25: The power of one punch, the heavens are silent! ! (for collections, for flowers)

What Boros said has gone beyond the dimension of the heavens, and countless audiences have no idea how powerful Boros is!

“Kill all the enemies in the universe that can resist him. This kind of creature comes to the earth, and others can’t run if they want to run!!”

Fate world, Tohsaka Rin said in shock.

“Did the humans lose this time?!!”

One Piece World, Straw Hat Luffy said worriedly,

In the first two videos, Clark stood on the side of humans. In his opinion, it can be regarded as the camp of humans.

So far, in the inventory video, humans have won twice in a row,

In this eighth video, Boros is stronger than ever, and human beings may be less fortunate!

The tall and sturdy body of Boros walked towards Saitama, approaching with a sense of oppression that made the heavens and the world tremble, suffocating the souls of countless audiences.

Boros looked at Saitama and said slowly:

“Since the invincible universe, I have been silent in the invincible life, and I was bored because I couldn’t find an opponent all day long, so I was in great pain.”

“I don’t know how long it took, and suddenly a fortune-teller found me, and he told me,

In the faraway planet of yours, there will be a fellow who is equal to me, who can compete with me and let me enjoy myself. ”

In the heavens and the world, even though Boros has brought unprecedented fear to countless audiences, there are still some special existences, and because of his words, there is a certain resonance.

In the comprehensive martial arts world, the sword demon Dugu, who was sitting on the top of the mountain, was seeking defeat, and then muttered to himself:

“Does a god-like powerhouse like Boros have the same pain as the old man…”

There was a desire in his eyes that he had never felt before,

“I really want to… I really want to go to these worlds in the inventory video and live with so many masters!!!”

In the picture, Boros came to Saitama and said, “This is the past twenty years ago.”

“My subordinates all think that the prophecy is a lie to keep the universe away from the war and spread me away.”

“But seeing this moment of you, I am convinced that the prophecy is true!!!”

There were bloodshots in Boros’ huge one eye, and his pupils were shaking with excitement, and he shouted:

“Come on, Saitama!! Give my life some excitement!! That’s what I’m here for!!”


Before Boros could finish speaking, a violent ray of light suddenly erupted, and in an instant, a deafening blast of air waves resounded through the heavens.

It all happened so fast that no one but a few extremely powerful beings could see what was going on.

They only saw an afterimage, like a cannonball flying backwards in front of Saitama, and the surrounding air exploded, crashing into the pillars in the palace with an unimaginable impact.

The violent smoke spread, and Saitama kept punching, with a helpless tone, “Are you an idiot?”

“In order to seek excitement in a dull life, to invade other planets, even the mentally retarded can’t think of such a reason.”


……what’s the situation?

Did I just get dazzled?

What happened just now, did I read it wrong…

At this moment, the heavens and the world were silent, and countless audiences fell into a state of sluggishness that they had never seen before, unable to make any movement.

All the people who had questioned Saitama before, now their throats seemed to be choked by someone, their mouths open, but they couldn’t speak.

In the Fate world, the body of King Solomon sitting on the throne of God trembled, creating the illusion that he was dead.

The ground beneath Hancock’s feet was cracked, and her beautiful face was full of disbelief.

“This…how beautiful and powerful this is!!!”

Ōtsutsuki sat paralyzed beside the sacred tree in peach pose, the superiority of the higher creatures in his heart was completely beaten, and his whole body seemed to be out of strength, and he could hardly stand up.

In the Shinigami world, Aizen is no longer elegant, her glasses have fallen to the ground, and her face is full of horror.

The ghosts destroy the world, the ghost dance Shi Wumian and the brains of several winding ghosts have all been shut down. For the first time in hundreds of years, they have the feeling of being out of breath.

In the fairy tail world, the black dragon’s pupils trembled, and he was so shocked that he couldn’t believe what he saw.

Hokage World, Academy City, Overlord, Chaoying Movie World, and countless audiences in other major universes were all shocked by this punch, and the whole dimension seemed to be stagnant because of this punch!

After a long period of dead silence, as the smoke shrouded around Poros in the picture dissipated, many talents gradually came back to their senses.

At this point, the heavens are boiling! ! !

Saitama, the strongest bald head in the world, shocked countless universes! !

But the strongest response is the One Punch Man world.

At this moment, Saitama’s name is resounding throughout the earth, and many people’s faces are completely different from those of a moment ago.

“Saitama is our savior!!!”

“We have never questioned Mr. Saitama’s power!!!”

“Saitama is the only true god on earth, only he can protect us!!”

“The title of the video says that Mr. Saitama lives in City Z, let’s rush over to meet him!!”

Similar voices abound, and in the Hero Association building, all the S-rank heroes were shocked by this punch to the point where they couldn’t be more.

The Atomic Warrior muttered to himself, “How stupid am I to think that Saitama-sama will lose to Boros?”

Super-alloy Black Light was extremely excited, “Master Saitama’s power is beyond our understanding!!”

Xiaolongjuan couldn’t believe it either, the light green superpower light on his body was trembling,

She wanted to say something, but when she thought of her future self and said so many shameful things to Saitama, she felt that she had already been shamed and thrown home.

I’m afraid I don’t have the face to see Saitama…

In the depths of the universe, in the dark matter pirate group, Boros’ subordinates were horrified and unbelievable when they saw Saitama punch their leader away.

But when the smoke gradually dissipated and they saw that the armor on Boros shattered, the three dragon-level monsters were stunned for a moment, and then laughed in unison.

“It’s just that the armor was broken. It seems that Lord Boros was not serious just now, so he was hit by the sneak attack.”

“Okay, now the seal of Lord Boros has been lifted, Saitama, he won’t be able to live for long!”*

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