Chapter 428

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Korea University.

It was still early for drinking, so most of the pubs were empty. However, the commun and the tavern were already full.

There is nothing special about the pub, the snacks are not delicious, and the price is not cheap.

Even so, the crowd was not enough, so there was a long queue in front. There were many students from other schools who had come to see them, as well as those who had abandoned their work.

The eyes of the drinker and the person waiting were fixed on one place, and at the end of that gaze was a white woman in her early twenties.

Hankuk University accepts international students from various countries. As such, it was not uncommon to see foreigners on campus.

However, Anneke’s status is a whopping Norwegian princess.

Besides, she was a game ambassador in Norway, and she likes games enough to cosplay on game shows. Even when she first entered the school, she said that after graduating, she wanted to work in the game industry.

Due to the nature of the engineering college with few women, Anneke established herself as a mascot as soon as she entered the school.

Her boys felt her heart pound at her sight of Anneke serving her with her playful look and bubbly look.

‘I hope the computer and the boys are good.’

‘If I had known this would be the case, I would also go with Kong.’

‘Are you going to come to the engineering college MT?’

‘I will definitely go to this MT.’

There were not just a couple of engineering students who were excited by Anne Ke’s one expression, one gesture, and every word she said. Everyone was secretly having heartache, but no one expressed their feelings directly.

This is because her identity is her identity and her bodyguards always follow her around.

Lee Hyeon-woong, an ex-communist and an exaggerated person, approached Anneke and asked affectionately.

“Isn’t it hard?”

“Yes, sir.”

At the word ‘sunbaenim’, she spontaneously turned her face red and her heart beat faster.

I had no idea what to do. She was just friendly and happy just to be able to talk to her like this.

Hyun-woong Lee considered her role and mission as her college major to help her enjoy her school life until graduation.

I will gladly become a knight protecting the princess!

“If you’re having a hard time, talk to me anytime.”


A man appeared while Anne Kerr had been away for a while to carry her luggage.

Age is around mid 20’s. He was slightly chubby and wore black horn-rimmed glasses. He was such an ordinary man you could see anywhere.

“Is this com-gong and a tavern?”

“Yes. Yes. You can line up over there.”

He looked around him and asked.

“Where is Anneke?”

‘Why are you calling the princess by name?’

Hyun-woong Lee showed strong vigilance.

“Why are you looking for it?”

“It’s my friend.”

“Are you friends?”

She glanced up and down at her opponent with suspicious eyes, and Annecke shouted from behind.

“Taek-gyu oppa!”

People in the department, including Hyun-woong Lee, were startled.


Of course, no one at school calls Annecke her brother. But who the hell is this man to be called ‘brother’?

“The seats are already full.”

“I have reserved your place for you.”

The two sat down.

It was, after all, central. The two smiled happily as if on a date and clashed their glasses. When Taek-gyu stroked Anneke’s head with his hand, sparks flew from the eyes of the engineering students who saw it.

‘No, that bastard!’

‘How dare you put your dirty hands on the princess!’

‘It’s rude!’

Rather, a handsome white man would be able to convince him. But what the hell is that guy, how did he get along with the princess like that?

It’s hard to believe just the current situation, but then something even more incredible happened.

A woman walked into the tavern. Her small face, pure white skin, long straight ebony hair, a silk shirt that exposed her shoulders and a short frill skirt.

She was truly a beauty to the extent that she was drunk.

At her appearance, the men all turned their heads at once.

‘Who is this woman?’

‘What’s so pretty?’

‘Is she a celebrity?’

‘Are you a princess from another country?’

The man with Anneke raised his hand.


“Ah, Taek-gyu.”

A drinking party took place with a man wearing glasses in the middle.

Hyun-woong Lee’s gaze was still fixed on Anneke. Seeing the princess laughing and joking around, I felt her mouth dry out.

‘I’ve never seen a face like that.’

Although Anneke was friendly with women, she maintained a certain line with her male colleagues and seniors. This is to avoid any scandal.

‘Are you sure you like that guy? no. No way.’

Hyun-woong Lee continued to drink to quench his burning throat. As I drank like that, I got more and more drunk.

At some point, his eyes began to spin round and round.

‘Where you are. That place should have been mine. The name of your brother you hear. That name should have been mine. All should have been mine!’

* * *

“… … Except for the guy who sang while drunk, nothing happened.”

“So what happened?”

“How is it? It was just that the other kids took it on their own.”

It looks like they had a good time and had a lot of fun with no incidents.

Taek-gyu said as if he had remembered something.

“Oh right. After the show, Pure Girls came to the pub with the computer.”

“Huh. I told you to go.”

I only told the leader, Earl, that it was the vice president, not me, who made the investment decision. And I asked him to stop by the tavern with the princess, and he told me that the man with the princess was the vice president.

Taehyung said proudly.

“I shook hands with Earl and took a picture. He looked at me and said thank you in a small voice.”

“Well done.”

Since you saved an unknown girl group through investment, you can get a greeting.

“Ah! I secretly gave you my contact information.”

I was surprised by that.

“What? Why are you giving me your contact information?”

“I do not know. I want you to contact me.”

“… … .”

Isn’t this supposed to be one more harem member?

* * *

Just as we go back to our daily life after the festival is over, we also went to work the next day.

The companies needed to build the data center have completed their acquisitions, and Akit is in the process of designing the data center.

It is the world’s largest single data center. The location was decided through competition after receiving applications from cities that wanted to host it.

The United States, Canada and Ireland showed great interest.

AMZ and MS were strongly restraining the establishment of OTK Company’s data center.

Investment companies that visited Saemangeum decided to further increase their investment. In fact, putting a building on an empty field is risky.

Real estate does not exist alone. If the surrounding development is not done properly, unsold or vacant units will be borne.

However, global companies are already building buildings and factories at the same time.

Money has the power to make things that shouldn’t be done. It was difficult to fail as long as there was this much capital pouring in.

While things were going smoothly, an incident occurred in Korea.

Investigator Shin Jong-hoon of the Blue House Special Inspection Team suddenly revealed to the media that he would make a confession of conscience.

[(Breaking News) Investigator Shin Jong-hoon whistleblower!][The Blue House and the prosecution had prior sympathy for the arrest of Chairman Im Jin-yong!][President Changmin Heo, were you aware of this fact?][Who ordered the arrest of Chairman Im Jin-yong?]

This revelation shocked the country.

-what? The Blue House ordered to arrest Im Jin-yong?

– This is the left-wing government class.

– In the end, it was to kill the chaebol.

– What kind of bullshit? Im Jin-yong was arrested for committing a crime. He was not redeemed by making no sin.

-Boi, the problem is that the Blue House ordered it.

– Heo Chang-min ordered me to kill Im Jin-yong~

-Hey, they said that when they were in the opposition party, the prosecution looked at the government. Since I took over the government, I ordered an investigation.

– Isn’t this impeachment?

– Release Chairman Im Jin-yong immediately!

– Take this opportunity to release former President Park Si-hyung, the most honest of all time!

The Liberal National Party, which had been quiet for a while after the economic hearings, raised its voice again.

Representative Yeon Na-kyung said at a party meeting held at the National Assembly.

“Investigator Shin Jong-hoon’s revelations are the biggest declaration of conscience since the democratization movement in the 1980s. This is clearly the killing of the chaebol by the left-wing government and non-government management, and the prosecution must immediately thoroughly investigate and punish those involved. Also, as investigator Shin Jong-hoon is a public interest informant who uncovered corruption, he should be protected according to the law. We, the Liberal National Party, will protect those who oppose great power and fight to the end.”

Other Liberal National Party lawmakers also vehemently criticized the government.

From a legal point of view, there is no problem in the arrest of Im Jin-yong itself. However, it would be a different story if they had contacted the Blue House in advance.

If the Blue House intervenes in the judgment of the judiciary, it is a matter that can spread to a solicitation for prosecution or a judicial transaction.

The Blue House was quick to evolve.

“Investigator Shin Jong-hoon was under investigation on charges of bribery and abuse of power. This is not a public interest report, but only a one-sided claim to cover one’s misconduct. We make it clear that the prosecution is an independent agency and there was no direction or communication from the Blue House in the investigation.”

The prosecution also strongly denied the facts.

Prosecutor General Moon Dae-seok did not hide his displeasure in front of reporters.(Read more @

“The prosecution only investigates in accordance with the law and principles. It’s problematic for the media to publish nonsense with no evidence.”

* * *

I met Kwon Young-cheol, the head of Seoseong Group.

He is known as the successor to the retired Director Kim Myung-soo and was an alumnus of Chairman Im Jin-yong while studying abroad.

I asked him.

“Is the revelation of investigator Shin Jong-hoon true?”

Although the political circles are engaged in a brawl over the revelations, the Seoseong Group has not made a separate statement. You don’t want to look hateful to either side as the group leader is being arrested.

Director Kwon Young-cheol nodded his head with a dark expression.

“It is most likely true.”

No matter how great a crime you commit, you are innocent until proven guilty.

This is the so-called presumption of innocence. Therefore, in principle, investigations without detention are carried out, but only when the crime is serious and there is a risk of destruction of evidence or escape.

However, no matter what crimes they have committed so far, the presidents have been tried without detention for various reasons. Korea’s very tolerance for financial and economic crimes also played a part in this.

Killing people with a knife carries life imprisonment, but stealing money to kill dozens, destroy hundreds of families, and leave thousands in debt can be years in prison, and if you’re lucky, you can get away with probation.

The most common crimes committed by the presidents are not assault or injury, but embezzlement or breach of trust.

If the evidence is insufficient, the investigation is conducted without detention on the ground that the evidence is insufficient, and if the evidence is clear, there is no risk of destruction of evidence or escape.

Conversely, in this case too, there were many opinions that there was no need for an arrest investigation because the evidence was too clear. In addition, Seoseong Group is preparing for a large-scale investment including Saemangeum.

The prevailing expectation was that the investigation would be conducted without detention as it would be a burden on the government as well. However, contrary to everyone’s expectations, Chairman Im Jin-yong was arrested.

“If you consider the influence the Seoseong Group has on this country, I thought that they would conduct an investigation without detention.”

“Even so, was it not possible to avoid imprisonment in the first trial anyway?”

“Even if a prison sentence is issued in the first trial, it does not necessarily mean that you are arrested.

Again, he is innocent until the Supreme Court decides. For this reason, even after being sentenced to imprisonment in the first trial, arrest is sometimes delayed until the appeal trial is over.

He continued.

“We devised a strategy to avoid arrest even after the first trial because of the defendant’s right to defend, and to receive a reduced sentence in the second trial and end with a probation. But just before that, the atmosphere of the prosecution suddenly changed.”

Is it because of the Blue House?

“Isn’t it because Chairman Im Jin-yong was arrested because of his sin?”

Director Kwon Young-cheol smiled bitterly at my words.

“I’m not saying this, but since when did the prosecution apply the principle to the chairman of the chaebol?”

* * *

Prosecutors continued to ask for attendance, but investigator Shin Jong-hoon did not respond. Accordingly, the prosecution issued an arrest warrant.

Nevertheless, he was hiding and appeared on an A-Tube broadcast and shouted:

“The problem is not Im Jin-yong. This government is afraid of a strong earthquake! The reason that Chairman Im Jin-yong was arrested is to warn Kang Jin-hoo!”

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