Chapter 470

The business meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere.

Everyone’s eyes lit up with lively expressions.

“This inter-Korean economic cooperation will bring tremendous opportunities to Korean companies.”

Even if it wasn’t the president’s words, a businessman would have sensed an opportunity to earn money. Until now, access to North Korea was not easy because it was tied to various sanctions and the risk was too great.

But this time, a different thought prevailed.

The economy is like a living organism, and once it starts, it runs on its own.

During the nuclear test, the Kaesong Industrial Complex continued to operate without stopping. It was Korea that actually stopped it.

Ukraine is also at war with Russia, but has not even touched a Russian gas pipeline that runs through its territory.

When the gas pipeline and railroad are completed, they will continue to be used separately from relations with North Korea in the future.

Also, if Japan receives reparations, the money will be used mainly to build infrastructure for economic development under the supervision of the international community.

The country that will benefit the most from this is Korea.

As for the economic effect of inter-Korean economic cooperation, experts have slightly different opinions. It is true that North Korea is a land of opportunity, but there is no need to fantasize too much.

Some experts point to North Korea’s cheap labor force as a strength, but in fact, it is already abundant in Southeast Asia and Africa.

This is not the 1960s, and most of the labor-intensive industries are being replaced by machines. Rather, more important than wages are social infrastructure and the level of education of workers.

If you look at the Kaesong Industrial Complex, you might think that the level of North Korean workers is quite high, but those workers are highly educated even in North Korea. Not to mention loyalty to the Party and the leader.

However, if there is no merit to set up a factory in North Korea, it is not.

From the perspective of Korean companies, there is a big advantage that the distance is close and the language is communicative. As long as logistics is connected, the outdated infrastructure can be overcome to some extent by utilizing Korea’s infrastructure. In fact, the Kaesong Industrial Complex operated in that way.

After the meeting that served as a luncheon, President Huh Chang-min walked around the Blue House grounds with businessmen and talked.

Reporters followed and took pictures of us with cameras. It’s going to be the headlines this evening.

Among the invited businessmen were RCK Bros. Chairman Ryu Cheol-gyun and Vice Chairman Shin Byung-doo.

Chairman Ryu Cheol-gyun smiled and said to me.

“You did a great job again.”

“What. It’s just that what we’ve been working on before has come true.”

“Has no one ever been able to do that? This event will completely change the situation in Northeast Asia. RCK Bros. is also looking for investments in Central Asia and Eastern Europe.”

Vice Chairman Shin Byung-doo continued.

“Once the railroad is connected, the movement of logistics will be free, which will have the effect of tying the economy into a single block.”

The Russian economy is growing rapidly despite the current Western sanctions. In addition, Siberian resource development and Central Asian development projects will be accelerated.

It also has the effect of checking China’s Belt and Road Initiative. So the US agrees.

There are still many concerns and objections, but if progress is made well, the effect beyond the money invested can be achieved for sure.

“I heard that the deputy representative also did a great job in this case.”

I nodded.

“Taekyu worked hard too.”

Even now, he is actively engaged in a keyboard battle with net right wingers on the Internet. He’s also brave enough to say he’s a bitch on the internet.

With that in mind, President Huh Chang-min approached me. Chairman Ryu Cheol-gyun and Vice Chairman Shin Byung-doo naturally slowed down and stepped back.

President Huh Chang-min told me.

“I realized once again that one great person can change the world.”

I answered humbly.

“Thanks to everyone’s hard work.”

“But if it wasn’t for you, nobody would have done it.”

Whether you are a politician or a businessman, if you have a lot of things and have a lot of responsibility, you have no choice but to pay attention to the people around you. The only person who is free from this problem is me.

* * *

Although it is the third largest economy in the world, the Japanese economy is currently facing various difficulties.

Astronomical national debt, year-over-year fiscal deficit, aging population, declining population, chronic deflation, etc.

As a way out, they were focusing on export expansion through the low yen, but both exports and domestic demand were declining after being hit in the last trade dispute between Korea and Japan.

Economic cooperation between the two Koreas and Russia under such circumstances was another bad news for the Japanese economy.

Korea and Japan are global manufacturing powerhouses. In addition, although both countries are nuclear power plants, the share of thermal power generation is high and all energy is imported from abroad.

What if Korea imports natural gas at less than half that of Japan?

Electricity costs are directly related to producer prices.

If gas is brought in cheaply, the production cost of Korean products will fall and price competitiveness will arise. This is a huge blow to the Japanese industry, where export items overlap.

The North-South railway connection was also not very good for Japan. There are only two modes of export transportation in Korea and Japan. either by air or by ship.

Air transport is fast but expensive. Shipping is slow but cheap. Rail transport is in the middle, both in time and cost.

However, if the export destination is a landlocked country, the story is different. In areas such as Siberia, northern China, Central Asia, and Eastern Europe, rail transport is much more efficient.

If not only goods, but also capital and manpower flow freely through the railroad, and Korea forms an economic bloc with Russia and Central Asia, Japan will fall behind that much.

The Japanese Economic Research Institute was concerned about the loss of economic hegemony by Japan in Asia while analyzing the economic effects that Korea would have.

Politically and economically, concerns about Japan passing have grown, and the business community has urged measures to be taken.

Let’s build an undersea tunnel to connect gas pipelines and railroads to the Japanese archipelago, send containers to Busan Port and load them on the railroad from there, and go on a relationship with Korea.

No matter what you do, you have to say sorry to Korea.

Politicians have been busy finding solutions. There were differences of opinion within the LDP.

“I don’t know why they keep bringing up things that are more than 50 years old.”

“How long will you be stuck in the past?”

“Japan has already taken responsibility enough. It is unreasonable to pay any more compensation.”

“No matter how much the war was lost, what country has paid such reparations to neighboring countries?”

“We must inform the international community of injustice.”

While there were strong opinions, prudence was not formidable.

“We need to hold a Japan-Korea summit as soon as possible.”

“The prime minister should visit Korea and work closely with South Korea on this issue.”

“Rather than that, it is urgent to normalize relations between Japan and North Korea.”

“We need to actively review the Claims Agreement.”

“If this continues, Japan could be isolated from Asia.”

In this situation, Rep. Itsuki Fujiwara, a senior LDP leader and right-hand man of Prime Minister Okazaki, spoke in a ballman voice at a drinking party.

“What did the alternative government do to get to this point? Shouldn’t it have been easier to prevent South Korea, North Korea and Russia from cooperating? Improving relations with neighboring countries is of no benefit to Japan. Only when special events such as the Korean War occur one more time can Japan escape from the recession.”

This remark was reported by the Asahi Shimbun reporter who was present at the time. Rep. Fujiwara, who at first denied saying, “I never said anything like that,” changed his words when the recording was released, saying, “I’m drunk and I can’t remember.”

He seemed displeased with reporters’ questions about the truth of his remarks.

“I can only see that there was an impure intention in making articles like jokes at a drinking party. Do journalists have no patriotism?”

Right-wing media, such as the Sankei Shimbun, under-reported the incident or did not report it at all.

In fact, this is not the first time politicians and bureaucrats have made such rude comments. Previously, it was a good way to gather support groups.

However, in a situation where the eyes of the world are already focused on Japan’s past, this remark has spread all over the place.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement.

“Does Japan speak of peace in its words, but inwardly wish for conflict? Have you not been able to shake off the specter of militarism that has stained Asia with blood?”

A spokesman for the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a calm but hard tone.

“The Korean War was a terrible war that killed about 2.5 million people, including soldiers and civilians on the Korean Peninsula, as well as soldiers from 20 countries. I just want to ask if we want this global tragedy to happen once again for the sake of Japan’s economic interests.”

Not only the North and South Korea and Russia included in the remarks, but also critics from China and the United States abounded. US veterans who fought in the Korean War issued a protest statement and demanded an explanation from the Japanese government.

These two countries, excluding the South and the North, are the countries with the highest number of soldiers and the highest number of deaths.

As the situation escalated out of control, Senator Fujiwara eventually resigned and resigned, and Prime Minister Okazaki finally bowed his head.

“I would like to state clearly that the remarks made by the member have nothing to do with the position of the Japanese government and the party. As the leader of the LDP, I express my deepest regret for this incident. Japan promises to do its best for the peace and prosperity of Asia as it has been and will continue to do its best in the future.”

However, international criticism showed no sign of subside. Countries affected by the Pacific War, such as Vietnam, the Philippines, and Indonesia, also showed a cold gaze.

But the most outrageous was North Korea.

The Pink Lady, who appeared on Chosun Central TV, shouted with her characteristic, exasperated voice.

“The whole world has once again witnessed the nature of the wicked bastards who, instead of reflecting on their past cruel and horrific crimes, say they have a hole in their mouth. A malignant tumor that destroys peace in Northeast Asia If Japan strikes again, it has no choice but to punish those four insignificant islands with the Juche nuclear bomb.”

* * *

Seeing the reaction of North Korea, Taek-gyu could not help but admire.

“It was a penetrating voice that touched the hearts of the people. I think I’m impressed now. After all, not everyone is a people’s hero.”(Read more @

In fact, you can easily find such a swear word just by looking on the internet.

However, North Korea is the only country in the world that makes such a statement on public broadcasters so casually. It really is an amazing country.

The reason North Korea is so strong is because it can be used to strengthen the system. As always, the enemy on the outside will help to unite the inside.

What should be noted is the Japanese response.

This incident was nothing short of showing how easy it is for Japanese politicians to take the current situation.

As I’ve looked in the wrong direction from the right-wing trend until now, noise is also coming out from inside. It also means that Prime Minister Okazaki is not properly cracking down on the inside.

Taek-gyu said with his arms crossed.

“Hmm, they’re still out of their minds.”

The Japanese backlash was easily anticipated. Negotiations start now. Depending on who takes the initiative, the outcome will be different.

To do this, it is necessary to support public opinion in the international community.

“If you can’t come to your senses, you have to get them to come to your senses.”

* * *

I decided to go with Ellie to the House of Sharing where her comfort women are gathered.

I’ve donated a large amount of money before, but this is the first time I’ve personally visited it like this. It was announced a few days ago by OTK Company, and since it is a global concern, many domestic and foreign reporters have already gathered in front of the House of Sharing.

As soon as I got out of the car, questions from reporters poured in.

A reporter from the Sankei Shimbun who seemed to have seen it before shouted.

“I wonder what your intentions were to come here at a very politically sensitive time.”

“At a very politically sensitive time, Japanese Prime Ministers and politicians pay homage to the Yasukuni Shrine, where Class A war criminals are enshrined. Do you mean that it is okay to worship war criminals and not to find victims?”

He asked a question in Korean, but I deliberately answered in English. That way, it will be easier for the global media to broadcast it as it is.

The Sankei Shimbun reporter asked again in a sharp voice.

“Isn’t it like a show to show the press and volunteer work?”

I shook my head.

“It’s not like that. Some of the comfort women victims of the Japanese military were taken by the Japanese in Hwanghae-do and Hamgyeong-do. Wouldn’t it be helpful to calculate the amount of compensation that North Korea will claim to Japan by hearing about what they experienced?”

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