Chapter 462

on Halloween day.

I was worried about what would happen if it rained, but the weather was very clear.

The house was decorated with various Halloween decorations, and light refreshments and alcohol were placed along with the table in the garden. When all the front windows in the living room were opened, the garden and the living room were united as one.

As a host, Taek-gyu showed enthusiasm for checking the progress one by one and giving instructions to the employees.

He also prepared other people’s clothes himself. This included my clothes.

“What is this?”

“It’s a Royal Fish and Chips waiter suit. Is it a couple look with Ellie?”

As it is a uniform paired with a waitress uniform, pink is the base as well. What’s with these outdated suspenders and bow tie?

I was about to say why not wear it because the design is so ugly, but Ellie, in a waitress suit, put her arms next to her and said in a cold voice.

“Wear it right now.”

“… … Yeah.”

I had no choice but to wear a Royal Fish and Chips waiter suit.

Taek-gyu prepared cosplay costumes for those who haven’t been able to prepare. On one side, two makeup specialists working in the special effects team sat down and decided to put makeup on the person they wanted.

“It was difficult to recruit them. On Halloween, the ransom price jumped tenfold.”

At this point, should Halloween be considered a national holiday?

As the sun went down and it was time to start the party, people from the company and acquaintances gathered.

Among my friends, I sang Minyoung and Kyungil. The two looked around the house in admiration.

“Wow! Now you have a party at home!”

Min-young said as if curious.

“Can we come over here?”

“What else can’t be done?”

Kyung-il, who looked around, was startled.

“uh! Shin Yuri!”

“Hello, seniors.”

Yuri dressed as a fairy. She wears a white toga dress and has large butterfly wings behind her back.

It’s a cosplay that goes well with bleached blonde hair.

“Where did that costume come from?”

“Taek-gyu oppa sent one by one saying it would suit the staff well.”

“… … .”

This is how our vice president treats our employees.

“Come on.”

“Ah, sister!”

Eli and Yuri held hands and rejoiced.

“Wow! My sister is so pretty!”

“Thank you. Yuri also suits her clothes very well.”

She recognized Ellie’s outfit and praised her with everyone who came.

“Ah! It’s from that ad.”

“I really liked the ad.”

“How are you the same as back then?”

Each time, Ellie blushed her face and rolled her eyes at me, and I averted her gaze.

Glass looked at the wine she had on the table and she was surprised.

“Wow! This is an expensive wine, can I drink it?”

“then. Drink it all.”

I received a lot of wine as a gift, but I don’t drink it well anyway. Some of them are worth millions of won, but if you don’t drink on a day like this, when will you drink?

Team leader Jeong Ki-hong wore the paladin from Lost Fantasy, and team leader Joo Hyeon-jeong wore priest costumes. This costume was also made to order by Taek-gyu.

The quality is so high that they both look like they just popped out of the game.

Sangyeop senior came with her lover, whom she started dating a few months ago. He is one of the hottest new movie stars these days.

She was happy to see me.

“Hello, CEO Kang Jin-hoo. I really wanted to see you.”

“nice to meet you.”

“Can I take picture with you?”

It’s not unusual now for celebrities to ask me for pictures.

There were people who wore masks in dresses, people dressed as zombies, movie characters, maid clothes, etc. Because it was Halloween, everyone had no objection to cosplay.

Anneke, Hana Yang, and Hayoung Min cosplayed as characters from Lost Fantasy. Rogue, Summoner, and Bard respectively.

Min Ha-young, who couldn’t keep up with the deadline whenever there was talk about Stormcon, held Taek-gyu’s arm and said with a look like she was about to cry.

“Okay, next time you have to take me too. I must finish it before then.”

I missed the opportunity to see the greatest Stormcon on set, so it’s a shame.

It is said that if it was too unfair, he gave up the habit of always closing in real time, clenched his teeth and built up a stockpile.

Changing a writer who doesn’t keep deadlines into a sincere writer! Maybe this is Oh Taek-gyu’s charm?

Hyun-joo’s older sister brought Gun-i along with Henry. Gun-yi wore a pumpkin hat and cape, and Henry looked like Count Dracula, but Hyun-joo’s sister wore her usual outfit.

Of course, I didn’t do anything like cosplay.

Taek-gyu said to his sister.

“Didn’t you hear the party concept? Go over there, change your clothes, and come back.”


“Then do this.”

Taek-gyu brought out a cat ear headband. Hyeon-joo’s older sister raised her eyes and looked at her younger sister.

“Are you kidding me?”

Then Henry spoke kindly.

“Try it. You have to follow the rules of the party organizer.”

Ellie said something.

“Yes! I even wore clothes like this!”

“… … .”

Hyunjoo noona didn’t say anything to that protest. In the end, he pretended not to win and wore his headband, and Taek-gyu admired it.

“Five! My sister is cute.”

“shut up.”

It fits a lot better than I expected. Hyunjoo noona’s face is that of a cat.

“Ah! Do the tail too, sister.”

“Shut up!”

She thought she was going to be insulted.

I think Henry is sorry… … Is it your mood?

She was frantically greeting people, but Eli was nowhere to be seen. After a while, she came back and Ellie’s face had turned red before she knew it. She is still gulping the wine in her hand.

Did she decide to get drunk quickly to overcome her embarrassment?

“Aren’t you drinking too much?”

“Eight, I’ll serve Jinhoo after all.”


Ellie smiled at me and leaned her back slightly.

“Welcome, guest. What would you like to order?”

I said confused.

“Uh, um. What will happen?”

“You can do whatever you want.”

“… … .”

anything? Then maybe… … ?

Before she could finish her thoughts, Ellie pinched her arm.

“It can’t be naughty.”

“… … Yeah.”

We listened to music, drank, and ate together. Seeing everyone laughing and talking happily made me happy too.

The good thing about making a lot of money is that you can spend time with people you like so much, right?

Above all else, you can see Ellie’s cute appearance.

The party that started in the evening ended around midnight.

People who drank alcohol called a surrogate driver to go home. Senior Sangyeop got into her car and shook her head.

“Anyway, thanks to autonomous driving, I can’t even drive, but if you drink alcohol, you’re driving under the influence. It’s a funny world. The US has changed laws every state, but when is Korea going to do it? Our parliamentarians have nothing to do.”

“I got drunk when I saw politicians swearing.”

“What are you talking about? I curse even when I’m not drunk.”

After sending all the guests back, we went back to our room.

Ellie was drunk and she hummed her hum as she sat across the bed. When I heard what kind of song it was, it was none other than a Royal Peach and Chips CM song.

she’s really drunk

Ellie pursed her lips slightly and gave her a pouty expression.

“Haha, I think people will tease me with this for a while. Do you know how shy I was to go out in front of people in this outfit?”

“I still wore it.”

“That’s because she wanted Jin-hoo to wear it.”

Did you put it on for me despite your shame?

Ellie said with a bashful smile.

“She probably doesn’t know Jinhoo. How much I like Jinhoo.”

The moment she heard her words, her heart pounded violently. my girlfriend is really lovely

I patted her hair. The sweet scent of wine spilled from Ellie’s lips with every breath she took.

“That dress suits you so well. You look so cute and young.”

“Hey, that’s a lie.”

Ellie pouted her lips, but she still didn’t like it. It seems that she likes being told she looks younger than being pretty.

“I wore it once, so I throw it away now. okay?”

“Don’t worry. I will take care of it.”

I’ll keep it well and try again later.

* * *

I’m here to meet someone I’ve known for a long time.

After going through various procedures and waiting for a while, a middle-aged man wearing glasses came in.

Chairman Im Jin-yong smiled and said to me.

“It’s been a while, mate.”

“How have you been?”

“Yes. I listen to your news every day. In the meantime, he did a lot of work.”

It was a meeting not much different from before. If there is one other thing, this would be a detention center.

He is known for wearing well-dressed clothes and having a good suit fit. But today, he is dressed comfortably and modestly. A number is engraved on the chest of the blue shirt like a name tag.

The reason I came so late was that Chairman Im Jin-yong had avoided personal visits to keep an eye on public opinion.

It has subsided a bit now, but at the time of the arrest, the country was noisy for a while.

The Seoseong Group is overwhelmingly number one in the business world. When Suseong Electronics and Seosung SB are combined, they account for nearly half of the market cap of listed companies on the exchange.

When the head of such a company was arrested, public opinion was divided.

Under such circumstances, what would the public think if I and other business people met one after another?

He and I have no choice but to be careful as each and every action is reported. As always, we are busy with each other.(Read more @

The prisoners may think that there is nothing to be busy with, but like other presidents, they are running a prison business.

“Are you okay with staying here?”

“I am doing well. It was difficult at first, but now I’ve only gotten used to it. I don’t just say it, I really eat well and sleep well.”

Not sure if it’s a lie, the complexion looks better than when I saw it before.

As some progressive groups have pointed out, they are incomparably comfortable with other prisoners. Even private toilets and showers are privileges that cannot be imagined in a detention center. In addition, except on weekends, he holds interviews with lawyers in a separate space every day.

If you have a lot of money, you can enjoy these various benefits even after being detained.

But, no matter how comfortable the detention center is, would it be only a semi-basement single room? Even if you roll in the dog poop, you are better off alive, and even if you live in a gosiwon, society is better than the military.

Chairman Im Jin-yong said as a joke.

“I am just thinking about it. Haven’t the other presidents visited at least once?”

When it comes to detention centers or prisons, it is a place where there is no lifelong relationship with most people. Unless you commit a serious crime, it usually ends with a fine or probation.

However, it is also a place that presidents visit at least once. The Chairman of the Hwaan Group and the Chairman of the SSK Group also came out.

I’m going to go to the army that everyone else goes to.

“I’m also reading the books I’ve been putting off for a while.”

“What book are you reading?”

“I am re-reading the Count of Monte Cristo.

“Are you going to escape?”

Chairman Im Jin-yong burst into laughter at my words.

“When I have time, I am reading the application form. It’s hard to see you after a long time.”

Thanks to his education from an early age, he is known to be fluent in English as well as French and Spanish.

He says he has to write a conversation night interpreter, but it’s envious that he can read the application.

“What do you think the trial will be like?”

“It will probably be difficult. It’s because the Blue House has a strong atmosphere.”

You can’t easily step back from the yard where you’ve even been arrested.

Chairman Im Jin-yong is pursuing a strategy of receiving a lower sentence by dispersing his responsibilities for what his deceased father and close associates have done for him.

It has a friendly image of getting along with the public without hesitation despite being a chaebol, and it is growing overwhelmingly in the IT and battery fields to the extent that it is said that Seoseong Group is currently feeding Korea.

Thanks to this, many jobs have been added, and the Korean economy continues to grow despite concerns about a global economic downturn.

Public opinion strongly supported the release of Chairman Im Jin-yong by a score of almost 7-3. Opposition parties also argued that they should be released because they were concerned about their contribution to Korea’s economic development and the negative impact it would have on the economy.

However, this logic only means that only ordinary people without money and power should obey the law, and the presidents should continue to release them no matter what crime they support.

According to that logic, shouldn’t I be released even if I commit a serial murder?

Chairman Im Jin-yong had a bitter expression on his face.

“To be honest, I want to leave immediately, but… … I’m just thinking of one thing.”


“It is the last word in the novel of the Count of Monte Cristo. Do you know?”

I grinned and muttered.

“wait. And have hope.”

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