After Qi Sheng left Fang Yu's room, he walked faster and faster. He went to the kitchen in person without even making a phone call, surprising the chefs who were busy in the kitchen.

"Qi, Mr. Qi?!"

While others were still at a loss, the chef quickly stepped forward to greet them.

"Why are you here?"

"Prepare a table of dishes with the same quality as last year's annual meeting, and serve a full table..."

Toot toot.

The ringing of the phone interrupted Qi Sheng's words.

He frowned slightly, gave the chef a look, and then picked up the phone.

It's the secretary calling.

"Chairman, is it convenient now?"


"The goods have arrived and security personnel are already in place."

"...recruitment, is it going well?"

"It went very smoothly. We easily recruited more than a thousand people through the audition, and after screening, there were 136 people. They are all waiting for our final notification."

Qi Sheng didn't ask the secretary about the criteria for selecting people, because he felt confident that the secretary would do his job.

"Allocate money, then bring people to [the camp] for closed management."


Qi Sheng hung up the phone.

How to allocate funds, how not to use the company's accounts, there is no need for him to talk about this kind of thing. His secretary who has been with him for so many years knows how to do it.

Qi Sheng did not climb to his current position by being a good gentleman. Some tough and gray methods can be used, but they are indispensable.

Putting down the phone, facing the busy chefs and the still nervous head chef, Qi Sheng smiled, gave a few more instructions, and turned around to go to the underground wine cellar.

He would personally select a bottle of good wine and serve it to Fang Yu!

Although he disliked this young man when he first met him, as long as he could save his daughter, he would regard him as his benefactor!

As for recruiting people and exploring the game, we still have to continue.

This is the general trend and this is the future direction.

It's fine if you haven't seen extraordinary power. Now that you know the existence of this thing and its origin, if you don't master it in advance, even if you hold a business empire in your hand, it will be just a castle in the air that will shatter at a touch.

Boom! ! !

His sister's leap still made Xu Zhentian suddenly wake up from the middle of the night.

The rapid beating of his heart made him look up out of the window.

The colorful and bustling Jiangnan City at night seems so revelry, but... it has nothing to do with the people at the bottom.


A text message was sent on his mobile phone. He picked up the old mobile phone with physical buttons like an old man's machine and looked at it. His hand could not help but slowly tighten the phone.

"Notice from Jinsi Hospital: Ward No. 13 in the critical area has a debt of 5,1340.00 yuan. Please Mr. Xu pay the above overdue balance within 3 days after receiving this notice... Otherwise, our company will stop... This is notified."

Borrowed all over!

Everyone around him borrowed it, and everyone looked at him as if they were seeing the living King of Hell and avoided him!

I also lost my job, and I also sold an iPhone worth several thousand yuan. Even the kidney dealer I contacted two days ago lowered the price from 50,000 yuan to 30,000 yuan.

Who is it that is involved? This kind of business is getting involved, how can it survive?


Xu Zhentian punched the wall hard, and then heard roars and curses coming from next door.

"You don't want to live banging on the wall in the middle of the night, do you? Believe it or not, I will go over with a knife and chop you to death right now!"

Xu Zhentian's hands trembled in fright, then he clenched his fists tightly and said nothing.

But the veins on his clenched fists were bulging one by one.

If not there is still hope! If his sister hadn't been in the hospital for emergency treatment, he wouldn't have wanted to live at all!


The message rang again.

The news of this visit made his eyes brighten, but then dimmed quickly.

"Three years in jail for someone else, three hundred thousand dollars."

Text message, short but not simple.

Three hundred thousand can solve the urgent need, but it is far from enough.

It's useless just to keep my sister in the hospital for a few more days. The most important thing now is surgery, heart surgery.

That death-seeking leap not only caused her sister to suffer multiple fractures and made her unconscious, but also caused her heart disease to relapse, to the point where her heart had to be replaced.

The heart replacement alone starts at 500,000 yuan, not counting the subsequent maintenance costs, and the cost of hospital treatment for fractures and other injuries. After all, without 1 million, it cannot fill the hole.

It's just three hundred thousand, which is not enough. And if you can't see your sister for three years, who will take care of her?

While hesitating, Xu Zhentian sent a text message back.

"Brother Qiang, do you have an order for one million or two million? You can go to jail for decades!"

"Get out! It's your turn to have this kind of business!"

Brother Qiang still had the heart to reply to the text message, and it seemed that he didn't make him angry.

This request is indeed a bit excessive.

It's a bit of a coincidence that he was originally a white-collar worker in a building materials company. Because of his job position, he had some contact with Brother Qiang, so he helped each other in private and earned some gray income, but not much, because he was timid and didn't Those who dare to be big will get a small reward. Even if the incident is revealed, they will only go to jail.

As a result, before anything happened to him, something happened to his sister first.

The scumbag deceived and fell in love, which in his opinion were just trivial things on the road to growth, turned out to be the last straw that broke his sister's heart. She jumped from the high building of the school.

Fortunately, it was a run-down school with a low floor. In addition, some activities were being held downstairs that day, and some large tents were erected to provide a buffer. Otherwise, I would not have gone to the hospital, but would have gone to heaven.

Seeing that something was happening at the scumbag's family, they arranged for someone to send the scumbag and his mistress abroad the next day. Xu Zhentian couldn't find anyone to take revenge, let alone save his sister, so it was impossible for him to be sent to prison.

The next step is to raise money, borrow money, and use all your savings.

His life was on the line, and the cost of a heart transplant and the cost of being hospitalized for life-saving surgery all became a problem.

These days, with the advancement of technology, it is not that easy to kill someone, but the prerequisite is that you have money.

Realizing that Xu Zhentian was raising a large amount of money, his colleagues stopped him, and the boss also took care of the matter, so he just started it and that was it.

There is compensation, but it is a drop in the bucket.

Brother Qiang is willing to help because of his old friendship, but three years in prison and only three hundred thousand yuan is not enough.

"Brother Qiang, help me. Didn't you say last time that a gang was planning to rob a bank? I think I can do this job! Brother Qiang, you also know that my sister is now..."

Xu Zhentian sent out the text message, leaving half of the message in order to gain sympathy.


"Xiao Xu, it's not that I won't help, but you don't have the conditions for an order of more than one million, you know, right? Rob a bank and there is a shortage of people, can you do it? Drive a helicopter, race a sports car in the city, start 200 yards without crashing, etc. Do you know the skills? To take a step back, if you want to be a little brother and a transparent person in the bank robbery team, how much share can you get? If I tell you, I will give you a gun, but you don’t have the guts to shoot it . Even the shooters can’t do it, and you still want to join their team.”

Brother Qiang spoke for a long time and silenced Xu Zhentian.

Robbery of a bank and shooting to kill are completely different crimes.

I can't make money being a screw, I'm a gangster and rob a bank, I have no skills, what the hell...

Xu Zhentian gritted his teeth.

"...Brother Qiang, I can shoot!"

"What the hell! If you can shoot someone five meters away, God has pity on you! You're still shooting without even touching a gun. Others find professionals who are in demand. Who are you? Just wait for me to see. Let’s see if I can give you some work to blame. This kind of work is easy, but it’s not convenient to collect money.”

Xu Zhentian sighed.

He had thought about robbing himself, but in this era of intelligence, the average mobile phone wallet and banknotes per person can make more money than going to jail for others.

It was difficult to get up. The soreness caused by the anti-sack bag at the construction site yesterday has not gone away.

Opening the door and looking back, he saw that what he lived in was just a rectangular box, similar to the storage room downstairs, but it was slightly decorated and had an extra window.

The room was almost like a coffin, and it was difficult to even lie down and sleep.

First, go to the construction site to see if there is any work. First, collect the 50,000 yuan hospitalization fee from the hospital.

Xu Zhentian walked on the road in confusion, walking on the busy streets, and suddenly felt that life was so boring.

Suddenly, a poster caught his attention.

"Seeking games..."

It seems that this thing is quite popular recently. I heard from a former colleague that I can make money in it.

However, the helmet alone costs five figures, so it is destined to be unavailable to a wage earner like him.

Before his sister's accident, he had been saving money to prepare for her sister's heart transplant. He was not willing to spend money on entertainment.

He put his hands into his pockets and let the cold wind blow.

Who would have thought that a dozen days ago, I was still looking forward to a better life in the future, sitting in a comprehensive office in a high-rise building, drinking coffee with my colleagues, and imagining the future.

It’s true, things are impermanent.

Xu Zhentian buried his head in the ground, and his lonely figure blended in with the ordinary workers on the street who had finally gotten off work and were rushing home on the last subway train.


Suddenly, the elderly machine vibrated.

Xu Zhentian picked up his phone without any hope and took a look.

The next moment, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his whole person suddenly stopped in place.

"I have a new job offer. I will be a professional gamer with an annual salary of one million, and I will pay a lump sum in advance. But I need to go to the designated place according to the employer's requirements and have no contact with the outside world for a year."

Strong, strong brother...

You are my brother!

"Brother Qiang, I'll take it! I'll take this order!"

"Don't worry, Brother Qiang doesn't cheat his own people. Based on my many years of experience, I'm afraid this kind of order will never come back. You have to think clearly about it yourself."

There is no return...

Xu Zhentian's breathing suddenly became rapid, and then became firm.

"Brother Qiang, I have thought clearly, give me this opportunity!"

"Okay! I'll take 5% of the commission, and you can control the rest by yourself. Tomorrow... I'll take some time to have a drink with you, and I'll put it into practice for you."


Xu Zhentian smiled helplessly, but he was really at the end of his rope.

Either he dies or his sister dies, one of them has to die.

Xu Zhentian felt bitter and ironic. At the lowest point in his life, he was actually a shady agent, which brought him some warmth.


Quite unexpected.

After Brother Yu Qiang had his last drink, the money arrived quickly.

Xu Zhentian first deposited the money into the hospital account, and after paying for the heart transplant and other procedures, all the remaining money was transferred to his sister's card.

With no money and no worries, he waited for a black van the next morning.

He was blindfolded with a black cloth and his hands were tied with thick ropes. He didn't know where he would be taken, but a few more people started to get on the car one after another.

When he arrived at his destination and was being stared at with something on his way, Xu Zhentian suddenly realized what was behind him.

That's the barrel.

Someone who can easily pull out a million dollars obviously won't scare people with a toy gun.


Xu Zhentian swallowed his saliva and became more honest.

After a lot of twists and turns, he finally reached his destination.

Someone cut open the thick rope that bound his hands and untied the black cloth.

He saw a strong, armed man looking at him coldly with a gun in his hand.

The other person was untying the black cloth for his 'roommate'.

"Stay and wait for orders."

Behind the strong man, there were several people holding guns at the door.

Xu Zhen had seen this kind of power, he was so frightened that he nodded quickly.

After untying the two men, the strong men with guns went out.

The closed dormitory was like a prison. Looking left and right, there seemed to be nothing except two beds.

Oh, there is also a daily schedule or something, Xu Zhentian didn’t pay much attention to it.

His eyes fell on his roommate.

It was a young man with a somewhat stern appearance and an indifferent expression.

It seems like they are just locking themselves up, not being sent to be dismembered or something like that?

Faintly aware that he didn't have to die, Xu Zhentian relaxed.

"Brother, what do you call me?"

"Chen Yayue."

The roommate’s voice was cold.

"Well, you... too..."



All for one million.

However, the person behind the scenes was so happy to give him money, so that he could solve his worries. On the contrary, Xu Zhentian had no ill intentions towards the people behind the scenes.

It's nothing more than spending money to buy life and use money to do things. Without this opportunity, I would be desperate.

"My name is Xu Zhentian, you can just call me A Tian. By the way, why are you short of money?"

Chen Yayue just gave him a cold look, said nothing, and went to straighten her sheets.

It seems that it touches privacy a bit.

Xu Zhentian scratched his head, walked to the door, and went to the schedule posted on the back of the door.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but you'll be shocked when you look at it.

What about the daily management of sows?

Time to wake up, wash up, eat, work, take a shower, even go to the toilet...

Everything is done accurately to the minute, just like managing livestock, everything is managed mechanized and standardized.

The distribution that is accurate to the minute seems to have a scientific basis or the result of big data analysis, which makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

This means that there is no freedom at all. Even what and how much to eat for lunch and dinner are strictly required.

But when he thought of the security guards with guns outside the door, he immediately became honest.

This is someone else's territory. Naturally, what others say is what they say. Anyway, the money has arrived, and there is no need to worry about it. Communication methods such as mobile phones have been taken away early, and it is useless to do anything.

I can't say...I want to work here for the rest of my life, until I die.

This terrible thought came to Xu Zhentian's mind, but he quickly suppressed it.

No matter what, just take things as they come.

But when the next day began and he was put under military management, he began to feel a little unbearable.

What made him even more nervous was that the content of his work was really just playing games!

When you play the game "Seeking Demons", depending on your performance in the game, you can add meals, make money, increase free time, rest time, and even go to the toilet more times.

In short, the stronger the game character becomes, the more good things you get, or if other criteria are met, you can get additional rewards.

When Ling Ling came down, Xu Zhentian unexpectedly felt that it was not bad? ?

The most important thing is that if you make money here, it will be credited to your account.

This, this, this, is this really just working for others and playing games? What rich second generation comes to experience life?

If I had told you that this was the case, would I need to be afraid of it?

Xu Zhentian was suddenly full of motivation, because it seemed quite easy to make money here. After all, as long as the character grew up, he would be rewarded.

Although it is only spoken verbally at the moment, it seems very real.

As for the open-air podium, Xu Zhentian automatically ignored what the commentator on the podium said about regularly releasing tasks for them to execute.

Now, he can't wait to enter the game, become bigger and stronger, and make a lot of money!

"Our organization, codenamed [Shuguang], is not allowed to mention this operation to any outsiders, and is not allowed to have any communication with the outside world. It must be the same as the game requires, and it must be like an NPC to lurk. Even if you communicate with players, you must be Be an NPC and disguise yourself. If any information is leaked and you find out who leaked it, you know what will happen."

After the commentator in a suit finished speaking, he took the submachine gun brought by the security guard next to him and fired dozens of bullets into the sky.

Real guns, real ammunition.

As long as the people below still want to survive, they don't dare to think too little.

From a distance, Xu Zhentian seemed to see a few more black vans driving here. It seemed that he would continue to have more colleagues in the future.

I was assigned to a separate work room, which was actually just a bed and a gaming helmet.


Seeking magic, start!

Far away in the intensive care unit of the hospital, with an oxygen tube attached, Chen Ya slowly opened her eyes.

She slowly looked at the mobile phone next to her.

There is a line of the latest transfer SMS notification on it, which is a full amount of one million.

It was her brother Chen Yayue who transferred the money.

But at the same time, she also became unable to contact her brother.

Raising his hand with difficulty, he pressed the dial button again.


"The number you dialed is currently unavailable, please wait..."

Brother, where have you been...

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