secret of the strongest law need not be so afraid of the power of the rules of the underworld hell.


It's too late to say, then soon!

Just as the Hanque Sword strongly crushed the power of the rules, Princess Fire Phoenix waved her hand, and the flame **** standing in the middle of the sea of ​​fire slapped the hall with a palm.

There was a loud bang, and the hall was shattered!

But just as the hall was shattered, the breath of the law of time and space and the law of destruction rolled out.

This is the breath of Queen Feng!

She stepped out of the dust and smoke.

The whole body is like a rainbow.

Staring at Princess Huofeng, there is also a biting murderous in her eyes!

"Hard Sparrow Sword, Phoenix Clock, what's the matter?"

After Qin Feiyang glanced at Feng, he glanced at Princess Huofeng again, and asked through voice transmission.

"Qin Feiyang?"

The two masters were taken aback. When they noticed Qin Feiyang standing on the top of the mountain, a trace of joy immediately rose in his heart, and then they briefly explained the situation.


Qin Feiyang's eyes suddenly flickered.

What was worrying really happened.


Princess Huofeng's performance this time made him quite surprised, and she used courage to openly call the Queen of Phoenix.

"Thanks to Bing Ruoning."

"If she hadn't taken the deity and ran to this stupid woman to show off, this stupid woman would definitely not resist."

Hanquejian smiled secretly.

Qin Feiyang was taken aback when he heard that, then turned to look at Bing Ruoning standing behind Bing Changtian.

So, thank this woman again?

Why say it again?

Because last time in Tianzhong Shenzang, if this woman hadn't been stupid and rushed to provoke them, he would have no chance to surrender the Ice Phoenix Sword.

Then again.

Success is not enough and failure is more than failure, this sentence is perfect for Bing Ruo Ning.

Princess Huofeng endured the grievances and perseverance, and handed over the inheritance and dominance of the gods to Feng Empress. This is her final bottom line. People with a little bit of mind know that she must not be stimulated at this time.

Because even if it's a little rabbit, if you make it anxious, it will bite you.

Not to mention people.

He is also a person who controls the destiny of the Feng Clan.


Now the fate of the Feng Clan is no longer in the hands of the Queen of Phoenix, but in the hands of Princess Huofeng.

Because all the masters and soldiers have worshipped her as their master.

But Bing Ruo Ning is good, but he doesn't believe in this evil, and wants to run to Princess Huofeng to show off his might.

Who doesn't know the relationship between Princess Huofeng and Bing Ruoning?

The Hanque Sword can fall into the hands of the Queen of Phoenix, and it can even fall into the hands of people like Huo Dahong, but it definitely cannot fall into the hands of Bing Changtian and Bing Ruo Ning.

Because once it fell into the hands of their father and daughter, it would be equivalent to overwhelming Princess Huofeng's last hope, the last straw.

At that time, the Feng Clan will surely come out of it!

Thereby Qin Feiyang and them were fulfilled.

Because Princess Huofeng came out of the Phoenix clan, she would definitely not have any worries anymore, and she would come together with the white-eyed wolf openly.

At that time, wouldn't the Feng Clan's ruling divine weapons mean that they all fell into the hands of Qin Feiyang and others?

and so.

For Qin Feiyang, this was a scene he was happy to watch.

He was already looking forward to this day when he persecuted Huofengjian and these ruling gods and surrendered Princess Huofeng.

"Brother Qin, do you need my help to block the power of the rules?"

Looking at the constant fall of the fire python, the force of the rules blasted towards Princess Huofeng, asked.

"No need to."

"The cold bird sword and the phoenix clock can be solved."

"Besides, isn't there still me?"

Qin Feiyang smiled confidently.

The power of the rules of Pluto **** back then really made him a headache, but now he hasn't taken it seriously.


"However, their fighting cannot break out completely, otherwise it will affect the creatures of Hades in Hell."

Fire python is quite worried.

"I know."

Qin Feiyang nodded.

The battle will not break out completely, because the Queen Feng does not have this strength!


Mountain top.

Both the Hanque Sword and the Phoenix Clock are helping to fight the power of rules.

Princess Huofeng and Queen Feng stood opposite each other.

Today's Huofeng Princess, the kind of feminine temperament exuded, is no less inferior to the Phoenix Queen.


At this time, facing Feng Empress, she no longer had the fear and respect she once had, just like two people of the same generation.

"Immediately stop, the deity will not be blamed for this matter."

After a moment of silence, the Queen of Phoenix finally spoke. From the gloomy tone, it is not difficult to see that she was enduring it with all her strength.

"Then do I have to thank you for your mercy?"

Princess Huofeng asked lightly.

"It seems that you don't want to cherish this opportunity."

Fenghou said in a deep voice.

"you are wrong."

"It's not you who gave me a chance."

"It's me, giving you a chance."

"You want the ultimate inheritance of the law of cause and effect, yes, I will give it to you, you want the cold bird sword, the phoenix clock, well, I will give it to you too."

"Even at that time, I secretly instructed the Hanque Sword and the Phoenix Bell to protect the Feng Clan."

"But what did I do in exchange for?"

"Not only did you give the Hanque Sword to Bing Changtian father and daughter, you also let Bing Changtian watch me and Dafu in secret. I want to ask Master Feng, what do you mean?"

Princess Huofeng asked, her tone of voice was very flat, but as soon as she said this, she was right here, causing an uproar.

The dragons, the unicorns, the humans, the fierce beasts, and the sea beasts, people from all forces looked at the Phoenix Empress in disbelief.

Actually snatching inheritance with a junior?


Is this something a master of the restricted zone can do?


You want it, I give it to you.

After all, you are an elder.

I am a junior, it is right to respect you.

But, you actually gave my master and **** soldier to the Bing Changtian father and daughter?

This is too much!

Who doesn't know the grievances between Princess Huofeng and Bing Changtian?

Isn't this done to make Princess Huofeng chill?

Therefore, the people here now can't help but complain for Princess Huofeng.

After so many years of hard work in the Tianzhong Shenzang, the result is that the Bing Changtian father and daughter have been completed, and they have even fallen to the point of being watched. Whoever replaces it will cause resentment!

Like the immortal **** of war, please collect it: ( The literature of the immortal war is the fastest to update.

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