Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 310: 1 Laugh Allure! Laughing again!

Yang Zhen was dragged all the way by Cambrian, and those behind him were chased all the way. Various vegetables, baskets, eggs, and eggs flew towards Yang Zhen, and some people even took off their shoes and threw them towards Yang Zhen.

At first, Cambrian took Yang Zhen to run. Later, when Yang Zhen saw something bad, he simply dragged Cambrian to spread his legs and ran away. In a blink of an eye, he threw everyone away for several streets.

After finally throwing off the group of lunatics, Yang Zhen looked out from a restaurant with a look of aggression and scolded the mother of the voice, saying, "What's going on, why did Ben Sao Sheng just give a name, How many streets were chased?"

Cambrian smiled bitterly and said, "The subordinates don't know. The subordinates haven't come to Tieling City for more than two months. Perhaps someone named Yang Zhen has done something terrible in Tieling City. Provoked public outrage?"

Yang Zhen shook his head and said, "How can there be such a coincidence, so that after you go out, you shout a cheap cat on the street, and then run away with your legs, and after throwing away everyone, how about going back to Cambrian City and recovering your life?"

Cambrian was stunned, nodded hesitantly and said, "Just call out a cheap cat?"

Yang Zhen nodded and said, "Go ahead, just shout, try to make it louder, and I will be able to judge what is going on."

Cambrian came to the street suspiciously and waited for a moment. When he saw people coming and going on the street, he started to take a deep breath and yelled at the moment of Yang Zhen's silence: "Cheesy cat!"


Everyone's eyes turned to the Cambrian at the same time on the street.

Cambrian's face changed wildly, and he had no time to turn his head to look at Yang Zhen. He wailed and ran away: "Young Master Yang saved me..."

Yang Zhen shook his head silently and said with a sigh: "Brother, you still have to come to the Buddha!"

Subsequently, Yang Zhen slapped it on the table and scolded: "Damn, the **** cat, this is the **** of Bensao Sheng, or Ben Sao Sheng will come to Tieling City for the first time. Recognize, how could everyone become a cross-street rat?"

Scolding here, Yang Zhen murmured: "What the **** did the **** cat actually offend the entire Tieling City."

The most important thing is that the **** cat is just tossing himself, but he is also piggybacked. If he meets again, he must take his skin.

Yang really gritted his teeth, and a young man next to a lupine scarf came over and said with a cold sneer: "What did you do, that **** **** cat was **** to the extreme, almost all of Su's admirers in Tieling City wanted to get rid of it? Soon afterwards, there was that **** named Yang Zhen. It is said that he dared to show up in Tieling City. He really didn’t know that the sky was high and the land was thick.

Hearing this, Yang Zhen wondered and said to the young man, "Xiongtai, under Yang Kang, the same surname is Yang, but he is very interested in this man named Yang Zhen. I don’t know what he did, but it caused this. Indignation?"

The young man was stunned and said: "It was Brother Yang. It was fortunate to be here. Under Xue Zonglin, a person from Tieling City, was this the first time that Brother Yang came to Tieling City?"

"You can see all this?" Yang Zhen looked weird.

Xue Zonglin smiled and said, "Beiyu is different in area, so it is somewhat different from the people in the south in appearance and figure. Although this difference is small, it is not difficult for people with eyesight to recognize it, and I have never heard Brother Yang's name below. , Brother Yang is naturally the first time to come to Tieling City."

Yang Zhen suddenly said, "It turns out that I don't know Yang Zhen..."

"Speaking of this, Yang Zhen didn't do anything harmful to the sky!" Xue Zonglin said, shaking his head.

Hearing this, Yang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Xue Zonglin hesitantly, just about to ask, and suddenly heard Xue Zonglin said: "It's just that the **** has no guts, and he said that kind of dirty words, Insult everyone, it really should be blamed!"

Yang Zhen greeted all the eighteen generations of the cheap cat ancestors with a chuckle in his heart, and said in amazement: "Brother Xue, I think this city of Tieling is an open-minded person. So what exactly did Yang Zhen say about holding the grass?" ...What kind of dirty words actually caused such terrible public indignation?"

Xue Zonglin was distressed and stared at Yang Zhen for a long while, then shot the table and said angrily: "That bastard, actually said that the talents of Su Su, who are only worthy of him for heating the house, may not even be qualified to serve in bed, you said... "

"What?" Yang Zhen stood up sharply, his face red and blue, his teeth gritted and said: "This bastard, Ben Sao... I'm not finished with you, so nonsense!"

"Brother Yang!" Xue Zonglin was startled and hurried to appease Yang Zhen. "Brother Yang Kang Shao'an is not irritable, but although Yang Zhen is abominable, he is nothing but a disciple!"


Yang Zhenqi didn't come here, shit, the **** cat, actually made such a ridiculous thing, not to mention everyone in Tieling City, that he was so angry that he could tear the **** cat as a **** into tears. Chickens!

So all of Su's bad old man, what do they say, do these cheap cats wake up with strange properties?

Especially when I thought of a bad old man warming his room, and thinking of the waiter, Yang Zhen felt the chills and goose bumps fell to the ground.

"Damn, this bastard, you're waiting for me, you're waiting for me!" Yang Zhen gritted his teeth and rubbed the goose bumps on his body while scolding his mother.

Xue Zonglin hurriedly pulled Yang Zhen and said: "Brother Yang is angry, and Brother Yang is angry, then Yang Zhen is just a person who sells fame and reputation. He wants to attract people's attention through these methods, not enough, not enough!"

Speaking of this, Xue Zonglin sighed and said, "Just unexpectedly, Brother Yang was also a fan of Su everyone, but Su everyone was not only talented, but also a beautiful woman, such a girl..."

"What?" Yang Zhen froze, holding Xue Zonglin and asked, "You said... awesome beauty? Such... a woman?"

Isn't that bad old man?

Xue Zonglin nodded dumbfounded and said, "Yes... yes, is there anything wrong?"

"Inappropriate?" Yang Zhen glared and said: "Of course it's inappropriate, and it's very bad. It's simply not heaven!"

"How do you say this?" Xue Zonglin's face was more intense.

Yang Zhen shook his said with an angry face: "Sue everyone is so beautiful, it should be the allure of the country, the city of the smile, and the country of the smile, like the fairy fairy, where is a beautiful woman? Can it be summarized?"

Xue Zonglin's face was shocked, and he was shocked, muttering to himself: "Falling the country, smiling at the city, and smiling at the country again, it's extremely extreme. With Su's talent, it is so described!"

Speaking of which, Xue Zonglin looked at Yang Zhen in amazement and said, "I didn't expect Brother Yang Kang to be so talented, Xue Mou admired it, such a heart-wrenching and stunning statement, Xue Mou couldn't think of it, after all, Su everyone heard it , Will be very happy!"

Yang Zhen embarrassedly wondered, this Tieling City is really an interesting place. There are so many people who are obsessed with the Su people. Is she really beautiful and looks better than the little girl and the Xiao Dao?

At this moment, when a clear bell came, Xue Zonglin changed his face and said in surprise: "Time is up!"

Suddenly, Yang Zhen hurriedly pulled Xue Zonglin, who ran to raise his leg, and asked, "What time is it?"

"Time for Su everyone to list!"

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