98: Peak Thor saves the field, handsome and explodes the whole dimension!! (Please subscribe)

A group of children in Midtown Middle School were dumbfounded,

This is an inventory video. Stark appears in the picture, indicating that the Avengers have joined the war to defeat the tyrant.

And their classmate, Peter Parker, actually stood by Stark’s side in the future,

That’s Tony Stark!!

For a time, many students were so excited that they almost screamed, screaming and surrounding Peter,

A classmate grabbed his arm and shouted excitedly:

“My classmate Peter Parker is a superhero, he is going to fight Thanos in the future!!!”

Soon, students from the entire school flocked to the threshold of their class.

“Peter, sign me!

Peter, I have long seen that you are not easy!

Peter, how did you meet Mr. Stark?!!


The chattering voices came together, and for a while, the little spider was messy in the classroom.

At the entrance of the hospital, Strange also felt a big head, the person in the picture with white horns and a red cloak, is it really me??

In Kama Taj and three other temples, a group of mages were extremely shocked.

Especially Wang and Mordo, the two quickly recognized the cloak behind Strange.

This is an ancient artifact with autonomous consciousness.

Even the Supreme Mage will not necessarily be favored by it,

But the future is wearing this man with white temples,

What the hell is going on??!

Inside the Temple, seeing Stark, Strange and the others appear on Titan, Ebony Throat couldn’t believe it.

In the previous video, the future he was ordered to go to earth to retrieve the gem,

But now, others have arrived at Titan, but he is nowhere to be seen.

Ebony-throated subconsciously looked back at Thanos, only to see him say as usual:

“They got to Titan, and you’ve made it.

In the picture, above the ruins of Titan Star, Star-Lord held the equipment and said:

“I just don’t know what happened to this planet. The rotation axis is deviated from an octave, and the gravitational chaos is everywhere.”

“The one named Thanos will come to this planet by himself, and we have to take advantage of this,” Stark said.

And Stark, who watched the video, saw the battle armor on his body in the future, and thought thoughtfully:

“I succeeded, I successfully applied nanotechnology to the armor.”

When Stark and Star-Lord were arguing about who came to 327 to make plans, Mantis Woman looked in Strange’s direction and suddenly said:

“Excuse me, your friends, do you often do that?”

A bright green light bloomed from Agamato’s eyes, turning into halos covering Strange’s upper body.

Strange hovered cross-legged in the air, and from the perspective of countless people in the heavens and the world, he could see his figure changing rapidly at the moment, as if it was overlapped by thousands of illusions.

Seeing this scene, many of Kama Taj’s mages widened their eyes.

Mordo exclaimed: “The Eye of Agamotto, he is the future Supreme Mage?!!!”

Soon, when Strange landed and faced Stark’s question, he said solemnly:

“I moved forward in time, looked at all the possibilities for the future, and saw all the outcomes of this upcoming battle.”

The major worlds were shocked, and someone soon realized that the pendant on Strange’s chest contained the original stone of time.

“How many species have you seen?” Star-Lord asked with a frown.

“Fourteen million six hundred and five.”

“So how many times have we won?” Stark looked at Strange.

Hearing this, Strange’s eyes changed and became very meaningful, staring at Stark, he said: “Once.

The hearts of everyone in the heavens and the world sank to the bottom on the spot.

The Obsidian Five also had different degrees of smiles on their faces.

With more than 1 in 14 million odds, this is impossible to win at all!

But Thanos thought about it,

When the mage saw the only one that won, it means that all the opponent’s next moves will be consistent with the winning one.

I haven’t reached the stage of complete victory yet.

In the discussion of countless audiences, the picture changed and came to the earth, with a bird’s-eye view, overlooking the entire planet’s surface from the air.

As the camera moved slowly, the perspective came to Africa, a place called Wakanda.

Many people on earth suddenly wondered,

Is there still such a region in Africa?

And many people who have studied geography do not understand,

Wakanda people are so poor that their stomachs are sticking to their backs, what are they doing when they take stock of the video and show them pictures??

However, in the next (bici) second, the style of painting suddenly changed!

Huge starships broke through the atmosphere, burned with fire, and crashed into a virgin forest in the Wakanda region.

The violent shock wave knocked down a large tract of trees, and it was only at this time that everyone discovered that in the depths of this dense forest, there was a high-tech country covered by a dome hidden.

Inside is a scene of its own, with high-rise buildings and spaceships assembled, like an alien civilization.

Hundreds of millions of people on earth were stunned, and they didn’t react for a while,

what is this??

Is there such an advanced place on our planet?

At this time, in Wakanda, seeing his tribesmen appearing in the inventory video, the black panther sighed,

Sure enough, in the face of this cosmos-wide catastrophe, it is impossible for him and others to escape.


As several transport ships in the picture opened the hatches, a tingling scene appeared,

It was an innumerable four-armed savage monster, known as the Chitauri Pioneer. It was a monster that did not know pain at all, but only knew how to kill.

Densely packed, it rushed from the side of the forest like a tide, directly hitting the energy dome of Wakanda.

Countless people were terrified, and a cruel smile appeared on the bewitching face of Proxima Dark Night.

Following her order, countless Qitarui vanguards began to gather, and charged towards a part of the energy shield.

“Thanos himself is outrageously strong, and his minions are so cruel, this battle is too difficult!”

There are many people who have retreated because of this picture of despair.

In the chat group, the group members who supported Thanos also began to remind them of goodwill.

Ōtsutsuki peach style: “A group of inferior creatures, the odds of one in fourteen million, it doesn’t need to work hard at all, just give up, you can’t win at all.”

Doflamingo: “Thanos is on the side of justice. Although Thor is the god of thunder, he is still weak in the face of Thanos, and it is impossible for him to succeed!”

Hungry Wolf: “Success? Thanos already has four gems. In my opinion, no matter how powerful Thor is, it is impossible to cause any damage to Thanos!”

Facing the shouts of Thanos fans, some people’s hearts were shaken.

It’s not that they don’t want to refute, but because they can’t help it, because in their hearts, they have begun to feel that Thanos is unstoppable.

Yes, although Thor is strong, Thanos has four gems,

His axe, I am afraid there is no way to cause damage to Thanos..

How to fight this?

It must be a futile battle..

But there are also some people who always stand in the position that Thanos will lose, and reply to all Thanos fans in the chat group:

“Saul hasn’t met Thanos yet, what’s your name?

The storm axe will kill that titan madman, I said!”

In the gaze and discussion of countless people, the battle of Wakanda started, and the first is the entrance of the heroes of the Avengers.

At the beginning, everyone was able to take the initiative to attack, but within a few minutes, with the influx of the Qitarui vanguard, the situation began to change suddenly.

The first is that Wakanda was defeated at first, and then the heroes of the Avengers faced such a huge number of monster attacks and began to struggle to resist, and a sense of powerlessness spread in the picture.

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I don’t know how many people have chills on their backs because of this scene, and the fear in their hearts has gradually expanded.

You know, the Avengers led by Steve Rogers are the most outstanding heroes of the contemporary earth.

But now that Thanos has not come, facing the miscellaneous soldiers under his command, the heroes are already powerless and fall into a rout.

After this, how will you fight?

In the Fulian Base, everyone looking at the future screen had a heavy expression.

Especially Stark and Bruce Banner,

The anti-Hulk armor, but the two of them participated in the development, can be said to be made by condensing the most advanced technology of Stark Industry today.

However, such a battle armor was thrown down by these Qitarui pioneers, and the shell was about to be pierced.

Steve Rogers and War Machine were also thrown to the ground, unable to get up.

Many more Wakanda soldiers were screaming and being slaughtered.

Despair spreads in the hearts of every earthling in the heavens and the world,

But this is not the end, fans of Thanos are still taking advantage of this situation to ridicule everyone in the chat group:

Ōtsutsuki peach style: “Let’s save the inferior creatures, let alone Thanos, you can’t even defeat the soldiers under his command!”

Hungry Wolf: “Evil will eventually triumph over justice. I don’t know if there are people from the world of Thanos in the group. If there are, you should kill yourself. Anyway, you will die sooner or later!”

Frieza: “This king has already said that they can’t win this battle at all!”

“Sol is far away in the depths of the universe, and he can’t catch up. These earthlings give up resistance as soon as possible, so that they can die more comfortably!”

However, as soon as Frieza’s voice fell, countless people in the heavens and the world were shocked by the next scene!


An extremely dazzling colored beam of light descended from the sky without warning, as if it had fallen directly from the depths of the starry sky to the surface of the earth, shining with splendid colorful light.

Violent air waves exploded, and all the surrounding Chitauri vanguards flew out backwards.

At this moment, everyone in Asgard was stunned.

“Rainbow bridge??

Hasn’t Asgard been destroyed?” Loki’s eyes almost popped out.

Both Odin and Hela were shocked,

“Sol, actually has the ability to summon the Rainbow Bridge?!!!”

It seems to be responding to the voices of the two,

The storm axe wrapped in flawless electric light flew out from the beam of light of the Rainbow Bridge, and everything along the way was chopped up in an instant, and all the heroes of the Avengers were stunned.

Immediately, the heart-warming background music sounded, and when the beam of light from the Rainbow Bridge disappeared and the Storm Axe flew back into Sol’s hands, the worlds of the heavens were boiling.

“You bastards who support the titan maniacs, your Thor is down!!!!”

In the world of Hokage, Naruto jumped up screaming.

One Piece World, Luffy and others were so excited that they burst into tears, “Thor is coming, tremble aliens!!!”

“He’s so handsome, he’s so handsome, my god!!!”

Four Emperors Kaido burst into tears, “Praise the Norse gods, the originator of pirates!! Your sacrifices are not in vain, the strongest Thor in history has appeared!!!”

In the DC movie universe, the goddess Diana couldn’t help laughing, “It’s time to come, son of Odin!

I don’t know how many people in the world were so excited by this scene that they burst into tears, and the pressure of the previous scene was swept away.

At this time, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, countless people felt that they were going crazy.

Everyone from the peak civilizations of the universe, such as the Xandar Star, the Skru Empire, the Kree Empire, and the Shia Empire, cheered and shouted the name of Thor.

With a smile in Hela’s eyes, “Smelly brother, you are really handsome.

Both Frigga and Odin were full of relief, and the silly son finally grew up!

In the Avengers base, all the heroes stood up, and the war machine toasted: “Come on guys, congratulations to Thor’s arrival!!

“It’s the first time I’ve seen Natasha look like that.” Steve Rogers sighed with a smile.

In the picture, Natasha looked at Sol’s eyes full of admiration, and she couldn’t help smiling at all.

Seeing this, Sol walked directly to Natasha and said with great satisfaction:

Don’t worry”, many people in the universe idolize me, but only you can get my limited edition autographed photo.

The crowd burst into laughter.

In the picture, Bruce Banner stuck his head out of the anti-Hulk armor, and excitedly shouted in the direction of Proxima Dark Night and the Black Dwarf:

“This time you’re all screwed!!!!”

Proxima Centauri and Black Dwarf were shocked by this momentum, and subconsciously took a step back, their faces full of disbelief, they never thought that Sol was still alive.

After suffering an indirect blow from the power gem, he was still alive,

Still getting stronger??

How is this possible?!!!

The music in the background became more and more exciting. Looking at the tide-like Chitauri vanguard in front of him, Sol jumped up, and the roar resounded through the heavens and the world:

“Call me Thanos out!!!!”

At this moment, the sky trembled, thousands of terrifying electric arcs bloomed from Sol’s body, and even his eyes were blue, rushing with intense electric light, as if shrouded in thunder.

Under the excited gazes of countless audiences, Sol’s divinity and oppressive force climbed to the extreme. He held the storm axe and slammed down from the air in the direction of the enemy!!


It took time, the electric light swept the entire area, the earth cracked inch by inch, and the Qitarui army turned into powder on the spot!!

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