Interstellar Energy Tycoon

Chapter 220 The Forgotten Philippines

August 6th.

In Suhong City, in a villa on the waterfront Jiangnan.

In the study on the second floor.

"Wuuuuuuu, my uncle just called and said that my grandfather is sick and is about to leave this world. The grandfather who loves me the most will leave me forever."

"Brother, I want to go back to my hometown right away. I want to see my grandfather for the last time. I know he is waiting for me, and he wants to see me very much. Only when he sees that I am fine will he be willing to go to heaven."

"Help me, brother, let me go back as fast as possible, my grandfather doesn't have much time left, I don't want him to wait in pain, woo woo woo~"

Now nineteen years old, with a height of 1.7 meters, exquisite facial features, and a slim figure, Vera cried heartbroken in front of Li Xingyang, tears streaming down her face, holding Li Xingyang's hand, pleading nonstop.

"Vera, don't be sad, and don't be in a hurry. I'll arrange this matter for you right away. Someone will prepare a light-energy plane and go back as quickly as possible. You pack a few clothes and luggage and leave within an hour at the earliest."

Li Xingyang reached out and patted her on the head, comforted her, and took out his mobile phone to make a call to ask someone to make arrangements.

"Thank you brother, thank you!"

Vera bowed again and again to express her thanks, then wiped away her tears, and hurried back to her bedroom, picking up a few pieces of clothing and a few personal belongings.

Then, with luggage, I got in a car and headed to the Dragon Hill landing field. There is a light-energy aerospace plane ready there, and the speed will be much faster than the light-energy passenger plane. It is estimated that within two hours, the Can reach Tambia, Philippines.

In about three hours at the fastest, Vera can be sent to her grandfather Freeman's hospital bed, which is a remarkable speed.

in addition.

Li Xingyang also arranged several male and female bodyguards to accompany her to protect Vera's personal safety.


Buzzing buzzing.

An air and space transport plane quickly lifted off and headed straight for Tambia, Philippines.

Less than two hours.

The aerospace plane descended and landed directly near the Lumuwa mining area, near the villa covering an area of ​​several acres, which aroused the surprise of many members of the Malido family.

The plane door opens.

After getting off the plane, Vera trotted into the villa. Guided by several uncles, she went to the bedroom on the second floor and saw her grandfather Freeman lying on the hospital bed.

"Grandfather! Grandfather!"

"I'm Vera, I'm back!"

"Grandfather, why are you so ill? Why don't you let someone call me and tell me, let me come back to see you early."

"My grandfather, I want to ask the best doctor to treat you. I will take you to Huaguo, where the medical conditions are better. I don't want you to die. I hope you can live to be a hundred years old. Please stay with me and see me. , don't leave me, okay?"

Vera held her grandfather Freeman's skinny hand, and said in tears.

"Wila, my baby Vera?"

"You are finally back."

"You've grown up, you don't need me to worry anymore, okay, okay..."

See the most beloved Vera.

Freeman was also very excited, his cloudy eyes became clear like a flash of light, he sat up and spoke clearly, obviously he was waiting for this moment and finally used his last breath.


Vera put his hand on her face and cried even harder.

"Silly boy, don't cry. No matter who you are, you will come to the end of your life. I am very happy to see you for the last time. I have no regrets. Vera, among the children in the family, you are the one I can't let go of the most, but the last You are the one who can rest assured, when I die, you can go back to China and continue to live the happiest life..."

Freeman said a lot of words and hung on his breath for a long time.

"Yeah, I know, I know..."

With tears in her eyes, Vera nodded again and again, writing down every word of care and advice from her grandfather.


the other side.

Inside the villa on the waterfront south of the Yangtze River.

In the study room, facing a map of the Philippine state, Li Xingyang dragged his chin with his hands and fell into long-term thinking.

I don't know what plan is brewing.

Li Xingyang also checked some of the latest news and materials about the Philippine mainland, and the expression of interest on his face grew stronger.

There is something wrong.

He still feels that this place is really interesting, and it is entirely possible to create a trump card - as long as some resources are invested in it, the cost will be very low and the effect will be excellent.

Because the current Philippines has become a forgotten continent, no one is interested in it, let alone a continent where investment and development are not dared to come.

On the one hand, the reason is that there are too many chaos, which have not improved at all, and have even worsened in the past few years. There are not many places that are peaceful and peaceful, and what businessmen need most is a stable environment, but this land has no Such an environment.

Secondly, the current popular outlets for economic development are all in space; the main targets of resource mining are all placed on space bodies such as the moon, Mars, and meteorites. Although there are still many mineral resources on the blue planet, they are has lost its appeal.

Finally, it is because the development of the Philippines cannot be moved. This is a super giant pit. Before that, many companies in Huaguo invested in mining here, invested billions and tens of billions, and borrowed tens of thousands. billions of dollars in loans to various countries, to engage in infrastructure construction, and sincerely help these countries develop.

The results of it?

The mines that had just formed mining capacity were taken away by violence.

Thousands of trillions of loans will not be repaid, or repayment will be delayed until 50 or 100 years later, anyway, there is no penny now.

After falling into the pit more times.

The originally fiery heart of helping others has completely cooled down.

So starting two or three years ago, all kinds of capital and institutions in Huaguo withdrew from this continent one after another. No mines, ports, farms, etc. were all disposed of at low prices.

All personnel evacuated.

Then put most of the resources and funds into the development of Stars and Seas, because even going crazy in outer space is far better than throwing money into cold water wells, and much better than getting nothing in return.

The number of Huaguo businessmen, engineers, gold diggers and other groups who are still active in the Philippines has dropped from more than 1 million at the peak to about 10,000 now, and the loss is still decreasing, and it is estimated that it will be reduced to only a few thousand. The scale is still scattered over such a vast continent.


Many countries have begun to experience a feeling of being abandoned and forgotten.

And there are not enough Chinese people to participate in the development and construction of all aspects of the Philippines, and the serious consequences will soon become apparent.

The economic growth rate has dropped significantly.

The level of turbulence has increased again.

Much infrastructure is starting to fail due to lack of maintenance.

Just as people understand the value of air when they are suffocated, the importance of Hua people has finally been recognized and recognized.

At the beginning, there were countless voices, calling on the Chinese people to go back, saying that they would definitely make changes, etc., but it was too late. Compared with the super outlet of space development, who would want to go to the poor place of Philippines to develop?

It is completely correct and reasonable to throw aside the Philippine state and completely forget that there is no consideration for running over to develop.


However, Li Xingyang did not forget about this piece of land. Instead, he felt that this was an opportunity, a great opportunity for making some plans. (end of this chapter)

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