Instant Kill

Vol 4 Chapter 10: Conflict (on)

(This book was first released at 17K, and it is still in the free stage. I hope you can see Lao Xiao's friend who is a spike in other places. Support it at 17K, throw more flowers, and collect more.)

Three people walked in from outside. The shopkeeper's face changed, and quickly went up and said: "Master Wu, hehe, come to the shop rarely, please come in! Please come in!"

Master Wu ignored the shopkeeper at all and went straight to the desk, reaching for the bear skin. Guo Twelve frowned slightly, and said, "Don't touch it ... Such a big person, it's not polite at all!" Luo Zhan raised his hand and opened the palm of Wu Shao's outstretched hand, and said, "Go!"

The cold sweat of the shopkeeper suddenly appeared. He didn't know who Guo Xuo was. Qin Zilu just told him that Guo Xie was a distinguished guest of the Qin family and did not specify the identity of everyone.

Master Wu, named Wu Shenxi, is the son of Xifumen ’s representative in Qin Guangcheng. In Qin Guangcheng, he is a famous young kid, and he is a beast curse, and he is usually very arrogant.

Any business or family would not dare to provoke the people of the four gates. Even if the Qin family had such a huge influence in Qin Guangcheng, they would not dare to provoke the people of Xifumen. It was not because they were timid, but they did not have such strength. They are not afraid of each other.

The shopkeeper grabbed Qin Zi Road and whispered, "What should I do? How is this good?"

Wu Shenxi was furious. He took a step back and put his hands on his waist. This was the standard posture before the curse man's shot. Guo Twelve turned his head and said: "Uncle Luo, if he dares to shoot, he will kill him!" The voice was clear and loud.

Luo Zhan responded with a draw of the sword, staring at Wu Shenxi, and said, "Boy, think about it and start, don't regret it!"

Wu Shenxi only saw the logo on the chest of Guo Xie and others at this time. He was indeed arrogant and unreasonable, but he was not a fool. He knew that the other party was a disciple of Beifumen, and from the logo, he was a disciple of the inner gate. . He dared to say, "I'm here to buy things, not to fight!"

Guo Twelve said, "What are you doing to buy your stuff and grab my stuff?"

The shopkeeper found the opportunity, and hurriedly said: "This is from the young master ... not from our shop!"


Wu Shenxi said angrily: "You don't **** say early!"

Guo Twelve hated this kind of guy very much in his previous life. He said: "Are you playing in front of me? Uncle Luo! Pump him!"

Wu Shenxi also has a career mark on his chest, showing that he is a disciple of Xifumen. Luo Zhan and others were already very disgusted with the people of Xifumen. When Guo Twelve said something, without saying anything, they drew a slap. This slap slapped Wu Shenxi. The two beast warriors beside him reacted, and rushed up with anger.

Xiaofeng smiled and said: "I hate this guy!" He rushed up, kicking his big feet, one foot, two beast warriors kicked far away.

Wu Shenxi also saw the signs of Luo Zhan and Xiaofeng's chests. The two Runemasters don't need to shoot at all. As long as one shoots, they can kill three people on their side. He covered his face and said in disbelief: "Dare you dare to hit me?"

Guo Twelve smiled and said, "Uncle Luo, draw him again!" He saw this kind of mercy in the last life, arrogant and bullying, and bullying and fearing hard. For this kind of person, he beat him hard and solved all problems.

Luo Zhan threw a laugh and threw it over. He liked the way Guo Twelve dealt with the problem, which was too **** enjoyable. He grabbed Wu Shenxi's collar, forehand and backhand slap in the face, making the boy's head sway, and a blood line came out of the corner of his mouth. Wu Shenxi said madly: "I will not let you go ... I will kill you ..."

Guo Twelve smiled: "Yes, very stubborn ... I like it!" He drew a dagger and came to Wu Shenxi, gently pressed against his jaw, and said: "I can wear your knife from here with a knife Brain, huh, do you want to try it? "

Wu Shenxi suddenly realized that the other party really dared to kill himself. From the smiling eyes of the other party, the cold killing intention could be seen. A chill hit his head, and he peeed shamefully.

"No ... don't kill ... don't kill me ... woo ..."

Guo Twelve suddenly found a pool of water spreading along Wu Shenxi's trousers. He couldn't help but dumbfounded, sighed, put away the dagger, and said: "Uncle Luo, let him go ... Hey! You can go "For this kind of fool, he was not in a mood to bully, he muttered in his mouth:" Since I know I'm afraid ... Why are you so arrogant, why do you suffer? Why? Really ... Actually pee pants, Lao Tzu! You are a bully ... "

Wu Shenxi ran away crying. Luo Zhan chuckled and said, "Twelve, you are like a bully."

Guo Twelve smiled and shook his head bitterly, said: "Uncle Luo, I'm just a child, not a little bully, hey, but, occasionally, it's fun to make a small guest appearance."

Luo Zhan didn't know what a cameo was, but this did not hinder his understanding, saying: "That kid is not simple, it seems to be less than thirty years old, he is already a curse, you should be careful."

Guo Twelve said: "If you don't bother with that, I'm still young ... not sensible."

Luo Zhan grinned helplessly. Guo Twelve was indeed young, only nine years old, but he did not even compare to the adults.

Guo XII walked to the shopkeeper and asked, "Doesn't matter?"

The shopkeeper burst into tears and said, "I ... I'm fine ..." He complained a little about Guo Twelve and offended the people of Xifumen, and he would be in trouble later.

Guo Twelve didn't know what this guy thought, he said: "Please give me the best garment master and use this rune hide to make a few leather coats. Well, I will give you two days at the fastest speed. How about time? "

The shopkeeper smiled bitterly: "This is a rune hide, not an ordinary beast hide. It is different. It can only be processed by a special rune master. Our Qin family can only handle rune hides. We can't deal with such rune hides. ? "

Guo XII was surprised and said: "Is it possible to make a Rune Master?" Then he understood that Rune beast skin is extremely strong. Ordinary people may be difficult to cut, let alone handle, it seems that he took it for granted. He said: "Forget it, then you won't trouble you." He reached out and put away the rune hide.

Suddenly heard someone shouting: "Slow!"

This is the second time. Guo Twelve also understands that in the previous life, this was called Caibo's moving hearts, and here, the rare rune hides were more touching than Caibo. He turned his head and looked at it, and five more people came in. The middle-aged, led by him, had extraordinary popularity, and the symbol of his chest was Rune.

Guo Twelve ignored it, raised his hands and put away the rune hides, and slowly put the Tibetan rune bag into his arms.

The middle-aged man showed a little displeasure on his face. After seeing the career signs on the chests of several people, he put down the shelf and asked kindly, "Who is this rune hide?"

Guo Twelve tilted his head and stared at his eyes for a long while before saying: "This uncle, the character skin is mine, may I ask ... what's the matter?"

The middle-aged man looked at Guo XII ’s chest sign with surprise, Fu Shushi, and could n’t help but ask, “Little brother, your surname? How old are you?”

Guo Twelve doesn't shy away from his young age. Sometimes he thinks that young age is also very cheap. He smiled and said, "My name is Guo Twelve and I am nine years old."

The middle-aged man had a feeling of vomiting blood. He was horrified and said: "Nine years old! Charmander!" Then he was surprised when he saw two Fu martial artists and four other children. There is a martial arts master as a guard, this child's identity must be unusual. He is not as shallow as the treasurekeeper of Zhenpifang. He knows how difficult it is to be a spellcaster when he is nine years old. He is not a genius, how can he advance so fast.

"Oh, my name is Zhu Dachang, I am a rune master of the Zhu's firm, and I'm glad to meet you! Thank you!"

Guo twelve dumbfounded: "Pig intestine? Uncle, your name is really ... amazing!"

Zhu Dachang smiled and said: "Yeah, everyone said that the name got up well! Ha ha."

Guo Twelve said: "Well, pretend to be stupid? I will also ..." He smiled and said: "Uncle, if it's okay, I will take a step first, you go busy." He greeted everyone and turned to Go outside.

"Hey, hey ... Brother Guo, please stay."

Guo Twelve smiled back and said: "Oh, Uncle Zhu is something wrong?" He pretends to be silly and tender. Luo Zhan couldn't help but laugh. He and Guo Twelve have been together for so long. Tossing people.

Zhu Dachang felt awkward, how could this child be so difficult to deal with. He tried his best to smile kindly and said, "I saw a rune hide just now, is that yours?"

Guo Xie asked: "Yes, is there any problem?"

Zhu Dachang smiled bitterly: "No, no problem ..."

Don't wait for him to continue, Guo Twelve nodded and smiled, "Oh, no problem, that's good, let's go!"

Zhu Dachang was angry and anxious, and quickly shouted: "Brother Guo!"

Guo Twelve stood still, turned around and said, "I said, Uncle Zhu, you make the children play ..."


Luo Zhan turned his head to hold his smile hard. This kid is too bad ~ ~ teased a rune so badly that he had to show a smile.

Zhu Dachang smiled awkwardly and said, "Hey, no, I just want to ... want to see the rune hide!" He finally said what he wanted to say, and he felt relaxed for a while. It was so uncomfortable, it finally came out.

Guo Twelve said: "What good is the rune hide, haven't you seen the rune hide?"

Zhu Dachang was more than a bitter smile, he was a little scared of the child. A simple rhetorical question touched his sore spot. It is not that he has not seen a rune skin, but he has never seen a complete rune skin. A complete rune skin must contain a series of natural runes, and its value is inestimable. It is the best for making rune armor. One of the materials.

Zhu Dachang was embarrassed to say that he had never seen a complete rune hide. He said, “Oh, of course I have seen rune hide, but I have n’t seen rune bear skin.

Guo Twelve think about it, Zhu Dachang has always been very kind, not as domineering as Wu Shenxi. He was soft and hard, and smiled: "Okay, I can show you, but I hope you don't make excessive demands. This bear skin is my master's." The blink of an eye, this symbol Bearskin became the master.

Zhu Dachang rubbed his hands excitedly, and said, "Let me see! Ha ha!"

Guo Twelve despised this guy a little. He took out the Tibetan rune bag and took out Fu Xiong's skin, and said, "This is Fu Xiong's skin. It's quite complete, you see! Don't be too long, I still have something."

This book is first published from the 17K Novel Network, the first time to read the genuine content!

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