Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1126: I like it directly at 1 o'clock!

It is impossible to go, really, when Yang Zhen saw this blood man appeared, he was almost happy to come out.

  The goddess of Heavenly Jade was set for 30,000 years. Yang Zhen Leng didn't understand it. He was worried that he couldn't find a way to return his favor. Suddenly, such a guy came up.

   watched Yang Zhen rushing up with a pair of irritations, and all people's faces showed a ridiculous look.

   "Crazy, Yang Zhen is simply a lunatic."

  The elder murmured to himself, to be fair, as soon as this blood man appeared, the elder as the great saint had a feeling of palpitations.

   against such a person, even if it is just a blood man, is not a real power, it is also frightened.

  After the overwhelming suppression of the soul disappeared, the elder first thought of leaving the place as quickly as possible, but there was no such neat thing as Shaoguang Shengzi did.

  Although Shaoguang Shengzi finally came back, it was also because the elders and others all planned to stay and see how terrifying this blood man was.

   If Yang Zhen was slapped and slapped by the blood, then everyone would have time to leave. As long as the speed is fast enough, even if the blood is a great saint like the sage of Tianxuan, it will be too late to stop everyone.

   The ridiculous look on the face of the elders is almost inseparable. At the same time, he secretly admires Yang Zhen for being reckless.

   Such an existence, everyone has not yet figured out who he really is, so Yang Zhen rushed up like this.

  Does Yang Zhen's **** really be a brave and unscrupulous product? Whoever offends you?

   But even if Yang Zhen offended everyone in the world, everyone could not imagine that Yang Zhen would offend such a reason for existence.

   Perhaps, for people like Yang Zhen, there is no reason to offend such people.

  A group of people thought of this and suddenly surprised Yang Zhen as a human being. At the same time, the title of a crazy fool crowned Yang Zhen.

  Anyway, it wasn't you who died. Under the circumstances of being able to escape, see what Yang Zhen can do.

   This is what everyone thinks now.

   It's just... It's a pity that the ice coffin of Saint Xuan Tianxuan.

   But there is no way to do it. There are three lives in it, and the soul that the blood man is attached to is so terrifying, who can get the ice coffin of Saint Jade?

   Moreover, judging from the idea of ​​the genius Tianxuan Maiden, Tianxuan Maiden obviously knew everything that was uttered at this time.

   Under such circumstances, no one would dare to fight the Heavenly Lady.

   Of course, except for the **** Yang Zhen.

   watched Yang Zhen rushing towards the blood man with the big missing sword, the blood man seemed to be furious, roaring, his voice seemed to be thundering, and a roar rushed to the sky: "Find death!"


   The horrible **** hand slapped on Yang Zhen, as if it was shot on Yang Zhen, the speed was too fast, and everyone didn't see clearly.

  With Yang Zhen's strength at this time, even if the speed of the blood hand is fast, he can't let this calf shoot on his body. As long as he rushed up, Yang Zhen laid the big missing sword across his heart.

   An irresistible force came, followed by a sense of dizziness, Yang Zhen was shocked, and there was a look of uncertainty on his face.

This guy is so powerful. If this slap is shot on the elder elder, I am afraid that the old bones of the elder elder are going to fall apart. What can the Dasheng do? With such great strength, no means can be used. But the speed of this blood hand is so fast that it's desperate.

Seeing the power brought by this slap, the elders and other hot faces also changed wildly. Obviously, they also realized what Yang Zhen realized.

   This is no longer the holy power of physical sanctification. Is Yang Zhen sanctified by flesh?

Yang Zhen, who was staggering around in the air, had just stabilized his body. The **** hand suddenly rose in response to the storm, and a terrible blood wave came over the whole world, rolling Yang Zhen up.

   In this volume, Yang Zhen suddenly felt a dying feeling. The sound of crackling bones in his body made his teeth sore.

  The Heavenly Lady Xuan has been silent, and did not help Yang Zhen. Obviously, judging from the tone of Fang Cai, if the Heavenly Lady Xuan can shoot, she will certainly not sit idly by.

   Then there is only one possibility, and Saint Xuan Tianxuan can't do anything at this time.

  The blood man snorted coldly, and a force ripple visible to the naked eye rushed towards Yang Zhen along the blood hand that was facing the storm.

   Everyone in the room was taken aback, with a look of horror and despair on his face.

   If this ripple of power rushes to Yang Zhen, Yang Zhen will definitely kill most of his life even if he doesn't die.

At this moment, Yang Zhen suddenly roared, behind the Qiqi Tianxu roared back to the sky, biting a bite on the **** hand, the strength ripples were crushed, and the entire Qiqi Tianxu burst into countless pieces. .

   The virtual shadow shattered, and Yang Zhen spurted out blood, but his face showed a greasy smile.

   "Give Bensao the Holy Break!"

   came from a roar, the blood and blood of Yang Zhen also exploded, and a horrible blood burst from Yang Zhen's body, and the seeds of the world's blood and blood were rooted and germinated, and became bloody.


   There was a muffled noise, and the huge **** hand was even blown up by Yang Zhen!


  Yang Zhen landed on the ground and smashed the ground out of a huge pit with no breath.

   Everyone was taken aback, especially those monks who were relatively low-cultivated, all rushed towards the outside.

   Shaking the light, Son's face changed, and with a whizz, he ran out again.

  I don’t know if I heard that there was no movement for a while, and the elders and other people have not come out yet, and Shaoguang Shengzi is back.

   Rao is that Shaoguang Shengzi has a thick skin, and he is the first to go out twice in a row, and his face is red.

   The elders set their sights on the blood man.

Yang Zhen seemed to have died. The blood man gave a soft sound, as if it was an accident. The two hollow eyes looked deeply into the direction of Yang Zhen's landing, he roared, his hands were raised in the sky, and the sky was suddenly bright. Under the sky of thunder, a wave of heavenly chants suddenly appeared, deafening and deterring, deterring everyone's soul.

   "He... what is he going to do?" Elder Sword showed a look of uncertainty on his face: "Don't..."

   "He wants to condense the soul of heaven!" the elder Shen said in a deep voice.

   "Gathering the soul of the sky, is he crazy?" The Master of Qingquan Saint exclaimed and looked at the blood man in midair in disbelief.

   The elder shook his head and said, "It's really a madman. This method can be figured out. It's really a madman."

   "What's going on?" Elder Sword looked at the blood man in mid-air in amazement and asked in surprise.

The elder elder pondered for a said: "Three flowers bloom, the celestial lady Tianxuan lays down the whole situation for ten thousand years, trying to condense the spirit of someone, but it is secretly used by the blood man in front of him, breaking the three flowers The overall situation of the Holy Girl’s soul gathering, and then using the power of Qi and blood to condense the Heavenly Soul, in this way, no matter whether the Heavenly Jade Lady is successful or not, the ultimate benefit will be blood people!"

   "Why?" The three elders had a strange look on their faces.

  If the sacred girl Tianxuan succeeds, it should be the soul of the man who condenses it...

  Thinking of this, the stunned look on the faces of the three elders is even stranger.

The elder elder sneered and said: "Cohesion of the soul of the sky, this kind of thing, only the madman has succeeded in the past, but he was serially robbed while condensing the earth's soul. Eventually, he tried to carry 360 days of robbery. To die, to condense the soul of the heavenly soul for nine lives, to fight with heaven, this blood man is a good strategist. Under the stolen beam, it is not him who is fighting with the sky, but the lady of Heavenly Jade or Heavenly Lady who wants to condense soul!"

   Hearing this, everyone was horrified.

   This man... who is it?

  Just when everyone was in doubt, a voice might seem to be coming from the ground. Yang Zhen, the bastard, dragged the big missing sword and crawled out step by step.

"After a long time, I finally figured out what you want to do, but you guys who are not ghosts or ghosts, what are you doing so complicated, I don’t know if Ben Sao Sheng’s logical thinking ability is a bit poor, relatively speaking, Ben Sao Saint likes to order directly, for example... to hack your deflated calf!"

  :. :

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