What kind of rabbit is the little white rabbit?

Jian Zhe has watched the live video for so long, and honestly hasn't researched it. He always feels that it is like a combination of lop ears and Godzilla rabbit.

But today he understood that this is not a rabbit, it is a Warcraft!

Nima's is a bunny monster!

Jian Zhe feels that from today onwards, he is embarrassed to call himself a veterinarian.

The soft and cute are all illusions!

This is an iron female paper, a strong female who can fall in love with the Krypton Beast.

The scene of Jian Zhe being rushed out by Xiao Bai was obviously taken aback, but the others were very calm.

"Sure enough, Xiaobai still hates these guys in disguise." A soldier next to him summed up painfully.

"Yes, this is how the Krypton Golden Beast got the trick."

Even Lu Qingheng nodded and touched his chest with lingering fears, "Stupid wing beasts dare to pretend to be behind the shadows of our military area, and show their incomparable acting skills."

Qin Xiaobei's live video has not been turned off.

"For nothing, come back~"

"You can't eat that raw meat!"

Xiaobai wanted to eat the meat of these black-hearted stupid beasts, but it was too stinking to smell it, and immediately turned around and rushed towards Qin Xiaobei's arms, a whole bunny-faced grievance, and the small lips of the three-petal motor shrank.

Qin Xiaobei stretched out Chubby’s hand and touched his little head, "Let’s go back to see Xiao Hei and bring him snails and lion powder~"

Jian Zhe hurriedly inspected the familiars who had returned from the battlefield. The little red fox also had some new scars on his body, and the other beasts also had some large and small colors.

There was some heat in his eyes.

Witnessing directly from the front line is more shocking than anything else.

He clearly felt that they had withstood the crisis of their lives, regardless of their own safety.

"Come on, Xiaohong, your favorite chicken jerky~" The dark-skinned soldier hugged the red fox with distress, "We will go to the replenishment area for treatment after we bear with it for a while~"

Every soldier coaxed the wounded familiars who came back to them just like coaxing children, stroking their hairs and avoiding their wounds, and even the big men secretly wiped their tears and whirred for the wounds of these monsters. Want to relieve their pain.

Jian Zhe finally led Qin Xiaobei back to the supply station, looking back three steps at a time.

But soon he discovered that the rabbit eating and broadcasting room he had been following was so crowded that he couldn't get in at all, and the server seemed to be paralyzed, and it was very stuttered.

He turned his head, "The traffic... burst?"

The little fat man nodded heavily, "The screen is black. I'll open it later."

When they talked like this, Jian Zhe had already posted the commentary on the live broadcast, and the indignation of everyone after the server exploded.

"I just thought my **** that my planet was also cut off by the beast tide, *** live broadcast company, is your server still saved?"

"As soon as I saw the key part, I hadn't finished the comment yet, and the screen went blank, and the 100 words that I typed were gone! This is not the point, *** the live broadcast company, return my little rabbit paper!"

"Emma, ​​I was sucking Mao, and I saw the little rabbit flying out like Scud, and defeated bravely... defeated Tier 4 monsters! The question is coming, the omnipotent netizens of Star Net, beg for my shadow at this moment. The area, and the bunny’s combat ability value!"

"I saw its last expression, and it looked like crying, as if saying,'Who am I? Where am I? What did I do?'... Hey, Mom, I'm innocent."

Many people are complaining about the crashed server, but most people still noticed this unusual battle.

"Doesn't anyone care about what the so-called feed is like me?"

"+1, I saw the little rabbit ran back before it seemed to have a bite, I must have read it right, according to its urine, no, super taste, that feed must taste very good!"

"Comrades, don't you guys see that red fox is also very cute? Don't you think it looks so handsome in fighting bravely?"

"Why do I see a handsome captain whose eyes are so attracted by him? Have you noticed what he said? Surrendering is a very serious scene, but I really want to laugh. What's the matter?"

"I think your key points are all wrong. I want to wait for the server to recover, and then forward this live video to show those friends who say that the army is deceiving people and that the pets must be killed. If you want to treat harmful creatures If we all rush to extinction, the human group that may destroy the environment and always have wicked people will also be extinct long ago."

"Big brothers, I just want to say, is the army pet for sale? The red fox is a little handsome, the flat-billed duck is a bit stupid, and Xiao Baibai is a cute beast! I want to take it away and take it home to raise it. ~"

All of a sudden, discussions in various posts, around the soft cuteness and bravery of battle pets, and even the feed that attracts wingbirds to surrender, and this peculiar way of fighting have all attracted everyone's attention.

The server that crashed due to excessive traffic was quickly repaired urgently.

This live broadcast was quickly turned into a video and forwarded on various two-dimensional websites, post bars, personal web pages, and circle of friends.

Many voices that felt that Warcraft was still dangerous and strongly condemned the army's use of Warcraft were gradually overshadowed by all kinds of sounds that wanted to **** up the hair.

Many netizens who are very close to the planet where the beast tide broke out quickly discovered that major public welfare and news websites have announced a new piece of news.

[A demon that has lost its combat power, are you willing to take care of it and accompany it for life? 】

【On the 20th of this month, the adoption of retired magic pets will be held at the ** Planet Central Plaza. If you also think they are cute, if you are willing to pay for them, we are waiting for your visit. 】

The entire two-dimensional element was a sensation, and even quickly spread to the three-dimensional.

Even Jian Zhe, who works as a volunteer in the supply area, follows Qin Xiaobei with an envious face every day, "When will Xiaobai retire?"

Qin Xiaobei held Xiaobai and raised it high, "Uncle, Xiaobai said you don't want to think about it."

Jian Zhe: "..."

But as a volunteer veterinarian, Jian Zhe finally followed a group of veterinarians and became the first group of brave citizens to adopt retired Warcraft.

Jian Zhe adopted a small goat whose right front hoof and two hind hooves were severely injured by tearing and broken bones. Even if it was urgently dealt with and received good care, it was still severe.

After the tide of beasts faded, except for its cold personality, it was almost as soft as herding sheep.

The vet next door adopted a golden monkey with a broken right hand. He was clever and naughty. Although the offensive power of Tier 3 monsters dropped directly to the first level, it still did not prevent it from messing up the veterinarian's bedroom every day, rushing to wear the veterinarian's glasses and climbing to the tree to laugh.

These videos were also made into videos by the military logistics and published on the Internet, and also attached a guarantee statement that these monsters have no offensive power and will not harm humans.

Such a video is like the last straw to seduce interstellar people. Although it looks trivial, it makes them itch.

Most people have an irresistible feeling for furry creatures in their genes.

Who doesn't want to have a little cutie on the ground waiting for them to come home after a day of work, and hummingly waiting for them to feed.

Just watching the video, their hearts melted.

And when many people struggled, Liu Weiwei's cute pet restaurant also opened.

The shop opening process was simpler than she thought. Since she posted job postings on the planet, she has received many resumes for applications.

Originally, she thought that as a planet with the aftermath of war, not many people were willing to take risks.

But she thinks too much.

There are hundreds of resumes for waiters and even more for chefs.

What she thinks is the most funny is that besides Zhen trying hard, they are expected to come and have fun, there are also a group of old and strong Chinese food industry chefs from the Gastronomy Association.

"Gao: Teacher, we have enough old bones to live, it is better to contribute to society, and we are not afraid of death."

"Dou: I'm just short of the teacher's level of mind. The teacher can cook for everyone without giving up personal safety, which is what I want to learn."

"Cai: I have the world in my heart and use food to relieve difficulties. The teacher is my role model."

The disciples and grandchildren brought by them all wanted to seize the opportunity to study at Master's place, and all volunteered.

Some chefs in the society also came to apply, but Liu Weiwei looked at a few resumes and shook her head at the high salary they offered.

Obviously, these people came to earn a wave of war money. Liu Weiwei directly dragged these resumes into the blacklist, and didn't want to talk about it.

In the end, she asked the three chefs to help, and she was afraid that they would not be well under the bumps, but the three apprentices all said that they were still brave at this time, and they also brought their lovers.

Liu Weiwei originally planned to hire some more cooks, but now she doesn't need it anymore, she can get it right away.

But Zhen tried hard to continue the scene with An Hao in the base restaurant, and they couldn't do without. Unlike a few older students, they don’t have to work all day cooking, so they are very suitable for help when they come.

As a result, the most luxurious Chinese restaurant in history, and the unprecedented World of Warcraft restaurant officially kicked off.

Even in the midst of war or rebuilding after the war, people who are frightened will always need a warm meal to calm their fears and ignite hope for tomorrow.

Liu Weiwei's restaurant was approved by the war zone leader and protected by the soldiers, and opened in the civilian rest area at the rear.

She selected a few retired battle familiars, most of which were of high-value, more hairy and easy-to-pick breeds.

There are alpaca with a particularly good temper, a cute tiger cat with sharp teeth but a mouth that is not open, a gold-winged bird that likes to squat high, and the unweaned white bear cubs found in this tide of animals, and the lonely wolf who loves to eat meat. Mom, and big grey companion, another big kangaroo with a wounded tail...

Most of the demons are relatively large, but they are highly talented and can understand simple instructions. They have long become calm and cute in the three or four years of military training.

They all have different nicknames, and Liu Weiwei wrote them all on the front page of the restaurant's menu.

Some of these nicknames were taken by her, and some were taken by Xiaobei Roubao, who would later speak two characters.

Qin Xiaobei, who heard that his mother was going to open a shop again to sell delicious food and took many of his childhood playmates out to work, turned his eyes and dragged Jian Zhe to go for a stroll.

"Contribute to society, Uncle Zhe, everyone is responsible."

"Everyone gives a penny more, you can help poor children~"

Jian Zhe: 666

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