Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1147: This name is very old naughty

After a group of people came to the place where the sword spirit was located, Yang Zhen suddenly regretted it.


   The mountains are full of fierce sword spirits everywhere, just like someone who cast Wan Jian to the sect on the top of the mountain. Is this Nima staying?


   is almost dead!


  Deep mountains and old forests, lush green, full of malaria, slippery and slippery, Yang Zhen doubted whether debris flow might happen at any time in this place!


   It's just that although the environment is not good, there are quite a few people. Along the way, monks in various dresses divided their camps with the strength of repair, layer by layer, and the water around a hilltop was blocked.


The closer it is to the top of the mountain, the more Yang Zhen can feel the fierce vitality. Although everyone does not know where the sword spirit is now, everyone can feel that the sword spirit must still be somewhere on this mountain. .


   In mid-air, many half-steps of the Great St. were able to stay, and only some of the Sacred Powerhouses and the Great St. became closer to the top of the mountain.


  Tianshan Holy Land camp is the closest to the mountain peak, and even many houses have been built, and Yang Zhen has suddenly eased a lot.


  Looking like this, I have to stay here for many days. There is a place to settle down, which is better than sleeping in the wilderness.


  Yang Zhen doesn't mind taking the ground as the bed, but Tian Tian Shengzhu this young lady who looks beautiful, would you like to sleep on the ground with Yang Zhen?


  Thinking of this, Yang Zhen looked at the Lord Tianshan and laughed.


   Seeing the Lord Tianshan and others came, many people showed a shocked look, and the news soon spread.


   "Even the Lord of Tianshan came, it seems that the arrival of Luoshan Yang has brought great pressure to the Holy Land of Tianshan."


"It can't be said like this, although Luo Shanyang is known as a sword fool, after all, he hasn't found the sword spirit now. Besides, even if the sword spirit is found, can Luo Shanyang be recognized by the sword spirit, then who can say quasi?"


   "You don't find it, the people who shook the Holy Land frequently move, it seems to be trying to find a way."


   "The Holy Land of Shaking Light? It is said that the Son of Shaking Light is practicing **** swordsmanship, and I don't know if I can crush Luoshanyang."


   "How is it possible, among the younger generation present, who can compare Luoshan Yang with his sword skills?"


   There was a lot of talk around, Yang Zhen listened with relish, looking forward to Luo Shanyang's figure while walking forward.


   It's just a pity that Luo Shanyang wasn't here. This guy who dares to say the same thing as the ants of the same generation is really arrogant.


   Shit, Yang Zhen was a little bit unhappy. Even Ben Sao Sheng didn't say such a roast. When he saw this Luoshanyang, he must see if he had three heads and six arms or had an extra eye.


  Jiulong Shengzun saw the expression on Yang Zhen's face, and said with a bitter smile: "There are many strong people here, and some people, even the old men, don't dare to provoke easily. You should act low-key and take the sword spirit as the first task.


  Yang Zhen nodded and said, "Come on, low-key, Ben Sao Sheng has never been counseled."


  Fu Yao and Li Qingfeng staggered in front of each other, and almost fell into the mud beside them.


  Fuyao looked at Yang Zhen strangely, low-key?


  If Yang Zhen is considered low-key, then they are too inexistent.


  Li Qingfeng squeaked with a pair of fists, but there was no other way. This time he came to look for the sword spirit, mainly Yang Zhen.


The older generation of strong people almost have a customary rule, even under special circumstances, even if the sword spirit comes out, they will not go to conquer. For so many years in ancient times, when there is a sword spirit, there has never been an older generation of strong people. What happened when the conqueror succeeded.


   are some young geniuses, and the swordsmanship is at the forefront in order to be recognized by the sword spirit.


  Jianling only recognizes one master in his life. Once the owner is dead, the sword spirit will destroy the sword and be buried, so the appearance of the sword spirit will appear alone, and will not be accompanied by any peerless good sword!


Along the way, Yang Zhen has analyzed the spirit of the sword spirit in seven, eight, eight, and all kinds of legends from ancient times to the present, and everyone has talked about it without knowing how many times.


   It's just... Yang Zhen still has no bottom!


   It's one thing to conquer Jian Ling. Yang Zhen came here this time to prevent Jian Ling from falling into the hands of Jian Shan Luo Shanyang to complete this task. Yang Zhen's mission was completed.


  As for who the sword spirit will spend, who can be sure?


  Maybe when Yang Zhen was engaged in destruction, Jianling and the old man were angry and swooped into the void. Who can catch up with the true strongman who has the power of the void?


  The power of the void, until now, Yang Zhen has never heard of anyone in control.


   So if the sword spirit flies, it really flies.


   While everyone was thinking about it, a thunderous laugh came and scared Yang Zhen, who was distracted, and hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound source.


   "Who am I coming from, it turned out that the Purple Kite girl came in person, why, your Tianshan Holy Land is bound to win this sword spirit?"


   Purple kite girl?


   Hearing this title, Yang Zhen almost did not get in touch with the Lord Tianshan.


   Who dare to call the holy Lord Tianshan in this way?


   An old man with thick eyebrows and big eyes appeared in front of everyone. He looked like an old urchin, his face glowed with red light, his eyes were rounded, a bit like the bubble eyes of a frog, and the garlic head and nose looked very funny.


  The appearance of this old man, but no one can laugh, the terrible breath on his body is like a star, and people can fall into it with a glance.


  All except Yang Zhen and Jiulong and Tianshan Shengzhu, all subconsciously looked away.


"Huh?" The old man whispered, turned around Yang Zhen two times after landing, and laughed, said: "Nice little guy, maybe he can compete with Luoshan Yang's boy, where is the purple kite girl from? Such a funny kid?"


   Tianshan Shengzhu said with a smile: "It was a disciple from Kowloon, but it was not a personal biography!" Shengzhu turned and said to Yang Zhen: "This predecessor is Zhou Tong, the elder of the atrium of the atrium. exist."




   Gee, this name is very old and naughty.


   Yang Zhen grinned and said, "I have seen Senior Zhou Tong."


   Don't even think about it. Zhou Tong and other characters must come here for the sword demon. Otherwise, in his capacity, who can please move him?


  Tianjue, this force, even if it does not exceed a large section of Tianshan Holy Land, I am afraid that it is not comparable to Tianshan Holy Land.


  Zhou Tong pouted and said, "It's quite satisfactory, not fun. Like the kid from Kowloon, he can't kick a fart."


   Hearing Zhou Tong’s words, Jiulong laughed bitterly at the side. This is one of the people he dare not easily provoke.


   After everyone heard Zhou Tong's words, he was stunned and looked at Yang Zhen strangely.


   Yang Zhen is quite satisfactory?


   If he is well-formed, there will not be any outrageous people that day. I don’t know what Zhou Tong’s expression will be when he knows Yang Zhen’s character.


   The problem is that no one dares to speak now.


   Lord Tianshan said with a smile, "Senior... You two, there may be many common languages."

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