The person who came was quite loud, and he was a burly man.

The younger brothers who followed him were also of strong stature.

Fang Yu had never seen this person before, but judging by his health bar, he was indeed as strong as the Red Moon Demon.

[Zeng Shanyue: 5300/5300. 】

The quality of the subordinates is a little bit worse, they are monster cadres with one or two thousand blood, I don't know if they didn't bring the elites, or the elites have this strength.

Fang Yu was a little startled.

How many foreign aids of this level has Qing Yao arranged for herself?

This treatment will become the leader of the leaders.

The demons behind were even more startled and their eyes widened.

It was amazing enough that one Fairy Tail was ordered to help out, but there was a second one in the end.


There is another person ahead!

"[Crystal Bone Demon] is here to help out! Always at your service!"

[Zhou Jiali: 4800/4800. 】

[Miao Qing: 3500/3500. 】

[Full city: 3500/3500. 】

[Crystal Bone Demon] Although including him, there were only three people in total, but the quality was not bad.

My combat power is 4800 blood, and my younger brother is 3500 blood combat power, which is quite awesome.

With the arrival of two more monster tails and people to help out, the reaction of the monsters behind has changed from surprise to jaw drop to complete numbness.

"Master Fairy Tail, be tall!" [Rong Qiulu] said.

"Master Fairy Tail, be tough!" [Bu Ange] answered.

The two of them looked at Fang Yu with an idol filter.

Among the monsters who have taken refuge in the past, there has never been such a big show.

This ostentation can already be compared to the level of [Demon Foot].

Fang Yu was calm at this moment.

After counting the number of people, he waved his hand.


The huge team headed towards Yuan Ti Martial Arts Hall.

As a result, on the way, two monsters at the monster tail level were joined one after another, but their strength was slightly inferior, with only about 4,000 blood volume, and they all came alone. It seemed that they came in a hurry and failed to call Brother together.

Even so, the addition of these two new Fairy Tails still made the team's momentum skyrocket again.

[Yue Anbai: 4100/4100. 】

[Yin and Tong: 4200/4200. 】


Everyone shouted excitedly.

The whole team became imposing like a rainbow.

Before arriving at the Yuanti Martial Arts Hall, there was a crushing momentum.

The more the Red Moon Demon looked at it, the more frightened she became.

She couldn't figure it out, how could a mere blood demon, who had no heels or background, be able to receive such treatment.

Looking at this huge team, she actually felt a little lucky, thankful that she was not on top, and went to war with the blood demon, otherwise such a huge team might not be going to fight Yuan Hongxin, but to fight her!

With her ability, let alone confronting this team, if two Fairy Tails of the same level are randomly brought in, she may not be able to hold on.

Not to mention the three people who had been following closely behind the blood demon, exuding an extremely dangerous aura faintly.

The real bodies of those three demons are definitely not simple!

"Unfathomable, unfathomable!"

Red Moon Demon looked at the young man walking at the front of the line with a complicated expression. She never expected that she was just a little demon under Qing Yao's subordinates, but because there was no one below, she was forced to be promoted to be a waste of Demon Tail. Such a horrible existence.

How did this guy hook up with Master Shu Niaoyao!

The red moon demon secretly bit her nails, with unwillingness and helplessness in her eyes, which finally turned into a compromise.

Going against the big monster above is an act of courting death.

Now that the blood demon has become a popular person in front of Mr. Shu bird demon, any of his own plots and schemes will be meaningless, and even bring bad luck instead. It is better to let nature take its course and reduce the sense of existence, lest the blood demon seek Trouble yourself.

With this thought, I planned to undo all the small actions I planned before going back.

Those who know the current affairs are Junjie, and she still knows how much she has.


Yuanti Martial Arts Gym, underground secret room.

"It's... so?"

Yuan Hongxin looked at Diao Ruru who was hanging in front of her in astonishment.

The situation of this girl in front of him is so complicated that he, who has been devoting himself to the study of the trinity of human, demon and spirit, is dumbfounded.

Diao Ruru in front of her, although she is a human being, she possesses [spiritual] power.

It stands to reason that this should be the most common believer.

But in practice, this is not the case.

In other words, she is not a believer in the conventional sense, but simply possesses spiritual power.

Believers, the most troublesome part is the process of controlling the [spirit].

When using the [spirit] to control the power of the [spirit], it will be eroded by the power of the [spirit], and eventually become the container of the spirit from the lackey of the [spirit].

The [spirit] that came out of the container and absorbed the power of the container became stronger and went to find the next suitable container.

This is the way of the [spirit].

Believers, on the other hand, need to change [spirit] before the erosion reaches the limit.

Changing [spirit] is a very simple word, but it contains endless troubles.

First of all, after completing the contract with the [spirit], believers need to constantly use the power of the spirit to suppress the erosion of the [spirit].

As the power of the [spirit] is used successively, the effect becomes weaker and weaker. Unless the spiritual power can be continuously improved and suppressed at a higher level, sooner or later, one day, it will be backlashed by the [spirit], devouring the body, and become a [spirit] ] container.

It's pretty much a dead end.

Because spiritual cultivation is extremely difficult, and the erosion of [spirit] is irreversible for human beings.

This point is especially critical.

The erosion of the [spirit] is irreversible for human beings.

The only way out is to change the [spirit].

This means that with a fixed mental strength, the number of times a believer can use the [spirit] is limited, and even if he does nothing, this erosion will gradually increase over time.

In the case of being unable to surpass the limit of the spirit, the lifespan of the believer has already entered the countdown at the moment of obtaining the [spirit].

Every time you use the power of your spirit, you will intensify the progress of this countdown.

It's almost a dead end.

Therefore, there is the operation of changing the [spirit].

Before the degree of erosion reaches the personal limit, find a new [spirit], expel the [spirit] from the body, and accept the new [spirit].

The operation is also extremely complicated, because the old [spirit] cannot safely give up the meat that is about to be delivered to his mouth, and the new [spirit] may not necessarily be willing to sign a contract with you.

Moreover, the strength of the new [spirit] must be higher than that of the old [spirit].

Just like the erosion of [spirit], it is irreversible.

The body that has been destroyed by the old [spirit] can only accept a stronger [spirit]!

Because the weak [spirit] cannot suppress the erosion of the old [spirit] back to a low level.

It's like a dog peeing a mark when it arrives at a new place.

The powerful new [spirit] will remove all the traces left by the old [spirit] and put its own label on it.

This leaves a buffer space for believers before starting a new round of reincarnation.

However, this means that the road of believers is destined to be a road of no return.

From the moment you become a believer, you must keep getting stronger, keep getting stronger, like being chased by death, there will never be an end.

Believers are so different, and the price they pay is so huge, and what they get in return is naturally unparalleled strength.

Humans are generally unable to defeat monsters of the same level.

And demons of the same level cannot defeat spirits of the same level.

Both the demon warrior and the believer made a slight compromise.

Converted into rankings, it is probably people \u003c demon fighters \u003c demons \u003c believers \u003c spirits.

Of course, this is just the usual case.

The norm in most cases.

But just as people divide geniuses and mediocrities.

So the actual situation is more complicated.

Just like under the big category, there are also different kinds.

The heterogeneous cannot be judged by common sense.

At this time, strength naturally cannot be judged according to conventional standards, but based on the specific strength of the individual.

Since Yuan Hongxin reached the limit of her personal martial arts, she has been studying all aspects of human demon spirits, so she knows more than ordinary people.

Believers who are extremely mysterious in the eyes of others have already lost part of the mystery in front of him.

However, as I said just now, there are also different types under the general category.

The Diao Ruru in front of him is a complete alien.

"Weird, it's really weird."

Diao Ruru is obviously a believer, but she... has no [spirit].


To be precise, it should be that the spirit in her body is not considered a living thing, and even the [spirit] component is very rare.

"I can't see it... I can't see it!"

"What kind of technology is used to preserve part of the power of the [spirit] after death, and then integrate it into this woman's body."

"It's just the preservation technology of this dead [spirit] power, and I can't see what technology is used behind it."

"Its methods are so high and its research on [spirituality] is so deep that even I can't match it. It can be seen that the master behind it has invaded silver for many years before it has the result that can be called miraculous."

"However, the scariest thing is that it's not just the simple preservation result, but also the means of integration."

"Using a kind of superb technical ability that is completely different from the former, as if it came from the hands of two people, the dead [spirit] was perfectly integrated into this woman's body, the method was gentle and conservative, but it was meticulous, it was almost tailor-made, perfect fit!"

"Put the power of the undead into every inch of this woman's skin, and fuse it with everything in her body without any rejection."

“It’s literally a whole new field in another direction.”

"The former technology and the latter technology are not in the same direction at all, but they can be perfectly mastered and played together perfectly."

"What a... natural masterpiece!"

Yuan Hong's heart trembled.

Rao has been studying the trinity of human demons and spirits for so many years, but he has never seen such a perfect work of art.

That's right, the woman in front of me can only be described as a work of art.

With the absolute power of the dead, avoid the final end of all believers.

Such as bypassing the established rules, finding loopholes in the rules, and opening up a new path.

And the implementation is bold and delicate, using two completely different genius technologies in the same body to complete the final package.

The most frightening thing is that after such a perfect fusion has been completed, the big hand behind is still trying to extract the already successful necromantic power from this woman again!

Although it is only a small sign.

But just as an expert understands an expert, Yuan Hongxin could see at a glance that the many back doors left on this woman were all preparations for the final extraction operation.

This is simply another huge challenge.

If successful, where will they use this power?

What effect will this power exert? What effect?

Yuan Hongxin didn't know.

His knowledge is too shallow to see that far into the future.

Perhaps only the powerful person who planned such a genius act and transformed this woman into such a look would know the ultimate destination of this power.

Yuan Hongxin was short of breath and her body trembled.

Although he saw some clues sporadically, he seemed to have a premonition that a brand new system, a development route with great potential, would come to this world in the not-too-distant future.

Although this system is completely different from his trinity system of human, demon and spirit, it can also bring about huge changes in this world and the entire pattern of the three human, demon and spirit races!

"It turns out... there are people like this old man who are trying to change this disappointing world!"

This world where personal aptitude and personal martial arts realm will be locked is really disappointing.

Even for demon warriors and believers, it is not a perfect solution, it is just a short-sighted act of drinking poison to quench thirst.

Only a new path, a new direction, is the future of mankind, it is... the future of my Yuan Hongxin!

Yuan Hongxin felt excited, and even had a feeling of hating seeing each other behind Da Neng, whom she had never met before.

The only regret is that he doesn't know what kind of existence is Diao Ruru, the experimental individual, and the power behind it.

In other words, he didn't dare to touch it.

Once the idea disagrees, or the position is different, he may be crushed by that great power in an instant.

It wasn't that Yuan Hongxin underestimated herself, but the miraculous technical ability she saw through the experimental subject Diao Ruru.

He could guess that the mighty power was so terrifying that it would be no problem to destroy the entire Tianyuan Town.

"calm down!"

Yuan Hongxin adjusted her breathing state.

"It is impossible for me to meet it, and I must never meet it."

"What I have to do is to steal its technology and integrate it into my system before it finds me!"

Take others' strengths and make up for my weaknesses!

This is undoubtedly a new challenge.

In other words, it was the biggest challenge he had faced since he decided to study the Trinity.

Tall buildings rise from the ground.

Follow your own thinking and study upwards, although it is slow, you can always gain something.

But if she wants to disassemble other people's ideas and steal other people's technology, even if the finished product is right in front of her eyes, Yuan Hongxin is a little bit blind, confused, and can't find a suitable entry point.

"Don't worry, this girl is in my hands now, she can't run away."

"I remember that I had some notes on my research on spirits before."

"Many ideas at that time were only theoretical, but now we can take them out and compare them to see if they can inspire us."

Yuan Hongxin looked at Diao Ruru, who was still in a coma, and thought to herself.

His trinity technique, after a certain stage, has changed from a theoretical knowledge dilemma to a practical operation dilemma.

That is to say... talents who conform to the theory cannot be found.

Before Diao Deyi, the most suitable container was Song Dongmen of the three-color bone powder.

Even so, Song Dongmen's cultivation level was not high, and in the end, due to a change in mentality, he became a four-color bone meal, and the quality of the container further declined.

As for the pure-colored Diao Deyi, he is too biased. The key element body skill can only be cultivated to a particularly high level, and the others are hard to describe.

However, by combining the two, plus my means, I can still develop a container that is barely usable, but I don't know the specific effect.

In any case, this is finally a step from theory to practice again.

It was just such a step, and I was stuck for too long.

The theory has been completed long ago, but the practice has no way to start, and there is no suitable container. This is the key to the progress of Yuan Hongxin's research.

However, after having Song Dongmen and Diao Deyi, all of this changed.

Coupled with Diao Ruru who just got it, the existence of this new direction and new thinking, the theory of the Trinity can also have a new development direction...

"This year may be my lucky year."

Yuan Hongxin was excited.

He came out of the secret room and rushed to his own room, but saw some disciples hurrying over on the road.

"What's the matter! You're in such a panic, how decent it is!"

Yuan Hongxin scolded loudly.

The person who came was suddenly [Qi Xiangxuan].

Seeing Yuan Hongxin, she said hastily.

"Master! Big, something is wrong! Junior brother Diao, Junior brother Diao brought a lot of people here, he said, he said, he said he wanted to come to the gym!!"

Kick... Pavilion?

The corner of Yuan Hongxin's mouth raised a subtle arc.

Fish, hooked.


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