Chapter 11 Sakura flowers all over my heart

[Sakura Manguru and Shuichiro Kemichi are two genius doctors. They jointly study the science of genetics, and the published papers are also known as world-renowned existences][During the research, Kurosu also gave birth to a daughter with a talented girl from the school——real name][A meteorite fell from the sky broke the tranquility, and found that there was a genetic resonance reaction on the meteorite. After research, it was found that there was a virus in it. This virus usually does not respond, but if I am in the activation process, it will lead to biological tissue hardening and fragmentation.][At this time, a mysterious person named Yu told the two that this was a virus called Apocalypse. Because it was a meteorite, it spread, and the first person who discovered the meteorite fragments was her real name, and she waited until she matured , will become Eve and seek the Adam in your heart][And these two people will become the same existence as kings, so that all other life forms will be eliminated and evolved][At this time, the younger brother of the real name was also born, and the mother of the real name was also bedridden because of the virus][Looking at the younger brother who was born, her real name showed a strange expression, she decided to make the younger brother her Adam]

The picture continues here.


An empty world.

“Brother, I understand this.”


People in various orthopedic worlds tacitly responded to the same idea.

Orthopedics, they understand.


[The two doctors in the picture went to different paths, Shuichiro went to the road of human experimentation, and kept experimenting with children]

Hokage world.

Orochimaru calls him an expert, he likes this kind of person, but it is possible to cooperate, but unfortunately it is not a world.

[Soon, Blackbeard discovered that the infected person was able to use the power of the virus, which he called the Void Genome, or “Power of Kings”][A boy escaped from the laboratory, and this person was Ya, the three lived a short and happy life, Ji’s bravery and cheerfulness made Ya want to be such a person][The real name started to be different due to the virus, and let Ya become his subordinate, and at the same time kept getting Chi to marry him. 】

[On the other hand, Shuichiro secretly saw Kurobeard’s theory, looked at the perfect Void Genome Theory, and was directly autistic. He has cooperated with the military to conduct so many human experiments, but he can’t compare to Kurobe alone.][Shuichiro of Blacken killed Kurobeard and stole the experiment results][And the real name of the failed marriage proposal, a complete outbreak, the power of the virus destroyed the entire city and crystallized everyone, which is also the famous lost Christmas event]


Guilty Crown World.

People all over the world were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Unexpectedly, my former friend turned out to be such a person. The power of this virus is beyond imagination.

top of the United Nations.

“The power of the virus has to be suppressed, you know.”

“Agree, send troops to suppress.”

“But that career has already defeated our army in the video.”

“What are you afraid of, if it doesn’t work, just drop a nuclear bomb, if one doesn’t work, just two!”

“You still have to think carefully about this matter. Do you want the earth to turn into ruins!”


At this time, the episode in the school thought about the past, and the whole person collapsed, and the memory that was sealed by himself was awakened again.

Xiaoji and other girls quickly hugged him and comforted him.

Gu Xun, these two or five boys, were kindly instructed by others, and Zaan greeted them, especially Sa Tai.


Pirate world.

Everyone’s scalp is numb because of this relationship. The power of this virus is so terrifying.

“I remember a user of Gravity Fruit, it seems that he can also summon meteorites.” The unknown Vice Admiral whispered.


Everyone stared at him for a moment, as if they were going to eat him.

“Hurry up and tell him not to call Meteorite casually!”


Hokage world.

Pure Land.

“It seems that Tengai Shinsei can’t be played casually after resurrection.” Uchiha Madara said solemnly.

This virus is hard to prevent, and even medical ninjutsu is useless if you get hit.


One Punch Man world.

“Teacher, didn’t you break a meteorite last time, what’s wrong with you now?” Jay Nuo asked quickly, this virus is no joke.

Saitama, who was watching TV, buttoned his nostrils, rubbed his stomach, thought for a moment, and widened his eyes.

“No, Genos!”

“Teacher, what’s wrong!”

“Discount today, come with me!”

“Good teacher!”


Unconsciously, people in many worlds are facing up to its meteorites and viruses.

It’s terrifying that a single meteorite can destroy all mankind.

[The final battle is coming, and the real name is also resurrected at this time][Ya used the void taken out from the real name to start the fight in the same episode, but the real name began to spread the lost Christmas at this time, and the fourth apocalypse began. 】

[After a struggle, just when Ya was about to give Ji the final blow, Ji pulled Qi’s void from Qi’s flowers, finally defeated Ya and reached the end of the apocalypse. 】

[At this time, Ya also finally stated his purpose]

The screen shifted to another space.

Ya looked into the distance with a calm face, and said lightly towards Ji:

[This is the so-called ideal world of divine consciousness. Everything in this world will be preserved in the crystallization in the form of memory][Those who are revered as kings will also come here in the end][I’ve always been afraid of being eliminated, so I’ve been working hard and wanting Eve… that’s my real name][Originally, I thought that being pierced by you would save the real name, but I didn’t expect that the consciousness of the elimination of the creature would not allow her to die][But there is another way, that is to complete the mission, become the devil, become the apocalypse virus, and then let you kill me][My mission… is over, it’s your turn next]

As Ya and True Name were wrapped in crystals, they also dissipated in this world.

The pure white seal of the king returned to Ji’s hand again.

The episode of returning to reality, with dull eyes, did not expect such an ending in the end.

But before he could think about it, Yu Qi’s voice came from the dark depths ahead.

[Set… Don’t blame yourself, I feel a lot of emotions from you]

【All…thanks to you】

A figure in the dark depths gradually emerged.

Uruki, whose whole body was crystallized, staggered toward the set, which was distressing.

The picture at this time is the beginning of the scene.

The girl slammed into the boy’s body, and the girl who lost all feeling at this time asked in a panic:

[Set, where are you? 】

The boy gently held the girl’s slender hand, the girl seemed to feel it, and there was a ray of light in her eyes.

[Set, you must always be by my side. 】

【Because I will always support you, okay? 】

The boy was full of tears and spoke softly.

【Xiao Qi, let’s go together】

The teenager stretched out his right hand and raised the sky high, and the ground glowed with white light, accompanied by a violent movement.

The crystals of the world began to shatter and flew towards the boy’s hands.

The virus in countless people is being absorbed by the teenager, and he wants to carry the virus of this world.

[I can feel everyone’s hearts, as well as memories. 】

[Even those who harbor malice towards me were born into this world because they were loved by others]

Once upon a time, in an unknown place, there was a king who was very gentle and kind.

– gentle king

【Sakura flowers are gathered in my heart, and I pray for the dance to follow】

The screen stopped abruptly. *

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