Linghu Xiang glanced at Fang Yu in surprise, obviously not expecting Fang Yu to be so brave.

In other words, this guy seems to have been so brave since he left the city.

"You coming?"

Linghuxiang only said half-jokingly, and then there was a whoosh! Fang Yu's figure has disappeared!


Are you serious? !

Linghuxiang quickly looked forward and saw that the blades of the blur grass in front of her were cut off one after another, flying up like obstructive weeds. The sea of ​​fragrance and mist spread instantly, and Diao Deyi, as a scavenger, had already killed In front of the enemy!

when! ! !

There was just an explosion, and Diao Deyi, who had just rushed over, was hit by something and flew back directly!

"Holy crap! What the hell is this?!"

In the air, Diao Deyi could be heard yelling angrily as if he had seen a ghost.

"The wind is tight! Pull!"

After landing and rolling around, he raised his head and shouted again, and then touched the big red horses.

This whole set of movements was so smooth that one doubted whether it was staged.

what's the situation? !

Are you going to run away from the first encounter? ?

Linghuxiang looked strange.

Where was your invincibility just now? ?

She looked at the demon in front of her.

An ape-like demon with eight arms, bending over to push aside the grass, came into his eyes.

The eight-armed monkey demon seems to be a little confused. I don't know if it fainted from getting into the grass or because it was confused about who attacked it just now.

It's just an ape-like monster. Do you need to be so afraid?

Linghu Xiang was puzzled.

But when the eight-armed ape demon gradually came back to his senses, his eyes locked on Linghu Xiang.

boom! !

Linghuxiang felt something suddenly explode violently in her mind.

An indescribable, almost terrifying feeling of terror emerged from my heart crazily.

For a moment, Linghu Xiang felt her mouth go dry, as if some natural enemy had locked onto her aura, making it almost impossible for her to even move.

That's...what the hell?

What kind of monster is that? !

How could it possibly make me feel like this? !

I am a tree realm warrior! ! !


A sudden cold touch brought Linghuxiang back to reality.

She subconsciously looked back and saw that it was Diao Deyi who had mounted his horse and came back to hold her wrist.

His hands were so cold.

This thought flashed across Linghuxiang's mind inexplicably, and then she heard Diao De yell.

"Run away! That's [Eight Arms and Nine Soldiers Demon]!!!"

Eight-armed...nine-armed demon?

What kind of monster is that? Never heard of it.

But Linghuxiang also knows that now is not the time to debate whether to listen or not, but what is this [eight-armed nine-armed demon], strong! It's so powerful that it explodes! It is simply not an existence that I can deal with!

Although they haven't had a single confrontation, you can feel it just from the other party's locked aura.

one move……

I might... not be able to survive even one move!

Linghuxiang firmly believed in this clear and inexplicable realization that came to her mind.

Then, without hesitation, she almost turned the horse around and walked away!

drive! ! !

"Retreat! Retreat! Everyone retreats!!"

Linghuxiang roared. At this moment, she didn't care whether her loud voice would attract other monsters.

If it were said that Fang Yu's shouting only made the ignorant people in the team obey.

Linghuxiang's roar completely threw the team into chaos.

They never expected that just after they left the official path, the two strongest people in the team issued orders to escape.

Fang Yu and Linghuxiang took the lead, and everyone turned on the emergency mode, mounted their horses, and ran out in a chaotic manner.

For a moment, some people left the team, and some deviated from the direction, but Fang Yu couldn't care less at this moment.

[Eight Arms and Nine Soldiers Demon] The health bar on the top of the head is not deceiving. It is completely full and cannot be touched at all!

Run away!

No matter how much you sacrifice, you must escape for your life first!

"Help, help!!"

There was a cry for help from behind, and before he could even turn around, he saw a bloody upper body flying past his head in a parabola.

Looking back, the eight-armed and nine-armed demon was gnawing on the man's lower body like a chicken leg.

[Eight-armed nine-armed demon: 58115/58142. 】

etc! The blood bar of this [Eight-Armed Nine-Soldier Demon] seems to have increased a little? It's only been a few days, but your strength has actually increased?

As if sensing Fang Yu's gaze, the [Eight-Armed Nine-Soldier Demon] didn't recognize Fang Yu, but still came towards him!

This frightened Fang Yu to death.

Just now, he made a sudden move and caught the [Eight-Armed Nine-Soldier Demon] by surprise. He was sent flying far away, and now it is killing him directly. Isn't this fatal!

"Run away! Everyone separate! Let's meet at the river!!"

As he spoke, Fang Yu suddenly changed direction and stopped cutting off the weeds. He allowed the weed blades to scratch part of his clothes, leaving shallow marks on the surface of the skin, which could not even break the skin. But the big red horse under Lian's crotch did not have this kind of strength. It galloped quickly and was immediately cut severely by the leaves, leaving thin wounds on its body.

The horse went crazy from the pain, but was beaten wildly by Fang Yu, and its speed suddenly increased!

Since the leaves of the Mystic Grass were not cut off, when the [Eight-Armed Nine-Soldier Demon] chased after him, he lost his ability to distinguish and plunged headlong into the vast sea of ​​weeds. With the strong wind blowing and the grass swaying, it was difficult to judge. Which way did Fang Yu rush to.

It sniffed hard, only to smell the rich fragrance of blur grass. This fragrance almost covered up all other smells, making it impossible to detect where the enemy was from the sense of smell.

The height of the blurry grass here is no longer as simple as the height of a person. It is two, three, three or four meters high. Even if the [Eight Arms and Nine Soldiers Demon] stands upright, it is difficult to judge where Fang Yu is going.

But if people from other large groups mix together and make noise, it will be difficult to avoid the pursuit of the [Eight-Armed Nine-Soldier Demon].

But when the [Eight-Armed Nine-Soldier Demon] was about to turn around and chase the others, it suddenly seemed to feel something, and its two arms suddenly clawed hard at the ground.


The next moment, a roar suddenly came out, causing the surrounding ground to shake violently.

What the hell! ?

Are there any experts? !

Fang Yu looked back, but only saw the [Eight Arms and Nine Soldiers Demon] going crazy on the spot, not knowing what he was doing.

This gave Fang Yu and the others time to escape. Fang Yu quickly signaled to the people around him, asking them to come closer.

Linghuxiang was not far away to begin with, and was the first one to come over on horseback, followed closely by the other team members.

The black horse she got off seemed to be of much better quality than her own. The skin was rough and thick, but there were deep white marks on it, but the skin was not broken.

Of course, it is also possible that she did not allow the dark horse under her crotch to increase its speed to the extreme. Otherwise, under the acceleration, the skin would be exposed in minutes when passing through the grass.

"There is a big demon! There is also a big demon! They seem to have a territorial conflict! They are fighting for the territory now!" Linghuxiang pointed in the direction of the [Eight-Armed Nine-Soldier Demon] behind him and said.


Fang Yu didn't believe it.

That [Eight-Armed Nine-Soldier Demon] came from the Yudi Mansion, where did it come from!

But Fang Yu didn't know what the [eight-armed nine-armed demon] was going crazy about, and suddenly got into trouble with another big demon.

But when Fang Yu turned around for the last time and saw the [Eight-Armed Nine-Soldier Demon] stuffing a big red tentacle into his mouth, Fang Yu's expression suddenly changed.

[Eight-armed and nine-armed demon: 57586/58143. 】

The blood bar...has gone up?

Although it hasn’t increased much, it has definitely increased!

Monsters can eat other monsters to increase their strength? ? ?

Fang Yu has never heard of such a thing!

Aren’t all demons looking for talents to gain strength?

Could it be that demons can produce and sell their own food?

And the strength of a demon with 50,000 blood will increase as soon as it increases?

Fang Yu felt a little weird, but he couldn't tell what was weird.

The most urgent task now is to stay away from the [Eight-Armed and Nine-Soldier Demon] as quickly as possible, and run away while it fights with other demons.

This thing is a monster, a being that can crush the entire team!

Fang Yu clearly remembered the scene when one of the captains, [Quan Xianxue], was killed by the [Eight-Armed Nine-Soldier Demon] in an instant. He was at the scene at that time!

Although Fang Yu's strength has skyrocketed now, he doesn't dare to say that he can compete with captain-level masters, let alone that even the captain can instantly kill the "Eight-Armed Nine-Weapon Demon".

As they fled in a panic, the sounds from behind gradually disappeared and turned into the sounds of various insects.

The three- to four-meter-high grass blocked most of the sunlight falling from above, but it was still much brighter than the lightless night.


Suddenly, someone among the team members behind fell to the ground.

Fang Yu glanced back, subconsciously pulled up the reins to stop the horse, and shouted.

"Stop it all!"

The people behind him also stopped immediately and took a moment to breathe.

However, at this time, Linghu Xiang was heard roaring.

"Everyone obeys the order and keeps moving forward! No one is allowed to stop!"

Fang Yu was stunned for a moment, and then immediately understood what Linghu Xiang meant.

This is not an official road, nor is it a safe town, this is the wilderness! A dangerous wilderness!

There is a terrifying big demon chasing behind him. What is needed at this time is a race against time to escape. Any delay may lead to the destruction of the entire team.

And Linghuxiang's intention was also very clear, to sacrifice the fallen team member to ensure the safety of others.

To be honest, Fang Yu didn't know what to do.

He looked back at the people in the team.

The team members who followed him all had tattered clothes and slender wounds of varying depths on their bodies.

They were all scratched by these sharp blur grass blades during the rapid march.

As for their horses, only a few of them were still riding. The others' horses were intolerant and had lost control as early as galloping, so they had to abandon their horses and run away alone.

Everyone was seizing this short break to breathe heavily and regain their strength. They all looked at Fang Yu and Linghu Xiang. It was obvious that they needed a clear order.

The conflicting orders from the two captains at the same level left them temporarily confused as to what to do.

There was one person in the crowd who fell to the ground.

Fang Yu looked at the health bar.

[Jun Junjia: 1137/1255. 】


This man's blood volume was very healthy, why did he fall down?

"The toxins of the Mystic Grass have accumulated to a certain amount. Throw him on the horse and let's continue to escape!"

Linghuxiang also clarified the situation at this time. After realizing that the situation was not that urgent, she immediately chose a compromise method.

Only then did Fang Yu notice that Jun Junjia had a lot of wounds on his body. He didn't know if he was in a hurry and didn't pay attention to the weeds blocking the road, so he was scratched badly.

This kind of scratch is nothing to a person who is focused on escaping.

But the blur grass contains toxins. Although Linghu Xiang said that the toxins are not very powerful, they still overwhelmed Jun Junjia with very few results.

After understanding what was going on, everyone became more defensive and silently took the antidote that came with them to suppress the toxicity first.

Jun Junjia was thrown onto the horse, and the team ran forward again.

No one knows whether the [Eight-Armed Nine-Soldier Demon] is chasing him or not, but everyone knows very well that if he is caught up by the [Eight-Armed Nine-Soldier Demon], he will only die.

Fang Yu was riding in front, his mind thinking about a problem, a problem that he had ignored just now because he was tired of running for his life.

[Eight-armed nine-armed demon], how come it appears here?

Yes, the [Eight-Armed Nine-Soldier Demon] is the subordinate of the demon leader of Tianyuan Town. How could he be abandoned in such a wilderness?

There's something wrong...there's something that I've overlooked.

Fang Yu vaguely felt that he had caught something. The [Eight-Armed Nine-Soldier Demon] appeared here, making him feel a strong sense of disobedience, but just when he was about to think of something...


A feeling of weightlessness suddenly appeared, and he was thrown away from the horse. He fell to the ground and crushed several blurry grass, and then he quickly got up.

"Diao Deyi?"

This was the first time that Linghu Xiang called Fang Yu by his name, but Fang Yu just shook his head and looked at his mount, the big red horse.

Could it be that this big red horse can't resist the poisonous erosion?

Then Fang Yu saw two big red horses that were "half-kneeling" on the ground with their front hooves, and blood slowly overflowed from the front hooves.

Before Fang Yu could understand what was going on...


The whole big red horse was pulled off the ground! Leaving a big dark hole!

The entrance to the cave is very deep, and the panicked screams of the big red horse can be heard from inside. Along with some kind of cave echo, it goes deeper and deeper into the ground, getting farther and farther away from Fang Yu and the others.


"There is a demon!!"

"It's catching up?!"

Only then did Fang Yu realize that it was some kind of underground demon that dug a hole and dragged his mount down to eat him!

Worri! Do you dare to eat my BMW? ?

Fang Yu instinctively wanted to kill the underground demon, but because he didn't see the health bar, he couldn't get up the courage for a while.

The unknown is the scariest thing.

Fang Yu didn't dare to act rashly before he knew what level of strength his opponent was!

"The demon attacks from underground. Pay attention to the surface! If there is any movement on the surface, attack immediately!"

Linghu Xiang shouted and commanded the team.

Fang Yu only realized this in hindsight and wished he could give himself a slap. When he needed to command, he was actually in a daze.

There was no way, Fang Yu had always decided the course of action based on the enemy's health bar. When the enemy's health bar was in Schrödinger's unknown state, he himself didn't know whether to fight or flee, and how could he instruct others to do something.

At this time, other team members also obtained the information and started to play their roles.

"Can't see! Captain Linghu! There's not enough light. We can't see the subtle changes on the ground like this!"

"Cut the grass! If we want to fight this monster underground, we need to chop down all the surrounding blur grass immediately! Clear a clearing! Captain Linghu, please chop the grass!"

"Everyone is mute! I'm lying on the ground listening! Please be quiet, so I can't hear what's going on underground!"

After all, it is an elite team, the strong ones who fought hard in Yudi Palace, and each of them performed well in the face of unexpected situations.

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