Interstellar Energy Tycoon

Chapter 203 The Sun Family Formally Established

February 2, the nineteenth day of the twelfth lunar month.

The hundreds of thousands of employees of Xingyuan Group began to take vacations in batches.

And the most anticipated year-end bonus was also distributed to them in advance.

Since the group's finances are extremely healthy, this year's year-end bonus is also very sufficient.

135,000 employees received a total of 80 billion year-end bonuses.

The per capita bonus is as much as 592,600 yuan. Many senior technical personnel have received millions of bonuses. Even new employees have received no less than 100,000 yuan in bonuses.


For the employees of Xingyuan Group, although it was hard to work overtime in the past year, this moment is the happiest and happiest, and their recognition and loyalty to the group have also increased gradually.

There are countless voices of envy and jealousy on the Internet:

"My boss made hundreds of millions this year, but the year-end bonus he gave me was only 100,000. The boss added several villas and more than a dozen luxury cars. I worked hard, and almost all of the results belonged to the boss."

"The company I work for has the best profit this year, but the year-end bonus is not as much as last year. The boss said that the profit will be reserved for next year to expand. I think it is getting better and better. I just want to take advantage of the good times. Make more money for yourself."

"Forget it, I went to start a business in the sea, and it's meaningless to work for others. No matter how much the boss earns, he is reluctant to share some more. Not every boss is as generous as Brother Xing."

"I also plan to start a business with a few brothers. Now there are many opportunities, there are countless outlets, and the time to reshuffle wealth has come again. Now, except for those high-paying positions, no matter what jobs are attractive, the civil servants and teachers are more and more qualified. Come less and less."

"That's right, not many people take the civil service exam anymore, and even some civil servants have resigned and went to sea. This era is constantly changing, and there is no permanent job. And these changes are brought about by Brother Xing. We must thank Brother Xing very much. .”


For the next period of time.

As far as Li Xingyang is concerned, he intends to take a good rest and relax, put aside many affairs of the group for the time being, spend more time with his children and family members, visit relatives, and manage and consolidate the relationship within the family.

After all, his family is called the "Sun Family". That being the case, a general framework of a family must be established, and the internal structure and rules must also be determined. It must have the appearance of a large family.

So during this period of time, Li Xingyang has been busy with this matter and made many arrangements.

For example, after contacting relevant agencies, they found a place not far from Suhong City, surrounded by mountains and rivers, with beautiful mountains and clear waters. They planned to permanently purchase 150 acres of land at a price of 15 billion yuan, and then build a "Sun Manor" as a solar farm. The core residence of the family - this kind of land buying behavior is generally not supported, but Xingyuan Group is too important, and there are many deserted villages in backward mountainous areas, so it is easy to take out 150 acres of land.

Besides, Li Xingyang is willing to pay 300 million in property taxes every year.

Therefore, the application for land purchase was approved quickly, and the construction of Sun Manor can begin after a while.

Furthermore, within the family, Li Xingyang determined the identities of the family members, divided them into three levels, and awarded different badges and uniforms, which felt like a feudal hierarchy.

Among them, there are seven core members of the family.

Including Li Xingyang himself, father Li Shengming, mother Zhang Huiying, Xu Rong, son Li Haoyi, eldest aunt Li Yueqiong, second aunt Li Yueshu, and enjoy corresponding rights and treatment. Of course, they also have their own responsibilities and division of labor. For example, mother Zhang Huiying controls the family In terms of internal financial power, my aunt Li Yueqiong is in charge of human relations and dealing with all kinds of people. It is said that my father Li Shengming has also entered the circle of many leaders and knows many leaders. These connections are necessary and can bring help.

There are more than ten sub-core members of the family.

There are uncles Zhang Zhengliang and Zhang Zhengxin, Xu Rong's parents Xu Jianzhou and Yu Li, the husbands of the eldest and second aunts, and other relatives.

Finally, there are more than 20 peripheral members of the family.

For example, the children of the eldest aunt and the second aunt, the children of the eldest uncle and the second uncle, Xu Rong's younger brother Xu Zexu, etc., all have the status of peripheral members of the Sun Family, and can also enjoy some benefits, and can get some development opportunities first. .

In other words, is this arrangement necessary and meaningful?

These family relatives are given a more formal identity and status, and can be allocated some rights and resources. If they all swell and float in the future, relying on the strength of the family, they will do evil and reckless outside, and ruin the reputation of the Sun family. Even being shouted and beaten by everyone, arousing countless anger, wouldn't the harm outweigh the benefit?

Of course, Li Xingyang has thought about this issue, and has also set up relevant management and punishment institutions, set at least hundreds of rules, and established a punishment mechanism. If anyone behaves too absurdly, even the core members of the family , There is also the possibility of being abolished, and there will never be any sympathy.

Such historical lessons abound, and as long as the family has a good family tradition, perfect rules, and attaches great importance to education, it is easy to pass on the family for more than 800 years and 1,000 years. In ancient times, there were many thousand-year-old families. The history of the dynasty is still long, which proves that it is relatively easy for a family to continue for a long time. As long as you learn the good advantages, find ways to overcome the weaknesses, and add the wisdom of modern people, you can create a long-lasting family. The Sun family is not too difficult.


February 12, New Year's Eve.

Building 38, Jiusong Tianhe Villa Area, Suhong City.

This set of Li Xingyang spent more than 50 million yuan to buy a villa of more than 800 square meters for his parents.

In the luxurious hall on the first floor.

The first family gathering of the Sun Family was officially held.

Nearly 50 core, sub-core and peripheral members, as well as relatives and friends who have no family status at present, a total of about 100 people, sat on two giant long dining tables, enjoying delicious food and chatting about some topics.

It can be described as very lively.

At this time.

Uncle Zhang Zhengliang's son Zhang Yuanhao (Li Xingyang's cousin), in his thirties this year, took a six or seven-year-old boy by his hand, walked up to Li Xingyang, and said: "Xingyang, this is my son Jun Xuan is in the second grade of elementary school this year, and his grades are at the top of the class. He is a good seedling with the potential to grow into a talent. Xingyang, I wonder if he can also become a peripheral member of the family, so that he can better contribute to the family in the future ?”

Zhang Yuanhao was quite nervous, and even glanced at his wife not far away, who was constantly beckoning to cheer him up.

"Cousin, there is nothing wrong with letting your son become a peripheral member of the family, but Junzizhize will decline in the third generation, and be cut off in the fifth generation. If he has a certain ability and responsibility, he will become a peripheral member of the Sun family. If he has outstanding ability and performance, and can be further promoted to a sub-core member, I will give him some opportunities to prove himself... Cousin, These thresholds are not too high, can you accept them?"

"Yes, it's not high or not, my son will definitely meet the requirements, and I will train him well, son, hurry up and say thank you uncle."

Zhang Yuanhao said excitedly, and asked his son to thank him politely.

"It's all a family, so don't be so polite."

Li Xingyang waved his hand.


The long dining table is on the edge.

Xu Zexu held a mobile phone in his hand, and was chatting on the mobile phone with his female ticket Wu Simin.

He frowned from time to time, or immersed himself in typing quickly, or whispered voice messages, and he didn't care about eating the delicious dishes on the table, and he looked devastated.

Because Wu Simin is giving him an ultimatum, asking him to get rid of that Liu Xiaowen, expel her from the company, and never have any contact with that Liu Xiaowen, if he can't do it, then break up.

"I've had enough of this state, and I don't want to bear it anymore. In short, if there is me, there will be no Liu Xiaowen, and if there is Liu Xiaowen, there will be no me. You can figure it out!" Wu Simin said.

"Grandma, it's Chinese New Year, can you calm down? I'm having a family dinner at my brother-in-law's house, and I haven't even toasted him properly. Can you stop making trouble for me?" Xu Zexu said helplessly.

"No, Liu Xiaowen's question can't be left until the Chinese New Year. You can make a choice for me right away. Do you choose me or her?"

"Liu Xiaowen's work ability is quite good. He is indeed a real academic master. I am very good at using it. Auntie, please stop making trouble. I only have you in my heart. Then Liu Xiaowen is just a tool person."

"But Liu Xiaowen sent me all the pictures of you having a room with her, how can you make me believe you?"

"Didn't I explain this before? When I was on a business trip, there were not enough rooms in the hotel, so I had to open a double room. She and I slept in separate beds."

"Then Liu Xiaowen has planned everything and is by your side every day. Sooner or later, he will climb into your bed. It is a matter of time before you cheat, and you have already cheated. Don't think of me as a fool!"

"Forget it, do whatever you like, I'm going to toast my brother-in-law."

Xu Zexu simply ignored her. If she wants to break up, just break up. He really doesn't have the energy to coax her. It is more important to have a good relationship with his brother-in-law.

"Xu Zexu, you scumbag, I want to break up with you!"

Furious, Wu Simin sent a lot of messages, criticizing him as a scumbag.

However, Xu Zexu turned his mobile phone to silent mode, walked up to his brother-in-law Li Xingyang with a wine glass in his hand, and said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, I want to toast you, my Confession Light Company has earned more than three billion this year, and has a lot of business. I'm too busy, some experts said that if my company goes public, the market value will be at least 100 billion. Brother-in-law, these are all gifts from you, I really don't know how to repay them, anyway, I drank all this glass of wine, you can do whatever you want..."

He flattered wildly and prepared at least a few thousand words of draft. However, after talking for a while, the mobile phone in his pocket kept ringing, and there was the sound of Ding Ding Ding Weichat video call application. How many times did he reject it? times, but it kept ringing, interrupting him repeatedly.

"Xiao Xu, don't kiss this flattery, it's enough, I'd better answer your call." Li Xingyang had to say.

"I'm sorry brother-in-law, I'll deal with this right away."

Xu Zexu's face was ugly, he swiped to answer the video, and said to Wu Simin on the opposite side of the video: "Didn't you say you broke up? Why are you harassing me?"

"Xu Zexu, you bastard, you..."

Wu Simin on the opposite side of the video was also very angry, but she cast her eyes inadvertently, and when she saw the handsome side face not far from Xu Zexu, she suddenly felt very familiar. relationship, and the brother-in-law he just talked about, isn't it?

A flash of lightning flashed in Wu Simin's mind.

Then most of the anger dissipated, and he showed a gentle look and said: "I'm sorry, Zexu, I was angry just now, and now I have calmed down, breaking up is also an angry word, don't take it seriously, and after school starts, I will also go to your company to help you Okay? My ability will not be inferior to that Liu Xiaowen."

"Why are you so reasonable?"

Xu Zexu was very surprised, did the sun come out from the west? Subconsciously turning her head to look, her brother-in-law was not far behind. She must have stepped into the camera just now and was accidentally seen by Wu Simin.


He quickly switched the video to a voice call, walked to a corner, and warned severely: "Wu Simin! No matter what you just saw, you must not say it, or we will break up!"

"I know, I understand the rules, and I swear I won't talk nonsense."

Wu Simin repeatedly promised that she became extremely sensible. (end of this chapter)

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