Invincible From Visualizing The Sun Chapter 137


Chapter 137 Weird Old Mansion

Chaotic Burial Mound The wind is blowing slowly on the upper yin.

The Old Lady broke into a cold sweat upon hearing Li Heng's words. Feeling the threat of Extreme Yang True Fire, she felt her heart skip a beat, and she was so frightened that she could not speak for a long time.

"Young Master, don't make it difficult for my mother-in-law."

A clear voice came out of the carriage with some soft words. I saw a snowy white jade poking out from it, and opened the curtain, revealing a beautiful and soft face.

This is a very normal bride in all aspects, with a beautiful appearance and a dignified temperament, wearing a red wedding dress with her head sticking out, looking towards Li Heng with an apologetic face, it's really like getting married Under the delicate face, there is a bit of self-pity.

"My name is Peacock, I'm from Wanyaoling, and I'm going to an ancient house, where the owner wants to marry me. So I also ask Young Master to make it easy and get out of the way. In the future, I will be very grateful."

Wan Yaoling, an ancient house?

Hearing these two words, Li Heng smiled. travel far and wide looking for something didn't expect such a connection between these two places?

“so that's how it is, I happen to be going to that old house.”

Li Heng indifferently said.

The Old Lady who was in extreme tension heard this Yixi, "So you are the adult's guest? It's really flooding the dragon king's temple. I am the subordinate of the adult who came to greet the bride."

The old man laughs and his eyes are full of ingratitude.

Of course that Extreme Yang True Fire is still floating in front of her, flickering, beating, full of endless life force, ready to burn out her dead person at any time.

"Is that so?" Li Heng laughed.

"Since it's that guest, let's go with Peacock, and it's just right on the way." The bride named Peacock invited Li Heng, her eyes full of sincerity, without a trace of falsehood.

"Is that ancient house over the Lanyue River?"

Li Heng did not respond to Peacock's words, but instead asked.

Old Lady hearing this was taken aback, and she spoke quickly. "My lord's ancient house is in the vicinity. Taking advantage of the current Yin Qi's richness, he manifested in the world and cut off a river, which must be the Lanyue Stream.

She was thinking secretly in her heart, How sacred is this living dead, and he doesn't even know the location of his old man's house. And he can still use such terrifying and just and honourable flames.

Is he really weird?

Thinking of this, she was terrified and didn't dare to think further.

"Well, I see. ”

Li Heng>ld nod

thoughts move, that Extreme Yang True Fire soared, directly wrapping the O Lady in it, burning it out in an instant, making it breathe one's last. source power +50.

"At your word, I won't embarrass her, will I? "

He smiled and looked at the peacock who was surprised and silent.

"Okay, since that old house is in Lanyuexi, and it's very close to Lanyuexi, Then I'll take it by car. "Come on, he turned on the carriage and took the place of the Old Lady.

"Young Master, you are so decisive." But it's okay, my mother-in-law also deserved what she deserved and participated in the feast. The peacock sighed and spoke so weakly, but instead helped Li Heng to speak.

"Modo is talking nonsense, let's go, you still have to get married." "

Li Heng said indifferently, grabbed the rope of the royal horse, and directly ordered these Yin horses to rush to Lanyuexi. After completely leaving this Chaotic Burial Mound, a big sun burst out. Come.

On the way.

As he rode the dark horse and galloped.

A pair of jade hands stretched out from the carriage, weak Weakly hugged Li Heng, the peacock's Miaoman posture was directly attached to Li Heng's back, his head rested on his shoulders, exhaling like a blue.

"Young Master, can you do your concubine a favor? "

After a while.

Li Heng was on a horse, and the peacock was on the ground in his wedding gown.


"Miss Peacock, I didn't tell you, you are someone else's bride, why are you seducing me? Do you know that I and the owner of the ancient house are brothers in sympathy! "

Li Heng was on the horse, and he criticized the peacock bitterly.

"Are you worthy of my brother?" "

The peacock listened and listened, from shame to numbness and calmness, to violent and frantic. Seduce you? My mother is known as the Peacock Princess in Wan Yaoling, just hook a hand, I don't know how many People are willing to acknowledge allegiance at the feet of the old lady. Do you need to seduce you?!

Still brother and brother with that person, fart?

If you can be brother and sister with him, how can you even be with him? I don't know. And judging from the golden terrifying flame you used just now, you are simply not a good creepy demon!

She roared in her heart, thinking it was the first time this happened.

"Miss Peacock, you have to be ashamed! "

He continued to shake his head sadly.

"Okay, I won't say more about the rest, let's go." "

Peacock was stunned, "Could it be that Young Master wants his concubine to walk over?" "

Li Heng picked frowned, "What else? "

"Don't Madam Peacock know that walking more is good for physical and mental health?" I'm doing this for your own good too. "

The peacock is numb, and she has never seen such a shameless person.

She has some regrets in her heart, and she knew that she would not have done it just now. She thought that this living dead was powerful Gao Qiang, without that terrifying flame, may be able to be her help and avoid her being poisoned after marrying into an ancient house, didn't expect to be a lunatic!

one human one monster is silent, Until Lanyue Creek.

When he came to Lanyue Creek, Li Heng raised his eyebrows.

It seems that the huge ancient house really blocked the whole river? Looking forward to the river, you can already see the outline of the huge ancient house. At the same time, because the river gate was broken, the river water has spread to both sides of the river, and it is muddy.

“Young Master, This place is muddy, the water is dangerous and the river is deep, can I let my concubine ride on the horse? Otherwise, the concubine's wedding robe will be stained with mud and soaked all over, how can it still look like a married bride. "

Peacock said softly, a little disgusted.

"What do you know?" My brother likes this one. The dirtier you are, the more you like it, so you should marry like this! "Li Heng waved his hand.

The corners of the peacock's mouth twitched hearing this. How could he not know Li Heng's sarcasm? He was clearly mocking her for being dirty! But she was not convinced by this point, she didn't let it go before. No man has ever touched her.

What I like is a woman!

Daughter is flesh and blood made of water, man is flesh and blood made of mud, I met my daughter, I It's refreshing, and when I meet a man, I feel filthy and smelly!

Otherwise, why would Golden Peng send her out angrily?

But she thought about it, this life The dead man is obviously a pervert. Forget it, let's not get angry with this pervert. She complained in her heart, and was confused about the future life in the ancient house.

"I calculated the time, the auspicious time will be Here, let's go. "

Li Heng looked at the sky casually and said nonsense.

The Connect To Heaven River flows through the southwest, branching out where it passes, branching branching, A densely packed water network is formed, in which there are countless fish, and many boaters are seeking a living here.

Lanyue Stream is a small branch of Connect To Heaven River, the size is not big or small, it is said that it is The stream is bigger than the average stream. It can't be called a river. At most, the water is so clear that it can reflect the bright moon.

It is because a woman surnamed Lan once threw herself into the river here. Suicide.

That's why it's called Lanyuexi.

The most famous one is the fat and delicious carp, named Lanyue. Beijun is considered a unique delicacy. Even because this Lanyue carp is so special, local fishermen still spread the saying that the Lanyue Creek hides the Dragon Gate.

In the middle of Lanyue Creek, the huge ancient The house gate was cut off from the river, causing groups of Lanyue carp to be unable to swim back, and they gathered on both sides of the ancient house, jumping alive and stirring, causing countless waves.

However, they will soon be caught by the strange inside the ancient house. , and then sent to the back kitchen to be processed into dishes. Now is the big day for the owner of the ancient house, and the Lanyue carp is so delicious that it can naturally make it to this strange wedding banquet and turn it into a plate of delicious dishes.

In front of the ancient house, a group of little creeps are busy going around, hanging lanterns, setting off firecrackers, and decorating everywhere, it looks very festive, and it is no different from a normal Human Race wedding banquet. If the lanterns are not human skin lanterns, the firecrackers are not human flesh firecrackers.

An old zongzi with the appearance of a housekeeper stood in front of the door and looked around, but he didn't wait for the target to appear in his eyes for a long time, and he couldn't help showing some doubts.

What's going on?

Why hasn't the team at Wanyaoling arrived yet? If they don't arrive now, they will miss the auspicious time when the wedding takes place. What did Wanyaoling do, or do they regret it?

As far as he knows.

That bride is a owned peacock Princess!

A pair of beautiful faces, Human Race, weird, demon-take-all qualities , let it femme fatale on Wanyaoling, and even provoke the third saint Golden Peng to fall in love and pursue it for a long time.

It can be said that one face can make Wanyaoling jump.

According to her master's words, the reason why the peacock Princess would marry. It is because the first and second saints of Wan Yaoling were so disturbed that they sent them over while the third saint was out. Of.

By cooking cooked rice with raw rice like this, cut off f emme fatale.

Could this be known by the Third Holy Golden Peng?

Thinking of this possibility, this old zongzi's expression is stiff, although as a thousand-year-old zongzi, his face is very stiff, and people can't see the fluctuations in his expression at all.

Still have to wait and see.

Wan Yaoling has cooperated with the master, so there should be no regrets.

If there is a wedding reception, there will naturally be guests.

After a while, many space channels like ripples on the water surface appeared outside the gate of the ancient house, and there were many strange demons of different shapes. It was the guests who came to the wedding through the shadowy road.

A bull-headed demon came here and patted his chest, laughed heartily. "This is the world. It's been a long time since I left. I think I was a cow back then."

"How long is the divorce banquet now? There are many wild people in this world. , I heard that people and animals in captivity have more meat and tendons, and I want to go hunting."

"This guest will go by himself."

The old zongzi said indifferently, simply Don't be afraid.

"Okay, then I'm leaving!"

The bull-headed demon turned around and walked away.

At this point, Li Heng and the peacock Princess are very close to the old house, can already see the appearance of the old house and a cow striding towards them?

(end of this chapter)

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