Interstellar Energy Tycoon

Chapter 251 Attraction of the Land of the Sun

After officially putting into work.

Huang Shiyao, Cao Jing, Xu Xian and the others gradually discovered that the Land of the Sun is indeed a pretty good place.

Maybe it is not necessarily as developed and lively as the first-tier big cities in Huaguo, and there are not so many entertainment activities.

The current total population is not particularly large, and it is relatively easy to manage. The legal system is relatively sound, and it is a well-ordered place with many constraints.

As for productivity, it is not particularly developed at present, and there are many low-end jobs, such as agricultural pickers in vertical farming factories. Under normal circumstances, this kind of work can be done by robots, and the efficiency is very high. Save labor costs, but each vertical farming factory here requires thousands of pickers.

There are also many service staff in the hotel.

Cooks, drivers, bodyguards and more.

There are relatively few senior technicians, but they play a great role, so they can get the salary equivalent to ten low-end laborers, becoming an enviable and yearning existence.

Prices are generally relatively cheap, and even low-end laborers with a monthly income of 3,000 solar yuan can still live a relatively affluent life.

Because as long as you can find a job, you can generally be allocated free accommodation and meals will be included, so the two big problems of food and accommodation will be solved immediately. The salary you get is an additional activity fund, and you can freely Dominate, you can also save it, or spend half and save half, you can plan and arrange it however you want.

In terms of the most important house price, the price of the pyramid building in the Land of the Sun is very affordable. There are two modes, one is to buy freehold property rights, and the other is to rent a house at a cheaper price.

If you choose the former, you will pay a higher price. You need to pay about 70% of the down payment, and you need to prepare hundreds of thousands of cash. For the time being, not many people can afford it.

If you choose the latter, you can rent a more suitable house at a lower price. You only need to pay a rent of about 1,000 yuan per month, and the most expensive will not exceed 2,000 yuan, and it is bound by the rental guide price. You can’t open your mouth like a lion, and want to make a fortune from the house under your name and become a flat charterer. This is unlikely. Sun City will also make some regulations and restrictions, and the phenomenon of not allowing rentiers is too serious.

Naturally, there is also a relatively reasonable and strict legal system, which not only draws lessons from Huaguo, but also draws lessons from some advanced features of Western countries.

For example, the rule of complete veto for three crimes has a great deterrent effect on some criminals with bad roots. They will never dare to take the road of breaking the law easily. The maximum is two days of detention, fined only, and the punishment measures are very light. If you continue to violate the law for the second time, even if it is still a very minor crime, you will have to be imprisoned for three months or half a year, and you should really reflect on it.

If he refuses to mend his ways and violates the law for the third time, then he will be expelled from the Land of the Sun, or imprisoned for ten or eight years, and because he is a repeat offender, there is basically no possibility of him being released with good performance. .

In private, Huang Shiyao and others discussed it.

"It's good to have such a regulation. Some people are born bad people. They don't know what the law is. They don't fear the sky and the earth. They don't have any sense of awe. I think this kind of people are black sheep that must be expelled. Don’t expect them to become law-abiding and kind, this is unlikely, their existence may be to prove the validity and authority of the law.”

"Yes, human nature is inherently good and inherently evil. They are completely random. In the absence of strong constraints, it is generally impossible for a bad person to become a good person. The nature will only become more serious, and the evils will be more and more serious. It is impossible to correct them, and we can only find ways to get rid of this kind of people.”

"Not to mention the criminals, but the work efficiency is very low, they are often lazy and fishy, ​​and become wage thieves. I checked the previous file information. In the worst case, there should be ten people working on the scene, only three or five people While working diligently and conscientiously, all of them are playing fish and being lazy, acting as if they have nothing to do with themselves, which leads to frequent delays and delays in the progress of the project. As for overtime work, it is even impossible. During the working hours, only less than one-third of the serious work is done, and the rest will try to be lazy and relax."

"Inertia is something that everyone has. Under the backward productivity environment in the Philippines, many indigenous people mainly live by hunting and collecting as a supplement. Generally, they don't pay much attention to agriculture. They often look at the sky and cultivate the land. Our ancestors, Just after falling from the tree, the situation we faced was that we stopped listening. In order to survive well, we had to become more and more diligent and even a little introverted. Our country is still living in such an environment of high competitive pressure. , the aborigines in the Philippines have not yet reached the level of serious introversion, and they have not yet had such a high level of consciousness. It may take hundreds or thousands of years before the aborigines can have the characteristics of conscious diligence. Now, it can only be Find a way to guide them vigorously, and if it doesn’t work, then forcefully correct them. If it doesn’t work two or three times in a row, then expel them and let them fend for themselves.”

"Cultural customs are really difficult to change, but as long as the change is successful, some indigenous people can be changed to be similar to us, and it can be of great use, even if the transformation in the early stage takes a long time. , but as long as the transformation is successful, it is unlikely to return to the past lazy state in the future, and it will only create more and more value.”

It's not just about crime rates and laziness.

Hygiene is also very important.

For example, develop a good habit of going to the toilet.

For example, develop the habit of going swimming and bathing frequently.

And develop the habit of taking out the trash frequently and loving cleanliness, etc.

None of these can be done overnight. It took a long time to guide and correct to achieve results. Of course, countless contradictions and conflicts broke out, and many people who were difficult to change were driven away. It can be said that a lot of effort has been made. Big price.

But the most important change in the Land of the Sun is the establishment of a brand-new hierarchical concept and system.

Divide people into ranks, ranks, ranks, ranks, and ranks, and even move out some titles and aristocratic systems, faintly developing towards a feudal society.

By the way, what's going on?

In the final analysis, there are still too many tribes in the continent of the Philippines, and the productivity is too backward. Naturally, the production relationship cannot be too advanced. A system that is too equal will not have a good restraint effect. Excessive freedom will instead indulge some indigenous people His laziness and desires make it impossible to manage at all.

Therefore, we must impose a hierarchical system and carry out strong constraints in order to achieve good results.

Huang Shiyao and the three of them, after working for a period of time, because of their good performance, they soon obtained the title of nobility and wore coats of arms that symbolized their status.

"Mr. Duke, each level has five sub-levels. The total is a 25-level title system. I was named a third-class viscount. This status seems to be quite high. I heard that for ordinary aborigines, It takes a year of hard work, or a relatively large contribution, to improve so many levels. We have been working with Vera for less than a month, and we have been promoted so quickly. I don’t know if it will cause some criticism.”

"There will definitely be criticisms. In addition, our salary seems to have increased a bit. This is much more than the increase in the title. We will not continue to develop here, and we will return to China in the future. The title is not the title. What, it doesn't have too much practical significance, and we don't have to take it too seriously."

"I don't think so. The land of the sun is pretty good, especially us Chinese people, who have a very high status here. Most of the management positions and senior technical positions are held by our people. Among the military personnel , it is also our people who serve as the middle-level and highest commanders. The local aborigines can only climb to a relatively middle-level position unless they are very capable. , if the Land of the Sun becomes better and more prosperous in the future, no less than some big cities in our country, then it is not impossible to stay here for long-term development, and there is no need to go to a place with greater competition."

"It's a bit reasonable. The pressure on the Land of the Sun is really not that great. It gives us a lot of opportunities for development. If we make some contributions, we can get more rewards and opportunities, and the Land of the Sun will continue to expand externally. , to attract more people, until the influence covers the entire continent. By that time, the Land of the Sun will no longer be an ordinary small force. As long as we continue to assist Vera well, we will be her most trusted aides and supporters in the future. Assistant, we can get a lot of benefits." Cao Jing said.

"But there are not many male colleagues here, and there are not many suitable partners. What should I do to find a partner in the future?" Huang Shiyao asked.

"Go back to China for a blind date, and then bring it here to develop, or participate in blind dates within the group. Our group has more men than women, and there are more male employees sent here. As long as we are not particularly picky, it is still easy to find a partner. Yes, I won't be single." Xu Xian thought for a while and said.

"Hey, let's take it one step at a time. We've only been here for a month, and we still have to see how prosperous the Land of the Sun is, whether it can catch up with some big cities in China. If the potential is really great and there are indeed many opportunities, we can consider it." It is a pretty good choice to stay and develop well.”

Huang Shiyao's words made Cao Jing and Xu Xian nod their heads in agreement.



It's late July.

Due to the larger population, less land.

The Land of the Sun launched another round of external expansion operations, launched military operations, occupied a few more bases, and absorbed hundreds of thousands of people. There was no resistance in the middle, but they all rushed to join. Can't wait, everyone Some of the newly joined natives showed expressions of luck and ecstasy. They all cheered, sang and danced with great joy, and some even complained about why they came so late.

Although they all know very well that after joining the Land of the Sun, not all benefits are obtained, and there are many rules and regulations in it.

For example, the requirements for cleanliness and sanitation are extremely stringent, and they cannot carry any disease viruses.

For example, the punishment for crimes is very severe, and petty theft will be severely punished. If it reaches three times, it will be completely rejected, and even demoted to the lowest level of slave labor. Not to mention losing freedom, they will be brutally beaten.

For example, people are divided into different levels. The lower-ranking people must respect the higher-ranking ones and must abide by their personal duties. Many things cannot be exceeded, and the rules cannot be broken.

In addition, the original customs and habits must be changed. The old tradition of chiefs occupying all women has been abolished. No matter how high your status is, you are allowed to marry up to four wives and have ten children. The standard, and the one with the lowest status, is only allowed to marry one wife and have two children—the restrictions are extremely strict, and it is impossible to live as you want. There is no such freedom. After all, the Land of the Sun is a place that pays great attention to the quality of the population The place.

Even if the terms and conditions are countless.

The active participation of the indigenous population remains numerous.

no way.

The attraction of the land of the sun is too great, almost all good things are here, they cannot help but be moved and yearn for.

For example, there is unlimited energy here, and you can use it as you want, even if it is a lot of waste, but in other places, there is generally a state of power shortage, and those with a few solar panels are considered to be in good condition. For families, it is almost impossible to achieve stable power supply 24 hours a day. Even some wealthy and wealthy people may not necessarily enjoy a convenient life every day.

For example, there are the cleanest fresh water resources, unlimited supply, desalination of seawater all day long, or treating sewage into clean enough water, and then storing it in huge water storage towers with a capacity of billions of cubic meters, or even There are also a lot of freshwater fish in it, not only can supply unlimited water, but also get good-tasting fish.

There is also the most developed productivity. In terms of agriculture, it can achieve a self-sufficiency rate of more than 98% of food, and the rest can be imported from outside in a small amount. In terms of industry, thousands of various advanced factories have also been established to process some food from outside The raw materials transported from space already have the industrial capacity to produce clothing, home appliances, and light vehicles. Although they are still relatively rudimentary at present, they will definitely be continuously improved in the future, so that they will have stronger industrial capabilities and even create a relatively complete industrial system. .

And the highest income level and so on.

all in all.

The Land of the Sun is a paradise-like place. No matter how many rules and regulations there are and how strict the restrictions are, people who want to join here are still flocking to it, because order is better than no order, and sufficient water and electricity are better than no order. Much better with no water or electricity.

After absorbing more land and population, it means that the upper limit of the development of the land of the sun has also increased, and the future potential has become greater and brighter, which is more worthy of people's expectations.

So on August 1st.

Li Xingyang personally came over to inspect the development here. (end of this chapter)

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