159: Majin Buu’s powerful strength! Shocked everyone!

Under the operation of Majin Buu, Babidi was so frightened that he quickly stepped back, because his body was too frightened to collapse under the ground.

Babidi was directly frightened by this grimace, and he held the ground with his hands and kept gasping for breath.

I was almost scared to death!

The initiator, Majin Buu, laughed like a naughty child.

At this moment, it still has good intentions in its heart.

The mind is like a newly born child. Although his body contains extremely evil thoughts, it does not occupy his consciousness at this moment!!!

Now he’s a trick-or-treater!

“What an idiot! Laozi wastes so much energy, is he waiting for such an idiot???”

“Although I don’t know what happened, it looks like this resurrection failed!!!”

We’ve waited so hard for him to show up, and it turned out to be a headless idiot!

Dapra, who sees everything in his eyes, has long been unhappy to Ultimate, and this kind of behavior is like showing off his IQ!

Is it such a waste that I have been waiting for for a long time???

And Dapra’s words immediately entered the ears of Majin Buu.

Majin Buu turned around and looked at Dapra expressionlessly.

“What are you doing? Is it wrong to say that you are an idiot???”

Dapra was also very upset.

What are you doing??? You are not happy to hit me!!!

At this moment, Dapra’s heart is like this, and he no longer believes that this idiot pink ball has amazing power.

No matter how amazing it is, being a mentally handicapped person is completely useless!!!

These words directly caused Buu to get angry, and he shouted with open hands.

“I am angry!

When the words were closed, he began to dance a strange dance, ABAB left and right, his hands were bent on his head, and he jumped back and forth.

It looks like a courtship move.

But obviously this is not a courtship action, as for what he is doing, no one will know!

Dapra is even more lazy to analyze the behavior of idiots.

But according to the words, this idiot actually said that he was angry???

How can I get angry? Can I still fight Laozi???

“What? Don’t you want to fight with King Dapra with me? You are an idiot???”

Dapra saw that Buu didn’t react, just looked at himself like a dementia, and then he made up again.

“It’s really self-defeating, it’s really not wrong for me to call you an idiot!”

Sun Gohan, who was watching not far away, also heard these conversations.

Son Gohan quietly said to the Kaiwang God beside him: “It seems that this Demon Buu is indeed a failure!”

“It doesn’t look like a very powerful person!”

Son Gohan felt the same way, Majin Buu must have something wrong with his brain.

They have already suffered such bad ridicule, but they can still be indifferent.

And dance happily?

This is not a fool is ha!!!

Sun Gohan’s words did not make Kaiwang Shen change his mind.

The Realm King said in a firm tone.

“How can there be any failure, this is Majin Buu, I will never forget his appearance!!!”

No one else here has seen Majin Buu, but he has experienced the horror that almost destroyed the universe!

How can I forget such an experience!!!

beep beep beep beep~~~

Just at this moment, a burst of steam from the train sounded.

I saw a burst of white smoke rising from Majin Buu’s head.

The white smoke lasted for a long time, and then stopped breathing.

The next second, Majin Buu opened his Mimi eyes, and crescent-shaped eyes appeared in front of everyone.

Coupled with that crescent moon smile, Majin Buu’s expression at this time looks extremely evil!

In an instant, Majin Buu raised his fist and attacked Dapura.


Dapra saw such a violent attack and wanted to block, but at that time he was completely defeated in speed.

After the punch, Buu changed the shape of his fingers and put his fingers straight into Dapura’s eyes.

This attack directly blinded Dapra’s eyes!!!



Majin Buu is like a child who has succeeded in mischief. He dances with joy and looks very happy.


Dapra, who was the victim of the prank, was in extreme pain at the moment, and his eyes were completely blinded.

Pupil blood continued to flow down, and even if the hands were pressed, the gushing blood could not be stopped.

The angry Dapra was blinded, but he could feel the breath of the demon Buu, so he launched an attack directly and punched him suddenly!

Dapra, who was already a wounded soldier, had a dozen beats in front of Majin Buu, and he was in slow motion at all.

Majin Buu just dodged sideways, easily dodging the attack, and then a 180-degree roundhouse kick, his fat legs slammed into Dapura’s left waist.

It was as if Dapura had been hit by a meteorite. His body was instantly dented by a powerful force, and his body flew straight across like a broken line wind, hitting a mountain range.

The mountain suddenly collapsed due to such an impact, and Dapra was buried alive under the collapse!

The operation at this moment was directly stunned by Sun Wufan and the others.

Son Gohan’s pupils widened, and he looked like Majin Buu in disbelief.

“Majin Buu’s aura can increase so much in an instant.

The vigor that Demon Buu just burst out in an instant is far beyond his strength, and it may be a complete abuse.

However, after the release of this power, after Majin Buu killed Dapra in seconds, the powerful vigor disappeared in an instant, as if anything had happened, he danced with a smile on his face.

And Babidi is a special start, although Dapra was killed in seconds.

How could a waste Dapra be compared to Majin Buu!

Immediately, he was extremely excited, and the expression on his frowning face before was instantly swept away.

Babidi trotted all the way to Majin Buu and said excitedly: “I’m your new master now, Babidi.”

An ugly creature that looks like a wrinkled old dog with a yellow skin, comes up to you and says it’s the owner???

Who will listen to his nonsense.

Even Majin Buu didn’t bother to pay attention to Babidi, and then grimaced in response again, and it spat out spittle stars from its fat red tongue.

Being treated like this, Babidi did not get angry, and thought of another way for him to make Majin Buu submit. Son.

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