Chapter 112 Terui Ryu appears, Philip is summoned!!

Philip is a very pure person, since Lin Mo’s female companion said so, he would not doubt it, so he believed it, and after being surprised, he changed his tone and said: “It seems that you do have some skills, no wonder Menyashi swears that you can help us defeat Dao Dao self-denial.” ”

Lin Mo nodded and asked, “Where is Shotaro?” What’s going on out there now? ”

“Shotaro went to find an intelligence dealer, as for the situation outside.”

Philip spoke, picked up the remote control on the table, and turned on the TV.

In the TV picture, there is a beautiful reporter, she is on a messy street, holding a microphone, and said to the camera: “I am in Roppongi Commercial Street, today is the weekend, originally the commercial street should be prosperous, but because of the sudden appearance of strange people yesterday, everyone in Fengdu is at risk, and the commercial street is empty,”

“According to citizens, there is a strange man wandering near Roppongi Commercial Street, and we can run into it in the next second!”

Suddenly, there was a roar on the TV!

The beautiful reporter was taken aback, turned her head to look, and saw a figure suddenly on the street corner not far away and flew into the street, falling heavily to the ground!

Through the screen broadcast by mirror 03, all the viewers in front of the TV saw a strange figure with a golden body and a big belly!

“Isn’t this a casino weirdo?!”

Yashuzi saw the golden strange man, and immediately exclaimed, in the previous underground casino case, she had seen this strange man, who was transformed into the owner of the casino at that time, a little old man with one-eyebrows!

Lin Mo also recognized it, this strange person in the picture is a money adulteration!

Philip was stunned for a moment, he did not expect that he casually turned on the TV, and just happened to come across the “precious” picture of adulteration.

I saw the money doped stand up, did not look at the picture, but ran away without looking back, as if there was a big terror chasing him at the end of the street corner.

In the next second, a brilliant red light flashed, and in the blink of an eye, he swept over a distance of more than ten meters, came behind the money doped, and slashed down with a long knife in his hand!


With the mechanical sound, an A-word equal height covered the money doped body and exploded!

The money doping body was knocked away by the explosion, fell to the ground heavily, the golden light on his body dissipated, and returned to his human form, which was an old man with white hair, and immediately, a palm-sized memory body flew out of the old man’s neck and landed on the ground.

The red figure with a long knife strode forward, picked up the memory, glanced at the reporter not far away, and left in a hurry without saying a word.

The beautiful reporter obviously knew the identity of the other party and exclaimed: “God, what did I see, it was Kamen Rider Accel!” The ace criminal police officer of the Fengdu Metropolitan Police Department, Mr. Terui Ryu! ”

That’s right, the one who appeared in the camera cleanly defeated the T2 money doped and carried out the doping recovery was the ace knight of the Fengdu Metropolitan Police Department, and the only ——— Kamen Rider, Terui Ryu.

Lin Mo turned slightly sideways and found Yashuzi’s big eyes blinking, his eyes shining.

Obviously, Yashuko and Terui Ryu in this world are also a couple, which is not bad from the plot.


Philip turned off the TV and continued: “As you just saw, the helicopter transporting the T2 memory was attacked by Avenue Denying near the Wind Tower yesterday evening, and then exploded,”

“Most of the T2 memory is wandered out, automatically finding the host, turning the host into an irrational adulterant,”

“And the doping is not only us, Mr. Terui Ryu, but also Daodao’s subordinates.”

Lin Mo bowed his head slightly, the situation described by Philip was roughly similar to the plot in the theater version, thinking of this, Lin Mo asked curiously: “What about the Garden Union family, did they not move?” It stands to reason that T2 memory was developed by them, right? ”

Hearing Lin Mo’s words, Philip was slightly startled, and secretly said in his heart, you even know this???

He shook his head, indicating that he hadn’t seen the Yuanguan family make a move for the time being.

Lin Mo asked again: “The T2 memory was sold to the consortium by the Sonosaki family, and now it has been robbed by the Dao Dao self-denial, and the consortium Yi has not moved?” ”

Philip’s eyes were round, his mouth was slightly open, and he finally couldn’t help it and asked, “How do you even know this??? ”

“Are you really coming into this world for the first time?”

The things that Lin Mo casually mentioned are all secrets among secrets, such as the true identity of the Fengduwang family garden: such as the acquisition of T2 memory by consortium X, if it weren’t for Philip’s bug-level powerful ability like the Earth Library, he wouldn’t know!

That Lin Mo knew so???

Philip looked at Lin Mo, his brows furrowed, and his eyes full of puzzlement.

Lin Mo grinned: “It is indeed the first time I have come to Fengdu, but I am no stranger to you, the Yuansaki family, and the people and things of Fengdu,”

Lin Mo suddenly stepped forward, leaned next to Philip’s ear, and said in a low voice, “I still know the beginning night, child of destiny.” ”

Philip suddenly changed color!

How did he even know about this?!

In fact, Lin Mo knows more than that, as a knight chef, the wind is no secret to him, but Philip doesn’t seem to know that he is from Yuansaki, and Lin Mo doesn’t plan to tell him about it in advance, so as not to cause trouble.

Suddenly, Azi on the side sighed and looked at Philip’s waist: “Why did you suddenly have an extra belt on your waist?” ”

Philip looked down at the drive around his waist and knew that Shotaro was summoning himself, so he took out the Wind Memory Body, activated it, and before losing consciousness, he said to Lin Mo: “The partner should encounter wild adulterants, Lin Mo, you guys wait for me here for a while, I’ll be back soon.” ”

After that, Philip inserted the Blaster memory into the W drive, closed his eyes, and collapsed on the sofa.

“Huh? Why did he suddenly faint??? ”

Yazi covered his mouth, looking puzzled.

Izumi Bina on the side was also full of question marks, why did the belt suddenly appear while chatting? And then fainted?

Lin Mo then explained: “They are two Kamen Riders in one, and they need the fusion of the consciousness of the two people to transform. ”

After Lin Mo’s explanation, Azi and Izumi Bina now understood the special thing about Kamen Rider W, which is a Kamen Rider who needs two people to transform into one!

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