Chapter 431

In fact, when they refused to report voluntarily, the Blue House and the ruling party did not hide their discomfort.

In any case, the government cannot arbitrarily look into the assets and transaction details of overseas corporations as long as they do not hand over the data.

That’s why we’re still trying to catch offshore tax evasion by tracking the details of domestic remittances, sales, profits, and money flows of overseas subsidiaries.

There was a company that was more upset than us because of this, and that is Lite Group.

Rite Group is a Japanese company founded by Jin Kyung-ho, a former Korean-Japanese. Based on its success in Japan, it entered Korea in the late 1960s and is now ranked fifth in the Korean business world.

The problem is that after that, while sales of Japanese lite stagnated, Korean rite’s sales exploded. Although the sales of the two corporations have already reversed and 90% of the sales are generated by REIT Korea, noise has continued to arise as Japanese REIT maintains the governance structure that dominates REIT Korea.

As the public opinion worsened, Vice Chairman Dongmin Jin, who is in charge of Rite Korea, promised to list Rite Hotel and separate it from the Japanese headquarters.

As I was leaving the company, the reporters who were waiting at the entrance followed me.

“I heard that he refused to voluntarily declare offshore assets,” he said.

“Are you against the government’s policy?”

“Other companies are paying their taxes just fine, but do you think it is justified to have a corporation in a tax haven?”

“What do you think of the president’s statement that businesses should fulfill their social responsibilities?”

“Are there any plans to be listed on the Korean stock market?”

“Please say something to the people.”

I stopped walking and said.

“I do my job on my own. I do not intend to follow people who say this and that about things that are not stipulated by law.”

* * *

Everyone knows that OTK Company is in a tax haven.

However, as the government announced that it was investigating offshore tax evasion, a new controversy arose.

The development of Saemangeum is in progress led by OTK Company, and there is a relationship between me and the US, so the Blue House and the ruling party refrained from commenting further. But the media was talking about various things.

I thought while watching the news.

What will my appearance be in the public eye?

successful businessman? Investors with insight? Or are you cold-blooded who only knows money?

My head is cluttered with many thoughts. When she came home from work late, Ellie looked at me and said,

“What’s wrong? Jinhoo’s expression doesn’t look good.”

“it’s nothing.”


Ellie flopped down next to me.

“Come on, let’s talk.”

“I just wondered if I was doing well.”

Many self-made people set up a life plan from childhood and put it into practice step by step. Warren Boat did it, and Masayoshi Song did it.

But I just made money on an opportunity to make money, and I came here by accident.

There was no particular sense of purpose, and there was no sense of mission.

I didn’t even know that OTK Company would grow like this.

So much has changed in just 5 years. Self-driving electric vehicles have now entered our daily life. Porn opened a new market by combining virtual reality and real dolls. Online games are being produced by VRMMORPGs that more than 100 million people will enjoy. Progressive wave reactors are under construction in Russia. A new city is being built in Saemangeum, which used to be a wasteland.

All of this was unimaginable just five years ago. So, what will happen in the next 5 years?

Sometimes I see the future, but the future is not well drawn. And so is mine.

When Ellie heard my story, she smiled.

“You know what?”


“Jinhoo is a much better person than she thinks she is.”

I laughed bitterly.

“Ellie, isn’t she looking at me like that?”

Ellie asked playfully.

“Can I make you feel better?”


“Like this.”

Ellie got on her lap and hugged me in her arms and kissed me.

“how is it? Are you feeling better?”

“Isn’t this a foul?”

While they were kissing like crazy, Taek-gyu’s voice came from behind.

“Uh, um. I’m just asking just in case, isn’t that what you’re doing right now?”

“Huh. no.”

It’s a posture that could be misunderstood when viewed from behind the sofa

“I’m leaving, so you can continue there.”

“Where are you going?”

“Hayoung said that the story didn’t work out, and she wanted to air.”

He is still an otaku busy with his love business.

After Taek-gyu left, Eli said.

“Let’s go get some air too.”


“The Han River.”


“When you are in a bad mood, looking at the river or the sea makes you feel better.”

I was led by Ellie’s hand and got into the car and headed to the Han River.

There were quite a few people even though it was late because the weather had cleared up. As we got out of the car, people recognized right away.

“Uh, isn’t that person Kang Jin-hoo?”

“Wow! It’s real.”

“I think you came with your lover.”

“Goes well.”

We walked along the river with our arms crossed, not paying attention to our surroundings. It’s definitely good to be outside.

We stopped under the bridge and looked at the river. The lights of the bridge reflected on the river, and the light of Namsan Tower was seen from beyond.

“Seoul has the Han River, so it’s great.”

Ellie likes water because she always grew up in a place with a view of the sea.

I said holding her hand tightly.

“Next time we will go to Hong Kong.”

* * *

As the date of Hyun Joo’s sister’s wedding drew closer, the attention of global investors was focused on Korea.

The government has made several arrangements to welcome investors. It even sent working-level officials down to Jeju Island to attract investment.

In this context, shocking news has arrived.

This is Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Sulayman bin Salman’s visit to Korea. The whole country was shocked by the news that the Crown Prince was coming.

Saudi Arabia stated that the purpose of the visit was to attend the completion ceremony of the complex facility of K-Oil, an Aramco subsidiary.

-Why is the prince coming?

-Didn’t you come to meet me after Kangjin?

– Hey! Is it the meeting of the world’s best investor and the oil prince?

– Is Crown Prince Sulaiman that great? How about compared to Mansour?

– No comparison. Right now, Aramco alone is talking about $2 trillion in market cap. Crown Prince Sulaiman is the sole shareholder and CEO.

-Huh, isn’t that twice as much as Jinhoo Kang?

-2 trillion dollars is a Saudi brain official. In reality, it’s probably somewhere between $1.5 trillion and $1.5 trillion.

– That’s crazy, not only Aramco but also other state-owned companies. that’s all king

-As a monarchy, you have to add the land price and the right to collect taxes.

– So maybe five trillion dollars?

– I’m envious.

* * *

Where are the world’s largest companies?

Enple? gobble? MS? AMZ? Carlos? Or, OTK Company?

Surprisingly, the world’s largest companies are privately held and are located in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia’s state-owned company, ARAMCO.

In countries such as the Netherlands, Norway and Alaska, where democracy is well developed, the money earned from oil sales through social consensus is used for investment and welfare.

However, in countries with monarchies, the ruling class monopolizes oil sales.

The same goes for Saudi Arabia. In the first place, the name of Saudi Arabia itself means the Arabian kingdom of the Saud family. Therefore, the royal family takes all the oil rights.

Aramco’s sales last year were $355 billion and operating profit was $111 billion. Market caps range from $1 trillion to $2 trillion.

One of the things that the financial industry is paying the most attention to is the listing of Aramco.

Saudi Arabia plans to list a 10% stake in Aramco to raise investment funds. 10 percent alone is roughly $150 billion.

In terms of listing size, it is truly the largest in the world.

It is said that NPL and AMZ are over $1 trillion now, but their market cap at the time of listing was less than 1/100.

In addition, if a company worth $10 billion is usually listed, the actual public offering rate is 20 to 50 percent. However, in the case of Aramco, as it is a partial listing, 100% is publicly offered.

As there are no exchanges that can handle this kind of listing at once, we plan to split it up into five or six exchanges.

Saudi Arabia has a close relationship with JP Morgan by default, but has continued to do business with Golden Gate as well.

In particular, regarding the issue of Aramco’s listing on the New York Stock Exchange, negotiations are ongoing with Golden Gate. Golden Gate is also doing its best as it can earn huge commission income if it is selected as the listing manager.

Taek-gyu asked.

“Are you such a great person?”

“The current king is stepping down from the political front due to his old age, so he is effectively a king.”

It is not a constitutional monarchy, it is a monarchy. Of course, the power the king has is enormous. Besides, Saudi Arabia is an oil-rich country everyone knows.

Per capita income from oil sales exceeds $50,000. But things aren’t good lately. The reason is that oil prices are falling.

Saudi Arabia’s economy is largely dominated by international oil prices, and the fall in oil prices has turned a red light on the nation’s finances.

Sulay was not the only prince to have been crowned from the beginning.(Read more @

The Saud dynasty is adopting a sibling inheritance system. Originally, his cousin, Muhammad, should be the next king, but Sulaiman pushed him out and took power.

After ascending to the throne, he advocated reform and eradication of corruption, and imprisoned royalty and businessmen.

That number is in the thousands.

“No, why are there so many royals?”

“Arab royalty can have up to four wives. So, will you have one or two wives and children?”

Even the first king had 22 wives.

“Aha! Are you in jail?”

“I was locked up in a hotel.”

The place of detention is the Rich Carlton Hotel, a world-class hotel chain. That’s why Riyadh’s Rich Carlton Hotel was once called the world’s most luxurious prison.

Crown Prince Sulaiman compelled him to consecrate as little as half and up to 70 percent of his property as a condition for his release.

It is known that more than $200 billion of money has been recovered from the state treasury so far.

At this point, the scale of the corruption of the royal family is amazing. In addition, some had to surrender their shares and management rights in the company.

There were not many complaints, but since Sulayman had already seized power by the Crown Prince, and even public opinion was on his back, everyone kept their mouths shut.

Prime Minister Ryu Jeong-hoon went to the airport to meet Crown Prince Sulaiman, and the Blue House held a welcome dinner followed by a summit meeting.

President Huh Chang-min and Crown Prince Sulaiman greeted warmly. President Huh Chang-min asked to strengthen economic cooperation with Saudi Arabia, and Crown Prince Sulaiman gladly responded.

In addition to the existing construction and energy sectors, they decided to strengthen cooperation in the fields of high-tech industries, IT, telecommunications, and automobiles in the future.

The two leaders showed off their friendship by attending the completion ceremony of K-Oil’s oil refining and petrochemical complex.

The 5th group also took part. In the absence of the CEO of Seosung Group, Seosung Electronics CEO Kwon Nak-yeon attended and discussed future investments.

Crown Prince Sulaiman signed an MOU worth 10 billion dollars with Korean companies as if he was unpacking money.

* * *

The Golden Gate branch has an emergency.

This is because they received a call that Crown Prince Sulayman, who had completed the summit, was visiting. At his request, he joined Henry, I, Taek-gyu, and Eli as well.

After a while, the car arrived at the front door.

A man in Saudi Arabia’s traditional attire disembarked from the Rolls Royce Phantom. He looks like he’s in his 40s or 50s because of the beard that covered his face, but he’s actually in his mid-30s.

He has distinct features and a pretty good-looking face. His appearance may also play a role in his popularity with the public.

The Crown Prince of a monarchy… … .

When he meets such a person in person, he realizes that the world is too wide.

Crown Prince Sulayman rejoiced as he held my hand.

“Nice to meet you, CEO Kang Jin-hoo. I’ve always wanted to meet you.”

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